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LYCAN Alpha Rejected Mate

LYCAN Alpha Rejected Mate

14 Chapters
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"I don't belong to you nor anyone, I have the right to my own body and can fuck who the fuck ever I want to !" I yelled suppressing the urges of pleasure that soared through me and in that instant, he ripped my dress apart. Ava's life took a drastic turn when she got sold off by her fiance into a contracted marriage to a ruthless Lycans Alpha who saw werewolves as weak beings. Going through stringent difficulties, she finds out that cruel fate at times, propels destinies to accomplishment.

Chapter 1 Conflicted Beginning


Chapter 1

In my heart, the agony that seethed inside me was irreparable.

How could he, how could he do that to me with the sister of his Beta in just two weeks of our marriage?Was it because I am weak or was it because I didn't let him have sex with me till he marked me? All the promises he made to me, was it all a joke?

I am done living this facade and hell of life.

Pain surged through me, emotions gnashing viciously, forcing back the tears that threatened to spill, I sluggishly dragged my suitcase out making deafening noise with my feet as I bundled my things with the help of my hand maid.

Walking towards the hallway, I saw him coming towards me. Right now I didn't care even if he apologized, all I could think of now was going back to my father's pack.

"You can't leave Ava" He called, his expression squinting to anger as he kicked out the suitcase.

"What ! , you should be on your knees pleading but you're not even the least apologetic for what you did Jace" I clenched my fists in anger, even though I was wolfless, I was the daughter of the Beta in the Red Moon pack but got bethroted to the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack due to circumstantial reasons.

I had learnt Martial arts to enhance myself since I couldn't transform into my wolf. I was remarkably weak even though I came from a strong linage.

"You can't leave because I've sold you off" He spat out without remorse.

"You... did what?" I asked, my ears twitched in their corners at another shocking revelation.

"I had a contract marriage deal with the Lycans Alpha to hand you over in exchange for an alliance" His voice held no remorse as those words left his lips. My heart crumbled to a million pieces.

What in the world was happening to me?

"You contracted me with the Lycans ruthless Alpha?" I asked my voice breaking down. I couldn't believe what was happening to me right now. I slumped down to the floor.

"How dare you contract me ...for a mere alliance Jace?" I asked in tears trying to incubate every unfortunate incidence that has met me today.

"Wasn't cheating on me enough Jace, why would you sell me off, am I that disposable?" My heart ached, trying to repress the horror that shot through my mind. I shivered at the thought of being sold to a ruthless maniac who saw wolves as pleasurable retribution and lowly beings.

"I needed to be on the good side of the Lycan Alpha, he needed someone to act as a Luna for him, so I contracted you in exchange for alliance !"

"You'll do as I say Ava, if you do not comply, I will kill her right in front of you " He warned dangerously, the look on his face wasn't funny as he grabbed the neck of my maid Lily, twisting it murderously.

He knew I was soft- hearted enough to the point of even caring for ants. He trapped me, forcing me to make a decision with the life of my precious lily on a thin thread.

"Stop Alpha Jace pls stop" I cried, my emotions betraying my voice as it came out faintly but sharp.

"I'll do it.. I'll go so pls stop this madness"

He let go of her and she slumped down to the floor, weak.

"Are you okay lily" I asked as I ran over to her fragile body, my tears tainting her delicate face in vertical rails.

"You're a coward, a weakling Alpha" I stood up in anger facing him.

"You're just a shadow of yourself hiding under the primace of an alliance and you know what,..I regret ever knowing you"

"Right now,, I curse myself a multitude times for knowing such a dumbass like you !" I screamed. I knew my words hit him hard but he feigned ignorance.

"Get yourself ready, a car awaits you" He said turning to leave and I watched in agony his fading footsteps.

"It's okay my lady" I heard the voice of my handmaid trying to soothe me.

"He..he gave me out to the ruthless Lycans Alpha oh I'm dead Lily" I sobbed slumping to the cold ground once more and hugging my maid tightly.

"How could he betray me like the worst possible way"

"Stop crying my lady pls, we have to leave, you'll get past it soon enough " She said trying to comfort me but I knew deep down, she was scared herself. She was like a sister to me and, ever since I was little, she knew and felt my every emotions.

"Okay" I nodded picking my pitiable self up from the floor and heading for the hall entrance with lily trailing behind me.


Guards were stationed at the entrance of the black limousine car as I approached, they made way for me as I climbed up into the limousine, the ac in the car calmed my nerves. I looked out through the glass tinted window and saw Jace Beta, Louis, coming towards the car.

"I'll be escorting you for the journey to the Lycans pack my lady" He said bowing slightly. I knew it was Jace that sent him to make sure I wouldn't run away.

"There's no need for the formalities Louis, I'm just a negotiable pawn for you and your Alpha"

"I'm more or less a prisoner so do not atone respect to my name Louis" I spat out rather harshly shifting my gaze towards my maid.

"Go back Lily, go back to Red Moon pack and live your life" I propelled but she shook her head negatively in objection.

"Lily, I can't have you suffer with me, it'll break me to see you get hurt so pls go back to the pack, that is an order " I sternly said.

