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Riley's heart soared with excitement when the Alpha of her pack, and the man she deeply loved, revealed she was his fated mate.  Her life seemed perfect until her sister devised a trap, which led to Riley's rejection and her sister taking her place.  In the end, Riley is banished from the pack.  She sought refuge from her childhood friend, who was the Luna of a neighboring pack. Riley becomes attracted to her friend's husband, Alpha Tristan.  But she tried to keep her desires in check; however, Tristan is also infatuated with her.  Riley struggled with the guilt of her forbidden desires. As lust got the best of them, Tristan and Riley gave in to their feelings, risking everything for stolen moments. How far will their lies go? 

Chapter 1 PILOT

Riley's Pov.

I won't say the past 20 years of my life were perfect, but I was happy and content being with the pack.

My twin sister, Irena, didn't get to see our mother; she died giving birth to us.

But that didn't stop our father, who was the Alpha of the pack at the time, from raising us with so much love and care that we didn't feel the void left by the absence of our mother.

Our father died after we turned 16. We were heartbroken over his loss, as he was the only person other than ourselves that we could call family.

The rest pack didn't allow us to feel his absence, as he was a kind and powerful Alpha respected by all.

Now, we've just turned 20, and things haven't really changed much.

"Hello Riley."


I waved to the pack member who greeted me. I was wailing together with Irene; we had just finished training in the woods.

I was unaware of the look of annoyance Irene had whenever I was greeted.

Suddenly, our path was stopped by a man. He was the beta of our present Alpha Luca.

"Riley Harrow?" he asked.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"The Alpha has selected you as his fated mate; the ceremony will take place 7 days from now. You will be given further instructions before the date."

I couldn't believe my ears. Alpha Luca, whom I've had a huge crush on, wants me to become his mate. If this was a dream, I don't want it to end.

The next seven days seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment feeling like an eternity dragging by. Finally, the long-awaited day of the mating ceremony arrived. However, any excitement I had swiftly dissipated after the shocking turn of events.

Alpha Luca of the Gray Wolf pack stood proudly; his stature commanded attention as he declared with unwavering authority, "Riley Harrow, I reject you as my mate and Luna-to-be."

Gasps reverberated throughout the hall; they were followed by whispers in the air.

I stood there, bewildered and utterly perplexed by the unexpected twist of fate.

"He's rejecting us! Our mate doesn't desire us," my wolf lamented within me, her voice filled with sorrow. I couldn't help but feel deceived, foolishly believing that he would embrace me as his mate.

Facing the assembled crowd, tears threatened to overflow from my eyes as the weight of his words sank in, a heavy burden settling upon my shoulders.

"What are we going to do?" My wolf cried out, her voice tinged with hysteria and sorrow, echoing the anguish that permeated my own heart. We both felt the sting of rejection deeply, the pain cutting to the core of our being.

I was humiliated and disgraced publicly by the only man, apart from my father, that I've ever had feelings for.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and my feet became numb as I froze.

All eyes were on me as I stood there, a solitary figure amidst the sea of faces. The crowd murmured and whispered amongst themselves, their words weaving a tapestry of curiosity and speculation that enveloped the room.

I found myself instinctively clutching the hem of the beautiful blue dress that had been bestowed upon me for this momentous occasion, my fingers absently tweaking the delicate fabric in a nervous rhythm.

Suddenly, Alpha Luca's voice boomed from the microphone, shattering the hushed ambiance and jolting me out of my trance-like state.

"Ladies and gentlemen," his voice echoed through the hall, commanding attention and cutting through the tension like a knife through butter. "After learning about the heinous deeds of this woman, I have decided to take Irene Harrow as my mate."

The crowd erupted into cheers and excited chatter, their enthusiasm palpable as my twin sister gracefully descended the aisle to join my intended mate on the podium.

"I can't bear this shame." Lisa's words struck me like a physical blow, her emotions reverberating within my own heart.

As her smile widened, assuming my place beside Alpha Luca, I felt a pang of betrayal twist in my gut. Just when I thought I had reached the depths of despair, Alpha Luca's voice pierced the air once more.

"I hereby banish you, Riley Harrow, from Gray Wolf forever." His proclamation hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the room and settling like a leaden weight upon my shoulders.

My chest became constricted, and each breath was difficult as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of his words.

I looked at him with disbelief; the echoes of his declaration kept ringing in my ears like a relentless refrain.

The unthinkable had just unfolded before my eyes. Alpha Luca, the one who had always urged me to find a mate, had now cast me out, rejecting not only my presence but my very existence within the pack.

"Why did he do this? What have I done to deserve any of this?" The questions swirled in my mind, unanswered and haunting, as I grappled with the harsh reality of my newfound fate.

"Boo!" I heard as I tried to pass through the crowd. A leg suddenly stretched out in front of me, and I tripped. Thankfully, I caught myself in time, but it was too late as I heard raucous laughter from those who witnessed me almost falling.

