I am in love with him for 2 years now and I intend to love him forever! I will enter Boss's Office. My chest tightened when I saw a woman leave the room. I know what they did. They had s*x inside and it's f*cking hurts. I composed and collected myself before I entered the Office. You can do this Thainah! I cheered myself up. When I entered the Office, I immediately saw Boss. He was fixing his clothes. I smiled to get his attention and adjusted my eyeglasses that weren't too thick. "Boss, this is all the reports for this month. Mr. Fausto wants to set a meeting with you. He wants to expand his land with your help" I informed. Our company sells a property, everyone who wants to do business in the Philippines comes here to us. My Boss is f*cking Billionaire and I'm proud. I have been working for him for 2 years now. I was 21 years old when I applied here. Fresh graduate. I remember talking to him for the first time and immediately caught my heart. -FLASHBACK- I entered the CEO's Office. I'm nervous because I don't know if I'll be accepted. I just graduated and my father needs me. He needs to have an operation. I don't want Papa to go blind. I need to get this job. I am applying to one of the biggest companies here in the Philippines. When I entered his office, my heart could not stop beating fast and strong as I laid my eyes on the most handsome I've ever seen. "Sit, Ms. Harris" I realized in the voice of an employee. I nodded and sat down. I don't know where to look. Is it his beautiful eyes or his beautiful body or his whole soul. Ackkk he's so handsome! My throat felt dry when he looked at me. "I will ask you directly." he said "Why are you applying for this job? Are you confident that you fit for this job? Are you deserving to be my secretary." he asked I don't know what to answer first but there is only one thing in my mind and that is what I will answer. "I'm not sure if I deserve this, Sir" I answered and his eyebrow went up. "But I do know that I need this, and I believe that if you need something, you'll do everything to deserve it." I answered like a beauty queen. I saw him smiling. He stood up. I just looked at him. Waiting for an answer. I want to bang my head. What kind of answer did I give? This is my first interview and I'm not shy. I'm intelligent. I graduated as Cumlaude. "You're hired and we're going to meet investors right now, Ms. Harris." he said and I found it sexy. Calling me, Ms. Harris. That's how he caught my eyes. He's responsible, strict, and always deadly serious. He bedded so many women. I don't even know how much it is now. He doesn't choose a place. Map Office, Hotel, Condo or what ever.
(Thainah's POV)
I came back to reality when Boss shook me. I felt the electricity again that I always felt when he touched me.
I want to taste his lips even for a moment.
"Hey, Thainah" I looked at him and quickly walked away.
"B-boss" he looked at me worriedly.
"Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded.
"I'm fine, Boss." me
"As I was saying, I'll have a dinner date with my fiancé tonight and I want you to be there and please don't talk about my s*x life with her when she asks you." he said.
I rolled my eyes
"Yes, Boss." he chuckled
"You're cute" he said and squeezed both of my cheeks.
"I'm not cute boss, I'm beautiful and please get your dirty hands off me maybe where else did that come from."
This is our attitude towards each other, Boss is nice in front of me but when he is in front of others he is like a soldier who doesn't know how to smile.
"You talk like I'm not your boss" he pouted, I hit him back.
"Because you don't deserve respect! You have almost bedded all the models!" I hissed.
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"You're jealous?" he asked while grinning.
My face turned red but I didn't show that I was too affected.
"I'm not jealous" I promised.
But the truth is I'm so jealous to the point that I want to imprison you inside my house so you'll never see other women.
"You're womanizer Boss, you're cheating to Ma'am Kaye" I said to him.
"I'm not cheating, it's called man needs and it's normal." he reasoned out.
"Man needs are not every day" I argued.
It's true, why does he really need to talk to women every day for his needs?
"I can't do anything about it. I'm Zephyr Yosef Allistair and I am a part of the Billionaire's Club, girls really chase me" he defended, smuggling.
"Alright, Boss Zephyr" I agreed boringly.
There's nothing I can do and I'm not really going to win this fight.
(Thainah's POV)
When the afternoon arrived, I went home first, I said goodbye to Boss. I just went straight to their restaurant where they will meet with Ma'am Kaye. It hurts to think, but the man I love is about to get married.
I want to cry but there's nothing I can do, it's his decision.
When I entered the house, I saw my gay brother. Graduating in Arts and Design. She wants to be a fashion designer someday.
"Hey! RafRaf!" I called him, he looked at me.
"Hello there, my beautiful sister! But I'm still more beautiful than you! How is your job with your Boss, if you're not enough, you'll be on your knees!" she asked.
Yes, I used her on her, because it's embarrassing for my beautiful sister tsss.
