Forced to marry a powerful alpha who killed their father and held their mother captive. Myra and her sister Lisa must find a way to escape but eventually got seperated oblivious of what awaits them.
We were running for our lives,the trees glided through as we ran past, my legs scraped against the thorns, I couldn't feel the pain because all that mattered to me was to escape, the full moon was fading and I would soon assume my human form, I prayed for it to last longer because I needed to remain a wolf inorder to escape, I had a chance to outrun them due to my speed and strength as a wolf, Lisa ran alongside, I could hear her panting, I screamed for her to run faster as she lagged behind, then I turned and couldn't find her anymore.
Lisa!!!! I screamed
I needed to save myself but my legs were becoming weak as I was slowly turning human, I roamed around the forest tired and cold but still searching, I had taken my human form, I was stark naked but I didn't care, all that mattered to me was finding Lisa, I couldn't leave Lisa behind,she was all I had, I cried feeling exhausted as I slumped on the wet cold ground and blacked out.
I opened my eyes weakly,my head throbbed painfully and I could feel the sharp pangs of hunger in my stomach, I didn't know where I was, the cottage looked strange, it was all a blur at first then the events of last night became clearer, I shrieked and jumped up suddenly..
"Where the heck am I!!!" I screamed feeling frightened
"You're awake" the stranger said as he strolled into the room holding a cup
"Who are you? why am I here?" I questioned him still frightened
"Relax, I won't hurt you, I carried you from the woods last night,you were unconscious, I would want to know how you ended up alone in the forest passed out at that hour but first of all, you need to regain your strength"drink this,he said as he handed the cup of coffee to me.
I took the cup from him then took a sip, it was steamy hot but just what I needed to wade off the cold chill running through my spines, I stared at him from the corner of my eye, he was extremely handsome,tall,dark, he had a well defined jawline that aligned perfectly with his face. I turned away quickly as he stared back at me, I wondered what he was thinking....
I needed to get out of here, this cute stranger saved my life but I can't stay here for long because finding Lisa was my top priority, I was hungry, maybe I should demand for something to eat then escape as soon as possible.
"Umm...I'm starving,have u got food?" I asked feeling a bit embarrassed.
"Of course, forgive my manners, I was about making breakfast before I heard u scream, let me do that now" he got up from the bed and walked out heading straight to the kitchen.
I looked around, it was a small cottage, the room had few properties, a table and chair by the corner, then the bed and a wooden hanger at the other end, I looked out of the window and noticed that it was surrounded by tall trees and grasses.
"Why is this stranger living in the forest, what was he doing outside at that time of the night when he found me,does he know am a werewolf?" I thought to myself feeling so troubled
Although he seemed like a good person but I learned at an early age never to trust anyone, I began to map out strategies for my escape, once I'm done eating, I would seize the perfect opportunity and flee through the window...
I rubbed my hands together to generate heat as I pulled the bedsheets around me covering every inch of my body.
"Breakfast is ready, can u come over here" he said loudly from the kitchen
I stood up shakingly and strolled towards the kitchen. There was a small wooden table surrounded by three stools, I sat on one of the stools as I watch him place a plate of fried eggs and bread before me, he sat at the other end with his own plate and gazed at me as I devoured each slice of bread hungrily.
"What's your name" he asked still staring.
"Myra" I said with a mouthful of food,I gazed at him through the corners of me eyes as he watched me.
"Well...I'm Paul,nice to meet you Myra"he said grinning at me.
I knew he was waiting for me to finish up before he can start bombarding me with questions, the last thing I wanted to do was share details about my life with a complete stranger, I stood up and gazed straight at him.
"Umm....I need to freshen up, I'll be back once I'm done then we can talk" I
said trying to hide the terror in my voice as I hoped not to get caught.
"Alright, take your time Myra, we have all day" he replied in his thick husky voice which sent a chill down my spines.
I hurried back to the bedroom and stared around looking for an escape route, I noticed I could jump through the narrow window but first I had to remove the hinges, I looked around for a sharp object then noticed a pair of scissors at the top of the wooden cabinet, I picked it up and began working my way through the hinges, I tried to do it as quietly as possible because I couldn't risk getting caught, i was halfway through when I heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom, I pulled with all my strength and the last hinge came off, I proceeded to climb through when I felt a hand grabbed my thighs...
