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My Famous Ex Husband

My Famous Ex Husband

13 Chapters
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The marriage between you and Nick has been undermined day by day by feelings of possession and mistrust and all your feminine insecurities and all the weight of being married to Nicholas Cassano. You are very intense, but you are also an ordinary woman, judged by all of society for the following reasons: divorced mother of the famous Nick Cassano, manager of a bistro, and wife. The weight of being a woman is no longer easy, and being married to a pop star and then being betrayed by him and divorced from him are even bigger labels. After he walked out the door of your house, you didn't imagine that things would take such controversial destinations. Dealing with a breakup like that, with your feminine insecurities and trying to rebuild yourself is not easy, especially when you have a child in the middle. But, you are a strong woman, much more determined than you imagined, and until you realize that, you will have special people on your way to show it. In the end, everything will be fine between you and you will discover new ways of loving: loving yourself and life.

Chapter 1 GoodBye

Six months had passed since he'd walked out the door with his suitcase, and he hadn't returned. Three months was all it took for Liz to understand that her father wasn't coming home. Two months was all it took for him to put her in my place.

Denise called me several times, although the idea of ā€‹ā€‹divorce was against her moral principles, she tried to support me and convince me to back down. But, it wasn't my decision. It was our weariness. It was the extremity of years with a dripping glass. One hour, no more. And when I saw the photo of Priyanka lying next to him in that bed on what was supposed to be a business trip, I was exhausted. I was so exhausted from everything!

Perhaps Nicholas had given me no reason. It could be that I overreacted the 99 times I accused him. But, in that single photograph there was every reason for me to freak out another 99. I wasn't actually the accused 99 times, but... There were many, declared. The undeclared accusations, the mental breakdowns that I suffered in silence, these, if they didn't reach that number, were even greater.

My mother spent a month at my house. I didn't have the strength to go on, not even for Liz, my three-year-old girl. Divorce is like mourning someone who has passed away. Really, literally, it's a death. A loss. The end, where only memories will remain. My memories with Nicholas had been turbulent.

When we met and got involved, in a casual situation of two strangers getting to know each other, I never thought I would get where I am. Me, a simple woman. Just a micro-entrepreneur, whose little bistro didn't make it to three stars. He, an international singer.

I had been in the United States for two years with a newly opened business. French and trained inThe blue cordon, adventures were the goal I pursued. And I don't know why at the time, I thought I wouldn't find them in France. Perhaps, because the neighbor's grass is always the greenest. It was another mild day with few but loyal customers. The pen in the corner of my mouth, with the tip already ruined, was a sign of a bad habit I had when I was studying. Alex was waiting tables, and I was concentrating on taking notes on a new recipe. When he interrupted me saying that "a famous person entered the restaurant", I immediately jumped out of my chair and ran to the kitchen. I put on my apron, straightened up and walked to the table to receive Nicholas Cassano.

He paid no attention tochef present, but he wasn't rude at all. I was accompanied by other people, whom I would only find out later, who were workmates. He ordered and from then on, his figure was a constant visitor in my bistro. So we got involved bit by bit.

At the time, he was engaged to Priyanka Chopra. He was tired of being Nicholas Cassano, even though he loved his job. He was at his peak and on a tightrope. At the height of his career. At the height of the media. At the peak of popularity. I remember Priyanka walking into the bistro one day, he and I just chatting while he waited for his order, and the woman was extremely nice to me. So I walked out of there, leaving them alone and discreetly looked at both of them before going into the kitchen. He was staring at me.

I knew something was off in my heart, and I knew something was off between them. Nicholas was at the height of many women too, and the constant rumors came after the end of the engagement. My heart ached, because this was no ordinary guy. And I was an ordinary woman who couldn't handle any of that. Nicholas Cassano was on the tightrope of love, on the tightrope of the certainties of his life, on the tightrope of the media and everything in his life was a lot. It was intense.

ANDSo I decided I needed to be fully focused on my business. After all, I was there for adventures. I spent three weeks immersed in the restaurant, sleeping between the counter and the tables, all night long structuring recipes and menus. I needed a few more stars. Alex, my right hand man there, gave me all the support. On the day that the gastronomy critics came to evaluate the menu, in order to issue a note in the society columns ā€“ which could make or break my bistro ā€“, Nicholas Cassano walked through the door of the restaurant. I didn't let myself be shaken by his presence.

It hadn't appeared in a while and I didn't know the result of the review as soon as the critics left the restaurant, allowing me to breathe, but I was satisfied with my work. Nicholas and I talked. He wished me luck, and I advised him of some difficulties I was experiencing. I should have stopped there.

When the result of the criticism came out it was my dream come true. My three stars came from that day. I was inhall of gastronomic columns. And Nicholas was supportive after that by recommending the place in short interviews. It was enough for vicious speculations of our relationship - until then non-existent - to arise and put my stars almost in the hot seat. He walked away. But it wasn't enough.

