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The Billionaires Temptation

The Billionaires Temptation

5 Chapters
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Blythe Sanchez has had enough. After years of enduring her boyfriend's endless infidelity, her patience has run dry, and her heart is shattered. One impulsive night changes everything when she crosses paths with Larkin Callahan, a mysterious and irresistibly handsome stranger. Larkin's allure pulls her in, but behind his charming smile lie secrets that could either bring them together or tear them apart. What begins as a moment of passion quickly spirals into a whirlwind romance, forcing Blythe to confront not only her past but also the dangerous mysteries surrounding Larkin. Can she risk trusting her heart again, or will his secrets be the final betrayal?

Chapter 1 A Sea of Choices

Blythe sighed deeply, over and over again. She stared blankly out of the window of her flower shop. She was alone at that moment, so she let herself zone out.

The wind chime on the door rang, indicating someone had entered, but she continued to stare off into space, her chin resting on her hand by the counter.

"You know, you could get robbed like that," said a voice, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She looked up to see her friend Cleo's smiling face.

She glanced back into the distance and sighed again.

"Hey! Are you ignoring me?" Cleo remarked, tapping the countertop a little too loudly.

Blythe didn't respond. She wasn't in the mood to joke around.

"Blythe! Don't give me the silent treatment like this! It's so frustrating! Say something, come on!" Cleo couldn't take it any longer and slapped her arm.

Blythe let out a small sob, surprising Cleo, whose face filled with concern.

"Sorry... I think I hit you too hard," Cleo said apologetically.

Blythe quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks and gave Cleo a weak smile. "It's not you."

Cleo frowned. "What do you mean, it's not me? Don't tell me-it's Finnian again, isn't it?"

Blythe looked away, not wanting to talk about her boyfriend. She knew she'd only get another round of scolding from Cleo.

"Don't you try to brush me off, Blythe..." Cleo warned, putting her hands on her hips. "What did that man do this time, huh? Is there another woman again?" she probed.

Blythe didn't answer. Cleo already knew what kind of person Finnian was, and it's what made her so angry. She always said Blythe was too much of a martyr, hopelessly in love with him.

Blythe and Finnian had been in an on-and-off relationship for almost a year now, all because of one flaw in her boyfriend-he was too much of a flirt.

But despite that, Blythe still found it in her heart to forgive him. She didn't even know why, nor did she understand why she could endure the emotional pain he caused her, something that always enraged Cleo. She felt like she'd die if she lost him. That's how much she loved him.

"I don't know what's wrong with you, Blythe! It's happened so many times, but you still take him back. If I could, I'd slam your head against a wall. It's not okay for him to keep cheating on you like this! You're turning it into a habit. My God! Every time he messes up, you forgive him so easily. That's why he keeps doing it-it's because you let him!" Cleo lectured.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? I lo-"

"Love him?" Cleo cut her off sarcastically. "What about loving yourself? Don't be stupid, Blythe! Please... break up with him." It wasn't a request, but a command.

She sighed deeply, feeling her tears threatening to fall again.

"Oh, great! Here we go with the crying!" Cleo scolded. "Don't try to win me over with those tears, Blythe! You're the one who refuses to leave that relationship. You're the one causing yourself this pain. So stop with the crying already! I swear, if you weren't my friend, I would've left you to your foolishness a long time ago!" Her chest heaved as she spoke.

Blythe hung her head. She had nothing to say because everything Cleo said was true. She was allowing herself to be hurt. She could break up with Finnian, but she didn't.

"You're wasting your beauty on that Finnian. He never appreciates you. He doesn't care about how you feel-he's full of himself! The worst part is, he doesn't really love you. You're the one hopelessly in love with him-when you could easily move on. You have plenty of suitors. Finnian isn't the only man in the world, Blythe. There are plenty of others! It's your choice."

Once again, Cleo was right. She had many suitors, all of whom she rejected because she had a boyfriend. Ironically, she never looked at another man besides Finnian.

Not even once!

"Just your smile is enough to hook anyone. You could charm even the most stubborn person," Cleo continued.

Blythe knew she wouldn't stop until her anger subsided.

"I've been telling you for so long, use your looks to get even with him. If you do that, he'll be the one chasing after you, not the other way around," she said. Not satisfied, Cleo walked around to face Blythe directly. "You're smart, Blythe. Use that. Stop letting your softness take over all the time." She pointed to Blythe's chest, staring intently into her eyes. "Please, Blythe... I'm begging you, stop this. Stop tolerating him. The more you keep forgiving him, the bolder he gets in hurting you. Don't you get it? He's just playing with your feelings."

Blythe finally broke down in tears. It hurt so much more when someone else told you the truth. It felt like she was being stabbed repeatedly in the chest.