"What are you doing little wolf?" he questioned as I turned and caught a glimpse of rage flash through his eyes
"I'm sorry" I said as I began to sob
"I saved your life Myra, I found you unconscious in the forest, I brought you back, made a fire to warm you up, nursed you throughout the night, I barely had a wink of sleep and now you want to just leave without an explanation..." he said furiously
"I just want to find my sister Paul, I'm scared she may be hurt, we were trying to escape together when all of a sudden I couldn't find her, she's all that matters to me now, I need to find her..." I was sobbing uncontrollably now
I noticed his features calmed, he drew me closer and patted my back gently as I wept on his shoulders. At that moment I knew I could trust him and I needed his help to find my sister.
He offered me a cup of water, I took a sip as I stared down at his hands holding mine with so much care.
"Myra, I can trust me,tell me everything so I can help you" he said with so much pain in his voice as he watched me.
"I will Paul but first, how do you know I'm a werewolf?you called me little wolf while I was trying to escape" I asked puzzled.
He gazed at me intensely then I noticed his eyes turn amber as it dawned on me that he was also a werewolf not just a werewolf but an alpha. The members of a pack had yellow eyes except an alpha, their eyes were an amber colour and if u stared closely it had the appearance of a raging fire... I was stunned
"Seriously, all these while and I never noticed, I guess the trauma of yesterday also contributed to the fact that I didn't pay attention to little details about him" I thought to myself
"Well....I guess you know now that I'm an alpha, I built this cottage so I could come here whenever I needed a break or a quiet time away from my father's kingdom and princely affairs, I was out hunting when I found you" he explained.
"So you're an alpha prince?" I asked still surprised
"Yes I am...but enough about me,how did you get here? I need to know so we can find a way to save your sister" he said as he pulled a chair backwards and sat down.
I stared at him as I began to recount all the events that led to this moment.
My family and I were forced to move from our village where we lived as a pack in peace and harmony, we experienced a severe drought and because we could no longer hunt, my father who was the alpha insisted we move to the outskirts of the village close to the mountains.
The mountain was already occupied by a wicked,power hungry alpha "Axel" who had the largest pack. my father hoped to come to a treaty with him so we could live down the mountains and hunt and never cross their borders which he accepted.
We were decieved because we were attacked one night while we slept, my father was killed, my mum, Lisa and I were captured. My mum became one of Axel's concubines while other members of our pack were turned into slaves except my uncle Sam who was spared as a result of my mother's pleading. Sam became our father figure who shielded us from the bloodshed and pain growing up in Axel's kingdom.
Axel was the most powerful alpha in the east, he was so feared because of his troops of armies who were trained to subdue lesser packs, the victims were forced to become slaves while their lands and properties were taken...there was no escape, the mountain was surrounded by guards who kept watch by the wall. Anyone caught trying to escape was killed and made a public example. Axel ruled with fear and terror instilled into the hearts of his subjects.
On my eighteenth birthday, Axel announced he will be choosing a mate for his Son Raphael who was to become his heir. Lisa was only Sixteen but we were both forced to join the maidens who would be a part of the mating ritual.
My mum couldn't bear the thought of us going through same terror as she did so she discussed with Sam and they hatched a plan for our escape.
There was a huge celebration on the night of every full moon, there was music, surplus red meat and it was a period where Axel's armies picked their mates including other inhabitants of the mountain. My uncle has informed us earlier that we were to escape at the peak of the celebration while my mum would act as a distraction, I can still hear the sound of Lisa sobbing.
"No way mum, we're not leaving you behind,you have to come with us" Lisa pleaded
"I can't Lisa, if I do, my absence will be noticed immediately and we will get caught, I need to be sitted amongst Axel's wife and concubines on the night of the full moon" she said exhaustingly
"But what if Axel hurt you or Uncle Sam for helping us escape" I asked already frightened
"Axel won't hurt me, he loves me the most, trust me, I'll be fine and I'll make sure your Uncle Sam is safe, they will never find out he helped you girls escape" mum consoled us
"How do we survive without you" Lisa sobbed
"Myra will take good care of you but don't worry about me, no matter how long it takes I will find my way out back to you both" she said as tears welled up in her eyes
"We will all be fine" uncle Sam said as he brought us closer for a group hug.
I cried silently as I felt anger build up in my chest, if only I could kill Axel just the way he killed Dad, I will make him suffer, his death will be slow and painful.
The celebration started at midnight as the full moon formed. Uncle Sam has given us an elixir to keep us in human form till we crossed the walls, he then led us to the walls while he distracted the guards, we climbed slowly to avoid slipping, A rope was fastened around our waists.we were almost at the top when Lisa's left foot slipped, she groaned and a guard spotted us. he yelled to alert other guards as he began to climb after us, my uncle held him down while we crossed to the other side.
