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Unexpected twist Reviewed

Unexpected twist Reviewed

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Unexpected twist is a fictional movie.



"The Originator of the heavens and the earth; He made mates for you from amongs yourselves." Surat Ash-Shura: 11

Halima focused on the clothes that lay on her bed, she completely ignored her husband as he prepared for his second marriage, Hanif will be getting married today and she had forbidden any of her kids from attending, she had no interest in going despite Hanif's plea and her mother-in-law's request.

"So, you are not coming?" Hanif asked Halima in a gentle tone as he adjusted the collar of his White Kaftan looking handsome as always.

"To do what?" Halima threw him a murderous look. She cannot believe he would be so insensitive. How dare he request her presence in his wedding! How disrespectful!

"You're my love, it would mean a lot to me if you are there to show your support." He said looking at her with great hope, but she hissed and turned her back arranging the clothes in her wardrobe, he waited for some time but she did not look back so he decided to leave, he can't afford to be late to his own wedding.

"Don't forget to tell your children you won't be coming home till next week. " She said behind his back when he was about to close the door and he shakes his head, he had no intention of staying with his new wife all through the week after their wedding.

He knows that his new wife is entitled to seven nights once they are married since she has not been previously married, but he intended to check on his family everyday before retiring to Naimah's apartment in the evening. He understands that Halima is using style to send him away and tell him he is not welcome in those days but he is not going to mind her.

She heard the gate closed and she stopped with the clothes she was folding and seated on her bed, the reality is finally here, her husband is getting married today, her beautiful marriage has turned to polygamy, now she must share her beloved husband with another woman. She wept bitterly as she thinks about the changes that will take place after the new wife join them.

She cried for so long that she lost track of the time, she already instructed Asiya, her eldest child to take charge of the house and prevent any of her younger ones from disturbing her. She did not realize she has dozed off until the ringtone of her phone jolted her to wake.

She lazily picked the phone without checking the Caller ID.

"Hello? " She said in a low voice, her voice has become low pitched due to too much cry.

"Iya Olamide, after everything I told you, you did not come to the wedding. " Her mother-in-law said disappointed.

"Maami, I have accepted what you said, honestly, but please forgive me this once, I could not find the courage to watch my husband getting married to another woman. " She said and a tear fell from her eyes.

"Ha, are you still crying? " Her mother-in-law asked her and she was quiet.

"No ma. " She finally answered, and the elderly woman signed from the other end.

"Please I beg you with the Name of Allah, desist from this crying, it will do you no good, the deed has been done, you will only harm yourself with too much cry. This is not the time to mourn, rather it is time for you to be stronger, spiritually and physically for the sake of your children. I know you're prayerful, but you need to increase your prayers. Don't leave your children to another woman's care, Iwo omo'binrin yi." Her mother-in-law advises, and she nods her head.

"I'm trying Maami, but it's not easy at all!" She confessed to her mother-in-law, the woman has been a good mother to her since she got married to her husband eighteen years ago, when she heard about Hanif plans to remarry, she was angry also and kicked against it but no matter how much she tried, Hanif already made up his mind and he kept begging her until she accepts but she made him promise never to be unjust or disrespectful to Halima.

"I pray that Allah grant you the strength, patience and wisdom you need to pass through this stage." Her mother-in-law prayed, and she chanted "Ameen." In between tears.

"Thank you Maami. " She said.

"I have to go now, I will come and check you tomorrow. " She said and Halima thanked her, before she hanged up.

After some time, Halima gained little strength and walked to the bathroom to perform ablution and pray.


Naimah smiled contentedly at herself as she looked at the mirror, "I look so beautiful. " She blushed and her two friends who are staying in the room with her smiled.

"Your husband will be very pleased. " Nusrah said smiling.

"Alhamdulillah, the day is finally upon us, Naimah is now a beautiful bride. " Faheema said, singing happily for her friend and Naimah moved her body gently to the tune.

"I feel so happy that I'm getting married to the man of my dream." Naimah gushes and her friends looked at her in surprise.

"I never realised it is your dream to marry a married man." Faheema said and Nusrah smiled, while Naimah frowned slightly.

