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16 Chapters
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When Victoria became the secretary of the most ruthless billionaire in the city, she never expected anything more than keeping up with her strict boss. Reynold Turner is a single father and his kids badly wanted a Mummy. One day, the twins bumped into the clumsy secretary and they both announced, "Daddy, we want her to be our Mummy."

Chapter 1 A day to resign

Victoria's heart beat could be heard as balls of Sweats form on her forehead.

In front of her on the desk was a paper and a pen she was holding.

Victoria was writing a Letter to her Boss, A resignation letter.

She was so tired of working for him. She couldn't do it anymore.

When she stepped inside that company for an interview, She needed a Job that would save her life from the debt she and her parents were in.

She didn't sign up to be a slave in that company.

Reynold Turner, The President of that company who never smiles subjected her to too much task.

Her Mind wasn't always at rest the first day she started working there.

Reynold was always giving her Countless of Papers to work on, Assignments to go supervise the other departments, and cleaning his office too even though there were Servants that supposed to do that.

She was so fed up. She never have the Change to take care of her self anymore since she started working there.

She couldn't even remember the last time she had a Good night sleep.

Apart from the papers at the Office that she has to sort out, There were Tons of papers to take home too.

" If you don't correct this mistake by tomorrow, You will be fired!"

That was her Boss's Voice anytime he found a mistake in one of the papers.

Even the mistakes that she thought he wouldn't see, Reynold always found a way to see it.

There were Times she got depressed because of Reynold. Yet, He never cared about that.

It was either she comes to the company or get fired. Reynold believed there were Massive numbers of People out there that needed that job.

And if he was to fire Her , he would get another secretary before the day runs out.

Victoria was once scared of losing her Job which was the only source of income sustaining her Parents and her, including her little sister who was still in high school.

But not anymore, She was tired. There are other jobs out there to look for.

And luckily for her, she has gathered a lot of money to start her own Business.

Back to the letter she was writing, Victoria didn't even know how to write the words so it wouldn't look offensive.

It was better she leave the company without having problem with Him.

He's a billionaire and the Man with power. If she dare do anything that would make him upset, then she wouldn't be happy for the rest of her life.

" Oh God!" She wiped off the sweats on her forehead and gasped.

Victoria folded the paper and threw it inside the trash can. That was the Tenth paper she was trashing in two hours of sitting there and writing.

Each of the letter she wrote looked like she was Insulting him so, she would trashed it and write another one.

She kept on checking the time, Praying Reynold would come the moment she finished writing.

She went to the company three hours earlier than the other days just to write the letter and to gather all the things that belongs to her.

She was leaving that company that day, nothing would stop her.

" Finally!" She heaved of relief after she wrote something which was better than the rest she trashed.

She folded the paper in to four and put it inside the envelope sitting on the table.

Victoria touched her chest which was still making that weird sound.

She didn't know why she was so scared for writing that letter.

No one would question her about it. There was no where it is written that you shouldn't quit when something doesn't go the way you want it.

Her mental and Emotional health matters to her a lot. Reynold has enslaved her and turned her in to another version of herself.

She picked up a box from The floor which she had taken from the storage room earlier on to organize her Things in.

She made sure everything that belonged to her on that desk and inside the drawer was put in that Box before sealing it.

Few minutes later, The glass door was opened by a Young lad dressed in black suit.

Victoria inhaled deeply and then stood on her feet.

Behind that young mind, Another Man who looked so responsible in his Deep blue Tuxedo stepped in.

His face was straight and shoulders high as he walked past Victoria's desk.

Victoria bowed her head to him but only the Young guy responded to her.

She was already used to that. She watched as they entered the office first before she sat down on the chair.

" This is it" She Clenched her fist and nodded her head.

" It's now or never" She picked up the envelope from the Desk and stood up from the Chair.

She knew he was going to call on her the moment he settle down just like other days but she wouldn't wait for that.

He would only give her more papers to go work on. Or send her to the Departments as that was the first day of work after weekend.

She knocked on the door but got No response. Victoria took in a deep breath, turned the silver handle and went inside the office.

Reynold Turner was standing in front of the large glass window , looking out of the office.

She stayed silent, waiting for him to turn around.

And when he did Turned around, He gestured to his Assistant to go get something outside.

After the Assistant left, Reynold kept on looking out of the Office.

When what he was staring at was out of sight, he turned around and returned back to his swivel chair.

" What do you want?" He asked her, Sending shivers down her spine.

She didn't like hearing that Commanding tone of his, it was always one of the things she didn't like about him.

Wouldn't he just speak to her the way he would speak to normal people?

Victoria held the Envelope tightly in between her fingers.

She didn't know how she was going to start speaking but she must speak if she want to leave that company.

" Mr. Turner, I..." Just when she found her voice to speak, she was interrupted by tiny voices Giggling behind her.

" Daddy! We are here!" Two Kids of Six ran inside the office and made their way to Reynold.

The girl wrapped her arms around his Neck while the boy started playing with the statue on the desk.

" We told you we would follow you to the company" The girl giggled.

That morning before he left the house, The twins wanted to follow him but he didn't listen to them.

They has their own driver so, he bought them to the company immediately Reynold left the house.

Victoria sighed inside. With those kids around , she knew Reynold wouldn't listen to her again.

She has never seen those twins but she has already heard a lot about them from her colleagues.

She bowed her head to Reynold and turned around to leave when suddenly, The girl turned her head to her and said something that made her paused.

" Daddy, who is she?" The girl asked and the Boy lifted up his head too.

They haven't seen Victoria's face but there mind was already giving them the same thing.

" Daddy, We want her to be Our Mummy" They chorused at the same time.

Victoria was shocked and when she turned around, even Reynold looked shocked.

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