"Run!!!" my uncle shouted.
The last image I saw was uncle Sam being subdued by other guards and handcuffed, his eyes were filled with tears and triumph.
The guards chased after us hot on our heels, we ran through the forest stumbling on small rocks with the thorns tearing into our flesh yet we never stopped. We kept running for what seemed like hours, our joints were weak,Lisa complained that she felt dizzy but I urged her to keep running.There was a narrow path ahead , I felt a bit relieved that we would soon get to a community so I encouraged Lisa to use what last strength we had to at least get to the end of the path. As I ran, I could no longer hear Lisa's footsteps or the sound of her panting, I turned around immediately but she was nowhere in sight....I couldn't go on without Lisa, it was better I was captured than to lose my sister. I turned around searching and screaming her name but I could only hear the sound of my own voice. I roamed the forest for hours, my throat was parched from thirst,my joints were weak and I could no longer walk, I could hear the sound of my heart beating so loud against my chest, that was the last thing I remember before I blacked out.....
Paul stared at me with his mouth agape, there was so much sympathy on his face that it made me feel distraught.
"So that's all of it, now you understand why I need to find my sister" I said with tears dripping down my face.
" I'm sorry Myra about all of it, I'll help you find your sister, I'm so sorry about your Dad too and that you had to go through all of this" his voice was filled with so much emotion.
"There was nothing I could do to save my Dad, he's gone already. What matters to me now is finding my sister and rescuing my mum" I replied.
He looked up at me and sighed.
" will have to return with me to my kingdom,I can't let you do this alone,the last thing we both want is for you to get captured as well. I would order my men to search the forests, if she isn't found then we know for sure that she has been captured.then we restrategize and come up with a plan to rescue both your mum and Lisa" he said as he paced around the room.
I gazed at him with so much respect, I was beginning to like this stranger, maybe fate brought me to him so we can wage this war together.
"Get prepared, we are leaving now" he said
I packed up some leftovers then strolled outside and watched him as he saddled his horse. He helped me mount the horse as we rode off into the forest. I was headed for a new destination with no clue of what awaited me.
I felt dizzy as we ran, we were beginning to take our human forms and I was getting weaker, my eyes were closing gradually and I couldn't see the path ahead of me, the last thing I wanted to do was bother Myra, I couldn't slow us down because of this damn dizziness. I straddled along slowly then I stumbled and fell into a shallow hole, I tried to get back up but discovered my legs were trapped by a twig. I struggled with what strength I had left to get rid of the twig but to no avail. I screamed Myra's name loudly calling for help but I wasn't sure she would be able to hear me unless she was close by...
I could hear footsteps and voices from a distance,I had a keen sense of hearing right from childhood,most times I wondered if it was as a result of me being a werewolf but my sister Myra didn't share same traits.
"What if I get captured" I thought to myself as fear began creeping in as I wondered if the voices belonged to Axel's guards who was chasing after us.
I couldn't let them catch up with me or Myra. I sobbed as I wondered if she heard me screaming from down here. I doubted that she heard me but I was determined to survive. I wish I was still in my wolf form then I would free myself of this twig with my wolf strength but the full moon has faded hours ago and I was trapped as a useless,weak human.
I could hear the voices getting closer, I was caught up in a dilemma. I could keep silent and allow them pass through,they may not notice I'm down here trapped in a hole but what if they pass through and catch up with my sister Myra. Myra had a soft and compassionate heart just like Dad unlike me who was stubborn and strong-willed. I figured she must be roaming the forest searching for me and could likely get caught. I had to do something as I couldn't let Myra get captured.
I tried harder to pull my legs from the twig but a thorn pierced my legs and tore into my flesh deeply, I winced in pain, my blood was oozing out and then I decided I'd rather die saving my sister.
"Help!!!Somebody Help me!!!" I screamed loudly to attract the footsteps passing through. At that moment I was so scared as I pleaded for God to save my life.
Just then, I saw them, they were four Men dressed in the uniform of Axel's men. I was a bit confused because they weren't part of the group who were chasing after us but it doesn't change the fact that I have been captured by Axel's men and was about to meet my end. I sobbed quietly as I felt a hand grip my shoulder to help me up,he took a knife from his pockets and cut off the twig then flung me over his back. That was the last thing I remember as my brain went blank.
