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All My Love

All My Love

4 Chapters
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A supposed emotionless Lily falls for Ciaran, the broody son of a crazy scientist who wants to take over the world. Lily and Ciaran has to work together to defeat his father, William Oisin. As easy as that sounds, there are lots of obstacles to overcome before they can succeed.

Chapter 1 One

I looked up from my struggle to zip up my travel bag when I felt my dad walk into my room. He looked disappointed that I wasn't already done packing since we had to leave in the early or we would miss our bus. His feelings are kind of valid, but I could hardly give a fuck. I didn't want in on this stupid job anyway.

"Why aren't you still done?" He said in a gruff voice. I turn my attention back to what I was doing, totally ignoring him. "You aren't going to ruin this for me, are we clear?" He glared at me.

I glared right back. Oh I hated my father so fucking much, if only he could just leave me out of his fucking stupid plans. I am totally fine on my own, absolutely okay with him gone and me staying here, catering for my sick mother. But as my luck always turns out shitty, I have to follow him to go work, so we can have enough money for the surgery for my mom.

I really don't know why I even put up with this bullshit, I could run away, abandon this miserable life and equally miserable family, but here I am wasting my precious time on trying to help my mom, who is almost as bad and irresponsible as my fucking father. If she wasn't stuck in the hospital, I'm pretty certain that she would be on the crazier part of the city, dealing drugs and wasting away as her usual style.

The only reason I decided to help is only because she cared about me in her own weird way, she always made sure I had almost everything I needed while growing up even though our living arrangement was really fucking bad. She believed it wasn't my fault that I was brought into the world, so she was going to try her best to take care of me till I turned eighteen and after then, I was all in my own.

The sound of my father turning to leave snapped me out of my thoughts, good. He's probably irritated that I was ignoring him, and I'm glad I didn't hear half of what he said. We would have started arguing by now if I had listened.

I walked to my dresser, a very tired looking dresser that just screams to be replaced and opened the first drawer to check if I still left any important thing behind, I shuffled around the stuff in there, old lipsticks, markers, a toothbrush that I'm certain isn't mine, and other weird things I really shouldn't bother addressing. I opened the next drawer and start checking around the few books that are in there, I raised the books up to find a chewed up pen, an eraser and a golde- wait a golden? Where the hell did I get a golden ring from? I wondered. So I placed my fingers in the drawer under the books to fish out the ring. A very beautiful ring. Where the hell did this come from?

I placed it in between my left thumb and forefinger to be able to look at it more intently. I moved the golden band in circles to see if there's any engraving on it. There's none . Not even a scratch on it. Who could have left it here? Doesn't matter anyway, because I'm keeping the ring to myself.

"Lily, if you don't get your ass out this minute you won't like me one bit" my father yelled from the living room. Why the fuck does he think I liked him before? I rolled my eyes and pulled my travel bag to the living room, let's just get this over with. "what the hell are you wearing?" my father bellowed. With how loud and boisterous his voice sounds, he isn't really big. In fact, I'm taller that him and I'm five-six. Fucking bug.

I looked down at my outfit that comprises of a very short black Jean mini skirt that barely covers my butt, a blue handless crop top and my black knee boots that is almost starting to fall apart. "what is wrong with my outfit?" I hissed.

"You're practically naked" he snapped. "we are going to work for a very wealthy family. You can go dressing like a hooker."

"whats wrong with a hooker? Mom took care of this family by been a hooker, I didn't see you offended then." I spat. "and moreover, I'm twenty-five, I can dress however I fucking want." I crossed my arms and stared him down. "if you don't like it, you're free to leave me behind."

He looked seconds away from plummeting me. "Can't you just act like a goddamn adult for once? That job determines if your mother is going to survive this or not." He forced out while pinching his nose, probably to calm down I think. I sighed and headed back into my room. This is so getting shitty already. I pulled my skirt off and moved to grab a pair of Jean from my wardrobe and shoved it on before going back into the living room.

"Better?" I glowered.

"Hmmm" he only grunted while looking me up and down. He turned around to pick up his wallet and keys to the house. "we have to go check up on your aunt and mother in the hospital before leaving." He informed me.

"Such a waste of time" I muttered lowly.

We walked out of the house with our bags and boarded a cab which brought us straight to the hospital. I have always felt uncomfortable been in the hospital. I hated the smells of disinfectant that is practically everywhere in the whole place. I placed my palm over my nose as we checked in.

