Andrea Deciding that I was going to skip a day at work so I could have first time sex with my boyfriend seemed like the most absurd decision I could ever make. Or at least that was what I'd thought. Until I'd walked in on my said boyfriend cheating on me with some redhead and decided to get my revenge by losing my virginity to his wealthy billionaire father instead. Crazy, right? Trust me, I know. Like that's not enough, things take a drastic turn for the worst after I realized I was in love with him and pregnant with his child. Before I could get the chance to come clean about every including my feelings formhim and the pregnancy, he finds out about my trickery. Alejandro's not one to condone being lied to and deceived so he immediately tells me he doesn't want to see me again. So what do I do? I pack up and leave the country. But it seems like the universe isn't done with us just yet. . . Alejandro I should have known better than to get involved with someone way younger than me. It was something I've never done before. But like the saying goes, there's a first time for everything. The first time I met Andrea I was captivated by her beauty. More than that there was this innocence in her that called out to me like a moth to a flame. I ignored all the warnings in my head and went after what I wanted. And what I wanted was her. Unfortunately what she wanted was revenge against my son. I told myself that it had to be some kind of mistake. There was no way she had been playing with my feelings and planning some silly revenge this whole time. But she had. It had taken a surprise visit from my son for me to find out her true intentions. Even then it had been hard to believe it. But I couldn't deny that she'd fooled me real good alright. So naturally I cut ties with her. And that's supposed to be the end, right? Wrong. Turns out that our story was never destined to end just there. . .
I was extremely nervous.
I tapped my cell phone and glanced down at my phone, realizing I was only a minute or so away from my boyfriend's place. Releasing an unsteady breath, I put my phone back into the front pocket of my hoodie, pushing my hair behind my ears and looking around. It somehow felt like my reason for going to Lucas's place was floating boldly above my head for the world to see.
I pressed my lips together, bracing myself.
Lucas's house came into view. The word house was putting it mildly. Lucas lived in fucking paradise. His father was an extremely well known multi billionaire and though I had never met the man, I'd seen his face splashed a couple of times on TV and newspapers. Plus, he was practically never around. Which was probably the reason why Lucas had chosen to live in one of the penthouses in front of the actual mansion his father owned.
There was no reason for him to live somewhere else.
His father had more than enough. Lucas and I had met at one of the diners where I'd worked in the past as a waitress. I'd been about to serve him and his equally rich group of friends when someone had bumped into me from behind, causing me to spill the content of the tray right on his expensive shirt.
And that hadn't even been the worst part.
I'd equally lost my footing, landing right on top of him, and flashing his friends my ass in the process. Since the manager of the diner had made all the younger waitresses like me wear extreme short uniforms to attract the male audience, it hadn't been a surprise to hear his friends whistle at the view. Hurrying to quickly tidy up the mess I'd made, I'd turned back and bent to pick up the items that fell, giving Lucas an even nicer view of my ass.
And I'd been wearing a thong.
Luckily, Lucas wasn't as much of a rich asshole as his friends and he'd immediately asked me to stand back up, signaling some other older waiter to clear up my mess as he steered me to the washroom. It had been awkward at first but we'd both managed to clean up as much as we could with our clothes on, making occasional eye contact and small talk from across the washroom.
I'd been surprised when he kept frequenting the diner after that.
He always made sure I served his table and after a few weeks, we became friends. A few more weeks after that, he asked me out and I accepted because, why not? He was rich and extremely good looking with a perfect face, nice jawline and sexy bedroom eyes. But more than that, I especially loved his cute boyish smile. And Lucas was almost always smiling whenever he was around me.
I finally got to his penthouse, pausing in front of the door and taking in a steadying breath. We'd been dating for six months now and in those six months we'd never had sex. I hadn't been ready to lose my virginity yet and Lucas had respected that fact. We'd made out and I'd even given him blowjobs a couple of times but we had never had penetrative sex. Even from behind. And not once had he pressured me or made me feel silly for waiting.
All that was going to be in the past now.
