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A Hundred Billion Bride

A Hundred Billion Bride

13 Chapters
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"Don't make me angry, Khione. Do as you're told." Then he stormed out of the dining room. I snapped back to reality when I heard the last girl being called before me. I couldn't shake off what happened before I got here. I'm backstage now, trying to be brave just for tonight. "Three hundred fifty million!" The room fell silent. Well, that's it. The girl's already sold out. "Now, finally! We have reached the last. Are you ready to meet her?" the emcee said thrillingly. A man escorted me up the stage, the curtain still down so no one could see me. Then it happened. "Ms. Khione Fuego!" The curtain parted, and all the bidders looked at me. The emcee started speaking, but I didn't listen anymore. My attention was on the VIP seat at the top. My father, as he intently looked at me. I glanced briefly at the man sitting near my father. He looked at me with interest in his eyes. He looked familiar. I've heard rumors about him, but I don't know his name. I quickly looked away from him. I won't last under his scrutiny. "One hundred million." "Five hundred million." "One hundred billion." I closed my eyes when I heard the last huge amount. I didn't even look at the hundreds of billionaires in this Red Market. I'm scared of what might happen to me. Who will I belong to? I may seem brave, but I'm still scared. I'm just a normal woman. "One hundred billion for the Red Market's Heiress!" the announcer said. We waited for almost five minutes, and when no one raised their bid, the announcer spoke again. "Ms. Khione Fuego is now sold out. Please come upstage Mr. Caspian Lordcan." My eyes widened at the name. I remember him. I didn't know he would spend that much for me. Plus, I barely know him, but I've heard stories about him. Gossips about him. He's a dangerous man.

Chapter 1 Prologue


I closed my eyes as the makeup artist applied some eye shadow. I didn't anticipate this happening to me. Everything feels surreal. As Dad and I talked earlier, I sensed his anger. How could he do this to his own daughter? I couldn't fathom it before, but now it's becoming a reality.

"Just relax, Ma'am," said the makeup artist as she noticed my trembling eyelids. I followed her instructions. When she finished, I was amazed to see myself in the mirror.

I've had makeup done several times before, but this is what I truly wanted. It looked natural yet impactful, giving me a fierce yet innocent look. They dressed me in a long dark blue fitted dress, accentuating my fair complexion. As they prepared me, I remembered Dad's words from the previous night.

"What? No!" I exclaimed, slamming the fork and spoon on the table upon hearing Dad's proposal. I gave him an incredulous look. I wouldn't agree. I'd never do what he wanted me to.

"Khione, this is for your own sake. Red Market is collapsing! They've discovered you! The billionaire bidders are willing to pay anything just to have you! This is a chance to save Red Market! Think about it, think about the money we'll receive after the bid," Dad insisted, trying to persuade me.

Is it all about the money? It's not just about money. It's about me and Red Market. If only Mom were here, none of this would be happening. Dad wouldn't be selling me to his failing illegal business where the buyers are billionaires and the products are virgins and beautiful women. I know this isn't right. It will never be right. It's infuriating. I don't want this. I want to run away, but I'd be just like my mom if I did.

But selling your own child isn't right, is it? "But Dad! I just turned eighteen! What if the buyer is a pedophile old man? Or perverts! No, Dad! I won't agree!" I stood up, ready to leave, but Dad quickly stopped me as he stood up and approached me.

"If you don't do this, I'll end up on the streets. I'll be jailed because of debts, and if the police catch wind of this..." he gripped both sides of my shoulders. I could see the desperation in his face now. His plea made me close my eyes. I opened them and looked up at him. Now, I was the one pleading.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I'd rather beg on the streets than be a plaything for rich men who have no respect for women." I turned away from him, not even finishing my meal. I've lost my appetite.

I do respect my Dad, but now, I've lost respect for him, and I can't find it. The joy of the day was supposed to be here, but it vanished because of what he said. My Dad is the owner of the infamous illegal Red Market. If the Black Market deals with illegal goods, the Red Market deals with the illegal and forced sale of women.

I wanted to ignore the fact that it's my father's business, but I couldn't because Red Market provided me with a lavish upbringing and everything I desired. It's helpful, but it's just not right. Even his plan isn't right. That's why Mom left the house and never returned when she found out Dad's line of work.

Since they got married, Mom had no idea Dad was part of a syndicate. Mom tried to take me away or even kidnapped me from Dad, but she failed. I wanted to go with her, but I was scared.