When he admitted that he was gay, Papa and I had no objections, Papa loved us and where we were happy, he was there too. He is also one of my reasons why I need to work right away. She and Tabia, our youngest sister who is already in high school. Mama died when she gave birth to Tabia, so now Papa is a kayod for us, he also hired a construction worker for us, so his eye was damaged due to the dust and churvas in the construction site.
"Where are Papa and Tabia?" I asked while placing the bag on the sofa.
"Tabia was with her lover Ethan, then Papa went grocery shopping" he answered.
I smiled. I owe a lot to Boss. Because of him, our house is made of cement. Everything my brothers and dad want, I can give them. We have fish in the market, Papa is the manager. Papa's eye is also fine and I owe Boss a lot. Because if he hadn't accepted me then, Papa's opera would have taken longer and I also needed money then for RafRaf and Tabia's tuition.
My smile disappeared when I thought back to everything RafRaf said.
"What did you say? Where is Tabia?" I asked again, my ears burning.
"A-ate" he grimaced and smiled.
I clenched my fist and took a broom. I left the house and went to Ethan's house.
"Sister! Wait!" RafRaf chased and chased me but I didn't stop.
Tabia will really find what she's looking for, she'll beat me when I see her at Ethan's house.
(Thainah's POV)
I came back to reality when Boss shook me. I felt the electricity again that I always felt when he touched me.
I want to taste his lips even for a moment.
"Hey, Thainah" I looked at him and quickly walked away.
"B-boss" he looked at me worriedly.
"Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded.
"I'm fine, Boss." me
"As I was saying, I'll have a dinner date with my fiancé tonight and I want you to be there and please don't talk about my s*x life with her when she asks you." he said.
I rolled my eyes
"Yes, Boss." he chuckled
"You're cute" he said and squeezed both of my cheeks.
"I'm not cute boss, I'm beautiful and please get your dirty hands off me maybe where else did that come from."
This is our attitude towards each other, Boss is nice in front of me but when he is in front of others he is like a soldier who doesn't know how to smile.
"You talk like I'm not your boss" he pouted, I hit him back.
"Because you don't deserve respect! You have almost bedded all the models!" I hissed.
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"You're jealous?" he asked while grinning.
My face turned red but I didn't show that I was too affected.
"I'm not jealous" I promised.
But the truth is I'm so jealous to the point that I want to imprison you inside my house so you'll never see other women.
"You're womanizer Boss, you're cheating to Ma'am Kaye" I said to him.
"I'm not cheating, it's called man needs and it's normal." he reasoned out.
"Man needs are not every day" I argued.
It's true, why does he really need to talk to women every day for his needs?
"I can't do anything about it. I'm Zephyr Yosef Allistair and I am a part of the Billionaire's Club, girls really chase me" he defended, smuggling.
"Alright, Boss Zephyr" I agreed boringly.
There's nothing I can do and I'm not really going to win this fight.
(Thainah's POV)
When the afternoon arrived, I went home first, I said goodbye to Boss. I just went straight to their restaurant where they will meet with Ma'am Kaye. It hurts to think, but the man I love is about to get married.
I want to cry but there's nothing I can do, it's his decision.
When I entered the house, I saw my gay brother. Graduating in Arts and Design. She wants to be a fashion designer someday.
"Hey! RafRaf!" I called him, he looked at me.
"Hello there, my beautiful sister! But I'm still more beautiful than you! How is your job with your Boss, if you're not enough, you'll be on your knees!" she asked.
Yes, I used her on her, because it's embarrassing for my beautiful sister tsss.
When he admitted that he was gay, Papa and I had no objections, Papa loved us and where we were happy, he was there too. He is also one of my reasons why I need to work right away. She and Tabia, our youngest sister who is already in high school. Mama died when she gave birth to Tabia, so now Papa is a kayod for us, he also hired a construction worker for us, so his eye was damaged due to the dust and churvas in the construction site.
"Where are Papa and Tabia?" I asked while placing the bag on the sofa.
"Tabia was with her lover Ethan, then Papa went grocery shopping" he answered.
I smiled. I owe a lot to Boss. Because of him, our house is made of cement. Everything my brothers and dad want, I can give them. We have fish in the market, Papa is the manager. Papa's eye is also fine and I owe Boss a lot. Because if he hadn't accepted me then, Papa's opera would have taken longer and I also needed money then for RafRaf and Tabia's tuition.
My smile disappeared when I thought back to everything RafRaf said.
"What did you say? Where is Tabia?" I asked again, my ears burning.
"A-ate" he grimaced and smiled.
I clenched my fist and took a broom. I left the house and went to Ethan's house.
"Sister! Wait!" RafRaf chased and chased me but I didn't stop.