I walked into the room my mom is in to see her and my aunt deep in a conversation. My dad went over to the doctor's office to find out how things are going. I used that opportunity to check if she's getting worse or still the same. She still looked really weak and pale, her dark curly hair looks almost lifeless on her head, like it's struggling to still stick to her head. Her checks were still hollow, making her cheekbones look really pronounced. She looked really thin. How she still gets the power to speak is beyond me.

I cleared my throat when I realise they won't acknowledge my presence. They both turned my way at the same time. Mom's light brown eyes that has always been so interesting to look at seems almost dead when it fell on me. It looked as though the illness is eating her as fast as it can. I smiled at her a little before turned to face my aunt.

"how's my sugar pump doing?" She beamed at me while moving to pull me into a hug. "ill miss you so much" she muttered. I hugged her back just as tightly as she was holding me.

"I'm okay I guess. I'll miss you too" I whispered, feeling emotional. This was why I didn't like visiting. I detest feeling emotional.

Aunt Ola is my favourite person ever. She's so different from my dad even as they're practically siblings. I've always been told that I look alot like her, but all the resemblance I can see is that we both have curly afro hair and the exact same cute button nose. That's where I believe our resemblance stops. While I'm light skinned, My aunt's complexion is a rich dark chocolate brown which often glows when she rubs in her special oil. I also have an average lips and light brown eyes just like my mom while my aunt has full lips and dark eyes which seems to hold alot of mischief. So you see, totally different. Even in our body type, because she has this full thick body with this magnificent body shape, big boobs and ass, slim waist and wide hips while I'm just built like a stick, a goddamn stick. Almost zero boobs and ass, just a slim waist and wide hips I have going on for me.

I pulled out of the hug to find my mom smiling at us, the smile looked so weak. "how are you doing?" I asked her while moving over to her bedside. She took my wrist in her hand when I placed it on her bed.

"I'm doing well" she said weakly while massaging my palm with her bony fingers. "Hope you'll be okay with working with your dad?"

"Ill have to try to put up with him." I murmured. "your health is more important than whatever beef we have going on between us"

She looked a little bit surprised at that. "wow, I didn't know you cared about me to that extent"

"of course I care about you. You're my mother." A frown marring my face even though I kind of understood where she was coming from. We had always kind of had a sort of hole between us, probably because she didn't want to have me or something, but she cared and provided for me and that was enough. I wasn't going to turn my back on her when she needed me. "you did your best for me, so I'll also try my best to do as much as I can for you."

Her eyes filled up and her lips wobbled a little bit. Is that... tears? Is she really this touched? Why the hell would she believe that I'll abandon her in this her condition? Wow, to say I'm shocked is an understatement. Tears? Never have I seen my mother moved to tears, not even when she and my dad fought and not when she fell ill. She's literally the strongest person I know.

"Thank you" she squeezed my hand a little bit with a nod.

I guess the sickness has gotten to her more than I expected.

"Hey Ava" I turned to look at my father when I heard him call out my mom's name behind me. He was standing at the door with a small smile on his face.

I moved back away from the bed to give him some time with my mom. I walked over to the window to lean against it while watching my parents.

My father knelt beside the bed and took my mom's hand between his. "Can you hold on while we go get the money?" he leaned closer to press a light kiss on my mom's head. "we're going to get you back to your full health" his voice shook a little while he spoke. "we can go back to how we use to be."

"its okay, I'll be here waiting." Mom smiled softly. "and if I don't make it before you can be able to earn as much as we need, you need to promise me to take absolute care of my daughter and yourself." Mom whispered with tears in her eyes.

"dont worry. You're not going to die" he raised one hand to stroke her hair. "we'll be together okay? Both of us, like we used to."

"And Lily. Don't neglect your daughter please." Mom gripped his wrist hard. "promise me you'll watch out for her."

"i will. I will." He muttered. I rolled my eyes in irritation at the obvious lie.

I honestly don't know what mom sees in him. I mean they're both toxic, but at least, mom has some sort of responsibility in her. Shouldn't she at least search for someone that has a little more morals than her? Someone kind of decent. Instead of father who drinks around, beats her and hasn't been responsible for anything me related since I knew him as my father. I'm actually surprised he wants to do this for her because I honestly had the idea that he is happy my mom is no longer able to scold him around the house.

Maybe that's just how messed up marriages are. Maybe I didn't really know much about my parents relationship as I thought.

I fished my phone out from my handbag to check the time. Oh shit. We had just Forty minutes left to get to the bus station.

"Mr Dayo, we don't have much time left, we have to go" i said to my father while going towards my mom's bed to plant a kiss on her cheek. "bye mom" I turned to my aunt and pull her in for a hug. "bye aunt." Before leaving the hospital room.

