21+ WARNING!! THIS BOOK CONTAINS STEAMY MATURED CONTENTS, NOT SUITABLE FOR UNDERAGE. Kelly unintentionally switches cellphones with the standout quarterback of a rival high school. Unable to switch it back until a week later, she has to communicate with the haughty boy by sending SMS and voicemails. She discovers there's more to him than smug remarks and sexual innuendos as she gets to know him better. Will Kelly's feelings endure, though, when identities are disclosed and secrets are made public?
Kelly, hurry up! Mark yelled to her best buddy, "I want to ride the Ferris wheel, you know it's my favorite." The county fair was closing for the final time that night before it was packed up and moved to a new location. Mark knew there would be a long line to ride the Ferris wheel as it got closer to closing time.
"Avoid getting tangled in your underwear. "We'll take a ride on the Ferris wheel," Kelly casually remarked as fumbling in her purse for her phone. "I know it's here somewhere," she whispered to herself. Her hands went through all the pockets and hidden spaces, but they found nothing. "Goddamn it. "Where is it?" she asked in a frustrated tone.
Mark sat down next to her, bored with waiting, and glanced over Kelly's shoulder. "You've already given me a headache from eating those chili cheese fries. She thought Kelly was looking for gum, so she quipped, "You don't need to freshen up for me."
Kelly was too focused on her work to notice her friend's jokes. "That's right. French fries. Yes," she repeated incoherently. She took another look at her purse and her heart raced. She sensed the panic beginning to build.
When Mark saw Kelly acting hysterical, he started to worry. "What's the hold up?"
"I can't find my phone," Kelly said in a nervous tone.
Mark scowled. "You had it when we were enjoying the deep-fried Oreos and fries. I recall this because Eric texted you repeatedly."
Recalling her quarrel with her twin brother, Kelly winced. He was giving Bella Campbell a lift home from the fair, so he urged she find another way. Kelly snorted in her head at the idea. She was fully aware of the kind of "ride" Eric was going to give her. She wouldn't sit in the backseat of his automobile for precisely that kind of ride.
"Maybe you left it on the table?" Mark recommended. After taking a quick glimpse at her watch, she craned her neck to obtain a clear view of the Ferris wheel line.
After they had eaten, Kelly struggled to recall if she had brought her phone with her. Her countenance turned pallid. "Shit, I think I left it there." Mark's expression fell in despair the moment she stated those words. Her closest companion was aware that the fair will close in ten minutes, and they wouldn't be able to cross the carnival in time to retrieve the phone.
Kelly sensed her friend's unhappiness right away and decided on a course of action. "Arrive in line. She called over her shoulder, "I'll see you there," and started racing in the other direction.
She moved as swiftly as she could through the crowds. As she got closer to the dining area, her heart raced, hoping her phone would still be there. With a deep sense of disappointment, Kelly hurried over to the table where they had previously sat and saw it was empty. Even though she was aware of the slim chance, it still ached to realize it was gone. She kicked the chair because she was angry and frustrated with herself for being so reckless. The folks around her stopped and stared as the chair fell down.
She mumbled a brief apology, embarrassed at her juvenile actions, and leaned down to pick it up. She saw a phone among the dirt and grass as she straightened the chair. She snatched it, hope bursting in her chest. It was, indeed, her phone! She sighed deeply, relieved to have it back in her possession. With a hurried shove into her handbag, Kelly dashed to the Ferris wheel, hoping that Mark was still waiting in line.
"Did you find it?" As soon as she spotted Kelly coming, Mark inquired.
An uncontrollable smile stretched across Kelly's face. She exclaimed with joy, "Got it!" To have a better idea of how long they would have to wait, she leaned around the pair in front of them. Kelly saw that Mark would grant her request after counting six people.
"So have you talked to Brent recently?" Mark asked, curious to find out how Kelly's relationship with the college boy she was crushing on was going.
Kelly had received tutoring from Brent during her first year of high school. Her teacher suggested Brent, a senior, to assist her since she had been having trouble with trigonometry. They discussed the topic every Tuesday and Thursday when they got together at a nearby café.
Brent had been hilarious, considerate, and kind. When Kelly didn't grasp a certain principle or issue, he never became angry or upset. They had become close over the semester and would stay together for a few hours after their tutoring sessions. He had become Kelly's major crush, so when he went off to college, Kelly was devastated. They continued to correspond via emails and texts, but their exchanges were typically brief and infrequent.