I opened my eyes gently as I felt the light rays resting on my face, it was dawn already,my vision was a bit blurred. I felt a hand resting besides me, I peeked and made out a figure that looked like Axel's son Raphael.
"I must be dreaming" I thought to myself as I pinched my skin and rubbed my eyes to be certain I wasn't dreaming. I opened them again fully this time and there he was sleeping soundly on a chair besides me with his hands resting on my shoulder. I looked down and noticed a band aid was wrapped around my legs were I sustained the thorn injury.
I was confused about the whole situation,I thought I should be dead by now or better still locked up in a prison. I thought of Myra too as I wondered if she was ok. I needed to get out of here,I stood up gently and felt the sharp pain spread through my legs,I limped slowly towards the door.
"You can't leave now Lisa, you lost a lot of blood, you're still weak and need lots of rest". I heard the voice behind me say.
I turned around and went back to the bed, he was right, I still felt very weak. I stared at him, his face was rough, he had a little scar down his chin which gave him this alluring bad handsomeness. His brown eyes were deep and menacing, he had his father's eyes, that same eyes that instilled fear into the hearts of his subjects. I was surprised that he knew my name as I wondered how I got here in the first place.
"Why am I here? Where is my sister Myra? Wat did you do to her you asshole!" I shouted as I stared straight into his eyes with so much hatred, I wouldn't let him see me scared so he knows I'm not afraid of him.
"Relax, I won't hurt you, if I wanted to,I would have done that as soon as my men brought you to me" he whispered tiredly.
"What do you mean by you won't hurt me,your father killed my father and made my mum his concubine, just yesterday one of us was about to be forced to marry you. Your family has hurt mine for as long as I can remember. All I need you to tell me is what you did to my sister" I said already fuming as I felt the anger building up inside me.
"I had nothing to do with your sister's whereabouts, my men couldn't find her,they found just you and I don't think you should hold my father's sins against me" he said with a frown lining his forehead.
"Then why did you send your men after us and why keep me here?"I asked defiantly.
"I overheard the guards telling my father that you and your sister had escaped so I sent my men to get to the both of you first before my father's men because if you were caught,you both would have been executed immediately. Don't worry, no one knows you're here, my men are loyal and won't spill" he said.
"But why did you decide to save us?" I asked still confused.
"Umm...I can't say for now but I'm sorry my men couldn't find your sister Myra,they roamed the forest in search of her. I would do everything to make sure she isn't hurt because I made sure they kept searching till she's found. She wasn't captured by my father's men either so for now no one knows where she is"he said looking so unhappy.
I felt relief wash through me to hear that Myra wasn't captured as I prayed she was safe wherever she was.
"How about my uncle? We saw him handcuffed and taken away as we tried to escape" I asked.
He stared at me with sympathy. I wondered what was wrong as he kept silent for a few seconds.
"I'm sorry Lisa,your Uncle is dead, he was executed immediately" he said as he held his head low.
"What!!!" I screamed as I began sobbing uncontrollably.
"Please tell me that my mum is safe at least" I said with tears dripping down my face.
"She's safe but being held captive by my father, I would find a way to save her. I promise" he said as he gazed at me.
"You lying asshole!!! I can't trust you or your family. Your father did all of this, I swear if he touches even a hair on my mother's head i would make sure he pays even if it's with my dying breath. Your family needs to be stopped and no matter what you say, you will always be a part of them and their evil deeds...if you're a nice person like you've tried to potray,why won't you tell me the real reason why you sent your men after me and my sister" I screamed at him with so much hatred and anger,my chest felt as if it was about to burst open.
He stared at me with so much pain his eyes.
"It's all because I loved her!!! I've always loved your sister Myra, I loved her from the first day I set my eyes on her. I secretly hoped she was the one chosen to be my wife. When I heard you both escaped, I couldn't bear to see her hurt so I sent my men to get to you before my father's men did. I went against my father even though I knew if I was caught there would be serious consequences. I'm sorry Lisa, I've never been a part of my father's evil deeds. My life has been controlled by him right from when I was born. Growing up I was trained to be just like him,strong and tough, I had to endure several beatings but still I wanted to become my own man. I was also hurt and disappointed when my men couldn't find your sister but I won't stop searching for her" he said with so much emotions, I could see the tears glistening in his eyes.
I felt my knees weaken, I could sense the truth in his words as I felt sorry for him.
"So what do we do now? Where do we go from here?" I was worn-out.
