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Fated and mated ( my bully alpha)

Fated and mated ( my bully alpha)

5 Chapters
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Melissa Jones was rapidly turning into a lady, her womanly features were as pronounced and a sharp cheekbone. One week to her eighteenth birthday,her transformation day,her father broke the news of marrying her off to a powerful alpha from another clan. In a bid to avoid getting married,she runs away and runs into the clan of an egocentric alpha,a ruthless alpha and a very attractive one at that. Sensing danger,she tried to leave but he gave her a condition. Either she stays at his clan as a watch nanny over an ancient beast that has been their hostage for over a long period of time and gets her freedom within a month or she remains in his clan as a captive forever. Angry and ready to tear him down,she speaks harshly to him and he lets her go away. She returns home only to get the news that her suitor would be arriving the next day. What happens when she finds out her suitor is no other person than the alpha she spoke rudely to? What happens when the alpha keeps it in mind to bully and teach his sharp mouthed wife a lesson.

Chapter 1 Escape

Soft feet hit the floor, running hastily and looking behind her as she ran through the woods,not bothering to turn back or know if she's been followed. A marriage? To a man she barely knows? She scoffed as she got to the foot of a huge tree. She didn't leave with her wristwatch so she didn't know what time it was but she knew she needed to keep running.

"Good morning dad." She'd greeted that morning and was welcomed with the smiling face of her mother who pulled out a chair for her to sit.

"You look happy mom, what's the occasion?" She'd asked, oblivious to her father talking on the phone to God knows who.

"Of course your dad has a good news to deliver to you and it's something we've all been waiting for." She furrowed her brows. Aside her transformation and finding her mate,there was nothing they've all been waiting for so she ate her breakfast,all the while waiting for her father to finish with his call.

"I see you're down Melissa." Vanda,her father said, cutting his meat with the knife.

"What's the big deal dad? What am i supposed to know?" She'd asked.

"Your suitor, I've found a suitable man for you." He dropped the bombshell as her fork fell from her hand. "What?"

"You heard me right, get ready to go with them in a few days time."

"But dad I haven't transformed and I still don't know who my mate is,I thought this is a wolf thing, ending up with your mate." Vanda scoffed, wiping the side of his lips.

"You have just a few days and hours to get yourself prepared, I do not want tardiness." He carried on with his food like nothing had happened while Carlotta her mom stood speechless beholding the sight.

"You both suck!" She stood on her feet and ran up the stairs.

As she walked into her bedroom, her eyes took in the pretty atmosphere in it, in one week time she'd be turning eighteen and that's the rightful age for every werewolf to transform into a full blown wolf.

"A marriage?" She asked herself lowly, shaking her head.


Now as she made her way away from the foot of the huge tree, she was glad she'd sprinted away. Who gets his or her daughter married to an unknown person?

After her parents had broken the news to her, she'd been walking down the stairs when she heard voices coming from his office so she moved backwards quickly and placed her ear on the door. She didn't care if he'd sense it due to his high alertiveness as a werewolf and a powerful alpha at that.

"Marrying her off to alpha Alden from crimson moon pack is our last option to retaining power in this present time when rogues roam the woods and break into several packs when no one is watching."

"I agree." Carlotta concurred as Melissa closed her eyes. Marrying her off because of power? She sighed and moved away from the door as something ran through her mind. A thought. "You can flee now,no one will know." The voice came from within her and it made her really surprised.

She gasped and looked around, hoping no one heard anything before she ran up to her bedroom, utterly convinced about running away.

For how long she's been running she didn't know but as soon as she let herself look around the environment,she noticed she was no longer in Moonlight pack, something was creepy about this place and she smelt danger.

'where exactly am i?' she asked herself mentally, turning around until she saw a huge statue of a giant wolf,it looked so real it might give any human a huge fright if a human lays eyes on it. Immediately she knew she'd trespassed into another territory and it won't be long before their sentinels appear in front of her.

Fear of an imminent danger washed over her but the will to run away from a loveless marriage to a man who's not her mate pushed the fear lower.

"To whom do we have this pleasant surprise?" A deep baritone voice asked as she stood rooted to her spot. Definitely the owner of this voice has to be very huge. She thought,then turned slowly to look at the person.

A huge man stood, towering over her, his facial features pronounced and his skin so pale she wondered if he was sick.

"For the record I'm not sick and two,who are you what are you doing on this land?" He asked as two other guys walked over to meet him.

"I see we have an intruder Beta Allan."

"Yes,an intruder who thinks I'm sick but I'm afraid i ain't sick." She rolled her eyes and immediately he knew she wasn't human.

"You aren't shocked that i read your thoughts? You must be a werewolf, bundle her up,the alpha has to see what we've got."

"What do you mean your alpha has to see what you've got? I'm not a commodity and i tell you what,I'm leaving the way i came." As she walked passed Allan,his hands snaked around her waist as he hoisted her up onto his shoulder.

"Not so fast vixen."

"Put me down right now or__"

"Or nothing,I suggest you sleep."

"You've really got some nerve, what kind of barbaric attitude did you just display?" Melissa screamed at him but he wasn't fazed.

"I think it's you who is mannerless and walked loosely into the territory of another person,you should be tried and if found guilty sentenced to death by sending you into the forbidden den." She furrowed her brows as the sentinels with him laughed hard.

"Whatever you think you're trying to do? It's just a stunt and trust me when my father finds out I'm missing and comes for me, you'll regret taking me captive."

"So why then did you trespass?" Came a deeper voice which slowly shook the room. She froze,not raising her head. If she were to be a human, she'd have peed her pants but being accustomed to seeing several alpha's during occasional events made her man up to the feeling.

"Take her to the dungeon while she awaits my judgement."

"What? Dungeon? You dare not I'm not fit for such a place,who do you__"

"Allan now!" he screamed.

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Latest Release: Chapter 5 New arrival   08-04 21:21
1 Chapter 1 Escape
2 Chapter 2 Not captive
4 Chapter 4 D-day
5 Chapter 5 New arrival
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