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Brenda gets mistreated by her step mother, forced to reject her mate and paired with a man suspected to be cursed. However, things happen and her fortunes for the better and she succeeds.



I fall to the ground for the umpteenth time as a result of of the mighty kicks directed to me by Gwen. She doesn't care where the kicks land or whether she hurts me or not. I feel like several ribs are broken but she's not willing to leave me alone despite my ear-splitting screams and pleas. It's like she's determined to send me to an early grave!

"Are you going to reject Edward or not?" She demands as she gives me a resounding slap just below my ribs. "You stupid bastard, I'll make sure I kill you before you take my man from me! Edward is mine and nothing can make him yours, not even the stupid mate bond!" She scoffs yet again.

"Please don't let me lose the only thing that I've put my entire hope into." I beg her as I try to sit up, still sobbing. "You've been robbing me of everything since I was a child and I've been quiet about it, always letting you have your way. Please let me keep my mate because you are beautiful and you have a lot of men who like you!"

"Shut your dirty mouth up your pathetic tramp!" Gwen cusses as she kicks me at the ribs, sending me flying across the room. I hit the wall with my back and upon falling to the ground, I pray that I don't get a serious concussion. "Edward is mine you bitch. He has been pursuing me of late and I like him as well, don't you dare ruin our relationship!" She demands.

"You're lying Gwen! You only want me to reject my mate because you hate me. Please let me accept Edward and I'll leave home as soon as we move in together. That way, my presence will never bother you any more!" I continue begging and making promises, hoping she will just have pity on me and let me have my way.

Well, it seems she's not willing to lend me a listening ear because my pleas only infuriate her further.

"Edward won't even look your way Brenda!" She scoffs. "You're so skinny and ugly, you're not even fit to be a Luna!"

What? That really hurts! But I'm sure she's only saying this because she doesn't want me to be with Edward. If she thinks she'll make me give up that easily, then she's in for a rude shock!

"Please Gwen, Edward is my only hope right now, don't make me lose him!"

"What if he doesn't want you to be his mate and ends up rejecting you? Won't you die out of shame? Won't it hurt you even more than you making the first move? Think sister, think!" She says.

I freeze for a moment and immediately recollect myself. I assure Gwen that I won't bother Edward anymore if he rejects me. I know that really hurts but I have to say those words so as to show how strong I am.

"We have a deal then, dearest big sister!" Those words roll out of Gwen's tongue, filled with a lot of mockery and hatred

"Don't move an inch from this place and I'll bring Edward here and I bet you, he will reject you and the pain will be so much to endure! You'd wish your poor mother never gave birth to a miserable bastard like you!" She says as she exits the room.

"Leave my mother out of this you bitch!" I say but I'm glad she doesn't hear because this would warrant me a few more kicks, punches and slaps!

My name is Brenda Adams and my father is our Pack's Beta. After my mother's demise when I was only two years old, my father was lucky to meet his second chance mate whose name is Mercy my step mother. Immediately after moving in together, she took in and a few months later, she gave birth to Gwen.

At first, Mercy was always kind to me but immediately she delivered, everything took another turn and she started mistreating me.

Gwen and I loved each other when she was young despite her mum trying so hard to separate us but she later heeded into her mum's demands when she was barely five.

Since then, my life has been a living hell and I've been forced to endure mistreatments upon mistreatments. I've been slapped, kicked, battered, denied food, I've been forced to eat left-overs and unhealthy food, I've seen it all in my eighteen years of live!

Since my father has been busy all through, performing his duties as the Pack's Beta, the Alpha's assistant and advisor, he barely has time for me and he has never realised how much his wife and daughter hurt me.

I've been afraid of informing Dad because whenever they beat me up and I threaten to report them, they always threaten to harm me and Mercy has severally threatened to hire people to kill Dad if I ever tell on them.

Well, he's the only relative who I can count on and I don't want to lose him, knowing what Mercy is capable of!

However, now that I am eighteen and having just realized that Edward is my mate, my heart is almost at rest, hoping he won't reject me.

Edward is the current Alpha of our pack, the Silver winds Pack. He has just taken over from his dad and to be sincere, I don't like him that much since he is a womaniser and he uses young girls to satisfy his sexual desires.

However, I have a feeling that he will change immediately we get mated because I'm determined to shower him with a lot of love and affection!

As I sit here, leaning against the wall whilst in a lot of pain, I can't help but pray that he accepts me and takes me out of this misery!

As much as I'd like to visit the Pack clinic to see the doctor due to the immeasurable pain that I'm in, I can't dare to leave and then miss the chance of Edward finding me at home when Gwen finally brings him home. I'm eager to see if he'll accept or reject me!

I decide to endure the pain as I curl myself up on the floor and wait.

'Just go to the hospital first and let's get treated Brenda!' my wolf says from my head. I Know she really cares about me but this is not just the time to show emotions and agree with her.

'No way!' I sturbonly refuse. ' I'll stay here and wait for Edward!' I say and immediately shut her out, putting a wall between us. It's not yet time to be controlled by our emotions! If she feels like it, she can as well heal me!

A few minutes later, I feel relaxed and the pain subsides. I silently thank my wolf, hoping she has taken pity on me and healed me. However, I don't move from the place I'm seated and instead, I just lie down and rest.

Time is moving so fast and before I know it, it's already dark and I can't stop panicking, asking myself why Gwen and Edward are yet to show up. Without knowing it, I finally fall asleep on the cold floor!

"Get up you disgusting fool." I wake up to Gwen kicking my thighs painfully. I sit up straight on the once cold floor which is now warm under my second hand clothes.

"Doesn't Edward want to reject me? Can we be together as fated by the Moon goddess?" I ask joyfully, ignoring Gwen's ill treatment.

"Listen to yourself!" Gwen mocks, laughing out loudly like a maniac. "Do you think Edward can stoop that low and waste his time coming here?" She mocks further. "Come on, he was too disgusted by you to come here and he said he can't waste his time coming to see your ugly face. He said he doesn't like you any bit and you don't deserve an Alpha like him!"

Oh no! Those words prick like a needle being driven inside my skin. I feel like a bee has just stung my heart due to the immense pain that I'm feeling. Is Gwen serious? Did Edward have to reject me while still far from me? Is this what it's supposed to be like? I thought a mate who doesn't like the other and wants to break the mate bond says it to their face so that the other person can accept the rejection? So why on earth did Edward sent my step-sister?

Before I know it, Gwen fishes out a phone and waves it at my face. I'm eager to know what's happening therefore I stare at it closely.

A video of him and Gwen kissing and hugging each other catches my attention. Edward is heard confessing that he doesn't like me, that I'm too skinny and not as fit as Gwen and that no one can compare to Gwen in his heart.

My heart aches and I'm sad and shocked at the same time. I can't believe that Edward is that heartless to reject me in my absence. I grab the phone to look at it, but I clearly see that it's really him who's saying all that.

Gwen provocatively asks me if I believe it now and then grabs her phone back. She then demands that I reject Edward and since I'm very sad, I say that I refuse him.

However, Gwen says that it's not valid the way I've said it therefore she says the right thing herself and demands that I repeat after her.

Without giving it a second thought, I mechanically repeat her words and just immediately, I start feeling particularly dizzy and before fainting, I hear her happily bragging that she has recorded everything!

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