Because after turning eighteen two months ago, I was finally ready to have sex with him. I'd even skipped going to work today because I'd been too excited to let him know and too eager to have my first time with him. I wanted him to be the one to take my virginity. I'd been able to get past all the alarm and security systems up to this point because Lucas had gotten my details installed so I could have free entry and exit. I touched my index finger to the final fingerprint security device on the front door, waiting for the light chime I knew was bound to follow.
There you are, I thought after hearing it.
I gripped the door knob and twisted the door, pushing it open and immediately stepping inside. It wasn't weird for the alarm system to be turned on despite the fact that he was inside the house. Lucas was the son of a well known man and that automatically made him well known by default. He couldn't risk being inside of his own house and having burglars breaking in.
The house was as quiet as it always was. My phone beeped once and I took it out of my pocket to read the text from my best friend slash roommate, Alison. She'd sent me a good luck heart sticker. I reacted to the sticker and turned off my phone, putting it in the back pocket of my jeans. I fisted and unfisted my hands, taking in a deep breath and then heading upstairs to his room. It was late in the morning but if I knew Lucas then he was still lazing around in bed.
I walked silently towards the door, all the while trying to shake off the nerves knotting themselves in my stomach. I was prepared for this. I'd even gotten myself a sexy red Victoria secret lingerie which I was currently wearing beneath my clothes. Alison had made sure I was as prepared as I needed to be seeing as it was going to be something I wouldn't ever forget in a hurry, if at all.
Because everyone knew how important a girl's first time was to her.
I paused in my step, hearing faint noises coming from Lucas's room door. Frowning slightly, I wondered if he was playing his loud music already. It was a little earlier than he usually did. I took even more silent steps towards him, straining to make out the noises I was hearing and hoping that it wasn't what I was thinking. I got to his room and paused right outside of it, carefully placing my ear on his room door and waiting to pick up the sound once more.
A loud high pitched moan filled the air.
My heart sank to the pit of my stomach as I felt a surge of something hot and painful pierce my chest. My eyes widened as I took a horrifying step away from the door, hoping that my ears were somehow failing me. My heart began racing in my chest but for all the wrong reasons. No no no, I changed silently in my head like a mantra. It couldn't possibly be what it sounded like. There was no way Lucas was cheating.
He couldn't possibly do that to me.
I felt my eyes sting when I heard a low masculine groan, followed by another high pitched moan. "Fucckkkk," A woman screamed from behind the door, her voice dripping with pleasure. I heard a loud roar in my ears and it took a while for me to realize it was the sound of my own heart shattering at my feet. I felt a tear slide down my eye as I heard the sound of the bed squeaking. Gathering courage, I silently twisted his door open and stepped inside.
To confirm my worst fear.
Lucas was in fact cheating on me. He was lying on his back with some thin redhead riding him. I brought a hand to my mouth as I stared in horror as she pulled her hair with one hand, the other seemingly gripp her boobs. She had her back to me so I couldn't see her face. Just the picture of her bouncing wildly on my boyfriend's cock.
I doubled over in pain.
To think that I'd been planning to lose my virginity to him. The thought sent a fresh wave of hurt rolling through me. I must have made a sound then because they both paused and then quickly sprang away from each other. I sniffed and angrily wiped my tears away, not wanting anyone to see me breakdown. They both reached for the white bedsheet, covering themselves with it.
"Andrea, what are you doing here?" Lucas asked confusedly. His eyes shot to the table calendar on his nightstand before coming back to meet mine. "You're supposed to be at work," He informed me. I couldn't stop the flare of anger that had my jaws clenching. Was that really the first thing he could bring himself to say in this situation? Was he even sorry that he had cheated on me?
That I had caught him fucking someone?
I moved my attention to the redhead beside him. She at least had the decency to look guilty, keeping her head down and refusing to meet my eyes. I felt stupid standing there in front of them and the condom I'd gotten from the store on my way here seemed to be burning a hole in the back pocket of my jeans. Another tear rolled down my face and this time I didn't have it in me to wipe it off.
I was too broken to pretend.
"We're done," I whispered shakily, sniffing and sobbing like a two year old. He tried to get a word out but I lifted my hand and stopped him. Shaking my head, I let him know I wasn't interested in whatever he had to say. He has completely broken my trust. I had to live with the image of the both of them firmly ingrained in my memory. "Have fun with your whore." I spat, turning and slamming the door behind me as I left the room.
