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Teresa is an average teenage girl and a princess who would become the next future Queen of Aihandrui kingdom. She's been training her entire life for the moment to be the perfect princess her parents have trained her to be, all for this moment Teresa journey's into another world, a world full of adventure in her time and in the city, hoping for a better future to build, a future that would one day change the history of the entire kingdom and tradition. THE FUTURE PRINCESS OF NOW is based on a romantic fantasy, that ventures from medieval era to the civilized modern culture, it entails love, romance, adventure not like your average romance or princess fairy tales. This describes the journey of new wonders for Teresa of Aihandrui and her adventures of becoming the future princess of now.

Chapter 1 New beginning

Once upon a time there lived a peaceful kingdom, a kingdom united in love and harmony, where everything flourished in never ending joy of love and purity. This was the kingdom of Aihandrui ruled by the royal family of Aihandrui. Were everything was perfect until...

Ten years later in the kingdom of Aihandrui. Teresa begins her beautiful morning with a wake-up song. The alarm goes off, pulls the bedsheets aside, still in her night wear, she jumps out of the bed, landing her feet in her designers footwear.

Teresa: It's a beautiful morning, I can feel it around me oh oh oh!!!..

blissful as it has always been, a brand new day to begin with.

Teresa slides through the balustrade, passing under the sheets carried by two maids as the palace house help are busy with their chores. Takes an apple from one of the cook as she continues by slamming the door wide open in front of her.

Teresa: 'cuz I can feel everything around me, like the sun ray's touching everything. And I know that my day begins with a new start. Yeah! a new start.

For I know everything will be just fine.

(oh oh oh!!!...) (oh oh oh!!!...)

oh oh oh!!!... oh oh oh!!!...

oh oh oh!!!... oh oh oh!!!...

For I know everything will be just fine.

Mother/The Queen: Teresa!!!....

mother calls out for Teresa as she ran towards her, wanting to give her the good news for her acceptance letter into college.

Teresa: Yes! mother.

Mother/The Queen: This just came in for you Teresa.

Teresa opened the letter and was very excited that she got into college. The dream school of her choice.

Mother smiled at her while stroking her chin. "it's another world out there, my buttercup, and you'll do just great", said mother with a smile on her face.

They both heard the sound of the car horn waiting to pick up Teresa for school.

Teresa: it's here already. uhn! with a tiring face, mother! at least I need time to prepare my things, a... and belongings. (she said with a panicking voice)

what if am not ready yet.

Mother/The Queen: You'll be fine Teresa. Everything is been taking care of. Giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Go on! it's time to leave (done with head gesture).

Teresa ran down the stairs to meet up with the royal car, with golden wheels, diamond doors and decor, it has a silver rooftop as with it's handles. The driver opened up the door for her, looking back once more as she waved at her mom who sees her from the window before entering into the luxurious car which has it all, bathroom, food stuffs, and her extra luggage. They took off as she had prepared herself in the car and dressed up in the most beautiful expensive dress ever which depict royalty. Reviewing the road trip to her school, was an excitement on her face, the parks, the awesome buildings, the bridges, waterfall and many more.

As a princess she's not quite familiar with the outside world as she's spent her entire life in the kingdom and inside the castle and now this moment has finally emerged for her to take her wildest dreams to be brought into reality.

After a long drive, they finally arrived at the "royal academy school". A place of royalty for the noble. But not many who are in this academy are of noble and royalty, some came through scholarship and others, well not so much to explain.

Each student are separated according to their status of royalty. Those of scholarship have no personal assistant, while those of royal blood do have, sometimes there classes are been separated and sometimes together. It's one of the principles of management affairs that distinguishes commoners from royalty (sometimes to intimidate them). Those of scholarship are said to be lucky to be in the presence of royalty as the school foundation was built on Royalty of kings and Queens and by so doing, commoners have no right or say in whatever happens.

Teresa: wow! it's a big school. I've never been outside the castle before. (she takes a deep breath). Well! I believe things will change for the better. Positive thinking and believes.


Welcome to Royal academy school. Where the future lies within your greatest desire, as the next future princesses, princes, kings and queens.

Our job is to educate you and bring out the royalty in you and as for those who aren't of royalty... (ehn ehn!!!... clears throat.... well! good luck).

Most people murmur in the crowd, distant conversation and many more.

Random Girl: eww... what does she think she is.

A random girl comes running towards the direction of Teresa saying "Milady", "your highness", "my princess!". As she stops her, panting deeply. And then finally stood up with a smile on her face. Introducing herself as Melody.

Melody: I'll be your personal assistant 24/7, whenever and however you want me to be of service to you Milady.

Teresa smiles "okay". am Teresa by the way and it's nice to meet you. You can call me Teresa.

Melody: Oh! no. We are not allowed to address you by your name. We can address as ma'am, Milady, royalty, princess etc. Or you choose what to call you except by your name.

Teresa: Okay! but weird. Princess is okay.

Melody: I know right. (chuckles)... it's the school policy. Alright my princess.

