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Yours in Every Lifetime

Yours in Every Lifetime

41 Chapters
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"You are mine Scarlet, you belong to me. I will never let you go." The hands continued to roam down her body and finally moved towards her most private place. "You are ready for me my darling, do I have your permission to take you?" The guy with the blue eyes whispered achingly. "Yes my love, take me , I belong to you." Scarlet whispered back with so much longing... Scarlet Montgomery is engaged at birth to be married to Allessandro Rossi: two babies destined to be enemies and both heirs to two powerful feuding families whose only reason to engage Scarlet and Allessandro was to serve their selfish interests. Scarlet and Alless had to find a true reason to come together and in doing so, lost themselves irrevocably in each other to the amazement of all. Go on this thrilling journey with Scarlet and Alless, a love that transcends time ,of heartache and enmity . Can their love break them free from their predetermined fate?

Chapter 1 Strangers But Not Strangers

The quiet in the first-class cabin was deafening. Scarlet, on her way from Toronto after five years of absence from home, was elated to see her beloved family. Even though she would love to fly economy, her doting father would never want to hear of it. The princess can only have the best, and so here she was on a plane, feeling lonely but quite looking forward to landing so she could see her family again, especially her father and only brother.

Across the aisle prowled a very handsome man, all legs and blond. Sitting and bearing himself off from the five passengers in the cabin, Scarlet looked closely, and the blond man, as if feeling the stare, turned around slowly to see who was gawking at him. Scarlet's green met the bluest and most perfect set of eyes she had hardly ever seen in her twenty-four years of life. "Oh my God! How can there be eyes like that on a normal human being?" She thought... She could not pull her eyes away from the piercing blue eyes of the beautiful man.

Across the aisle, Allessandro Rossi thought, "Dios! How can anyone be so perfect? he was captivated. He has seen his fair share of all types of women. Being rich comes with its perks. All women, young and old, were willing to fall to their feet at the snap of their fingers. It was getting boring, but that was until a few seconds ago. He felt a kick in his lower region, something he had never felt before, and his heart began to thump. One look at the beautiful brunette with the dreamy green eyes, and he was gone. Never had he felt as if he had known someone so ethereal before. They continued staring as if there were only two of them in the cabin, with wide eyes and a look of surprise on their faces.

'Excuse me, sir, would you like any refreshments?' An air hostess brought Alless back from his reverie, blocking the beautiful view. Alless craned his neck around the air hostess to catch a glimpse of the lady but could not. The air hostess had completely blocked his view. "

"No, thanks. I will call for some if needed," Alless replied to the hostess in a brusque manner, ignoring all her attempts to attract his attention. Alless did not fail to notice the batting fake lashes when she talked: all the signs of the women he was used to; too willing to submit, a total turn-off.

When the air hostess left the cabin, Alless turned around to see that the beauty facing the window had become completely engrossed in a book held very close to her face.

Scarlet could still feel her eyes boring into her. She knew the man was still staring intensely at her. "I will not give way to this alien feeling. I have never met anyone like this. Who is this man? And why does he also seem to be interested in me?" All these thoughts were running through Scarlet's mind while she kept her eyes firmly glued to the book, trying desperately to look unaffected by the man without success.

Alless, seeing as the lady was obviously avoiding him, sighed, and sat back down properly, and tried to go back to the task at hand. What will be will be, Alless, a firm believer in fate concluded. Eduardo, Alless' personal assistant, had noticed his boss' movements and head turns in silence. He had never seen him like this. For the first time in all the years he had worked for him, he saw a spark of interest in the depth of his gentle friend's blue eyes. Was that a real spark he saw, or was it just a mirage like he had seen so often? He stopped thinking and concentrated on the reports he was writing.

Scarlet, while trying to concentrate, dozed off with the book covering her face and fell into deep sleep, where she had a very explicit erotic dream of a man with very intense blue eyes and a perfect body. She could feel hands touching places that had never been touched before. She felt the gentle caress inching forward to the underside of her breast. The hands completely enveloped one of her breasts, twerking the nipple, which made her moan.

A hot, moist mouth took in completely the other breast, sucking it in an achingly poignant way that made Scarlet scream silently in ecstasy.

"You are mine, Scarlet; you belong to me. I will never let you go." The hands continued to roam her body and finally moved downward to touch her most private place.

"You are wet already for me, my darling; do I have your permission to take you?" The guy with the blue eyes whispered

"Yes, my love, take me; I belong to you." Scarlet whispered hoarsely back. Poised above her, the gentle, beautiful man with deep blue eyes lowered his head and kissed Scarlet on the mouth while imitating the kiss. He pierced her maiden head, and she let out a silent shout of exaltation."Aaaah!" She screamed silently.