Kelly gave a disappointed shake of her head. "No," she glumly answered. "He's been busy with his internship." She was aware that having a crush on her instructor was ridiculous and cliche, yet she was powerless to resist. Her heart would beat faster every time she saw a message from him.
"I'm sure he'll write soon," Mark reassured her slightly. She detested seeing her so depressed because she knew how much her closest friend loves him. "You may send him a text to let him know you're thinking of him. He'll appreciate it, I'm sure."
Kelly gave a shoulder shrug. "I've considered it, but I don't want to come out as needy or impatient. Besides, it's not like anything will ever come of it. I'm a senior in high school, and he's a junior in college."
"Quit being so negative. One can never predict what may occur. I think you could text him to wish him a happy day or something. That wouldn't come out as needy," Mark said. As the line advanced, Mark began to jump with excitement.
Kelly chuckled at the enthusiasm of her buddy. Mark was a true fan of the Ferris wheel. "I seriously don't understand your obsession with this ride."
Mark appeared horrified. How are you unable to adore it? From there, the entire city is visible! It's also really romantic to be outside under the stars." Mark's eyes widened as she imagined herself cuddling up to a cute male in the distant.
Kelly rolled her eyes in her head at her friend's remarks. Mark was an ardent romantic who thought happily ever afters and fairy tales existed. Kelly was more grounded than that; she understood that love came with just as many challenges as joys. Her tone was dry as she asked, "You know you are going on this ride with me right?"
Kelly felt an elbow to the ribs from Mark, who narrowed her gaze. She commanded, "Stop ruining my fantasy!"
After hearing their conversation, a boy in the queue behind them moved forward. He scowled at Mark and said, "You can always ride with me, pretty thang." As he spoke, the air was heavy with the stench of cigarettes. Leaning forward, he swung his arm arrogantly over her shoulder.
Mark noted that guy was about their age and gave him a disgusted look. With her pinky up in the air, she caught his hand between her thumb and forefinger and flung it off her body."In your dreams, buddy."
The youngster seemed oblivious to the slight. Yes, you'll undoubtedly be in my dreams this evening. nude." Behind him, his pals chuckled as he grinned.
With a sneer, Mark moved away from their jeers and whistles. With a tone full of contempt, she told Kelly, "High school boys are disgusting."
Kelly chuckled. "I am aware. Remember that I live with Eric? Why do you believe I'm crushing on a man in college?" Eric and his pals used to argue all the time over which girls were the prettiest or the easiest to swindle. They even boasted a rating system that was far superior to Rate-This-Face.com.
The attendant at the Ferris wheel opened the gate and gestured for them to come on. He had a frown on his face as they took their seats. The sour man produced a false smile and growled, "Enjoy your ride."
The females couldn't help but chuckle at the ironic contrast between the two. Kelly remarked, "Obviously, someone isn't content with his job."
"He should have been an actor. He could have played Grumpy in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves," Mark said.
A boisterous voice burst through the speakers. "At all times, please keep your hands and feet within the ride. When getting out of the carriage, wait until the trip has stopped completely." The voice paused for a moment before continuing. "And keep ALL unnecessary comments to yourself," the obviously enraged voice hissed.
The females, realizing the man had heard them, exchanged wide-eyed looks and started laughing. The ride gave way abruptly and began to spin slowly. As they climbed in the sky, the wind whipped past them.
She was gazing down at the glittering city below them when Mark sighed a bit. "There is just one week left before classes begin. How gloomy."
Kelly swung the seat back and forth as she crossed her legs. "I'm not sure. Our senior year excites me. Now at last, we are at the top of the hierarchy."
"So what? We don't really have somebody to give orders to. Mark countered, "At least your brother will have access to all the freshmen football players."
Freshman football players at their school were paired with a senior teammate as per tradition. The football players transformed it into something entirely different, while the coaches utilized it as a kind of mentorship program. The first-years were their personal slaves. The freshman were expected to fetch lunches, clean their uniforms, and do anything else the players requested. Eric had priority over everyone else because he would be the starting quarterback for the varsity team.