"I am not talking about his marital status, I am talking about him as a person. He is handsome, rich, caring, social, God fearing, capable, loving and everything a woman could want in a man." She said feeling proud of her accomplishment.

"Awwnnnn." Her friends said looking at her happily, three of them have been friends for so long and they know Naimah to be very jealous and it feels strange that she would go into a polygamous marriage, but hearing how she speaks highly of her husband to be always make them realize her choice must be based on the fact that his good qualities outweighs her principles.

"I cannot be wasting my time on those young boys who are mostly after sex and have no sense of commitment, imagine how many years I dated Ibrahim, he never proposed marriage and any time I mention meeting with my uncle, he either changes the topic or start quarrelling. But me and my husband met just last year and here we are today getting married. " She said raising her shoulders.

"Alhamdulillah! " Both her friends chorused.

"If only, he is not yet married, it would have been the best. " She mused looking sad, she did not like the fact that Hanif has a wife, though she has never met his wife, she honestly does not want to have any relationship with her, especially after she denied her visit to her house, when Hanif made a request.

"Speaking about your co-wife, is she coming for the wedding? " Nusrah asked out of curiosity.

"No ooo, she is not, and I am happy she is not even coming, today is my day, I don't want anyone else to be the center of attention or distraction." She rolled her eyes, she cannot imagine watching her co-wife seated while she is the one getting married, she is sure, many people will be pointing at her, and her husband may be easily distracted if she is seated.

"Have you met her before? " Faheema asked.

"I've seen her from afar for some times and I also follow her on Facebook but No, we have not been introduced formally. There was a time my husband suggested I visit her, but she bluntly refused, as if I even want to meet her. " She hissed thinking about her co-wife rudeness.

"Well, I can't blame her, no woman will be happy being married upon. " Faheema said gloomy, thinking about how the woman must be feeling today that her beloved husband is getting a new wife.

"What did she want? They have been married for almost twenty years, and she gets to enjoy everything alone, my husband has done so much for her, she has many properties in her names already, her children are all grown, she even has two children in the university." She recounts to her friends.

"Wow. She must be very rich ooo. " Nusrah said imagining her friend's co-wife.

"You can say that again, my husband said he even bought her a new car to placate her for our wedding." Naimah boasted and her friends were amazed. She remembered the day she mistakenly saw the documents for the new car in his car while waiting for him during one of their outings, at first, she thought the car was for her until she saw that the reciept bears Halima's name and she was disappointed.

"See, I don't really care about her, she will be on her lane, while I remain in my lane. If she did not look for my trouble, I will ignore her like she doesn't exist. That's why I told my husband to get me an apartment far from their house, I don't want any drama in my life. He is my husband as much as he is hers. " She said shrugging her shoulder.

"I trust you my friend, if she gives you hot, you should give her hotter. After all, good things are not meant for only her. " Nusrah said encouraging her friend.

"Exactly. If she is not ready to shift, she should leave and allow me to enjoy my husband alone." Naimah said laughing.

"I will advise you to thread softly ooo, you know she has been married to her husband for many years, you cannot beat that. Try to show her respect and be kind to her, she may be a very good person." Faheema advised and she threw her an angry look.

"I won't let my guards down before I will be caught unaware, you can't trust anybody in this life. if you check her Facebook timeline, you will think she is the type that would easily support her husband on his second marriage with the way she always preaches Sunnah. Don't fall for people's words easily, its better to observe their character first." Naimah said and her friends smiled.

"The fact that she didn't support her husband's decision does not make her a bad person or bad Muslim, she is just being human. " Faheema said and both Naimah and Nusrah gave her a surprising look.

"Why are you defending her? Are you really my friend? " Naimah asked frowning and Faheema smiled.

" I just want you to start your marital journey with the right intention and right mindset. It would do you a lot of good." Faheema advised, she is an advocate of positive polygamy, even though she is yet to be married, she has discussed with her Fiancé and they both agreed on future possibility of polygamy practice if Allah wills.

"This is my wedding, can we please stop talking about her?" Naimah requested firmly and her friends nods. Then they continue adjusting their dress before they would be going out to the Hall as the event is about to commence.

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