Tabia will really find what she's looking for, she'll beat me when I see her at Ethan's house.
(Thainah's POV)
I wore comfortable clothes, a simple sunny dress paired with sandals and even had a sling bag oh thank you Thainah ata.
I also have a french braid, I'm not Boss's date but I want to experience him dating me but when? He just sees me as his trusted secretary.
I sighed, heavily.
I came down from the living room, I saw RafRaf doing something and Tabia's face was focused on the iPhone that I bought for her last month, I was saving it.
"I'm leaving" I said goodbye.
"Son, eat first" I turned to Papa who came out of the kitchen.
I approached and took the manual.
"It's very dark outside, Son. Where are you going?" Dad asked
"Sa-" before I could answer, Tabia answered.
"Papa is going to be fragile," Tabia said while still focusing on the cellphone.
I really want to strangle the boy! Terrifying!
"Don't believe that, Papa. I'm just going out, because Boss will take me on a date with his fiancé" I said.
It really hurts! I love that! I'm really dead to Zephyr Yosef Allistair member of Billionaire's Club.
"Suss! I can't believe it!" listen to RafRaf.
It's another mistake! I want to strangle my flesh!
"If you don't stop, you won't have extra money this end!" I'm hungry
The two's faces immediately changed and became silent. It's really just the opposite of the two.
"This is no joke!" RafRaf's excuse is that the gay man is afraid of losing money.
"I love you, Sister!" Tabia on the other hand.
I just shook my head.
"Just come home early, Son, don't stay up too late. I want you to be home by noon, is that clear?" Dad, I sighed.
"Papa, I'm not young anymore" I said to Papa, even though I'm 23, I still don't miss Papa.
"What's wrong? Maybe you want me to beat you! Even if you're 40 years old, I can still beat you, come home early! You're going to be really pissed!" I just scratched my head.
"Yes, Papa" I said and left the house.
(Still Thainah's POV)
When I entered the Restaurant, I couldn't stop smiling because of the music. It's "Til I Met You"
I looked for the table where Boss was. Boss and I met our eyes but I didn't show my excitement, I didn't show that I was affected by our eyes meeting. I walked towards them, smiling while still looking at Boss who was still looking at me. Right after the song I was able to approach them. I looked at Ma'am Kaye.
"Good evening, Ma'am" I greeted, she smiled and nodded.
"Good evening, Thainah. By the way, what are you doing here?" he asked her.
I looked at Boss who was eating and looked like he was thinking deeply.
"Boss" I called him.
I don't even know why I'm here, he wants me here that's why I'm here. Even if it hurts..
He immediately looked at me, I signaled to him. He immediately understood what I wanted to say.
Boss looked at Ma'am Kaye.
"I want her here" answered Boss which made my heart beat.
He wants me here? Why? To show that I have no hope for him? The thickness of peyslak! I adjusted my eyeglasses and sipped softly.
I saw the surprise on Ma'am Kaye's face. Ma'am Kaye is kind so I didn't show my motive to Boss even once. I know I'm beautiful and I'm more beautiful than Ma'am Kaye. Many people say that. Boss and I are indeed a love team because we are like husband and wife. He said Boss and I are more suitable and of course I was thrilled-who wouldn't be thrilled, right?
"He has things to discuss with me, Ma'am Kaye. You know your fiancé, Ma'am. He is more hardworking than a buffalo" I said proudly and bitterly, I want him to be mine but I can't.
"Right, Boss?" I looked at Boss.
He immediately obeyed and nodded
"Oh, Yes. We have something to discuss, Hon." Boss answered while looking at Ma'am Kaye.
My heart was stabbing while looking at the two of them. I loved Boss for two years, but he and Ma'am Kaye have been together for five years. I'm luge. He is the only one I love.
I just let them sit again at the table near them. I just ordered a glass of wine. That was the only thing that looked at them again. My heart is squeezing. I can barely breathe from the pain. They are both happy while I am hurt.
I smiled bitterly.
Tears formed in my eyes so I avoided looking at them. I reminded myself of looking outside. It's raining. Time seems to keep pace with the bitterness I feel.
(Thainah's POV)
I stopped drinking when someone stopped in front of me. I looked up at him.
"Want me to join you?" he asked, I stopped smiling and sighed.
"We are not in the bar, Evander" I said to the person in front of me.
Evander is my college ex. Now he is flirting with me again. Sometimes he comes to our house. He is now a Doctor. Good for him. He cheated on me before but now he is flirting with me again.
I saw him sitting in front of me. I made a face.
"Are you following me?" I asked irritatedly, he just shrugged.
