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Unleashing Demon

Unleashing Demon

1 Chapters
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In the mystical kingdom of Golregius, a desperate battle against demons rages on. The last hope lies in the enigmatic Sorcerer, David Elvis, who possesses an ancient power capable of caging these malevolent entities. But he guards a dangerous secret: unleashing the demons grants eternal youth to any possessed body. Unbeknownst to all, the aging King Festus becomes obsessed with this forbidden knowledge, seeking a chance at rejuvenation and eternal rule. When David reluctantly grants the King's request, the consequences are unforeseen and dire. The sorcerer and the king find themselves trapped in each other's bodies, their identities swapped and destinies entwined. As the truth threatens to unravel, David must flee the kingdom, leaving behind everything he knew. Amidst this turmoil, a young boy named David Eul grows up unaware of his true heritage. Struggling to harness his magical abilities, he finds solace in the company of his gifted friends. But their lives take a fateful turn when the notorious assassin, Sertofia, alters the course of their destinies forever. In a tale of treacherous secrets, power struggles, and the complexities of love, David Eul must confront his true identity and master his unparalleled magical potential. The kingdom's fate hangs in the balance as the clash between demons and sorcery threatens to plunge Golregius into eternal darkness. Only by embracing his legacy and facing the past can David Eul hope to unlock the key to a destiny more extraordinary than he ever imagined.

Chapter 1 1

I Walked down the street looking so frustrated, under the full moonlight that made the street look brighter, was a woman called Mary whose son had gone wild after being attacked by some hoodlums who attacked him along the streets.

Mary had to hide her son to let nobody know about what had happened to her son, she had to accept to help a mother beggar whom she purposely tried to help on one condition to feed her energy to her son. After many hours of taking in the beggar and her little child inside her house, she had to lock it, so as for her son to feed on them.

"Mom looks," said the beggar child pointing at the possessed being. " please don't kill us," said the female beggar, "Aargh" Karl growled trying to attack the beggar and her son, Before he could say " Jack Robinson" the sorcerer David Elvis came into the room with a full speed and immediately grab the beast by his neck, which he threw him away that got him landing on some ceramic materials.

"Run away now," said David Elvis. Mary ran into the house hoping to see his son having a total recovery, but unfortunately saw her son lying lifeless on the floor, "Please don't kill him, he is my only child." Mary had to beg for forgiveness.

Before this had happened David Elvis helped Mary's son to get back to life using the unleashing of the spirit demons, but told Mary not to disclose the act to anyone, "I told you to reach out to me if anything was to happen to him, how could you let things come to this" David Elvis said, "he will be fine once he absorbs human energy" mary said with a wide face. " your son is now a beast I shall take his soul back, for him to rest" David Elvis said.

" No! You were the one who made him shift souls with another human, you can't do this to me" Mary said with her hands wide open trying to block David Elvisl from passing, " if this gets out to anyone that I used this spell, we both will be doomed" David Elvis said,

"No get him a new body or feed him with human energy," Ary said crying, Mary had to run back to her son in his lying position, on reaching there he grabbed his son's hands but it turned out that when you are near the possessed human he or she gets the chance to suck your energy.

On noticing this David Elvis had to stab Karl to death to end his life. After that night David Elvis carried Karl's dead body to the ghost sea where the dead bodies of the possessed humans are buried.

" master why do the bodies of the demon human turn to rock when they run wild," Henry asked, " A crack forms when the bodies clash with the soul they carry, which causes them to lose energy," David Elvis said. " This is already the fifth soul to run wild again," David said in a low tone.

"I think you should visit the king as requested, he seeks your presence concerning the new spell," Henry said. David Elvis felt some kind of shock after being informed about the king's request to see him. He left for the palace, on seeing the king in a weak situation he felt the urge of a wrong turn coming to him.

"Long live my king," David Elvis said bowing his head, "I have been trying to master a new kind of magic," asked the king, " it's nothing much my king it's just a trick for fun," David Elvis said while looking down.

"I know I can not ask to live for long, however, it saddens me that I do not have an heir to my throne," King Estus said, King Estus wanted David Elvis to perform the spell for him but David Elvis tried to lie, " there is no way for humans to switch bodies, my king," said David Elvis, " but you can do that, I mean the unleashing demon spell," King Estus said. David Elvis became shocked after hearing the king's words, "My king that is a forbidden act of magic which you know I can not perform".

The King knew that David Elvis would lie about the spell, " My king I can not shift your soul to another body, because it could lead to a clash between the body and the soul which leads to becoming an evil spirit" David Elvis said convincingly. " How about your body? I just need to shift just for seven days and you can take back your body" King Estus said while coughing.

" I heard you gave a dead man a new body and till now it's still living, I am the king of this kingdom and you are the only powerful sorcerer in this kingdom, David Elvis! give your king a new body" King Estus said rising from his throne. He walked towards David Elvis, he had to convince him with an open mindset, "I promise to return to my body after seven days' ' King Estus said.

After performing this spell the king became the sorcerer himself and the sorcerer became the king, the sorcerer felt the pains in the king's body.

The King himself had to sleep with David Elvis' wife, before doing this he wrote a letter to David Elvis as the king telling him that if his wife gives birth to any child the child is the king's son.

"I now feel young and healthy just like a youth," King Estus said, " my king is not feeling so well here, if this is what you feel as an old man it is so bad," David Elvis said.

" I would love to visit your wife for a little sleep with her, hahaha hahaha!!" King Estus said while laughing. " Noo!! My king you said you needed it to fulfill your task as the king and not to have an affair with my wife" David Elvis Said while crying, " I need to make an heir before I die !" King Estus said leaving David Elvis behind as the real King.

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Latest Release: Chapter 1 1   04-16 14:04
1 Chapter 1 1
Unleashing Demon

Chapter 1 1


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