"I'm sorry to disobey you my lady but I'm not leaving you all alone, wherever you go, I go, I'll follow you my lady" She said her voice breaking down. I knew she was about to cry and just then a drop of tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Oh Lily, pls" I sobbed but she shook her head negatively still firm to her words.

"Get in the car" I said and she blinked her lids in shock, the guards gave me a questioning look but I didn't care as I pulled her into the car and made her sit. After all, we were both females and Lily was a beautiful girl. It wouldn't be nice if I enjoyed the ride alone.

I looked out of the glass window again but then the Beta was no longer there, releasing the breath I've been holding for a long time, the door closed and just immediately, the car took off making squashing sounds in rythm to the portholes on the tared road.

Soon enough, sleep took over and I gave in to the darkness that called me.


I heard different voices of people as my eyes slightly shut open. A sizzling headache attacked and throbbed my head. I couldn't quite fathom what was happening outside. Beside me was the sleeping lily. I didn't want to wake her up so I quietly stood, shimmering my steps not to make a sound.

The car was opened and I got out as my feet met the ground. A cold breeze washed my skin and I realized that we were in a new surrounding.

Wait! Could it be that we've arrived at the Lycans pack. Fear seethed inside me, looking up I saw Jace Beta standing inches apart from a very fat man who dressed like a Butler.

This place looked medieval and felt more like nature apart from the gigantic white houses and towers that surrounded the place. Rumors had it that the Stone Blood Lycans pack were the wealthiest pack in history that deals with natural resources and Gold milling.

But then amidst my conflicting thoughts, a scent washed my senses.

An entirely enticing scent.

The scent pulled me in, forcing the urge to go after it

What was that?

The compulsion to find it was plausibly impossible to ignore. My feet moved on it's own, my wolf excited jumping in ecstasy at the refined scent that hit our nose and just then I felt my limbs reshape, ribs cracking and reforming its self. I fell to ground in pain as my head turned furry with my legs and hands now replaced with sharp paws.

What was happening, could I be changing into my wolf form? I cried out. The pain was excruciating as I tried hard to muffle my lips from screaming. And finally, I shifted to my utmost surprise. For the first time, my wolf surfaced to nature.

I was elated and confused at the same.

My joy knew no bounds.

But why did it just show up now?

Why did my wolf surface on inhaling this scent? All my life, I've tried so hard to force it out yet all my attempts yielded futility but I can't believe I'm staring at my wolf right now.

Indeed she was a beautiful one. With her white paws formed like stripes and stretching in vertical rails towards her brownish furs. Her dim yellow pupil glittering in her sparkling white eye balls.

I became anxious, what if something bad happens to her? I tried taking over but it was already too late as she soared high into the sky and took off to direction of the scent.

She was surprisingly fast and quick.

She shook her head trying to focus only on the scent.

A group of people dressed in Royal regalia sat round a table sipping their drinks but then I invaded the scene with my sudden intrusion, my eyes focused on the one man that sat at the left side of the table with no notable expression on his demeanor.

I could only see his back view.

A low growl emanated from my lips as I walked closer to him. I felt the piercing gazes on my whitish-brown fur yet I advanced forward.

But something shocking happened.

Tilting his eyes to my direction, I didn't miss the glint of shock, surprise and anger that smeared his face.

He scrambled up from where he sat and took off with me in an inhumane speed, changing into its own gigantic form. I couldn't ascertain any other thing on the way but I knew we ran past multitudes of people.

I inhaled his scent; a pure mixture of Almond, pine and Earth.

Reaching a serene environment, he halted and in a swift he shifted to his human form and tossed me to the cold ground.

I winced in pain but with my sharp gaze, I took in every part of his body physique; Pure sparkling gray eyes with flecks of green, smooth jawline, plump pink lips, perfect abs, long lashes, perfectly shaped nose, arc-curved thick brows, smooth face, flawless skin, sparkling blue hair and a revealing chiseled six-pack.

His beauty was a sin. My head was spinning as I stared at him and shifting into my human form to take in more of his qualities.

" Mate, mine " I called as I didn't know when the word escaped my lips, trying to cover myself between the sheer grasses as he already had on his regalia on him.

" I Alpha Astra Thrones reject you as my mate". A fierce sharp pain blazed my heart upon the rejection. I felt my head torn away from my flesh as those words left his. Words I never expected, going through rigorous day and facing a lot of emotions, finally finding my mate i thought i will enjoy his comfort, only to hear those words come out of his mouth.

And then it dawned on me, he was the Lycans Alpha.

" If I hear you utter that word from your lips, you'll be met with a fatal consequence "He added making my heart twist with pain even further.

I trembled as shivers ran through my spine at the command of his cold emotionless voice. My mouth dropped with shock as my eyes contained different emotions at the same time, tears threatening to spill out.

What happened? Why? Why? Why did he just straight up reject me without even knowing me.

"Do you understand" He asked but my wolf stubbornly didn't want to succumb to the order but anyways I shook my head in submission not being able to resist an order from the bloodline of Alpha.


Pls kindly leave a review after reading, would go a long way in boosting my hope and as well bless me with your gems 😊

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