"Nope. I was in a meeting earlier then I saw you walked like a goddess, in front of everyone. Don't you know that the hearts of the people here almost spit, Thainah because of you?" I rolled my eyes.
"I'll use it" I said as I fixed my glasses again.
"You look beautiful with your glasses" he said while looking at me.
He looked serious, I snorted.
"Stop me, Evander. If you don't want me to hit you" I threatened him, he chuckled.
"I'll visit your father tomorrow" he stated, I gazed at him with a dagger look.
"I'll punch your face tomorrow" I threatened him then he chuckled again.
He is always with me every week. It's his free day. He's irritating! He is like a leech with a strong attachment.
"I'm courting you again. Thainah" I grimaced.
"You cheated on me before. Do you think I'll believe you again?" I asked coldly.
The fun disappeared from his face and became serious, guilt flashed in his eyes.
"That's why I'm courting you, I've been courting you for one year" he complained, I gaped. I can't believe this life! Jusmeyo!
"I didn't tell you to date me!" I gritted my teeth.
"I love you, Thainah. From then until now. It's still you. I'll do everything to win you back. You were mine from the beginning and I intended to be your last" he said and I winced.
Evander is handsome but I have already moved on from him. What I want now is my Boss, I have no hope.
"That's crazy" was all I said to him, he smirked.
"Yeah. I'm crazy, crazy in love with you" then he winked, I just grinned at him.
Evander really has something in his brain.
I ignored him and just looked at Boss's table.
I straightened up when I saw that they were gone, I felt pain and anger. Come on! He is the one who sent me here and then he will leave me here too! I looked at my wrist watch. It's already ten, I need to go home now.
(Still Thainah's POV)
I was about to stand up but Evander spoke
"Where are you going?" he asked
"I'll go home" I answered.
"I'll take you home" he said.
"Let me take have a one-hour dinner with you before you go home" he added.
"Papa wants me to be home at ten" I said to him, he knows Papa and when Papa says I'm going home early I really should go home.
"I'll take you home so don't be worried, I'll tell your dad later if you're late." he said more
This is the one thing I hate about Evander. He is very tough. He didn't sometimes follow my Papa when we were still playing. He was always at our house but Papa only paid attention to him once in a while. He hasn't even taken me on a date yet because Papa doesn't want to. He respects my father but sometimes he wants what he wants and I don't want that.
"I have to go home" I said and stood up, he grabbed my wrist when I finally stood up.
"Okay fine, I'll take you home" he stood up, I was about to refuse but I couldn't speak when I heard the familiar voice.
"I'll take her home so back-off" my lips parted and I looked at Boss who was already by Evander's side. The face is dark. Did he and Ma'am Kaye fight?
"I'm his boyfriend" said Evander which made my head heat up
The thickness of your peyslak!
"I don't care. I'm his Boss and she's my employee" Boss promised coldly.
I feel small because of what he said. Oh right! I'm just his secretary.
Evander looked at him.
"Is that true?" he asked, confirming.
I just nodded, he nodded.
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Thainah. I'll go first" Evander said and left. Boss and I were left behind
We stood silently. I don't know what to say. I feel like I have committed a sin.
"Your boyfriend?" he asked coldly.
I am changing. I'm used to his voice being cold but not with me. He is cold to others but not to me. This is the first time he used his cold tone to me.
I took a deep breath before speaking.
"No, Boss. He's just a friend" I answered with my jolly voice.
I looked at him, my throat tightened when I saw how dark his face was. I think I'm in a bad mood. I think he and Ma'am Kaye had a fight and I seem to sympathize with his anger.
He looks so unconvinced.
"Really?" he asked again with his cold tone.
"Are you jealous?" I asked jokingly
"I don't know" he muttered.
My smile disappeared. My heart beat fast. I felt a strange sensation because of his answer. I saw him shake his head.
"Let's go, I'll take you home." he said and pulled me out of the restaurant.
I felt like my heart was going to explode in shock. Does he like me? Omg yeeeeeee
(Thainah's POV)
"Sister, you look like an asshole" RafRaf told me while I put the food on the dining table with a smile, I gave him a hard time.
"Don't ruin my mood!" I am interested in him.
I'm in a good mood and then my gay brother will ruin it?! Heysss!
"Sister, did something happen to you last night?" Tabia asked while taking a hot dog.
This one is also gossipy.
"What are you, sister?" RafRaf suddenly asked so I immediately hit him on the head.
"G*ga! Just eat! I'll kill you when Papa hears your craziness!" I warned them, she smirked.
"Papa, Ate oh, she gave iy*t to her Boss!" RafRaf shouted, I quickly slapped his mouth.
