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Home / Fantasy / THE DAEVA ( LAST OF HER KIND)


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Eighteen-year-old Amora Jackson's life is turned topsy turvy when she discovers she wasn't from the world she had always known but from another - Vadina, Mystia. Born originally as Ulanni Daeva to two Mystian parents; A healer and an Essence. Her real parents are killed just after dropping her at the doorstep of a retired soldier in the human world who raises her as her own. Amora's identity is let known to her by her foster mother just on the night of her eighteenth birthday. She is confused and scared of everything happening around her as she links everything to her recurring dreams. Amora does not want to believe in the existence of another realm, she only wanted a normal life of happy high school graduation, college experience, and camping every summer with the woman she grew to know as her mother. Everything comes to a halt when something tragic happens and she finds out someone is after the powers she never knew she had. She is forced to journey into the unknown mystic lands she never believed in to fulfill her destiny as a Mystian. Her journey takes her into Vadina, her birthplace, where she meets her strange extended family, meets new friends, and also ventures into other mystic lands and to the dwelling of evil.

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

Krystaling Fortress, Vadina , The largest castle in the whole Mystia lands had opened its doors to the entire Mystians from every land on this special evening, The Festival of Rising Lights.

It was filled with different race of Mystians. The castle had been decorated with rare flowers by the naturites. The flowers wound round pillars following the same pattern.

There were special guests that the King , King Egan Tanwyn the first ,had invited which included the King and Queen of fairyland, The Elf queen, The Chief of the troll village and other rulers of the remaining kingdoms.

Good cheer abounded, mixing with the occasional strains of festive music , coming from the most queer orchestra of blue pixies and silver fairies conducted by a female dwarf with curly golden hair.

Far at the other end of the ball room, a brownie wearing a chef's hat was yelling at some other brownies and pixies carrying trays and trays of food.

"Too sweet" He yelled to the one carrying chocolate mould after he had dipped his finger into the dish. The brownie carrying the dish ,scampered away as he was yelled at.

Another came forward with a bowl of soup that had so much bubbles in it and was very thick.

"Ha! what in the name of the moon goddess?! Too salty" He yelled again this time stomping his feet on the ground. His long pointy ears were red from anger.

Just as he was lamenting and scolding the other brownies and pixies , a fair lady whose hair was as dark as the night approached him. Her gown matched her beautiful fair skin. The gown was a glorious purple gown with real diamonds adorning her necklines. The gown's material shimmered under the light as she walked towards the angry brownie. On her head was a very beautiful golden crown.

"Finnegan, you seem quite upset" her voice sounded very soft and smooth like velvet.

"Ah your grace, I didn't hear you" Finnegan the brownie gave a gentle bow to the queen of Vadina.

"You should take it easy on them Finnegan"

"Yes your grace" The brownie bowed again and moved to the kitchen area only to go and yell at the others in there.

"Ha! Finnegan!" The queen laughed and made her way to her husband.

The King's announcer was announcing the presence of some special guests now. The crowd had increased but there was still enough space for more.

"Presenting, King Osmanthus and Queen Áine of Idyll , Fairyland"

Two shiny green lights bounced into the hall. Immediately they touched the ground, they grew into bigger sizes and their outfits was now visible. The fairyqueen had a beautiful emerald green floral gown that had rubies sewn on the hem of the dress. Her crown was made from beautiful flowers that had marbles in their centers. The king on the other hand, wore a matching green attire with a wreathe crown. They were ushered to where the king and queen of Vadina sat.

The announcer announced the presence of the others as they were arriving and now the ball room was packed.

"Now, we'll begin the festival with the song of light, to be sung by our very own Svella Anemone" The announcer said and then there was a short round of applause , silence fell on the crowd.

The orchestra started playing softly on their instrument as the stage floor opened slowly revealing a lady of black hair wearing a gown that looked like it was completely made from roses. She began to sing the song of light. Her voice was very powerful and soothing to the ears.

"She's the best singer in the whole land" Aura whispered to her husband.

"She sure is" he replied as he drew his wife closer to himself. His brother Easton and his wife held their two daughters while Aura's sister Liana held Aura's little baby.

The song lasted for a few minutes and then the main ceremony was just about to begin.

"Now to begin the festival, I present Aura Daeva for the tree lighting ritual"

Aura's face reddened as she heard her name. She had been lighting the tree every year just as her ancestor who had the same abilities as her did. The crowd grew silent and parted for her as she walked down to the huge tree. The orchestra played a very soft tune as she walked down. Some pixies threw rose petals for her as she walked on. This moment had always been overwhelming for her but she walked on anyway.