I heard the light thud as he jumped down from the bed, followed by a string of cursing words as he probably looked around for his underwear but I took advantage of the time to get as far away from the room as possible, not ready for whatever bullshit story he had managed to come up with. I heard his voice as he called out for me, begging that I let him explain. If anything his voice made me want to put even more distance between us and so I did what life had taught me to do best.
I ran.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry Andrea," Alison whisperd, hugging me even more tightly as I sobbed into her chest. I was an absolute mess. My eyes had refused to stop tearing up and my nose was leaking but Alison - bless her heart - didn't seem to mind that I was ruining her favorite stay at home shirt. I heaved, squeezing my eyelids tightly as the image of Lucas and the redhead played over and over again in my mind. My sobs were loud and ugly and I just wanted to finally let it all out after barely being able to get myself back home without breaking down.
I calmed down after a few minutes.
Alison rubbed my back soothingly, mumurring soothing words into my ear as I gained control of my breathing. I hadn't even been able to tell her exactly what had happened but she'd gotten the gist. After a while, I leaned away from her, silently thankful that my tears had been the only thing to dampen her shirt. I took the tissue she handed me and then blew my nose into it, throwing it into the trash can by my feet.
She handed me another wad of tissue paper which I used to dry my tears, folding it and blowing my nose once more before trashing it. I reached for the water bottle lying on the couch and drank the entire water inside of it, dropping the bottle on the table and resting my head back against the couch. Alison stared at me in sympathy, smoothing her palm down my hair and giving me time to catch my breath.
"I thought he had been waiting for me," I confessed sadly, my voice breaking. "All this time I had thought he had been waiting for me," I bit the inside of my cheek angrily. "When he'd actually been fucking his cheap whores behind my back." I pressed a hand to my chest, trying to soothe the dull ache I could still feel. I still couldn't believe Lucas had done this to me. We'd been together for six months.
Had he been cheating the entire time?
Alison let me get a hold of myself as we stared silently at the television. The name Alejandro Costa was boldly written on the bottom. I picked up the TV remote control and increased the volume just in time to hear the journalist's report on whatever had happened. I craned my neck in surprise when I registered what she was saying.
Alejandro Costa had returned to Florida.
After almost a year of traveling and doing business with many other countries he had finally returned home to manage his companies and hopefully spend some time with his son. His son. Who just happened to be the asshole who had broken my heart to pieces and then thrown those pieces into my eyes. Alison and I watched as the media hounded him while he was making his way to his car after clearing his luggage.
Alison shook her head, letting out a little scoff as the news carried on. "It's a shame you can't go to bed with his dad instead to get back at him," She said with a light laugh, staring at the image of Alejandro on the screen. Her head tilted as her shoulder raised in a casual shrug, "I mean, he is sexy." She confessed laughing once more. Her laughter died down once she turned her attention to me and realized I wasn't taking her statement like the joke she had obviously meant for it to be.
I bit down on my lower lip.
"That's actually a good idea," I stated, meeting her gaze. I ignored the way her eyes widened in horror at my words, already coming up with the perfect revenge plan. "I'm going to lose my virginity to Alejandro Costa." Nothing was going to hurt more than Lucas finding out i fucked his dad and let him take my virginity. It was the perfect way to get back at him for hurting me so badly and treating me like a fool.
"Andrea, you can't be serious," Alison spluttered helplessly, looking like she wanted to physically shake some sense into me. I gave a flat look. The one that I knew would drive home the point that I was dead serious. Her mouth went agape and she was speechless for a few minutes before speaking. "He's way older than you."
It was my turn to shrug.
"I don't care," I stated, knowing it was there truth. Alejandro Costa might be one of the most influential men in the country, but I was determined to get him to fuck me one way or the other. And then I was going to rub it in Lucas's face. My phone rang with an incoming call just then and I reached beside me to check who it was. Seeing Lucas's name dancing on the screen brought a new surge of rage. Unthinking, I did the first thing that came to mind.
I threw my phone against the wall, watching it smash to pieces.
