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Back for Revenge on the Twin Billionaire

Back for Revenge on the Twin Billionaire

112 Chapters
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Audrey finds herself torn between love and betrayal in her quest for revenge. She is given a new life, identity, riches and power to find out who her assailant is. After finding out it was someone she least expected, will Audrey still seek revenge even if it is at the cost of her blooming love?

Chapter 1 The beginning



“Ugh, why do I always mess up orders”, I watched as the customer threw me a disgusted look. He requested a latte and I served cappuccino. Fuck, my head isn't here today.

“Audrey, would you mind not leaving dissatisfied customers who in turn give us bad reviews on our page?” Janelle said looking pissed.

“I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't sleep well last night cause I got back really late from Neon, so I feel kinda woozy and dull”.

“Yeah right, whatever. Just stop messing stuff up for the rest of us, not all of us can afford to date the boss's son you know?” she said bitterly with a lot of venom.

Okay that was mean and harsh. Janelle and I have been friends since high school and she knows me more than anybody else and most importantly she knows my relationship with Joseph isn't that serious.

“Janelle, what did you just say to me?, that's really mean you know, I'm your friend and I already apologized right?. Is there something else I'm missing?”.

I'm Audrey Maria Ray and Janelle Sophie Anderson was my best friend since our high school cheerleading days. I was captain and she was second in command. I had long dark curly hair, olive skin and brown eyes, while Janelle was a redhead with green eyes and thin lips.

Back then, we both wanted to be cheer captain and I was eventually chosen because I fit the position more, I was prettier than Janelle. That week Janelle never spoke a word to me, she was hurt, I guess, so I just let her be. After some time, we were cool again. After high school graduation, I lost my dad to an accident. He and mom had a really big fight one night. He stormed off in anger, went to a bar, got really drunk and on his way back home, his car crashed into a company truck whose driver was sleeping behind the wheels. I always wondered which company that was. All we got at my dad's funeral was a fat envelope and a condolence letter with no name on it. We never knew the company, and I guess we never will. Ever.

My mom had no skills whatsoever, she was dad's trophy and as such never worked a day in her life. Dad's death broke her, she cried day and night. I took over my dad's position, I was now the bread winner, I didn't get to attend college, the money from the company, we survived on it till I started working and getting paid. It was difficult to get a job here in New York, with any qualifications. In comes Joseph Coleman, the son of a wealthy baker who owns big cafes and pastry shops all over Manhattan, they were filthy rich. Joseph has always had a crush on me right from our high school days. He was quarterback for the football team. I wasn't a whore but I had responsibilities and for Joseph to put in a good word for him, I had to do something for him. That's how I became his girlfriend and got a job.

Janelle knew all this, I never loved Joseph, I don't love him and I never will love him.

“You heard me, Audrey don't mess up orders anymore, if you're feeling sleepy go home, or better still go to Joseph he should be in his office” Janelle said without even looking at me.

She really has a problem, now I am sure, very sure. And I'm never one to start fights, so I chose to ignore.

I tried to be more careful and attentive to the customers in the shop. We got through the morning hours with no other problems.

It was around three in the afternoon and I was wiping off the tables, when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I knew who it was without turning around, Joseph.

“Hey babe, how's it going” he said

“Good, it's been good, what are you doing here?”

“I literally own this place, don't forget Audrey”.

Of course blond haired, blue eyed arrogant asshole Joseph Coleman. How typical.

“I know, just what are you doing outside your office”

“I came to see my girlfriend, watching from the cameras was no fun. You're so much better up close, and you're all mine”. I felt his hands trail lower to my butt, I held it before he got there.

“Anything I can help you with Sir?” I said, emphasis on sir.

“A lot of things, a lot of exciting things Audrey”. I knew what he meant by that. I might have agreed to date Joseph but I've never slept with him, we never went past first base, and I don't plan on it. Soon as I'm stable, I'm breaking up with his arrogant ass.

“What do you need me for, sir?”

“A cup of coffee with cream and sugar and a slice of cheesecake”

“Anything else sir?”

“Yes, bring yourself along as well, pretty girl” he said, touching my face. It took everything in me to just stand still and not smack his hand away but I needed this job, I needed the money. Mom had cancer and chemotherapy is expensive.

“Alright sir”

“Good girl” he said, smacking my ass as he left. Ew.

I heard the bell on the door chime signaling a new customer, as I turned I saw Janelle looking at me, I'm sure she saw my exchange with Joseph. She swiftly diverted her attention to the customer who was placing orders. What's her problem?.

I looked up at the new customer and my breath got hitched in my throat, he was out of this world. Gray eyes, full lips, chiseled jawline and raven black hair. He was extremely handsome. I was gobsmacked.

“Welcome to heaven Cafe, sir” I said as I managed to get my words out.

“Whatever, someone come serve me now, you take down my order now and fast” he said in a deep manly voice, such a pity that pretty face came with a nasty attitude. We can't all be properly trained now can we?

“Sorry sir, I already have an order to deliver now, you'll please have to wait until the servers are free and done with their current orders then you'll be served” I said, maybe with an eye roll too. Yes, unprofessional I know but I can't stand the nasty attitude.

“Did you just speak to me in that manner?, do you know who I am, young lady?”

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