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Hearing Alpha Diamond's Voice, Means I'm His Luna

Hearing Alpha Diamond's Voice, Means I'm His Luna

160 Chapters
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"I am the siren, the Alpha voice, and I shall be heard." "Darkest times are ahead, and they loom closer and closer to you with every second that passes. Just tonight, you have suffered a great loss." "You wish to find a way to expand your limits, and I gave it to you. But you pushed it away. I put her on your path for a reason." ...................................... One rogue's attack made Alpha king Diamond deaf and mute, now some other alpha want his throne using his condition as an excuse. Alice is a maid in the alpha king house, she was Diamond's childhood friend but things changed after that rogue's attack; he wants to have nothing to do with her. But Alice is the only one that can hear Diamond's mind link apart from his beta. Diamond sent Alice away from the pack to protect her, and Moon Goddess appeared to him that night. Now Diamond needs Alice to conquer his enemies. Will she come back? Will other alphas find out about her power to command and shapeshifter? Who's behind the rogue's attack that made Diamond deaf and mute?

Chapter 1 Rogues


"Attention, calling all maids to the throne room." I freeze as the announcement blares through the speakers. I'm in the maid's quarters, looking for something in my drawers, and I have to admit that this is an interruption. My friend Mia, another maid, watches me with boredom as the announcement continues to echo in the room.

"Give it up, Alice. Stop trying to prove that you were friends with the Alpha King when you were kids. You're a maid and what would Alpha Diamond want to do with you?"

I don't answer her. I just flip over my bottom drawer until all my socks fall out. But along with the socks comes a small folded parchment, containing the words, "To Alice, from Diamond."

"Aha!" I shove the paper right into her hands.

"Feast on that."

Mia rolls her eyes, but she just reads it aloud. "Dear Alice, I hope this note finds you well. I refused to open the door for you because I believe I made things clear. We are no longer friends."

She chucks the paper at me. "How old is this note?"

My face heats up. "Maybe eighteen years?"

"So he sent that to you when he was twelve and you were... six?"

"Yes," I mutter, pocketing the note. "It's important to me, okay?"

She laughs at me. "Why? Because you're hoping you could be close again? He's the Alpha King now, Alice. And our duty is to keep this place and the people running. Get over yourself and let's go before we get thrown out."

Everything she said was right. It's a stupid thing to hold onto, but I can't let it go. Even when Mia drags me to the throne room, I find myself bursting with hope. All the maids are now gathered for some sort of meeting, and instead of worrying about what it's for, I'm craning my neck, trying to look at the golden thrones on the dais. But the only person I find standing there is Beta Carlos, a tanned, dark-haired unit of a man who handles everything minor for Alpha Diamond.

He surveys the room with indifference, as a person of his standing usually does, clearing his throat before speaking. "I gathered you all here because we need one maid to come with us to the Moonlight Grove Pack for the annual winter solstice meeting tonight. Since we are short- staffed, we decided to see if anyone volunteers first."

I wait for hands to shoot into the air, but there are only whispers rippling among the crowd. The maids are all avoiding Beta Carlos's eyes as though they would evaporate if they made eye contact with him.

I understand why. Rogue attacks have been notorious lately. Our pack, Luna Pack, is the biggest and the strongest, which is the reason why we haven't experienced any breaches yet. But the smaller packs have, and it's enough for some of our maids to quit to be with their families. The only ones who are stuck here are the single maids or the ones who are desperate for money. Then you have people like me, loyal servants for generations.

Beta Carlos's frustration is clear now. He opens his mouth to say something but he stops when the curtains behind him suddenly open. And out comes the Alpha King himself, Diamond.

The world stops. My heart picks up its pace, beating so fast that I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I stare at him as he stands next to Beta Carlos, towering over him by half a foot. Everyone inside the room sinks into a bow, but I don't. I can't. The only thing I can do is stare at him. It's like he has his own gravitational pull on me. I'm unable to look away from the shiny waves of his black hair and the coolness of his blue eyes. Despite the raging snow outside, his skin has a touch of gold, complimenting the blood red coat he's wearing. His presence is almost divine. Even the chandelier lights from above seem to be drawn to him.

As though it can't get any better, he meets my eyes. And just like that, I raise my hand. "I volunteer to come to the solstice meeting."

"What are you thinking?" Mia hisses at me, trying to tug at my uniform to get me to lower my hand. But Beta Carlos already saw me. Alpha Diamond did too. However, his face darkens with disapproval.

I clear my throat and speak louder. "I volunteer! I will serve-"

"Alice, is it?" Beta Carlos interjects. "Have you forgotten that our Alpha King... can't hear you?"