(ADULT CONTENT) Lucia - I had gotten to the point in my life where I could totally understand why people felt the need to take their own life. It was a need a lot of people thought they understood but in reality didn't even know the half of it. I would know because it was a need I constantly battled with. My life was complete shit. I'd lost my parents at a young age, been tossed from one abusive chaotic home to the other until I'd finally decided I couldn't take it anymore and had run away. Only running away had made it worse. Way worse. Because living on the streets I witnessed a lot of things no young girl should ever witness. Then for a moment it seemed like I'd found love. He was kind, caring and sweet. But even that didn't last. I told myself then that I was completely done. At first I didn't want to live at all. Later on, I just wanted to live long enough to get my revenge on everyone who had dared to make my life miserable. I never expected I would want to live for him. Bruno - Inheriting a ruthless top mafia gang at a very young age did a lot of damage to someone. It certainly did a whole lot of damage to me. Fucked me up so bad I could no longer tell what was right from what was wrong. I could no longer separate what I needed to do from what I wanted to do. And it was fine, really. I didn't give a flying fuck what anyone thought about it. It was who I was now and there was no going back. At least that was what I'd thought. Until I'd met Lucia. I still couldn't explain it but seeing her up there, hands tied above her head as she waited for whatever asshole was going to buy her at the auction caused some kind of reaction in me. It was enough to tell me that I should probably let someone else buy her so she could be their problem. Unfortunately I'd never been one to stop myself from making a wrong decision. So I bought her anyway. And who would have guessed? She turned out to be the best decision I'd ever made.
"Leave," I ordered, proud that my voice didn't sound half as shaky as I felt. "Is that what you really want, Keera?" He asked in a whisper. Before I could muster a response, his hand raised mine, slowly bringing my fingers to his nose. The same fingers that had been moving inside of me only minutes ago. My heart thudded. He kept his eyes locked with mine as he inhaled the scent of my release before bringing my fingers to his mouth and dragging his tongue over the fingers, licking them clean. ---- Keera - They shouldn't exist. It was impossible. They were freaks of nature. That had been my initial thoughts about werewolves. And for years I believed I was right to think that because all the werewolves I met did nothing but hurt me. Especially him. I'd been drawn to him from the very first day that I saw him. Before I realized he hated me. I didn't want to admit it but he was the one who reinforced my hatred for werewolves. I didn't need to help them out. But I did. And I watched my life spiral out of control. From crossing every boundary I ever built by getting into a relationship with him to finding out I was his mate. Grayson - I despised her before I even got the chance to meet her in person. Our relationship was forbidden. Werewolves weren't allowed to mate with humans. I didn't think I could ever even be considering the possibility. But that was before her. I found out she was my mate. There was no way I was letting her go then. I didn't mind stepping down as Alpha if it meant I could be with her. Because whether she liked it or not she felt the same about me.
"You're mine, little puppy," Kylan growled against my neck. A soft gasp escaped my lips as his lips brushed my skin. My mind screamed at me to push him away-the Lycan Prince who had humiliated me again and again, but my body betrayed me, leaning into him before I could stop myself. He pressed his lips against mine, and his kiss grew more aggressive, more possessive as I felt my legs weaken. What was I doing? In a split-second, I pulled away and slapped him hard across the face. Kylan's eyes darkened, but the smirk on his lips exposed his amusement. "You and I both know we can't fight this, Violet," he said, gripping my wrist. "You're my mate." "And yet you don't want me," I replied. "You told me you were ashamed of me, that l'd never be your queen, that you'd never love me. So please, accept my rejection and let me go." "Never," he whispered, his grip tightening as he pulled me closer. "Soon enough, you'll be begging for me. and when you do-I'll use you as I see fit and then I'll reject you."
Kallie, a mute who had been ignored by her husband for five years since their wedding, also suffered the loss of her pregnancy due to her cruel mother-in-law. After the divorce, she learned that her ex-husband had quickly gotten engaged to the woman he truly loved. Holding her slightly rounded belly, she realized that he had never really cared for her. Determined, she left him behind, treating him as a stranger. Yet, after she left, he scoured the globe in search of her. When their paths crossed once more, Kallie had already found new happiness. For the first time, he pleaded humbly, "Please don't leave me..."Â But Kallie's response was firm and dismissive, cutting through any lingering ties. "Get lost!"