"You're so g*ga!" I said while he was rubbing his mouth that I slapped.
This is really my brothers headache!
"Sister, is it good?" Tabia asked, I raised my hand so she was silent.
"You're still one! You're so young!" I shouted at Tabia.
"Sorry Sister" she murmured.
"What did I just hear!?" We all stopped when we heard Papa's voice coming down the stairs.
I looked at RafRaf who was already wearing a peace sign.
"Papa, don't believe RafRaf" I convinced Papa
Papa's face was dark, he looked angry.
"Na'ko Thainah ha! I didn't raise you to be anything!" he shouted, my eyes widened at what he said.
"Dad!" I scolded.
RafRaf, you're really a bitch! The gay just laughs! Just look! You don't have a big pocket tomorrow, do you?
"Papa has a visitor!" Tabia shouted while looking out the window, you can see our gate right away when you look out the window.
"Come on sister! The handsome one is the macho one!" RafRaf giggled, I hit him on the arm.
"Stop my Boss RafRaf"
Yes, Boss is here and I don't know why he is here. My heart was beating fast but faster because of the fear that Papa might attack my Boss who was outside.
I saw Papa take a break.
"Dad!" I screamed and grabbed the brain but he pushed it away from me, my nervousness reached the sky.
"Don't stop me, you're young! I don't care if he's your boss and pays you!" Papa shouted and left the house with his brain.
Troubled and nervous, I looked at RafRaf.
"Help me you gay!" I shouted at him.
RafRaf immediately stood up at the dining table with Tabia. We ran outside. I can see the surprise on Boss's face.
Terrible! Shame!
"Dad!" RafRaf let go of Papa who was about to attack Boss.
I quickly approached Boss and moved him away from Papa but he was not hit.
"Boss, go home first" I said
"Wait, what's going on?" he asked in surprise.
He was wearing jeans paired with leather shoes with his plain black t-shirt that really fit his big body. I can still smell his beloved perfume. Then he was wearing a wrist watch that looked more expensive than my life. I shook my head, what am I thinking! I must be thinking of Papa.
As Wren introduces his girlfriend, Anya, to his father, he's met with an unexpected demand: to break up with her immediately. Confused and enraged, Wren discovers a web of family secrets and financial ruin that compels his father to make a deal with the notorious billionaire, Don Manuel Ferrer. Caught between love and duty, Wren must navigate a dangerous game of power and manipulation to protect his family, all while facing the prospect of an arranged marriage that threatens to unravel everything he holds dear. In a tale of sacrifice, betrayal, and unexpected alliances, Wren must confront the ruthless forces that threaten to tear his world apart.
It seems like Daemon's emotions and frustrations are running high, leading to a bit of a mix-up in his interactions. He's facing pressure from his family, particularly his grandfather, regarding marriage, and he's struggling to find a solution. His encounter with the single mother at the cafe seems to trigger some thoughts about Theo's suggestion to hire someone to be his wife. However, Daemon's attempt to propose this idea to the woman comes out in a clumsy and unintended way. It's clear he's grappling with his own feelings and the expectations placed upon him.
"In the glitzy world of Hollywood, Rosette Shin-Greco navigates a delicate dance between fame and secrecy. As a rising star, she grapples with her first intimate scene on set, haunted by the shadow of her mysterious billionaire husband, Arlo Greco. But when stolen shots of the steamy encounter surface, Arlo's possessive fury is unleashed, threatening to unravel their carefully guarded secrets. In a whirlwind of passion, jealousy, and betrayal, Rosette must confront her deepest desires and the dangerous consequences of defying Arlo's dominance. Will their love survive the harsh spotlight of fame, or will it crumble under the weight of obsession?"