Cleo might have a blunt personality, but Blythe knew everything she said was for her own good. She really hadn't learned her lesson.

"Hush..." Cleo pulled her into a hug, gently rubbing her back.

"W-what should I do?" Blythe asked in a shaky voice.

Cleo quickly pulled her back and wiped her tears. "I'll take care of it." She winked.

She let Cleo take her things and hold her hand without protest. It was already almost seven in the evening, and there were no more customers at that hour.

They took a cab, with Cleo paying the fare and telling the driver their destination.

"Here? Why here?" Blythe asked, her brows furrowed as they got out of the cab.

"Oh, come on! Where do you find plenty of fish, Blythe? Of course, in the ocean! So, here we are!"

She gave Cleo a disapproving look.

"What?" Cleo feigned innocence.

Blythe turned away, but Cleo quickly blocked her path. "I don't need a man. I already have one," she said.

"Yes, but all you get from him is heartache. Here at the ocean aka Neon Nights, you'll forget about him forever. We're going to dive into a sea of men here," Cleo said mischievously, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside.

Blythe didn't resist. It was as if she was a leaf carried by the wind, following her friend.

As soon as they entered, the loud music hit her, making her wince as she stuck a finger in her ear. She trailed behind Cleo, who seemed determined not to let her go.

Blythe wasn't used to this kind of place. She only ended up there occasionally, dragged along by Cleo, who had a real passion for clubbing. Cleo was liberated, while Blythe remained an old-fashioned lady. She didn't dress like a prude and knew how to keep up with fashion trends, but always with limits. She wasn't the type to have a one-night stand. She valued her purity above all. That was often the source of arguments between her and Finnian. No matter how much Finnian pressured her, she couldn't bring herself to give in-which, in hindsight, was the right decision.

Sometimes, that's what Finnian used as an excuse for cheating on her-because she couldn't give him what he wanted. Blythe admitted that she was lacking in that area, but to her, that wasn't the only basis for a lasting relationship. True love was the answer. And if her boyfriend truly loved her, he would understand.

'Now you're realizing that? After all the pain you've been through, now you're finally thinking about that, huh, Blythe? You really are foolish,' the loud voice in her mind said.

She had long known that, but she couldn't understand why she couldn't leave her cheating boyfriend. Maybe she really was crazy.

"There!" Cleo exclaimed, snapping her out of her thoughts. Cleo pointed to a man drinking alone at the far corner of the bar counter. "This is your chance!" She pushed Blythe forward.

Blythe nearly stumbled into the man but managed to regain her balance just in time. She shot Cleo a glare, but her friend had already disappeared.

"That brat!" she muttered irritably.

Blythe straightened herself up and took a seat on the vacant stool next to the man. "One martini, please," she said to the bartender. He quickly prepared her order.

While waiting, she sneaked a glance at the man beside her. Her brow furrowed. He looked like someone who hadn't bathed in days.

The man had long hair, a beard, and a mustache. He had carelessly thrown on a long-sleeved polo, with the collar unbuttoned and wrinkled as if it had just been pulled out of a pile of clothes.

He was tall and broad-shouldered, with a prominent nose. Blythe could tell he had beautiful eyes, though she couldn't quite make out their color since he was turned slightly away from her, and it was dim where he sat. The only thing she could clearly see were his long, thick eyelashes that seemed even longer than hers.

"Here's your order, ma'am," the bartender said.

Blythe nodded, taking the drink but still keeping an eye on the man beside her.

Her gaze drifted to his hand resting on the counter, specifically his ring finger. She took a sudden sip of her drink when she saw the symbol that clearly indicated he was not single.

'So, he's married,' she thought. 'But if he's married, why does he look like this? And why is he here at the bar? Maybe he fought with his wife,' a part of her mind answered.

Blythe shook her head.

Here she was, drinking and thinking about someone else's problems, as if she didn't have her own issues to worry about. That was the whole reason her friend Cleo had dragged her there in the first place.

Blythe quickly downed the contents of her glass and ordered another one. She wasn't used to drinking, but the pain she was feeling made her suddenly immune to the taste of alcohol. It felt like she was just drinking water.

After a while, Blythe started feeling dizzy. She was laughing to herself, tears streaming down her face. When she glanced at the man beside her, she saw that he was watching her.

She didn't understand herself. Suddenly, she stood up and, without saying a word, kissed him on the lips, surprising him. The man didn't react immediately. It was brief, but it sent a surge of electricity through her entire body, making her quickly pull away.

But the man swiftly grabbed her waist, pulling her close. This time, he kissed her deeply, and she didn't resist.

Truth be told, Blythe liked the way he kissed her. It was different from Finnian's kisses. It started gentle, but soon became demanding. She didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck.

The next thing she knew, her body was sinking into a soft bed, wherever they were.

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