I covered my face in shame, tears streamed down my cheeks, and I fled from the hall, unable to bear the weight of rejection any longer.

The jeers and taunts of the audience followed me like an echo. Each mocking word pierced through the facade of my fragile composure.

As I walked outside, the chilly night air wrapped around me, giving me a break from the heavy atmosphere in the hall.

It felt like the gentle breeze was whispering words of comfort to calm me down.

I continued walking, and my legs got heavier with every step I took. However, that didn't stop me from moving.

I felt lost and confused in the dark night.

Despite feeling down, I had a small flame of determination inside me.

The darkness of the night mirrored the bleakness of my own despair; it wrapped around me like a shroud.

The tears kept washing down my cheeks like a waterfall.

As the first light of dawn began to pierce the horizon, I found myself standing at the edge of the forest, the dense canopy of trees beckoning me into their embrace.

I pondered my options; they were very few. I realized I needed to leave the pack tonight.

However, a nagging thought crept in-the outside wasn't safe either, especially with the lurking threat of rogue wolves.

I contemplated my next move as I slipped through the narrow back corridor leading to the main building, a path fraught with shadows and uncertainty.

Gathering the hem of my gown, I clutched it tightly in my hand, the fabric offering little comfort in the dimly lit passage.

Everything around me seemed to grate on my nerves, from the ornate chandeliers resembling oversized watermelons to the ostentatious decorations that now appeared garish in my eyes.

I approached my room and caught snippets of a faint feminine voice drifting through the air, the sound muffled yet distinct.

Curious , I paused in my tracks, straining to hear more. The voice mentioned my name, causing me to creak closer to the door. My heart pounded in my chest as I pressed my ear against the cool wood, silently praying to avoid detection while eavesdropping.

"The good-for-nothing idiot had been rejected as planned; you can proceed with the rest of the plan." Her voice rang out, confirming my suspicions.

Every word felt like a dagger to my already wounded heart, yet I couldn't tear myself away from the conversation unfolding on the other side of the door.

I wiped my tears, summoning the strength to endure whatever revelations awaited me.

If I wanted to grasp the full extent of the dire news, I needed the fortitude to listen to every painful detail.

"She would be yours by morning; you wouldn't have to worry," she said humorously, her laughter slicing through the air like a mocking echo.

The wickedness in her tone felt like a knife had been stabbed through me.

For a moment, I stood frozen, grappling with the enormity of the betrayal unfolding before me.

It was as though the ground had shifted beneath my feet, leaving me adrift in a sea of despair.

I refused to be a pawn in their twisted game, determined to reclaim control of my destiny and forge a path of my own choosing, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.

"Oh no! We've been sold!" My wolf sobbed.

Those words pierced my heart like burning arrows. My sister had not only planned my rejection; she had also made transactions for my exit by this morning. I remember seeing her meet with a mage; I figured it was for something else.

I turned to Irene and asked, "Why?"

"You've always been the centre of attention; you even tried to steal my fated mate. Now, you'll get what you deserve."

"Was Alpha Luca aware of all this? How could he be so cruel as to do this to me?"

I pondered, wondering if perhaps he had been influenced or enchanted.

Hot tears streamed down my cheeks, and just then, I heard the screech of someone rising from a seat and the taunting click of heels on the marble floor.

I retreated and fled, seeking refuge under the stairs. Though it was dark, I used my eyes to illuminate the space to avoid hitting my head on sharp edges. Pressing my body tightly against the wall, I listened intently.

When the door creaked shut, my heart fluttered. I bit my lip and held my breath as footsteps approached.

I shut my eyes to prevent them from shining in the darkness, and I prayed silently to the moon goddess for her protection.

As she descended the stairs, she paused halfway down, then turned sharply in my direction.

She peered into the darkness as if sensing someone hiding. After a few moments, she departed.

I exhaled deeply, relieved that she hadn't thought to turn on the lights. I thanked the moon goddess for accepting my prayers.

The switch was right in front of her, and she didn't. I had not much time to waste; I rushed out of the dark and dashed into my room.

My pack wasn't safe for me, so I turned the lock on the door twice and laid on my bed, brainstorming about what to do next.

"Phoebe," her name, came alive in my mind. I jumped up and raced for my phone.

I typed the first three letters of her name, and her contact information popped up. I dialled it, and just at the first ring, she picked up like she was expecting my call.

"Hi Riley, How did the mating go?" Her warm, bubbly voice spoke over the phone.

"I think I will be coming to Ohio first thing tomorrow morning," I informed her. I had just finished my speech when I heard a loud bang on my door. My eyes widened with the phone still in my hand.

Who was that? And why were they at my door?

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Latest Release: Chapter 5 ECHOES BEHIND   03-08 22:17
1 Chapter 1 PILOT
2 Chapter 2 RUN
4 Chapter 4 SHOWER TIME
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