"This November 13 2***, the President has already declared the evacuation of the people who live in such an area that is the source of thick smoke due to the spread of chemical gas. While the scientists are still continuing to investigate the origin of that thing..." I heard the news of the reporter on T.V. I just sighed and shook my head before placing the junkfoods I chose to buy on the counter. "Hey. How many months has that issue been, they still haven't been able to resolve it? Are they really scientists?!” the cashier complained while watching the news. I didn't say anything because he was right. The news has been like this for months. But until now it is still not finished, sometimes people just think that the Government is just making that smoke an excuse to cover up other issues about them. "All 180 pesos." I immediately returned to the store when the cashier told me that. "Oh! Just a moment.” I said. I quickly took out my wallet and gave him the money. He immediately accepted it and thanked me. I just smiled back at him before turning around carrying the junkfoods I bought. "Don't forget to wear a face mask before going out to avoid inhaling chemical gas—" I didn't hear anything else the reporter had to say when I got out of the convenience store. I am now wearing a face mask because that is the protocol given to us by Governments. We also cannot criticize their protocols because we might be given a warning. While I was walking home. I couldn't help but notice other people just coughing somewhere. It's like they have a serious illness. I just shook my head and continued walking until I reached Ate's house. "Im here." I said when I entered our house. I immediately went straight to the living room and put the junkfoods there before looking for Ate Mika. "Meisha, is that you?" I heard Ate Mika say from somewhere. I immediately looked at his behavior. Weird? He didn't call me "Shasha". "Sister Mika, did you just come home?" I will ask. Based on what he's wearing, it looks like he just came from work. He smiled at me before nodding, "Where are you from? Do you know I've been looking for you for a while now?" "It's like you haven't gotten used to me, Sister. Well, you know I'm a wanderer." I said before laughing softly. "But anyway, I bought junk foods at the convenience store. Feel free to take it.” I took the plastic containing the junkfoods from the table and gave it to him. After that, I immediately went straight to the kitchen to get an apple. "What is the apple for?" Ate Mika immediately asked me. "Because I saw someone on YouTube that turned chocolate into apple sauce, that's why I want to try it too." "Won't that hurt your stomach? Can I cut?" "I can do it, Sister. Just watch.” I said and was about to cut an apple when it suddenly hit my finger causing it to bleed. Shit. "Hey! I already told you! I should be the only one. You are really stubborn, Meisha." Ate said and quickly took my finger. But I was surprised when he suddenly slapped the wound on my finger in his mouth and sucked it hard to relieve me of the pain. "A-Ate Mika, wait!" I quickly pulled my finger from him. I can not believe. What happened to him? He's not like this when I get hurt. "Why Meisha? Is there a problem?" he asked while still looking at my finger. I immediately hid my wound on my finger, "What the hell.. what's wrong with you Sister? Why are you acting weird? Y-do you know you're scaring me." I nervously told him. He smiled horrifyingly, "What are you saying, Meisha? Nothing happened to me. I just want to treat your wound." "Cure? S-as far as I know, you're afraid of blood so how could you just suck my wound all of a sudden? Also, you don't really call me Meisha, do you? That's Shasha, Sister." I said while backing away from him. Suddenly, the smile on his lips disappeared and was replaced by a scary aura. "Annoying." It started, "I should have eaten you when I first saw you." W-what? ate? Sister Mika's words didn't seem to sink into my brain. All I know is, something is wrong with what's happening now. I was surprised when Ate Mika's body suddenly trembled and then her skin cracked, causing blood to start splattering. "S-Sister?!" I retreated even more in fear. "Argh!.." his voice gradually changed while his appearance changed. I bit my lower lip because of fear. I stopped thinking when Ate Mika suddenly stopped shaking. He was bent over so I couldn't see what was happening to him. "Sister Mika?" I hesitated whether to approach him or not, but in the end I managed to approach him anyway. "Sister Mika? Are you still alright?” When I was about to touch it, I was surprised when he suddenly raised his head. His eyes were wide open as if he was about to spit. While his face is full of blood. "...EAT!!" it shouted before attacking me. I screamed in shock because he was holding both of my arms, "Sister Mika! What?!" I said while continuing to push his face away so he wouldn
Someone's POV I have a dream.. A weird dream to be exact. "Selene!" I stopped walking when I heard my name. I quickly turned my attention to the behavior of the person who called me. "I-it's you.." I exclaimed when I saw a man with a familiar face. He smiled sweetly at me. "Selene.. please.." what? I frowned as he slowly approached me. "Please, suck my blood." I was stunned by what he said and could not react immediately. What? *Kringg!* *Kringg* (Sounds of alarm clock.) I took a long breath as I got up from the bed. I was staring at the white wall, breathless. "A dream..?" I whispered to myself. I looked around before my hand fell on my forehead. I'm still in the room so that means it's just a dream... "Shit, when will that dream stop?" "Selene, your mouth." I was surprised to realize that I was not the only one in my room. From the shocked face it was replaced by wonder. "Wtf? Sister, why are you here in my room again?" I asked him. He looked at me seriously before closing the book he was holding. "I just want to borrow your book, that's all." He said while still sitting on the floor. I sighed. She's my sister, Vera Laurent. Second oldest of our siblings. "If you got it, can you get out of my room?" I asked him. His left eyebrow rose quickly, "Seriously? Is that how you treat your sister?" This is a serious question. I was about to answer him "yes" when I suddenly noticed his iris or middle eye turned red. I swallowed because of that. "N-no, what I mean is..." Sh*t. "What?" "Can you give me space to think about my