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Kayla's Second Chance Mate

Kayla's Second Chance Mate

5 Chapters
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Kayla Bridges has been made to feel like a mistake her whole life. She thought things were going to change for the better, but it only got worse when she was sold to Silver Moon Pack by her father, the alpha of Crystal Pack. She serves in the hope that one day, her luck will change, and it did when she was noticed by the Alpha. Alpha Damon, the merciless and feared alpha of Silver Moon Pack, took his claim on Kayla in the most unholy way. She loved him, and she trusted him until he rejected her for her step-sister during his mating ceremony. She ran to hide herself from the disgrace, but there was no running from fate. While on the run, she discovered she was pregnant. Pregnant for her destroyer, but she couldn't go back. She couldn't die either. She had to live for her unborn child. As Kayla's life progresses in ways she could have never imagined, she meets her second chance mate, Alpha Zayn, who rescues her and gives her a home and a pack. But is she really allowed to be happy? Alpha Damon was in search of her, he wanted her back as her step-sister had destroyed his pack. Would he find her and take her back, or would she choose to remain with her second chance Mate?

Chapter 1 Sold


Sometimes I wonder why I was born. For others, being born is a great opportunity, but for me, it is a grievous offense. Every day is the same. I had hoped that today would be different, just like I do every day, but I didn't mean this kind of difference.

'Hurry up you hag' Beatrice yelled from the other side of the door.

'You may be useless, but not everyone is. Useful people have important things to do with their time'. It stung. You would think that after hearing insults being hurled at me every day, I would have gotten used to it, but it still stings every time.

I guess I was never really normal. My entire life wasn't the ideal setting for any kind of story.

I let out a sigh of relief when I heard her retreating footsteps. I used my finger to wipe the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes. They had finally decided to get rid of me. I knew it would happen sooner or later but doesn't make it hurt any less. I don't know how to feel.

This morning so far has been worse than my worst nightmare.

***This morning***

'Open this door at once Makayla.' I heard a voice from the other side of the door. I couldn't make out whose voice it was because I was still quite sleepy. I stood up to answer it anyway.

'Good morning to you too Beatrice.' I crossed my body across the doorway and stood face to face with Beatrice, at least almost face to face, seeing as she was a lot taller than I was.

'Move out of my way, I have neither the time nor the energy for this.' She pushed me out of the way and walked into my room.

'Why are you in my room this early, and what don't you have time for?' I voiced my concerns while she strutted across the room like a supermodel and sat on my bed like she was sitting in a pile of vomit. She might as well just stand.

'Because dear sister, I have to deliver very important news to you.' The sinister smirk on her face and her overly loving tone was a clear indication that this wasn't good.

'What news?' I could not hide my fear as my voice trembled while I spoke.

'You'.... She pointed directly at my chest.... 'are leaving.'

'Leaving? What do you mean leaving?' My mind was going everywhere. The room was spinning around me. Did she mean what I thought?

'It means we are tired of seeing your ugly face and we finally found a way to get rid of you.'

'Whatttt.....'My heart broke. I knew this would happen

***End of flashback***

No one ever cared about me, not even my dad, who is the alpha of this pack. Our pack isn't the most powerful, and my dad isn't the most powerful Alpha, but he at least had enough power to protect me from the suffering and hatred, from the insults and curses I receive every day, but he chose not to. He chose to ignore me as an abomination, just because I am different.

His affair with a human, my mother, had nothing to do with me. It was completely his fault, but I have had to bear the consequences all through my 21 years of life. My only mistake was being born. To think I competed to come into such a life. My mum died after I was born, and ever since, I have become a forbidden secret amongst the family.

'If you do not come out with all your belongings, I would get the guards to break down that door and drag you out like the piece of shit you are.' Beatrice yelled from the other side of the door.

'I'll be out in a little while.' I tried not to let my emotions be evident in my voice. After all, no one cared about how I felt, and it would only make them mock me if I showed any signs of weakness.

I knew they would find a way to get rid of me eventually, but I did not expect to be sold.

The only person that makes me feel more like a human being is their mom, Margret. But she doesn't have much of a say, and she can't be caught being nice to me. She's such an angel for treating me well, knowing her husband cheated on her.

I took a final glance at my room. It's not the best-looking room, with the creaking floorboards and the worn-out wardrobes, but it was the only place where I felt safe and protected. And now, I am about to lose it too. I have lost everything good in my life, and after this, I no longer have anything to lose. How pathetic.

I stood in a room with five people staring me down, my belongings leaning against my legs. My father was trying to avoid meeting my eyes, while my siblings had the same sneer they always had towards me. Two well-built men in black that I did not recognize were also present in the room. I assumed they were here to take me.

'She is the one you are here for. Please take her and keep her with you. She is not needed here.' Beatrice's high-pitched voice confirmed my thoughts. They are here to take me.

'Move your belongings out. There is a vehicle waiting outside to convey you to your destination. When you arrive at the final destination, you will be instructed on what to do. Follow every instruction without complaints, or there will be grave consequences.' The blond-haired buff man spoke strictly, without showing any emotion. It was terrifying. I stood there, staring and waiting for them to lead me out.

'Get out! Just in case they weren't clear enough.' Beatrice added. I simply bowed my head and rid the room of myself. I had started to accept my fate, but I was scared of the unknown.

After enduring curious stares and whispers from the pack members and other staff, I finally made it to the bus. My belongings were thrown somewhere among many others by the driver, and I entered a bus full of people like me, sold.

I occupied the only vacant seat, I guess I was their last stop. The fear in my heart multiplied once the driver started the engine. I did not know where they were taking me to, or what lay ahead, but I knew one thing for certain, it can never be a good place.

I took a final look at the pack house as the bus drove out of the compound, with only one thought lingering on my mind; would I ever be back?

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