Kelly drewled, "And god help us when it starts." "As it is, Eric's ego barely fits in his skull. I detest to witness what transpires when he needs to subjugate freshmen." Kelly sighed inwardly at the prospect.
"Perhaps he won't be as horrible," Mark hopeful said.
Kelly gave her best pal a shoulder pat and shook her head. "Mark, the eternal optimist. When are you going to get that knowledge?"
"Aw, please. Mark nudged, "You have to give your brother a little credit."
Kelly raised her hands in submission. "I truly do adore my twin. Eric, though, is a pampered brat. Everything has been given to him with a golden spoon. He barely works at school or in athletics, but he does well in both! He receives recognition for the accomplishments that come easily to him. "How is the fair doing?" Kelly became enraged.
In reply, Mark arched an eyebrow. "It seems like jealousy between siblings," she remarked.
It's more of a frustration than an envy. He gets by on his attractiveness and endearing nature. If he bothered to put in the effort, he could be so much more." Kelly gave a headshake. However, he doesn't. He has so much unrealized talent, but he won't use it.
As they began their journey to the ground, Mark shrugged. It's his existence. "Let him live his life as he pleases," she said.
Kelly sighed. "The way he's going, he'll get a girl pregnant before he leaves high school," she said. She detested her brother's practice of having sex with girls. Too many girls have left their house crying after he was done with them, she's witnessed.
The churlish man stepped forward to allow them out as the Ferris wheel stopped. Kelly avoided looking at Mark or the employee, fearing that she would burst out laughing. Before the females quickly left, Mark turned around and shouted, "Have a great night, Grumpy!" over her shoulder. Happy that their day at the fair had ended well, the girls trotted to the parking lot.
"I'm guessing Eric bailed on you again?" She saw Eric's car was missing from the parking lot, and Mark saw it. For their birthday, Kelly's parents had given the twins a silver BMW to share, but Eric ended up driving it most of the time due to football practice. Kelly didn't mind most of the time because she didn't go anyplace but home and school, but on occasions like tonight, it troubled her a lot.
"Big surprise," Kelly remarked mockingly. "I know it's out of your way but do you mind?" She offered her best pal big puppy eyes and protruded her bottom lip.
"You idiot, of course. Should you even inquire? She motioned to her black Civic and said, "Get in the car."
Before leaving for home, the girls rolled down the windows and turned on the radio. "So, are we on for the beach tomorrow?" Mark said as the car pulled up near to Kelly's house.
Kelly gave a nod. Yes. When I wake up, I'll text you, and we can talk further." She retrieved her belongings after exiting the vehicle.
"That sounds fine. "See ya later," Mark said, waving before leaving.
Kelly noticed that Eric still hadn't come home as she proceeded up the lengthy road to her residence. He probably took Bella to a party before they performed the horizontal dance because he knew him. She estimated that he would be inebriated when he called her at one or two in the morning, requesting a sober transport home.
Her dog Tucker greeted her as soon as she walked through the front door. He was a brown Labrador Retriever, five years old. Kelly thought of him as hers even though he was supposed to be the family dog. Every day, she fed and walked him, and at night, he slept in her bed.
She spent some time playing with Tucker before going up to her room to get ready for bed. When she got in, Tucker was already curled up on her comforter. She took a book out from under the pillow and curled up under the covers to read.
Kelly has always enjoyed reading as a pastime. She enjoyed spending a few hours losing herself in a book and allowing her imagination to run wild. Every book's characters and atmosphere would come to life for her, acting out like a movie in her head. She was an avid reader of romantic novels, science fiction, and autobiographies. She spent the next few hours reading, after which she turned out the light and went to sleep.
"Just because you hate me doesn't mean your body doesn't want me," he added. He moved closer to her, lifting her leg as he did so. His fingers trailed down to her neck, touching her lips. He could hear her heart race, and he knew he had a magnetic pull on her. He said the obvious: "There is no denying that your body wants me." He turned his back on her after saying, "So don't you ever think that I can't have you when I want because I can and I would." *** He hovered over her, pinning her body to his with his arms around her waist, whispering to her, "I own you now Bell and you can never escape me." His imagination was running wild due to her scent, which was driving him insane. *** Bell was a happy and beautiful girl who lived contentedly with her parents and younger brother as the only family related to the Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack. However, one Alpha attacked their pack and brutally killed her family. She felt as though the world had ended when she learned that her uncle had sold her as a bride to the same Alpha who had murdered her family. This broke and shattered her, leaving her weak and alone. Will she avenge her family or will she submit to her Alpha's will and accept this cruel fate? Book 1 of the werewolf shifter dark romance series is available here.