"My father won't hurt your mum, she's his favourite besides the security around her is tight. We need a proper plan to help her escape. For now I propose we find your sister first" he said staring at me.
"Is this your silly crush on my sister talking, so you know, my sister will never love someone like you. It will take an eternity to forgive your Dad for everything he put us through" I replied him while staring back deviantly.
I could see the hurt in his eyes and regretted saying that but I feel it's better I let him know so he wouldn't get his hopes up and think that the moment we find my sister,she would eventually run into his arms and agree to be his wife.
He sighed then looked up at me. "We leave at dusk"he said as he stood up and walked out the door.
For a while I stared into empty space then my eyes wandered around the room, it was properly furnished with artifacts placed besides the wall,most of the furnitures were gold.
"Well... He's the first son of one of the most powerful alphas, I didn't expect less" I thought to myself.
I stared at my bandaged legs and sighed "I can't do anything because of this damn injury" I heaved dejectedly.
Just then there was a soft knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I sighed in exasperation as I hoped it wasn't Raphael.
"It's Giselle, the housekeeper" the voice replied.
"Come in" I said wondering why I can't just enjoy a moment of privacy in this place.
Just then, the door flung open as she walked in, I expected to see a middle aged lady but was stunned to discover she was a young girl, I guess we we were about same age, she was chubby with a round face that potrayed innocence.
"I wanted to know what you would like for breakfast ma'am" She enquired as she avoided my eyes and stared down, she seemed uncomfortable.
"Please call me Lisa, you don't need to be scared of me, I won't hurt you" I said assuring her as I wondered what made her so nervous.
"Yes ma'am sorry, what should I get you for breakfast?" She asked again.
" Whatever is available, I really don't feel like having anything but maybe seeing the food will stimulate my appetite, I would like you to join me for breakfast too if you don't mind" I said gazing at her intently.
"'am sorry Lisa, I don't know if I can, I'm just a maid" she stammered.
"Don't worry Giselle, you're safe with me, let's be friends and look out for each other, I know we just met but it feels like I've known you. So please join me" I smiled at her
I noticed her features relax as she smiled back.
"Alright Lisa, let me get us breakfast " she said still smiling as she strolled off.
A while later she returned with a tray containing baked bread, eggs and milk, she sat beside me as we ate in silence.
"Are you originally from here Giselle?" I asked trying to start a conversation.
"No, my village was raided some years back, I was taken captive and brought here" she said Sadly.
"I'm so sorry Giselle, I didn't mean to pry" I said as I felt sober and ashamed.
"It's ok, None of it was your fault, you're the second person who has bothered to really know who I am" she looked dejected
"Who is the first?" I asked curiously.
"It's Raphael, after I was brought here, I became a servant to one of Axel's men, he would beat and starve me at the slightest offense. One day he beat me up so badly and tied me half naked to a tree outside. Just then Raphael was passing by,he spotted me crying and ordered his men to untie me and bring me to him, he scolded my master and warned him never to come close to me again. He bought me back here to his house and nursed me back to health. He insisted to help me go back to my people but then I told him I was an orphan,I had no one and nothing to go back to. I pleaded with him to let me stay and work for him, he accepted so here I am. I have so much respect for him, he's nothing like his father" she concluded.
I felt so sad for her as I felt tears in my eyes threatening to drop.
"I'm sorry you had to go through so much Giselle" I said soberly.
"It's ok,I'm fine here, being here has given me the peace I've always wanted. I wasn't accepted by my people, they said my bad luck was the reason my parents died. Before my village was raided,I had to go through so much pain and mockery from them, I did menial jobs to survive but right now I'm happy and I feel safe being under Raphael's care" she said.
"Why were you so nervous and scared of me then" I asked curiously.
"I didn't know who you were, due to my past experiences, I'm always scared of strangers, most times I still get this feeling that someone is out to hurt me, I'm sorry I acted that way, you're such a nice person" she said remorseful.
"It's fine Giselle, I understand, just like you I've also been through a lot. My father and uncle were killed, my mum is being held captive by axel and my sister is missing" I said feeling so downcast
" I'm so sorry Lisa" she said sorrowfully.
"It's ok, I believe we will find her, I just pray she's safe. I feel so relieved having this conversation with you Giselle, I didn't have friends growing up too but I was so lucky to have my sister. Right now I'm happy I've found a friend I can talk to this way" I said to her
"Same here Lisa, I'm so happy we met and I hope you find your sister, if there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to tell me" she said as she patted my hands. I held on tightly.
Just then Raphael walked in.
