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Princess Aurora Being a princess is one thing I wish I wasn't. Yeah I know some people will think it's a dream come true but it's hell. I never got to leave the castle to explore the outside world. The right definition to use is that I was a prisoner in this castle.

Chapter 1 In his arms

Chapter 1

Princess Aurora

Hi my name is Aurora and I'm the youngest child of the Louise family from kingdom Arran which means very wealthy.

My kingdom is known as one of the most powerful and wealthy kingdoms.

I should be happy right but I'm not at all.

The only thing that makes me happy here is talking to my sister. She also hates this life too but unlike me she tries to find something good out of it but I can't.

I'm 20 years old and my sister princess Karin is 22 , while my brother prince Albert is 24.

That makes me the youngest princess and I'm the one that has the highest bodyguard out of my siblings.

My father king Roland will do anything possible just to make sure his Kingdom expands. My father is the definition of a selfish person and that's where my elder brother got it from.

In the eyes of other people and the paparazzi he's a good man who gives charity and donates a lot of money for the well being of the people but we all know that it's just to get more fame and make other kingdoms want to join with ours.

My mother on the other hand, Queen Anastasia, was the exact definition of me.

Very quiet, humble and loving. I love her so much that she's the person I tell my problems too If Karin isn't there.

My father may be a jerk but when he's in front of my mother he's a completely different person.

It's like my mother has a way of taming him and sometimes I love to watch how loving my father can be.

Now I'm sitting in my room even though I have woken up earlier than usual.

I heard a knock and I knew who it would be, my maid Mary.

"Come in Mary," I said tiredly, looking outside the window..

"Good morning my princess," Mary replied.

The title princess I hated but if my father dares to find out that someone addresses me as Aurora he will go insane and I can't imagine what that person will go through.

"My princess, it's time for your bath", she said bowing down.

I sighed as I looked at Mary,


"Yes my princess,"

"What's my schedule for today?" I asked politely

"After breakfast, you have horse reading and politics lessons."

I sigh as I hate it so much.

I got out of bed as I went into the bathroom to take my bath.

After I was done Mary brought out a sundress gown for me as I wore it and went downstairs for breakfast with my family.

Not without my bodyguard following me.

"Good morning father"

"Good morning mother." I greeted bowing my head down with a little curty

My father just nodded as he stared at his phone.

"Did you sleep well? " my mother asked.

"Yes mom." I lied

I took my seat close to my sister as I smiled at her.

"Prince Ramon has returned back from America."

My father said and I almost choked on my own food.

"He will be visiting us tomorrow and we are planning on throwing a ball for him tomorrow night."

I continued eating,but my mind was loud.

Why must he be here?

Why must he come back?

That jerk.

A useless human being.

I wanted to scream but I held myself back as I followed the rule of the habit at the dining table.

"Aurora," my father called

"Yes father". I answered

"I want you to get closer to him okay".

"Yes father".

"I have a meeting now so I'll see you guys during dinner".

With that my father stood up and walked away then my brother followed him too

"I think I'll be in my bedroom," my mother said leaving the room.

Leaving Karin and I.

Karin pulled my hands and dragged me to my room.

"What was that for?" I whispered yelled

"I wanted to talk to you privately".

"You could have done it there".

"When the guards are there".

"Ok what's it." I said I was a little bit annoyed.

"Don't you find it weird, Aurora". Karin said making me look at her confused

"Find what weird".

"We all know that Prince Roman doesn't arrive by this time".

"True", I said, agreeing with what she's saying.

"Now dad is saying that you should get closer to him.

Isn't that suspicious."

"No," I said.

"I have a feeling that dad is up to something".

At first I was doubting what she said but I knew that Karin would never lie to me.

"So what's your deal Karin?".

"I don't know but I just feel Prince Roman coming home during this season is just weird".

I just sighed.

"I hate my life Karin", I said.

"Me too".

"I just want to be a normal person who just wants to explore the world Karin".

"I know aurora, but instead of looking at it that way, look at it as if you can find something good about being a princess."

"I tried Karin, I tried but I just can't.

I'm not like you, Karin."

"It's okay Aurora.

Maybe one day dad will let us see the outside world."

I sigh as I know that it's not possible.

"Princess Aurora, it's time for your horse riding." One of the maids informed me.

I stood up

"You want me to join you", Karin said.

"Really", I said smiling.

"Yeah I mean my schedule today is free you know".

"Thanks Karin".

I hugged my sister , if not for her I would have run mad in this palace I call home.

Karin And I went horse riding together and I was over the moon because Karin is just the definition of a joy giver.

Whenever I'm around her she makes me happy .

After horse riding she followed me too and had a politics lesson. Any time Karin is with me during politics we always argue which makes it fun.

My teacher will always sit and watch us argue before telling us whose correct .

But Karin always wins because she's super, super brilliant.

After that I went to my room with Karin.

We talked a lot and we browsed a lot about the outside world.

We talked about where we would love to go.

This is the reason Karin is my favourite.

"Aurora, let's play chess".

"If my father ever finds out we bought a chess board he'll explode on us. That's to show how strict he is".

I brought it out from under my bed while Karin ran to lock the doors.

We played for hours and it was so fun.

"Thank you Karin" I said

"No need for that".

"I wonder what I would have become if you weren't my sister".

"Maybe you would have committed suicide ", Karin joked.


I and Karin talked about other things like some jerk prince and princess.

When it comes to that Karin knows a lot and hates them all.

We spent the next two hours having fun till I heard a knock on my door.

"Princess Aurora and Princess Karin, your parents call for you."

One of the guards said through the door.


I looked at Karin,

"Silly it's time for dinner".

"O " I muttered.

During dinner my father kept talking about Prince Roman and his family. How he will be a great help if our kingdom joins together.

"What do you think aurora,"

My father said,

Why me, he should have asked my brother.

I smiled and answer,

"It would be great father,"


I looked at Karin who looked at me with an open eye I understand.

Something is definitely fishy.


"Yes father."

"I'll cancel all your schedule tomorrow and I want you and Prince Roman to spend time together".

I just nodded.

After dinner I went to my room not before Karin whispered to my ear .

"Something is fishy."

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Latest Release: Chapter 46 Final Ā  05-30 15:10
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