dream?" I asked a little nervously. D*mn. It's really different when you're the youngest. "Oh." In the blink of an eye, it immediately returned to its original color. "Are you still dreaming about that?" Sister asked me. I quickly nodded to him, causing his mouth to open slightly and to nod as well. "Actually, I noticed that a while ago." He said before looking again at the book he was holding. "How?" I want to ask. He raised his index finger and pointed at her eyes. "Because the color of your eyes turned red." I was stunned by what he said. "What?!" I exclaimed before rushing to the mirror and looking into my eyes. "The fuck?!" "Your mouth." Ate Vera scolded me, but I didn't pay attention to it. It's just that when I dream about that man again, my eyes suddenly become like this. "What should I do, Sister?" I asked nervously. Today is our first day of school! "Just calm down." He said. I nodded and tried to calm myself down. A few hours passed, I calmed down and got ready to go to school. "Hey, good morning." I turned around with a tap on my shoulder. "Good morning, Brother Felix." I greet him back. He is my Big Brother. Felix Laurent. Actually, she and Ate Vera are twins, but they have different personalities. "It's your first day of school, right?" I looked at the person who spoke. Kuya Nikolas The oldest of us all. I smiled at him and nodded, "Yeah." "By the way, I'm not going to have breakfast with you anymore. I need to hurry because I might be late." I will explain to the three of them. "Okay, take care!" Kuya Felix smiled and said to me. I just nodded before running out of the house. My school is not far from our house so I just walked to it. Also, such a person doesn't get tired right away we— "Did you watch the news this morning?" I secretly looked at the two students who were walking almost at the same time as me. "Ah, is it about the corpse found behind an abandoned building?" His companion asked. "Yes! Gosh, I was surprised when the reporter said that the vampire did it again." I stopped walking when I heard what another woman said. What? "How many more victims are there?" "Maybe 60 plus?" "Shit! That's a lot!?" I swallowed saliva. What the f*ck? 60 plus victims? How did that happen? Why don't we know anything about that? We are also vampires. Because of the nervousness I feel, I quickly took out my cellphone from my skirt pocket. My hand was shaking a little just typing Kuya Niko's contact number. "Vampires like them should be killed." I was stunned again when I heard the last thing that woman said. Killing...? It was as if my breathing got heavier after hearing those words. I clutched my chest and tried to calm myself down. "Excuse me.." Calm down, Selene.. "Ahm... Miss? Are you okay?" I slowly turned to the person who spoke. Wait.. Am I still dreaming? "I-it's you again..?" I said breathlessly. He frowned and said something else but I didn't hear it anymore when I lost consciousness.
"Love, where are you going?" I asked Gray adjusting his polo shirt. "Do I have to tell you?" he said with a sarcasm tone. "N-no... I mean, it's late and you're leaving..." "My friends and I are just going to meet, is that bad?" he asked while looking at me evilly. "O-Okay... be careful, Love.." He took a deep breath and before he left, he looked at me and shook his head. "L-Love.." I called her and held her arm and she looked at me with a frown. "What?" he asked and I leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek and the look on his face got worse and he rubbed his cheek as if there was dirt on his cheek. I was left bowed because of its treatment of me. What did I do to him and he is like this to me? He's my husband but it doesn't seem like it. He is always not at home and if he is there, he always locks himself in the room. He's my childhood best friend! We were in high school when they talked about us staying together but he was against it because he only thought of me as a brother and he had a girlfriend at the time. In the case of our parents' insistence, it didn't do anything either. He talked to me before that I should help him prevent the wedding they were preparing from going ahead because Aunt Beatrix, who is Gray's mommy, also found out about it. "I didn't know you were like that, Gray!" Mommy Beatrix said disapointed when we talked in the living room. "Mom, I'm sorry! I told you I wouldn't get married, we're just kids! And.. he's not what I want." he said but it only got a slap from Mommy so I immediately intervened. "Auntie.. that's right.." I said turning to Gray and I was surprised to see his evil look at me. "This is all your fault, Niah!" he said so that my shoulders almost fell from what he said. He left and didn't listen to Mommy's shout at him. I am happy now that he is my husband but there is something missing, a lot is missing! The barrier between us is too big. We're married for almost three years! After we went to college, we got married. And even after three years, he still hasn't learned to love me. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and just lay down and let myself be pulled by sleep. 𝗙𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗢' 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗜𝗖 𝗮𝗺 I was distracted by a loud crash I heard. I immediately got up and looked at the clock on the side of my bed. It's five o'clock. I looked to my side and it wasn't there. I was stunned when the door opened and Gray spat out. "Grey..." I immediately stood up and turned on the light and supported him but he just pushed me. "H-Hey.. Who are you?!" he told me to stagger while walking. It looks like he drank a lot. "Gray, change first..." I said and was about to remove his polo shirt when he touched my hand. "Don't you dare...touching me..you're not my wife!" he said smiling at me. I've been hearing that from him for years but I don't pay attention because every time he says it he's drunk, I just think that maybe he just doesn't want to treat me as his wife that's why he says it. "You're not my wife..." he said and suddenly lay down even though he hadn't changed yet. I took a deep breath and took his clothes from the cabinet but I was stunned by what he said. "We're marriage...is...fake...so, don't you dare!" I let go of the clothes I was holding and looked at him, he closed his eyes. I approached him and shook him." G-Gray.. what do you mean?!" I asked but I heard no answer. What does it say?! I'm afraid, what if our marriage is fake.