In France, the early death of my stepfather fell like a bomb on my head. I had my father, whom I loved very much and had an excellent relationship with, but my stepfather was also with me when I needed him the most, since we lived with him and my mother. With his passing, I closed the restaurant in its heyday. I was at the height of gastronomy, at the height of my career, at the height of achievement. And suddenly I found myself on the tightrope of life. I traveled to France, and stayed there for two months. Alex insisted that I not give up, insisted that I return. I tasked him with reopening the bistro, I still didn't want to go back. But, one hour I came back.

And when I returned, Nicholas was waiting for me. He showed there that he was involved in me, but that he knew he couldn't be enough for me. Scheduled tours, awards, campaigns... I told him to leave calmly, after all, I was also restructuring myself. I should have dismissed it, but I actually left the door open. I was already foolishly wrapped up in the fantasy that was Cassano in my mind.

. His family started going to the restaurant. They got to know me. They became part of a routine. And me too.

What we didn't know was that the relationship troubled by gossip, divergent dreams, jealousy, incompatibility of schedules, and a terrible phase of Cassano's stardom, should already be enough foreshadowing for us to stop. But, I was completely and madly in love with him. And he said he was in love with me, which did not make it possible for someone with a minimum of lucidity and common sense to break with the evil at its root.

Six months had passed since he'd walked out the door with his suitcase, and he hadn't returned. On the thirtieth day of that semester, the photos were boxed. No picture frames. Liz was smiling as if she were used to this new routine. I didn't cry, and I didn't smile either. Just reacted. Was necessary. I was trying to start over.

- Good morning Denise. ā€“ I greeted my ex-mother-in-law who was waiting at the door of my house.

"How are you, Katharine?"

She asked taking Liz in her lap.

- Good, and you?

- Equally. Are you sure you don't want to come with us?

"I appreciate it, but family events are no longer my business.

"By Liz, you need to be more flexible, darling.

"It's Frankie's birthday, not Liz's. Send my regards to the youngest.

Denise nodded silently, and I turned to my daughter. I kissed her and hugged her. The two headed to Denise's car, and I to my garage.

The morning was just as busy as the evening. Tiffany was in the annex to the closed room, cleaning it and laying out the tables. Alex organized reservations at reception. The few customers in the cafe part were smiling happily as they were served. I loved going into my bistro at those times. The busy life outside was also running inside, but in such a cozy way that it slowed down time, making me perceive few or no problems.

I took a deep breath leaving Katharine despondent out of the restaurant and I entered distributing cheerful and attentive greetings to customers and employees. I left my purse in my small office, and I was already putting on my apron then walking quickly to the kitchen. The buzz of minechefs assistants and the clanking of pots infected me.

- Good Morningchef!

- Good morning cooks! How is everything? ā€“ I asked going from pot to pot, hand to hand.

- All in order, the fresh anchovies arrived earlier this morning and I asked the supplier to try to keep to the schedule, as the service was very early for us,chef.

"Excellent Jackson!" Later I will reinforce the request.

My hands were pushing up the sleeves of my uniform when Alex appeared in the kitchen doorway.

- Katharine before you get your hands magnificently dirty, I need to warn you that the franchisors expect you.

"Oh dear, did they really come?"

I complained and the laughter in the kitchen and Alex's bored face made me resolve that matter once and for all.

A breakfast company wanted to provide me with equipment and facilities in order to make my cafe their franchise. I had already said that there was no interest in outsourcing a portion of my services. That was inadmissible! In addition to stealing personality, it would go against the mission of my business.

People saw my restaurant as less valuable than its stars indicated, and all because of the scandals with the Cassano name in the past. All because I didn't put enough effort into transforming the bistro into something for the high elite. I didn't want it to be tainted by labels, or exclusionary because it was frequented by famous, wealthy, and just that.

No From Katharine all were public. A space for those who want to enjoy good cuisine and good times. Unfortunately, for most franchises, the bistro had potential for having my name linked to Nicholas and my three ā€“ but potential ā€“ stars. And for me, franchises were the leeches in my business.

As soon as I dismissed them I returned to the kitchen. I faced everyone who stopped curious to observe me, looking for an answer about that. I raised my hands in front of everyone who was listening, and I clapped them together as if to wipe them. Laughter and expressions of obviousness and relief were present. I shook my head from side to side negatively and smiled. Soon I had my apron dirty, and the sleeves of my uniform clean, like achef that is worth it

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Latest Release: Chapter 13 13 Ā  03-17 18:35
1 Chapter 1 GoodBye
2 Chapter 2 Limits
3 Chapter 3 Jealousy
6 Chapter 6 Blablabla
7 Chapter 7 Now I can
8 Chapter 8 fresh start
9 Chapter 9 Restart
10 Chapter 10 Confused
11 Chapter 11 11
12 Chapter 12 12
13 Chapter 13 13
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