The silence that follows is almost loud. Loud enough to make my ears pop. Only then do I realize my mistake.

Alpha Diamond is deaf and mute. For some reason, this has also affected his ability to mind-link. These are details that I shouldn't be forgetting, but then again, he and I have a history, and he didn't used to be that way.

We played together a lot as kids. He would take me to the forests behind the palace so we could pretend to spar. We were inseparable, until one night. All I can remember was waking up in the infirmary dripping wet and cold. Diamond wasn't with me, but I was told he was in his room. I didn't know what happened, and I still don't. But the first day I tried to visit him in his room was when I received his note.

Fast forward six years. He was eighteen, I was twelve. He got crowned as the next Alpha King. He could no longer hear or speak. Some say it was a curse from the Moon Goddess. Some say it was a developing disease in his body that reached its peak. It's been twelve years since that reveal. He's thirty now, and I'm twenty-four. No one knows the truth yet.

I want to tell him that I'm sorry through sign language, but I don't know how. He just turns to Beta Carlos and shakes his head ever so subtly.

He doesn't want me to come.

Beta Carlos swallows. "Alice... would you come up here, please? The rest are dismissed."

As I make my way to the dais, the maids start to file out of the throne room. Mia catches my eyes for a second and shakes her head, but I continue to walk until I'm standing in front of them.

"No one else wants to come," I point out in a shaky voice. "I... I want to go. I want to help."

Beta Carlos looks at Alpha Diamond pointedly. I don't know what kind of communication is happening between them, but it seems that Beta Carlos is urging him to give it a chance, probably because they have no other choice. Alpha Diamond doesn't seem to want to, but in the end, he relents and stands close to me. So close that I can catch his scent. So close that I can see the flecks of green in his eyes. So close that he can kiss me if he wants to. My breath hitches in my throat. Longing fills my heart.

How many times have I wished this to

happen? I want to say so much to him. I feel like so much time has been stolen from us. Our friendship was so amazing....

"I will do well," I whisper. "I won't let you down."

Alpha Diamond stares at me for a couple more seconds, then he just turns around and walks away. Beta Carlos sighs and starts to follow him, turning to me at the last second as though I'm an afterthought. "Follow me."

I run after him through the tunnel behind the throne room, but his long legs are carrying him so far and I have to jog to keep up. Finally, we arrived at the back lawn of the palace.

The cold hits me like a punch in the gut, but Beta Carlos tosses me a fur coat. I wriggle into it as a carriage pulls up in front of us, with a sleek red and gold body, pulled by two palomino horses.

"Get in," he says blandly, and I climb into the carriage with him behind me.

Alpha Diamond is already inside, staring through the window, completely ignoring my presence. I try to communicate with him, but Beta Carlos gets in and pushes me into the corner as the carriage starts to move.

The seats are cushioned and the walls are upholstered with red velvet, but I still get hurt as the carriage basically leaps and crashes on the cold snowy ground. The horses are running at full speed, which I understand, because we are about two hours until dusk, and Moonlight Grove Pack is one hour away.

The coachman whips the horses, rallying them into a frenzied sprint faster than before. I gasp as I fly off my seat. I thought things would settle after a while, but something seemed to be off. The horses are whinnying.

The silent path is now riddled with a mix of thuds and heavy breaths. A strange smell permeates the air. A putrid stench, a mix of rot and blood and savagery.

The scent of Rogues.

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Latest Release: Chapter 160 ..   09-30 10:26
1 Chapter 1 Rogues
2 Chapter 2 Alice POV
3 Chapter 3 Fight
5 Chapter 5 Alpha voice
9 Chapter 9 Alice
10 Chapter 10 Alice
11 Chapter 11 Diamond
12 Chapter 12 DIAMOND
13 Chapter 13 ALICE
14 Chapter 14 ALICE
15 Chapter 15 DIAMOND
16 Chapter 16 Diamond
17 Chapter 17 Alice
18 Chapter 18 Alice
19 Chapter 19 Diamond
20 Chapter 20 Alice
21 Chapter 21 Alice
22 Chapter 22 Diamond
23 Chapter 23 Diamond
24 Chapter 24 Diamond
25 Chapter 25 Diamond
26 Chapter 26 Alice
27 Chapter 27 Alice
28 Chapter 28 Alice
29 Chapter 29 Diamond
30 Chapter 30 Diamond
31 Chapter 31 Alice
32 Chapter 32 Diamond
33 Chapter 33 Diamond
34 Chapter 34 Alice
35 Chapter 35 Diamond
36 Chapter 36 Alice
37 Chapter 37 Diamond
38 Chapter 38 Diamond
39 Chapter 39 Alice
40 Chapter 40 Alice
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