There was always someone watching wherever I went when I was younger. Now, I haven't heard any news about my mother. Perhaps Dad knows something but isn't telling me.

"We're not done yet, young lady!" his voice roared in the whole dining room. His voice lacked the pleading tone he had before. I didn't leave because I could feel his anger.

I remembered seeing him shoot one of his workers a long time ago, but I pushed that thought away. I didn't want to see Dad in a bad light, even though he truly was bad. Despite everything, I still love my father. He's still my father. I've always obeyed him, but not this time. I'm eighteen now, and I can make my own decisions.

"You are going to be the center of the night for the upcoming bidding, and that's it!" It seems not only the billionaires are desperate to have me.

My dad is desperate too to involve me in his illegal activities. I wanted to cry out of anger, but no tears fell. I was stunned. How could he do this to me? To his own daughter? I faced him and took a deep breath before meeting his angry gaze.

"You do know that I'm your daughter, right? Because you know what Dad? I don't know if you're still my father," I bravely replied to him. I received a strong slap from him. My tears rolled down my cheeks. He had never hit me before. He never raised his hand against me or forced me to do anything I didn't want to. I slowly faced him again.

"You disrespectful child," he murmured and glared down at me. I looked up at him proudly and smiled bitterly.

"Same to you, Dad," I said, and I received another slap, this time on the other cheek. My cheeks burned from his slap. Maybe I looked like a woman who put on too much blush on?

"Don't make me angry, Khione. Do as you're told." Then he stormed out of the dining room. I snapped back to reality when I heard the last girl being called before me.

I couldn't shake off what happened before I got here. I'm backstage now, trying to be brave just for tonight.

"Three hundred fifty million!" The room fell silent. Well, that's it. The girl's already sold out.

"Now, finally! We have reached the last. Are you ready to meet her?" the emcee said thrillingly. A man escorted me up the stage, the curtain still down so no one could see me. Then it happened.

"Ms. Khione Fuego!" The curtain parted, and all the bidders looked at me.

The emcee started speaking, but I didn't listen anymore. My attention was on the VIP seat at the top. My father, as he intently looked at me. I glanced briefly at the man sitting near my father. He looked at me with interest in his eyes. He looked familiar. I've heard rumors about him, but I don't know his name. I quickly looked away from him. I won't last under his scrutiny.

"One hundred million."

"Five hundred million."

"One hundred billion." I closed my eyes when I heard the last huge amount. I didn't even look at the hundreds of billionaires in this Red Market. I'm scared of what might happen to me. Who will I belong to? I may seem brave, but I'm still scared. I'm just a normal woman.

"One hundred billion for the Red Market's Heiress!" the announcer said. We waited for almost five minutes, and when no one raised their bid, the announcer spoke again.

"Ms. Khione Fuego is now sold out. Please come upstage Mr. Caspian Lordcan." My eyes widened at the name. I remember him. I didn't know he would spend that much for me. Plus, I barely know him, but I've heard stories about him. Gossips about him. He's a dangerous man.

I heard that he kills all the women he buys here if they don't obey him. I don't know if it's true or not. Finally, I found the courage to look at the man who bought me. It can't be.

I need to escape. I need to get out of here. I don't want to die yet. I saw from the VIP seat, which was somewhat close to where Dad was sitting, that he stood up and left the VIP area to come up on stage. His face was terrifying, his expression dark. I immediately felt my knees shaking as he walked towards me.

Throughout his approach, his eyes were fixed solely on me, and I could barely withstand the intensity of his gaze. He stopped in front of me, wearing a very expensive three-piece suit. I recoiled when he tried to grab my arm. His expression darkened even more, which frightened me even more. He stared at me.

"D-Don't touch me," I threatened, but fear was evident in my voice.

"I will touch you whenever and wherever I want," his voice carried a sense of possession. He attempted to grab me again, but I quickly pulled my arm away.

"I said don't touch me!" I glanced at my father who was watching us from above. It's all his fault. He put me in this situation. He sold me to his own illegal business, Red Market. My father's face was full of threats. If I did anything wrong, I'd be in trouble. A forceful hand quickly grabbed my arm, and I looked at the owner of the hand. It dawned on me that it was Caspian, and he looked at me with extreme disdain.

"You heard me, I don't want to repeat it," he said firmly.

"I'm not a very good guy, Khione. Don't get on my nerves," he threatened this time.

After that, he dragged me off the stage, and the crowd erupted into cheers.

"You're so lucky, Lordcan."

"Shit you, Lordcan."

