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His Rejected Mate (Her Beast)

His Rejected Mate (Her Beast)

70 Chapters
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Nora's father was a powerful witch who was presumed to have gone crazy and tried to kill the Leader of their coven. The coven shuns her for her dads wrong doings. Until one day she discovers that her father was trying to save them from the leader all along. She is determined to use her magic for good and master her skills in order to finish what her dad started. She becomes the strongest healing witch of the coven. The leader finds out about her plot and has her kept in the dungeons. One day the Beta of one of the strongest packs ever comes on behalf of the Alpha asking for help. The luna is pregnant and having complications with the pregnancy. Reluctantly they let Nora go to help her. She finds out that the Alpha is her destined mate and he rejects her immediately. She is heartbroken but stays with the Luna feeling obligated to see her through her pregnancy. It breaks her heart to see the mate happy with someone else. She works closely with Jake in the clinic and she can see herself settling down with him. That is when the Leader of her coven decides to carry out his plan. Secrets are unraveled and the Alpha realizes that his luna isn't the perfect mate he had thought. Nora is determined to bring a stop to her coven leader and the werewolves are right by her side. She begins to see a different side to the Alpha and when everything is over who will she chose. The man who broke her heart or the one trying to piece it back together?

Chapter 1 Nora

Two things in this world are considered more powerful than anything else, the power of love and the power itself.

One cannot exist without the other. A person driven by love may do anything to keep their loved one safe. With power, even the most loved ones cannot resist the attraction of power. When a person is empowered with a little bit of power, anything can become possible.

For those responsible for creating the world and turning it into a supernatural hotspot, we know it's the power of those two things to make sure they get what they want.


For Nora, one thing she's believed in all her life is that she knows she can always count on her father. She never knew or met her mother. The only information about her is the information she read in her father's diary.

She was once a garden fairy. It was thought to be a life of whimsy, a fantasy of freedom and comfort one could only find within the walls of a fairytale kingdom. But when darkness first strikes. A beast that dwells in the mountains of Kampa. The first to fall prey was the dairy kingdom.

Her mother was a mighty warrior who was sent to seek help on behalf of her people. I think when she meets the Sorority of Witches in magic, she only holds out hope for the fact that they are willing to help her.

At first, they refused. The darkness hasn't been a problem for them yet, so when it comes to them, they just have to deal with it. She was about to leave when she stumbled upon Nora's father. He's a powerful witch known for his skills, and for some reason, he wants to help her. They say he was careless when he agreed, but Nora likes to think that the moment he sees her, he's emotionally unstable and whatever he asks her to do, she does it immediately.

But that's when it seemed their love story was forever destined to be a short one. Like a delicate rose, it is beautiful to the touch, but its thorns will only leave you in pain.


Nora's breathing was deep and unsteady as she moved deeper into the wall. She must persevere. As she struggled to stand on the windowsill, she could feel her limbs getting weaker and weaker.

She cursed herself for not being able to bring more supplies, but then she remembered the strange look she got from the shopkeeper when she gave her the list.

She refuses to be further belittled by such a man. She looked towards the edge of the cliff, and the strong sunlight above her head made her cringe, and she couldn't help squinting her eyes, feeling the sun shining on her skin. She snorted, closed her eyes, lifted the rest of her upper body, and climbed onto the last platform.

Nora looked around, letting out a breath between her lips, and for a split second, her heart couldn't help beating wildly in her chest. She wanted to assume the best, but when she didn't find what she was looking for at first, she had the urge to scream out loud.

The sun began to dip below the horizon, and she felt an inert need to let it stop. She wants it to stop because she fantasizes it will make her feel better and maybe give her more time to herself.

But when she watched the moon rise, she knew it was over. Only then did she let the first tear roll down her cheek?

No, it should be here. she said in a tone of despair. Hess looked at the moon. The goddess has made a solemn promise to serve her people and people around the world, but she never seems to be there for her when she needs her.

Suddenly, the cloud of sadness she felt was easily replaced by anger. She is done praying. She needs to save her father and to do that, she will stop at nothing.

Nora held a grain of sand in her hand and felt another wave of energy rushing through her body. She was told to tame the wild powers that had fueled her all her life, but she grew desperate. She raised her hands high, only to feel her eyes slipping down, and a turbulent wind rose from her whole body. She took a deep breath and let go, and her hands dropped easily.

She watched a huge wind shadow rising around her, and she was blown backward and stumbled to her feet. When she was finally able to open her eyes, she managed to get back on her feet. Looking at the scene in front of her, she widened her eyes and gasped.

Nora carefully observes the blue markings on the ground that depict the dance of wolves with the sun. It's a story that has been passed down through the generations, and that's when she realized what she had to do. She couldn't miss the blue gauge she found in a crack in the ground.

She knows it's clear now that she's going to have to follow the love that's in front of her. It was unusual for a witch to have this kind of knowledge of the ancient world. But she has exhausted all available resources.

She's hopeless, which just means she has no choice but to do the last thing she ever considered, which is to explore the world.

She already learned about the wolf and the sun when she decided to explore the temple of the Mayan wolf pack. This is an abandoned civilization, but they seem to know the world around them like the back of their hands.

Nora doesn't know what she thought she'd find there, but she finds solace in the ruins, and now she realizes that's why so many generations haven't touched this sight.

At that moment, she closed her eyes, trying to release all the emotions she was trying to bury. Grief is fear as well as sadness. Because it's not just dancing. That's taking out her heart and soul and wishing Sun a happy life.

When she was done, feeling the emotion sweep over her body, she slowly opened her eyes again, and couldn't help laughing as her eyes turned blue, reflecting the light of the orb in front of her.

"Finally," she whispered.

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