Now that classes are in session, the material is extremely challenging! She wishes to write about my world and the domme. And rather than taking her, I'm meant to teach her. However, her feisty demeanor begs to be subdued. Her innocence cries out to be captured. I'm confident that my whip will subdue her. Her young body cries out for my stern, seasoned touch. I'll teach her to tolerate suffering in order to experience joy. Like our contract, the seclusion is only for a limited time. However, what if I'd prefer something more long-lasting? Although I should not fall for my subs, I appear to be disobeying all of my own rules.
"Daddy is going to insert it," I yelled. "Daddy is going to fuck this lovely hole with his fingers." Either because of the feelings in her cunt or because she knew a horrible fuck was about to happen, she cried out at that point, but it worked for me. I started to pierce her back by gently pressing my finger against the tight folds, using more pressure to force my way in. I gave an encouraging rasp, "Come on, baby." "Calm down, open up to Daddy, and let him buttfuck you." With a snap, I slipped in up to the first knuckle, that tight ring squeezing my finger so tight, so dry, so stimulating, and those dirty words did the job. The brunette thought it was great. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" As I pierced her ass, she let out a cry, her head tilted towards the heavens, her lips slightly open, and her breasts swinging subtly below.
21+ WARNING!!!! THIS BOOK CONTAINS STEAMY MATURE CONTENTS, NOT SUITABLE FOR UNDERAGE... "Every good girl wants a bad boy who is good only for her." "Every bad boy wants a good girl who is bad only for him." "Whenever you are looking for love don't look too far he might be right next door." Cindy Williams has a 4.0 GPA, no social life, and precisely two friends—the stereotypical adolescent fiction heroine. Austin Holden, her next-door neighbor and an unachievably popular football player, has captured her heart for life. Up until Justin Drake shows up, she believes her senior year would be calm. Extremely attractive but conceited, he's a bad kid whose past Clara would do anything to erase. He's also rude and conceited. Her life is completely upside down due to being torn between two males. Maybe, however, she discovers herself and love in the middle of all the uncertainty and mayhem.
WARNING!! THIS BOOK CONTAINS STEAMY MATURE CONTENTS, NOT SUITABLE FOR UNDERAGE... His index and middle fingers circling my clit told me there was no way I was going to sleep again. I keep my eyes closed and bite my lip so that I don't give him the satisfaction of knowing that he's got me awake. With that, he stuck a rough finger right in the middle of me, causing my eyes to pop wide and my jaw to fall. "This sure will wake you up." "Fuck you," I sulk, putting my hand behind me to firmly hold his hair between my fingers and reluctantly grinning at him. "God, I hate you sometimes." He says, "No you don't," and then presses his thumb against my clit while his other finger moves at the most delightful pace in and out of my moist core. What an awful way to start the day, eh? "Robert," I sulk as I move his head out of my neck. "Please, no.. ************ Young journalist Isabella Jones is tasked with speaking with Robert Woods, the charismatic and influential CEO of Woods Enterprises. Given that Woods is extremely reclusive and rarely grants interviews, Isabella is anxious about the interview. She is adamant, though, that she will give it her all and get the story.... but one thing is certain, she'd have to sleep with him to get the job.
6 years ago, Lydia suffered a brutal betrayal orchestrated by her own husband and step-sister, who drugged her and framed her. In a twist of fate, she ended up having a one-night stand with a stranger. Don't even remember what he looked like. Later, in the throes of death, she discovered the truth about her mother's death all those years ago. In the blink of an eye, she lost everything. 6 years later, Lydia returned with her genius son, vowing to exact revenge on all her enemies! Little did she know, she encountered an incredibly familiar man at the airport! *** The man was briskly pushing open the door to the restroom, heading to the urinal. Even with such a mundane action, he did it with unparalleled elegance and grace. Lydia, following him in a daze, saw his fierce lower body and suddenly snapped back to reality. She let out a high-pitched scream, instinctively covering her eyes with her hands, her cheeks flushed, and stood there stiffly, unsure of what to do. Lambert furrowed his brows slightly but remained calm as he continued to relieve himself. The sound of water hitting the urinal made Lydia's face even redder. She angrily shouted, "You pervert!" Little did Lydia know that Lambert, seeing her in this state, had a flicker of recognition in his eyes. Memories from many years ago flashed through his mind, and his heart couldn't help but stir. It was her!