"You looked innocent, dearie." Those were the things I heard as we passed by them. But a billionaire around Caspian's age blocked our path, so we stopped.

"What's up, Lordcan? You shitfaced, I already said that she's mine! 500 million! Why the hell did you waste a hundred billion?" he shouted at Caspian. He's right. What man would spend billions on one woman? He must be out of his mind. I was startled when Caspian punched the man. The man fell to the ground while holding his jaw.

"Then you should have made your 500 million into a billion. Fucker," Caspian said roughly as he grabbed my hand again until we were out of Red Market. I'm scared. I don't want to go with him.

"Get in," he said tersely when we reached an expensive car. The front seat door was already open. I had no choice but to obey his command. I remained silent throughout the journey as he focused on driving. Many thoughts raced through my mind. What will he do to me? I feel like jumping out of this moving car.

"Get out," the billionaire who bought me said harshly. Caspian Lordcan. Despite the fear I felt, I rolled my eyes in defiance. He stood beside me, holding the car door. I crossed my arms, even though my hands were shaking from cold and fear, and looked at him challengingly.

"What if I don't? If you're planning on killing me sooner, why not now?" I said defiantly, raising my chin as I met his dark gaze. If he can pretend to be happy when he's sad, I can pretend to be brave even when I'm scared. His hair is so dark, he's not that white but he has very hot skin. Not too fair, not too dark.

He's wearing a three-piece suit so I can't see his arms. Why am I thinking about this? I have to get rid of him. I need to find a way to escape. I gave him a very sweet smile. I saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion. He probably wonders. He hasn't recovered from his confusion when I quickly kicked him in the stomach, causing him to step back.

"Shit!" he cursed and clutched his stomach. I heard him groan. I quickly got out and was about to run while I still had time, but a strong arm wrapped around my waist. A sarcastic laugh echoed around me.

"What do you think you're doing? That's just so cute, Khione," Caspian chuckled sarcastically and teasingly over my ears. He tightened his grip on my waist, pulling me closer to him so I could feel his solid body against my back. He wasn't hurt by what I did earlier? Seriously? I'm wearing heels, how did he not get hurt?

"Try harder, baby," his sexy deep voice made my whole system on fire. I screamed when he suddenly lifted me up. My stomach was now on his shoulder. I hit his back, but he just laughed. Seriously? He's not in pain?

"Put me down!" I screamed, but he didn't listen. "Or else I'm gonna kill you!" I threatened, but he wasn't scared at all. He laughed and walked towards a large house.

"No can do."

Once we were inside the house, he placed me on the soft sofa. At least he put me on his sofa. Not on the bed.

"Hey, I'm leaving! Just withdraw your one hundred thousand and I'm out of here!"

"It's one hundred billion," he corrected me. I just rolled my eyes.

"One hundred billion! Take it back! I'm leaving!" I stood up and was about to leave when two giant men suddenly blocked the front door. They looked like incredible hulks. Where did they come from? I didn't see them when we entered earlier.

I faced Caspian, folding my arms across my chest and pouting. "Hmm? You say something?" he asked nonchalantly.

What the heck? Is he not even listening to me? Should I punch him? What's he thinking? All this time, am I just blabbering to myself here?


"Hi darling! Why did you leave me? Come here, let's continue what we're doing earlier." I looked towards the grand staircase upon hearing the shrill voice of a woman. Guess what? Her soul was practically visible as she descended the stairs. The woman, like a parrot, approached Caspian and wrapped her dainty hand around his arm.

"Well, I can't, Shella-"

"It's Sheena."

Look at that. He even got her name wrong. Where did he find this flirtatious woman? Am I in a freaking prostitute house?

"Rolando, take her where she wants," Caspian ordered one of the bodyguards.

Really? He's letting me leave?

I smiled as I approached the guard, but my smile faded when he just brushed past me. I followed him with my gaze. Rolando approached the parrot-like woman and held her arm tightly.

Then, in an instant, the woman and Rolando were gone.

I couldn't believe it. I looked at Caspian in disbelief. "What the hell? I thought it was me," I hissed, shooting him a glare.

Assuming much. Damn.

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Latest Release: Chapter 13 12   08-30 19:37
1 Chapter 1 Prologue
2 Chapter 2 1
3 Chapter 3 2
4 Chapter 4 3
5 Chapter 5 4
6 Chapter 6 5
7 Chapter 7 6
8 Chapter 8 7
9 Chapter 9 8
10 Chapter 10 9
11 Chapter 11 10
12 Chapter 12 11
13 Chapter 13 12
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