"I see you guys have met, hope I'm not interrupting your conversation, I'll take my leave" he said.
"It's fine Raphael, join us for breakfast " I insisted.
We all ate in silence,once we were done Giselle offered to clear the dishes.
"I told my men to get the horses ready so we could leave at dusk but I would advise you stay behind due to your condition, I don't think you're strong enough yet to embark on this journey besides don't forget you're still in hiding" he said
"No, that's not happening, I'm going with you to find my sister besides I'm ok now, the pain in my legs has subsided and no one knows I'm here with you" I said deviantly.
"Alright it's fine, get some rest, I'll be back when it's time for us to leave" he said as he stood up and walked out of the door.
I watched him as he strolled off.
"Maybe I misjudged him, I was so hard on him, he seems like a good person, anyways I'll make it up to him later, for now I need to find my sister" I thought to myself.
I was beginning to feel drowsy, I guessed it was as a result of the pain medication I was given for my leg injury. I adjusted my pillow, laid down and slept off in oblivion.
We've been married for three years, but I've never truly had his love. When his childhood sweetheart returned, just as promised, all I was met with were the cold, glaring divorce papers. "If I were carrying our child, would you still choose to divorce?" I asked, holding onto the faintest glimmer of hope, making one last desperate plea. His response, as expected, was just as cold as ever. "Yes." I closed my eyes, choking back tears, and finally chose to let go-to honor his decision. Years later, my heart had turned to ash. Lying in a hospital bed, I trembled as I signed the divorce papers. "Alexander, from this moment on, we owe each other nothing..." What I never saw coming was the ruthless, decisive CEO kneeling at my bedside, his voice hoarse, almost broken, as he pleaded, "Vivienne, don't divorce me... please."
Her fiance and her best friend worked together and set her up. She lost everything and died in the street. However, she was reborn. The moment she opened her eyes, her husband was trying to strangle her. Luckily, she survived that. She signed the divorce agreement without hesitation and was ready for her miserable life. To her surprise, her mother in this life left her a great deal of money. She turned the tables and avenged herself. Everything went well in her career and love when her ex-husband came to her.
While Sienna reached the pinnacle of her success, Julian remained the forgotten son of his family, the one who had secretly stolen her first kiss in the shadows of the night. As Sienna hit her darkest moment, Julian returned home, leaving his life behind, only to witness her tears glistening in the moonlight as she reluctantly accepted another man's proposal. When Sienna needed Julian more than ever, he had risen to a position of power and had become her most steadfast pillar of support. "Please marry me." There was no one else in the world who could love Sienna as deeply as Julian did.
After being kicked out of her home, Harlee learned she wasn't the biological daughter of her family. Rumors had it that her impoverished biological family favored sons and planned to profit from her return. Unexpectedly, her real father was a zillionaire, catapulting her into immense wealth and making her the most cherished member of the family. While they anticipated her disgrace, Harlee secretly held design patents worth billions. Celebrated for her brilliance, she was invited to mentor in a national astronomy group, drew interest from wealthy suitors, and caught the eye of a mysterious figure, ascending to legendary status.
"Sign the divorce papers and get out!" Leanna got married to pay a debt, but she was betrayed by her husband and shunned by her in-laws. Seeing that her efforts were in vain, she agreed to divorce and claimed her half of the properties. With her purse plump from the settlement, Leanna enjoyed her newfound freedom. The constant harassment from her ex's mistress never fazed her. She took back her identities as top hacker, champion racer, medical professor, and renowned jewelry designer. Then someone discovered her secret. Matthew smiled. "Will you have me as your next husband?"
"You're mine, little puppy," Kylan growled against my neck. A soft gasp escaped my lips as his lips brushed my skin. My mind screamed at me to push him away-the Lycan Prince who had humiliated me again and again, but my body betrayed me, leaning into him before I could stop myself. He pressed his lips against mine, and his kiss grew more aggressive, more possessive as I felt my legs weaken. What was I doing? In a split-second, I pulled away and slapped him hard across the face. Kylan's eyes darkened, but the smirk on his lips exposed his amusement. "You and I both know we can't fight this, Violet," he said, gripping my wrist. "You're my mate." "And yet you don't want me," I replied. "You told me you were ashamed of me, that l'd never be your queen, that you'd never love me. So please, accept my rejection and let me go." "Never," he whispered, his grip tightening as he pulled me closer. "Soon enough, you'll be begging for me. and when you do-I'll use you as I see fit and then I'll reject you."