Rena got into an entanglement with a big shot when she was drunk one night. She needed Waylen's help while he was drawn to her youthful beauty. As such, what was supposed to be a one-night stand progressed into something serious. All was well until Rena discovered that Waylen's heart belonged to another woman. When his first love returned, he stopped coming home, leaving Rena all alone for many nights. She put up with it until she received a check and farewell note one day. Contrary to how Waylen expected her to react, Rena had a smile on her face as she bid him farewell. "It was fun while it lasted, Waylen. May our paths never cross. Have a nice life." But as fate would have it, their paths crossed again. This time, Rena had another man by her side. Waylen's eyes burned with jealousy. He spat, "How the hell did you move on? I thought you loved only me!" "Keyword, loved!" Rena flipped her hair back and retorted, "There are plenty of fish in the sea, Waylen. Besides, you were the one who asked for a breakup. Now, if you want to date me, you have to wait in line." The next day, Rena received a credit alert of billions and a diamond ring. Waylen appeared again, got down on one knee, and uttered, "May I cut in line, Rena? I still want you."
Rosalynn's marriage to Brian wasn't what she envisioned it to be. Her husband, Brian, barely came home. He avoided her like a plague. Worse still, he was always in the news for dating numerous celebrities. Rosalynn persevered until she couldn't take it anymore. She upped and left after filing for a divorce. Everything changed days later. Brian took interest in a designer that worked for his company anonymously. From her profile, he could tell that she was brilliant and dazzling. He pulled the stops to find out her true identity. Little did he know that he was going to receive the greatest shocker of his life. Brian bit his finger with regret when he recalled his past actions and the woman he foolishly let go.
As far as everyone was concerned, William had married Renee under duress. Now that his one true love was back—and with child—they couldn’t wait for him to abandon Renee. Surprisingly, Renee was candid about the situation. "To be honest, I’m the one asking for a divorce every single day. I want it even more than any of you!" But they brushed off her remark as a paltry attempt to save face. Until William made a declaration himself. "Divorce is out of the question. Anyone who spreads false rumors shall face legal consequences!" Renee was at a loss. What was this crazy man up to now?
Lucien Gray, the young and powerful head of an international consortium, has always had everything within his reach-wealth, influence, and any woman he desires. But when the unassuming Nina Morrison crosses his path, something unexpected happens. She doesn't fall at his feet, nor does she seem impressed by his status. Her indifference sparks an irresistible challenge in Lucien-a desire to conquer her at all costs. Determined to make Nina his, Lucien's pursuit becomes relentless. But Nina's fiery spirit and refusal to be controlled push Lucien to his limits. With every struggle and defiance, the tension between them grows, threatening to shatter the boundaries Lucien has always maintained. Now Lucien vows to claim her as his own. Will Lucien's obsession break Nina's spirit, or will she force him to confront his deepest vulnerabilities? In a game of power and desire, who will win-and at what cost?
To the public, she was the CEO's executive secretary. Behind closed doors, she was the wife he never officially acknowledged. Jenessa was elated when she learned that she was pregnant. But that joy was replaced with dread as her husband, Ryan, showered his affections on his first love. With a heavy heart, she chose to set him free and leave. When they met again, Ryan's attention was caught by Jenessa's protruding belly. "Whose child are you carrying?!" he demanded. But she only scoffed. "It's none of your business, my dear ex-husband!"
In the eyes of the public, Elijah was ever the gentleman, always distant and reserved. But behind closed doors, he was an animal who relentlessly ensnared Ashley in a web of lust. No one knew of their secret relationship, yet at the same time, no one dared to bully her again. Then one day, she was hit with morning sickness right in front of everyone. To everyone’s shock, the aloof and domineering Elijah quickly knelt in front of her and caressed her pregnant belly. “Babe,” he crooned, “let’s go public with our relationship. I will give you my everything.”