What if I told you that there are dangerous creatures living among you right now? Would you stop trusting your brother? Would lock yourself away from your sister? What if I told you that I was one of them? The creatures of the night. And yet more. I was born to lead them but first I had to wake up. Kelly McHale has already got family drama on her plate but now she must add a obsessive dragon spirit, a mysterious guy who rises from the ashes like a phoenix and the bad boy of the town with a bloody secret. What could go wrong? She begins to experience changes that hint to her being a lycanthroupe but her life is way too twisted to be that simple. What could go right? A twisty romance between these three guys who have the ability to rip each other apart for her. May the best creature of the
Son of the Sea
When Charles was 10 years old he and his father went on a trip. On their way back his father decided to take a short cut, the road was very bad and at the edge of a cliff. Little did his father know a storm was coming. The rainfall was brutal against the windshield and the fog was horrible. The lost thing they say before they went over the cliff and into the sea was a flash of headlights and then darkness. 5 years later an adolescent Charles Seamos washes up on a beach naked as the day he was born and with amnesia. Two days later a girl shows up at his doorsteps telling him he should come back home to his people and that the sirens are kidnapping the mermen. A day later his mom is kidnapped by a siren. Join Charles on his journey to find his mother and uncover many secrets and recovery his lost memories.
White Lake High School (DIMPLES)
White Lake High School, a supernatural institution with supposedly mundane students yet to manifest their supernatural potential. One of them being me, Kelly Isabella McHale, hated by all but only hate one. The infamous, Instagram sensation 'Dimples'. Why do I hate him, you ask? Well, my first response will be the fact that ever since he came into existence, bad things have been happening to me, like barred from a good college bad. But the real reason begins with my initiation into the supernatural world through the death of Henry. 'Looks at the sky' The full moon draws near...or should I saw the blue moon. 'Eyes glow....'