I placed my palm over my nose while walking the hallway to go out of the hospital. The smell of disinfectant seemed to be stronger in the hallways. I turned towards the waiting area to go seat and wait for my father when all of a sudden, the welcome door burst open, and close to seven people came rushing in with an unconscious person on a stretcher. Hmm. What the hell is going on?

They moved with such haste that I could hardly know what was going on.

"Please help my brother, please!" one of the people, a girl cried brokenly. She looked to be my age or younger. She crumbled weakly on the floor as she sobbed.

One of the elderly men with us here approached her and gently patted her shoulder. "what is the matter? What happened" he enquired softly.

"It's... It's.. my brother" she wailed. "he collapsed few minutes ago... And then he started convulsing before blood started pouring out of his eyes, ears and mouth. As if he's drying up." She choked out. "Phil please don't leave me." She whispered to herself.

What sort of illness is that that makes blood flows out of the body? Fucking weird stuff. The hell is going on?

The ringing of my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I checked the caller after taking my phone from my bag. It's Anna. My best friend.

"Sup baybi" she said with excitement. She's always excited, she hardly let's anything ruin her mind. She's the most easy-going person I've ever come across. "how's the preparation going? Are you guys on your way yet?" she asked, sadness tinting her voice.

"yeah almost. We came to check on mom before leaving" i lowered the tone of my voice while answer so that I wouldn't startle the crying girl.

"oh, how's she doing?" her voice softened. Anna is a very compassionate person. I guess that's why we fit so perfectly. Where I'm a little piece of shit that tries to act as though I have no emotions, Anna is fucking sunshine, she doesn't hid her feelings and she's never ashamed of expressing herself. "its been a while since I've visited. Work is really pulling me seriously" she explained as though she wasn't here last week. She literally visits my mom more than me. And that said alot.

"She's okay. Still fighting the disease." I muttered.

"That's good. We'll get through as long as there's a will." Her voice picked up the excited tone again. I rolled my eyes even if she couldn't see me. Always the optimis-

"Lily, come on it's time to go" my father called out to me while heading towards the exit door. I hadn't even been aware that he'd come out of mom's room.

"i guess it's time to go." She sighed. "call me when you get there, and make sure you stay out of trouble."

"i will to the first and I'll try to the second" I told her while hurrying to catch up with my father. Why the hell was he walking so fast? He was already out the door and stopping a cab before I got out of the hospital.

"okay, bye love." She said and hung up.

"youre always so damn sluggish. How did I end up having this kind of dumb kid." My father grumbled when I caught up with him. His bushy brows furrowed in irritation.

I turned to glare at him. What is his problem anyway, it wasn't as if I saw him heading outside and still stood. I was on my goddamn phone. I pinched the bridged of my nose to calm down. This wasn't going to work if I keep letting what he says affect me. I'd try my best to ignore him. I just have two years left to tolerate his ugly face.

My father placed his bags in the booth and I also placed mine before we entered the cab and left for the bus station.

It took hours to arrive at Abuja from Lagos state. The drive was so long, I almost felt like passing out. Jesus, how did people do this. I felt so tired. We were asked to wait at the terminal when we arrived that someone would come pick us up.

My father called the line thirty minutes ago, and the person hasn't yet arrived to pick us up. I was getting really upset already. My fingers started drumming on my handbag in agitation. I hated waiting. I hated been tired and also waiting. This is bullshit. I turned to pour out my anger at my father that was seated beside me.

"hello. I'm sorry for the delay. Are you ready to leave?" a very polite voice said at our front. I looked up to see a nice looking dark-skinned middle-aged man standing before me. Thank God. I was about combusting.

"Yes, it's no problem. We are ready to leave." My father replied. My father nudged me to get up while standing up. I picked up my phone and handbag while getting up to follow my father following the unnamed man to a car packed outside.

"where are you taking us?" I asked the driver since we have been on the highway for over ten minutes and it didn't seem as if we are stopping anytime soon.

"That is not your concern. You're here to work not ask questions." The man told me with a little bit of irritation marring his voice. Okay, he's not a nice looking man anymore.

I turned to my father to gauge his reaction, but he was hardly looking my way. I was getting irritated again. Why was everyone acting as though this is a special work. We're hired as professional fucking cleaners. What's the big deal about it?

"you're really not going to tell me where we're going?" I snapped.

"No ma'am" he gritted out. I scoffed. I didn't have time for this bullshit.

I turned to lean my head on window. And minutes later I drifted off into sleep.

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Latest Release: Chapter 4 Four   10-23 13:50
1 Chapter 1 One
2 Chapter 2 TWO
3 Chapter 3 Three
4 Chapter 4 Four
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