He thrust gently into her, and Scarlet grabbed him from his back with all her strength, telling him without a word that she did not want gentleness. He continued to thrust in and out of her in quick succession, bringing them both to a shattering climax that they never believed was possible.

Scarlet gave a visible jump and realized that it was a dream. Her cheeks became inflamed when she noticed the subject of her dream was staring intently at her.

"Oh my God, what is this madness?" She could still feel the tell-tale stickiness in her underwear, evidence that what she dreamt about was very real. She blushed hard when Alless continued to stare at her intently.

Alless, looking at the beauty before him, could not help wondering what she dreamed about. "What are you doing here?" Scarlet asked, avoiding his eyes.

"Hi, I am Allessandro Rossi. You are beautiful; I can't take my eyes off you." Scarlet blushed even deeper. If this man knew what she just dreamed about, she wondered if he would think she was a psychopath.

"Hi, I am Scarlet Montgomery." Scarlet replied shyly.

"Wait a minute! Rossi, Montgomery!" They both exclaimed together.

"Is it the Montgomery I think it is?"

Alless held his breath, praying desperately inside him that the answer would be no. Of course there would be no other, as there were only one Rossi and Montgomery family in Verona, and they were both on a plane to Verona. It was what he feared.

"Yes, those Montgomerys," replied Scarlet. "Are you the Rossi I think it is?" "Yes," Alless whispered forlornly.

They continued staring at each other without moving, oblivious to the landing call by the air hostess and safety belt warnings.

"Sir, we are about to land; please kindly go back to your seat." Eduardo, seeing his friend and boss so lost, called out. Alless reluctantly went back to his seat, his eyes a little dim.

After landing, Scarlet made her way to the hired car. She had not informed her parents of her homecoming, so no one was waiting for her, or there would be a fleet of cars and bodyguards all over the airport. She did not delude herself that her father was not aware of her homecoming; nothing escaped the eyes of Leonardo Montgomery. He was just humoring her so she could feel some level of freedom.

Scarlet scanned the milling crowd to see if she could find the guy with the blue eyes. She looked around, and ultimately, their eyes clashed in the distance. Alless had been following her movements, and she hoped she would turn around and look at him. When their eyes clashed, he felt that kick again in his lower region. He smiled and waved at her. Scarlet waved back, feeling a little sad and wondering if they would ever meet. They were worlds apart.

A short distance away, a car was waiting for Alless. Eduardo had gone ahead and was already standing by the open car. Alless entered the opened Lamborghini, sat down, and rested his head on the back of the plush chair. He was tired but felt elated and galvanized. He has seen something he liked, and he can never let go. He was Alless Rossi! He closed his eyes, and the stress of the last week overcame him. Even in the murky depths of his dreams, a bewitching smile and eyes so green were beckoning to him. Will he ever see Scarlet again?

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Latest Release: Chapter 41 The enemy within Ā  09-16 00:43
3 Chapter 3 The Prince
6 Chapter 6 Confused
7 Chapter 7 Friends
8 Chapter 8 At Last
21 Chapter 21 Secrets
35 Chapter 35 Verona
Yours in Every Lifetime

Chapter 1 Strangers But Not Strangers



Chapter 2 The Princess



Chapter 3 The Prince



Chapter 4 The Surprise



Chapter 5 It was like a Dream



Chapter 6 Confused



Chapter 7 Friends



Chapter 8 At Last



Chapter 9 Again and Again



Chapter 10 Made for each other.



Chapter 11 In another time and another place



Chapter 12 We are one for all eternity



Chapter 13 Yes, I remember



Chapter 14 A day written in the stars



Chapter 15 We were meant to be



Chapter 16 The beginning of our forever



Chapter 17 Our brand new life



Chapter 18 Two of us , together



Chapter 19 We are who we are.



Chapter 20 Loving like never before



Chapter 21 Secrets



Chapter 22 Could it be love



Chapter 23 My mother , my love.



Chapter 24 A new beginning



Chapter 25 A new city, a new life



Chapter 26 A greater joy



Chapter 27 A new kind of love



Chapter 28 The Call and the awakening



Chapter 29 Answering the call



Chapter 30 Am I good enough



Chapter 31 No more secrets



Chapter 32 Different Plans



Chapter 33 A new kind of pleasure



Chapter 34 Pleasure in the sky



Chapter 35 Verona



Chapter 36 Time alone in Verona



Chapter 37 The new heirs



Chapter 38 The initiation



Chapter 39 The nightmare begins



Chapter 40 The new comers, who are they


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