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Forbidden Second Chance Mate

Forbidden Second Chance Mate

34 Chapters
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BLURB Hazel wanted to live a free life, leave where she belonged because of their evil heart. She was helped by the old witch to change everything about her, luckily she escaped from the grip of the regent. Meeting Carlos was fate to her. Everything about her life changed for the worse when Jessica died. ~~~★★ "Who killed her!!" Carlos roared, taking his dead mate in his arms with sorrow mixed with anger written on his face e night only the moon shed light on the scene. "We know who the murderer is. rer is. But– but.." Jason stuttered, his head lowered. "But what! Spit whatever you hold to yourself I won't mind if you are my friend I will kill you" Jason shivered even though he's a beta, he's not matched to the Alpha. "Ha_zel she's.. the one," Jason said with eyes squeezed he wasn't sure if she was the one. "Hazel? That girl is a betrayal, I know she's playing kind to her, she's fooling me with her innocent face. He said through gritted teeth. " don't do anything right now, you must first investigate Carlos. She.." "Shut up fool! She will experience what the word 'death' is" he drowned as he clings the dead body of Jessica to his chest. "Tell the warrior groups that I've found the killer, seize her!"

Chapter 1 BLOOD WAR


"I will kill you, bastard!" Max thunder with eyes bloody red, his sharp nails thirsty for blood.

lucian chuckled at his word.

"What do you say? You dream, you can never kill me max!" Lucian answered him laughing as he pointed.

Max gasped at his word. "You know? Your wife will be my servant your son will be dead!" Max said trying to distract him but lucian scoffed familiar with his trick

"We werewolf are the strongest and smartest creature not like you damn ugly vampire, my wife will never be your servant" lucian strikes angrily

Max hearing him call him ugly vampire was more than furious with his sword drew out he dashed forward with a deadly move.

lucian doged the attack by tossing the sword from him far away from him.

Max will never accept defeat, he knows lucian his stubborn among others alpha he have take down and destroyed their pack.

Lucian kicked him hard on chest causing him to fly far distance from him hittng his back on the tree, he covered his pain with a dangerous laugh he never expects lucian to be this strong.

after so many years someone finally hurt him in a battle he have killed many alpha's feasting on their heart and soaking out their blood till they dried up he destroyed many pack.

he was chosen as the regent for his power and the strongest among others he never showed mercy to any one.

He licked the blood on his lip with his thumb, he stood up with his long black gown.

Before he could make any attempt

Lucian ran faster and punched him hard on his face as he groaned in pain, he kicked him nonstop with a great quickness he fell down flatly.

The battle field was filled with blood splashing on the floor he sighted some of his pack on the floor while some her wounded as they fought hard to survive.

his attention drew to one of the young warrior close to him liam as the vampire pierce his finger deep into his heart his jaw dropped tears threatened to fall.

he didn't realize max was back, his opportunity to take lucian back was here because he's lost and in trauma in a battle he smiled devilshly.

As his long nails was aimed towards Lucian, lucian tried to dodged the target but was too late, because, he didn't realised max was at his back.

Max twisted his neck with his fang and blood was gushing out of it nonstop. He smirked as he removed the alpha's head and threw it on the floor.

"You are the strongest, wise? You are the dreamer dead lucian" he said in a mockery voice.

He raised forward as he did the same to the pack member.

Sadie who was the mother and the luna of silver pack, was in tears inside the small building with her five old boy, she covered her son face with his hand.

Eva the personal maid to the luna stood with her head bowed, she turned back and take his son with her, she lead the maid to the back door holding his son.

"Eva I've always trusted you, and chooses you among many. Even if it's to take away your life, you must protect Carlos" sadie said tearfully and looked up to the sky as she looked her head.

She handed the little boy to Eva,

"I know you've seen a lot my little boy, but.." She tried to complete her words when footsteps was heard outside the room,

he pushed the maid outside which leads to the forest.

Eva ran into the Forest with the little child as he covered his lip,

"Shhhh,it's gonna be okay" she pet the little child head as she hid beside the tree with the little boy.

She felt that some of the vampires are searching around the forest and could scent them.

she could feel the footsteps of the vampire approaching their direction, she shut her eyes, as her heart beat faster thumping down threatening to come out of her chest at any moment.

The vampire man removed the leaves covering his way, but thankfully he was distracted by one of his companions, they make their way back..

She breathed in relieved as she checked the surrounding if they are free to go.

She held the little boy wrist tightly as she let go of his lips.

"Where is mother, I want my mother" Carlos mutters tearfully, Eva clean the tears on his cheek, before she nodded her head.

"Your mother is coming, she's safe, clean your tears and let's leave before the bad men find us" Eva whispered as he turned into her wolf form, it's a little wild, as he help the boy climb unto her back and he dashed into the deep forest cutting branches.

Sadie was dragged outside by the vampire to the regent, as he smiled devilishly making a high chuckled.

Sadie stood up from her kneel and spit on his face, max expression turned sour as he raised his hand and slap her across the face.

"How dare you!" Max growled, as he used his fang to caress her face.

He burst out laughing as the other laughed also, he turned to one and cut his neck.

The other was afraid as they were now silence,

He looked at sadie who was starting at the body of the alpha on the floor, with pain and sadness written on her face.

"You are now my servant" max whispers into her ear, she jerked up angrily.

"I prefer death, instead of a servant to you son of a b**ch" she yelled, within fear as she stood firmly looking at max eye with hatred.

"I hate stubborn people" max wailed and turned round before stretching is fang and pierced it Into saidie's heart.

And blood covered the fang, he removed heart as he threw it away as the vampires ran towards it and devour it.

Sadie looked into the sky once again, as blood was passing through her mouth and nose.


Eva kept running faster in the forest as her leg could carry, with fear, as the rain pour down heavily on the little boy, the vampire noticed the bed flying away from the trees as they sees Eva running with a little boy.

They followed as they tried to take the little boy from the maid and killed them, the two vamp men ran forward and attacked at the front, the little boy stood at the back of the weak maid who tried her possible way to be strong just to protect carlos.

She shifted back Into his two leg form with her hand shaking, she was trying to be strong as she rushed towards the vampire,

The man hold his neck squeezing it, and raising it higher she find it hard to breath feeling she was already losing her breath.

All she wanted now was someone to save Carlos, immediate an arrow was fired as it pierced deep Into the vampire forehead,

He fell down Lifelessly.

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