Lindsey's fiancé was the devil's first son. Not only did he lie to her but he also slept with her stepmother, conspired to take away her family fortune, and then set her up to have sex with a total stranger. To get her lick back, Lindsey decided to find a man to disrupt her engagement party and humiliate the cheating bastard. Never did she imagine that she would bump into a strikingly handsome stranger who was all that she was currently looking for. At the engagement party, he boldly declared that she was his woman. Lindsey thought he was just a broke man who wanted to leech off her. But once they began their fake relationship, she realized that good luck kept coming her way. She thought they would part ways after the engagement party, but this man kept to her side. "We gotta stick together, Lindsey. Remember, I'm now your fiancé. " "Domenic, you're with me because of my money, aren't you?" Lindsey asked, narrowing her eyes at him. Domenic was taken aback by that accusation. How could he, the heir of the Walsh family and CEO of Vitality Group, be with her for money? He controlled more than half of the city's economy. Money wasn't a problem for him! The two got closer and closer. One day, Lindsey finally realized that Domenic was actually the stranger she had slept with months ago. Would this realization change things between them? For the better or worse?
Linsey was stood up by her groom to run off with another woman. Furious, she grabbed a random stranger and declared, "Let's get married!" She had acted on impulse, realizing too late that her new husband was the notorious rascal, Collin. The public laughed at her, and even her runaway ex offered to reconcile. But Linsey scoffed at him. "My husband and I are very much in love!" Everyone thought she was delusional. Then Collin was revealed to be the richest man in the world. In front of everyone, he got down on one knee and held up a stunning diamond ring. "I look forward to our forever, honey."
Melanie married Ashton out of gratitude, but she quickly found herself entangled in a web of relentless challenges. Despite these struggles, she stayed true to her commitment to the marriage. In the hospital room, Ashton indifferently attempted to draw her blood, disregarding her discomfort. This callous act was a harsh revelation for Melanie, awakening her to the grim reality of their relationship. Resolved to prioritize her own welfare, she decided to sever ties. With newfound resolve, Melanie filed for divorce. In the process, she unveiled her concealed identities, leaving everyone in shock. Throughout these turbulent times, Melanie realized that Derek, Ashton’s uncle, had been discreetly protecting her all along.
Mia's life is spiraling out of control. Abandoned by her mother, bullied mercilessly at school, and thrown into a household of four dangerously attractive stepbrothers, she's desperate to find her footing. "You look absolutely edible," Sean growled, his eyes devouring her. Mia felt a rush of heat between her thighs "Oh, you think so?" she purred, turning to face him. She reached out and traced her fingers along the ribbon that wrapped around his waist. "Well, I've been waiting for this all day. And I'm starving." Sean's smile grew into a predatory grin. "Then let us feast," he said, and in a flash, the ribbon fell away, exposing his rock-hard length. He stepped closer, and Mia felt the warmth of his breath on her face as he whispered, "You're going to take every inch of us tonight, aren't you?" With Rolex's teasing smirk and Sean's quiet, hot stares, Mia doesn't know where to turn-or who to trust. Every glance, every touch leaves her breathless, confused, and craving more than she should. Will Mia survive their games, or will she lose herself in a dangerous world of secrets, seduction, and forbidden desire? One house. Four brothers. Endless temptation.
After three loveless years, Neil's betrayal deeply wounded Katelyn. She wasted no time in getting rid of that scoundrel! After the divorce, she devoted herself to career pursuits. Rising to prominence as a top designer, skilled doctor, and brilliant hacker, she became a revered icon. Neil, realizing his grave mistake, tried in vain to win her back, only to witness her magnificent wedding to another. As their vows were broadcast on the world's largest billboard, Vincent slid a ring onto Katelyn's finger and declared, "Katelyn is now my wife, a priceless treasure. Let all who covet her beware!"