There was only one man in Raegan's heart, and it was Mitchel. In the second year of her marriage to him, she got pregnant. Raegan's joy knew no bounds. But before she could break the news to her husband, he served her divorce papers because he wanted to marry his first love. After an accident, Raegan lay in the pool of her own blood and called out to Mitchel for help. Unfortunately, he left with his first love in his arms. Raegan escaped death by the whiskers. Afterward, she decided to get her life back on track. Her name was everywhere years later. Mitchel became very uncomfortable. For some reason, he began to miss her. His heart ached when he saw her all smiles with another man. He crashed her wedding and fell to his knees while she was at the altar. With bloodshot eyes, he queried, "I thought you said your love for me is unbreakable? How come you are getting married to someone else? Come back to me!"
COALESCENCE OF THE FIVE SERIES BOOK ONE: THE 5-TIME REJECTED GAMMA & THE LYCAN KING BOOK TWO: THE ROGUES WHO WENT ROGUE BOOK THREE: THE INDOMITABLE HUNTRESS & THE HARDENED DUKE *** BOOK ONE: After being rejected by 5 mates, Gamma Lucianne pleaded with the Moon Goddess to spare her from any further mate-bonds. To her dismay, she is being bonded for the sixth time. What’s worse is that her sixth-chance mate is the most powerful creature ruling over all werewolves and Lycans - the Lycan King himself. She is certain, dead certain, that a rejection would come sooner or later, though she hopes for it to be sooner. King Alexandar was ecstatic to meet his bonded mate, and couldn’t thank their Goddess enough for gifting him someone so perfect. However, he soon realizes that this gift is reluctant to accept him, and more than willing to sever their bond. He tries to connect with her but she seems so far away. He is desperate to get intimate with her but she seems reluctant to open up to him. He tries to tell her that he is willing to commit to her for the rest of his life but she doesn’t seem to believe him. He is pleading for a chance: a chance to get to know her; a chance to show her that he’s different; and a chance to love her. But when not-so-subtle crushes, jealous suitors, self-entitled Queen-wannabes, an old flame, a silent protector and a past wedding engagement threaten to jeopardize their relationship, will Lucianne and Xandar still choose to be together? Is their love strong enough to overcome everything and everyone? Or will Lucianne resort to enduring a sixth rejection from the one person she thought she could entrust her heart with?
Five years ago, Alessia La Rosa's life took a drastic turn when, suffering from memory loss, she wed to Dominic Carter under her grandfather's mysterious arrangement. But their marriage was a facade, bringing her only humiliation and heartache as Dominic showed no love, and she couldn't conceive. Upon discovering Dominic's infidelity, Alessia sought liberation through divorce. Yet, fate had more in store for her. Five years later, spurred by an anonymous email hinting at her lost child's whereabouts, she returns to the city with her twin babies in tow, determined to uncover the truth. As she navigates the tangled web of her past, a surprising twist awaits. Dominic, upon meeting her again, finds himself drawn to the woman she has become, unaware of her true identity as his former wife. Little does he know, the woman he's falling for is not only his ex-wife but also a powerful Doctor and Master Hacker.
Mia's life is spiraling out of control. Abandoned by her mother, bullied mercilessly at school, and thrown into a household of four dangerously attractive stepbrothers, she's desperate to find her footing. "You look absolutely edible," Sean growled, his eyes devouring her. Mia felt a rush of heat between her thighs "Oh, you think so?" she purred, turning to face him. She reached out and traced her fingers along the ribbon that wrapped around his waist. "Well, I've been waiting for this all day. And I'm starving." Sean's smile grew into a predatory grin. "Then let us feast," he said, and in a flash, the ribbon fell away, exposing his rock-hard length. He stepped closer, and Mia felt the warmth of his breath on her face as he whispered, "You're going to take every inch of us tonight, aren't you?" With Rolex's teasing smirk and Sean's quiet, hot stares, Mia doesn't know where to turn-or who to trust. Every glance, every touch leaves her breathless, confused, and craving more than she should. Will Mia survive their games, or will she lose herself in a dangerous world of secrets, seduction, and forbidden desire? One house. Four brothers. Endless temptation.