Getting to the tree, she looked at the silent crowd, took a deep breath and touched the tree. She focused all her energy. Her black and white striped hair began to dance with the wind as her energy began to surface. Her hands began to glow white and the white light spread to the tree till it got to the very top.

"I declare the festival open" The King of Vadina said and the crowd cheered.

She had done it again, lighting the tree up with her powers. She was the only one with that ability in the whole of Mystia lands.

The orchestra resumed playing and pixies were going around with drinks and sweets.

The celebration had gone for an hour when there was a shift in the air and dark mists began to cover the hall. The beautiful flowers that adorned the pillars, began to die as the mists appeared.

The orchestra stopped playing and people started murmuring.

"What is the meaning of this?" That was the king barking at the guards around.

"Hahahaaaaaaa!!" It was a cackling female laughter coming from the mist. The mist then disappeared and revealed a dark skinned lady wearing a red gown and holding a staff.

"Lucretia?" The queen called.

"That's right Aslaug honey, its me your dearest friend" Lucretia had an evil smirk on her face that sent shivers to the crowd.

Lucretia had been Queen Aslaug's friend until she disappeared and now she was back and she magically has powers when she wasn't born with any.

"Too bad I wasn't invited"

"Oh Lucretia, you are most welcomed" The Queen said to her friend and levitated down from the throne to meet her.

"Ah spare me that Aslaug, I'm not here for the party, I'm here for the tree lighter"

Aura's body shivered as she heard that the lady who had appeared was looking for her.

"What do you want with her Lucretia?" Aslaug had closed the distance between them now.

"What would I want with an Essence if not powers huh? I wasn't born with any, I sorted with some forces and they gave me this but I want the Essence"

Aslaug could perceive the stench of dark magic all around her friend. She knew how desperately Lucretia had wanted powers just to be like others.

" You sorted to dark magic? Magic of the dead? You know its forbidden Cretia, I would have given you the crystal necklace , I would have I swear to the moon goddess"

The crystal necklace granted its wearer powers as long as he or she wears it but once its taken off, the person doesn't hold the powers.

"I do not want temporary powers, give me the tree lighter and no one would be hurt"

Aura tried slipping away with her husband and child but Lucretia's eyes caught her.

"There she is" Lucretia was about to use her forbidden magic on Aura but the queen immediately held her with a spell. Lucretia's dark magic was too strong to hold down but she held on. Lucretia used the staff on the Queen which sent her flying to the other end of the room.

"Guards" the king barked at his guards.

The guards appeared all armed ready to battle the evil Lucretia. The other invited guests and the crowd too readied themselves.

Lucretia cackled with laughter and then conjured her dead soldiers.

"Chargeeeeeee" The King barked orders and then there was fighting. The minders had taken the twin princes and other children away from the scene just in time.

Lucretia spotted Aura running with her husband. She conjured more dead soldiers.

"Quick after them" she commanded them as she flew behind them leaving her stinky dark mists like trails.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Stellan asked Aura as they stood at the border holding two realms apart.

"It is the best my love, after all this, we'll come back for her. If Lucretia finds out that Ulanni is like me, she'll take both of us" Aura explained.

"I hope Ulanni would be fine there love"

"She will my love, I suppressed her energy with a spell and changed her hair too so she should be safe for now. Besides, we left her the book and your bracelet"

Just as they were talking, Lucretia appeared with her dead soldiers.

"So, there you are my darling power house" Lucretia was stroking Aura's trembling face.

"No! Get away from her you demon" Stellan wanted to attack her but the dead soldiers held him down and then one of them stabbed him with a dagger on his chest.

"Noooo, Stellan" Aura ran to her husband.

"Heal yourself, please" she urged her husband to use his healing powers as he was a healer. He waved his hand over his chest but the light was dim and nothing happened.

"Oh he can't heal, that dagger was gotten from the ancient one" Lucretia laughed.

"You Demon" Aura's hands began to glow as she formed a large white energy orb. Just as she was about to unleash it, Lucretia muttered some words that sent dark smokes from her staff into Aura's body. The orb died down as Aura hit the ground and held her dying husband until all she saw was darkness and all she heard was silence.

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Latest Release: Chapter 5 4   01-03 23:50
1 Chapter 1 PROLOGUE
2 Chapter 2 1
3 Chapter 3 2
4 Chapter 4 3
5 Chapter 5 4
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