It's time I give you your orientation my princess.

Melody and Teresa on their first day went well as she began showing her around the school premises, her room (private quarters) and roommate, classes and all.

Teresa: Why do I need another room?

Melody: A princess or royalty always have an extra room for privacy even when they've roommate.

Teresa: What about those with scholarships.

Melody: Oh! that, we don't talk about them much but they all stay in group like boarding schools and their launch is different from those of royal blood. Royalty eats with royalty and commoners eats with commoners.

Distant conversation...

That was awesome... Today's class was great. That guy is so cute.

wow. Am totally in love!

Girls screams in love...

Melody: My princess. How was the lecture today.

Teresa: It was fine. At least for the first period.

While Melody and Teresa walking they saw what was unusual, a royalty and Princesses maltreating a female commoner who got into the academy through scholarship.

Daphne: Eww! can you imagine, she stepped on me.

Roxy: That's gross. Now you've got commoner's stench on you.

Julie: You can never be one of us, despite the low life class that you're. You'll never be somebody, cause you're not.

Rita: Am sorry. (said in sobering tears) you don't have to say such to me you know, it's unfair.

Daphne made a disgusting face like as she's been upset by Rita's speech.

Teresa wanted to step in to help Rita but was stopped by Melody.

Daphne, Roxy and Julie began to break her spirit in song form as they also gave themselves appraisal.

Daphne: You're nothing and you're never going to be with Justin the royal prince in the upcoming prom, luckily for your kind all will be participating to humiliate your performance and presence in the presence of royalty.

Rita: You're too proud and full of yourself Daphne.

Roxy: She can speak?

Julie: I think so.

Daphne about to start her song with her girls as the beats goes on.

Now see, Justin is everything.

I love his butt, his clutch, his lips, his hips.

Just wait till you see all of this, I know he can't resist.

Nothing will be sweeter, sweeter at all.

Just watch, my life's gonna change the very second Justin calls.

Look at how I roll, I got your attention.

In complete control and I ain't afraid to mention.

Take a tip from me, the words from above.

This is my decree and it fits me like a glove.

Cause I prayed to St. Peters, I prayed to Saint Paul.

I may not rule the world, but Justin's gonna call.

Justin's gonna call (yeah)

He's gonna call.

He'll ring, he'll text. He'll bust right though the walls.

Justin's gonna call (yeah)

He's gonna call.

Don't look perplexed, Justin's gonna call.


Justin's gonna call. Get up, prepare.

Wait a minute, lemme fix my hair.

Justin's gonna call, just you wait and see.

Fix your, fix your face girl. Don't be mad at me.

Cause I prayed to St. Peters, I prayed to Saint Paul.

I may not rule the world, but Justin's gonna call.

Justin's gonna call (yeah)

He's gonna call.

He'll ring, he'll text. He'll bust right though the walls.

Justin's gonna call (yeah)

He's gonna call.

Don't look perplexed, Justin's gonna call. (Now get this)


Seven nights a week, when I think about all my men.

Boris Kodjoe gets me wet.

Shemar Moore weakens my defense.

And a hot DL thug boy just gives me a good ole cleanse.

But nothing will prepare me, prepare me at all.

For the way I'm gonna feel when Justin calls.

And when he do, it's true, you'll view.

My big, my big, my big debut.

I'm sure as shit, I feel it in my slit.

My sexy, funny, filled with money. Justin's gonna call.

Justin's gonna call (yeah)

He's gonna call.

He'll ring, he'll text. He'll bust right though the walls.

Justin's gonna call (yeah)

He's gonna call.

Don't look perplexed, Justin's gonna call.


Hey, Justin's gonna call. (yeahh)

Justin's gonna call. (hey)

Justin's gonna callll. (yeahh)

Justin's gonna call.

Teresa couldn't take it anymore as she went to confront the girls who had just bullied Rita for too long. At first it didn't go well not until Daphne saw the Aihandrui symbols on Teresa and with shock on her face she left Rita to them.

Daphne: You're lucky. Commoner but it's not over yet. We'll be seeing you in G-class. (Blowing a bubble gum as it popped)

They walked passed them.

James: G-class is general class. wow. you really stood up to them. That's nice.

Rita: Thanks back there. I really appreciate.

Teresa: Don't mention.

James introduced himself to Teresa and friends as they walked in to there next class for lecture.

Rita: The upcoming prom is one of the biggest event in royal academy, where no one is exempted. Legend has it that no one has been able to best the top prom Hall of fame.

James: It's like a royal tradition, from Aihandrui. literally speaking. But ever since, no one has been able to but hopefully speaking we believe someone from that bloodline will emerged to take what's right.

Melody: This is as far as I go my princess. I'll be waiting right here when you need me.

Teresa: Alright. thanks Melody. What's about you James.

James: Same class in here, Teresa.

Teresa: What about you Rita.

Rita: Umm! I've a different class.

Teresa: Alright. but if you need anything, just lemme know or you talk to Melody. Alright.

Rita: Alright. Thanks.

They went in for the musical class, with each student performing in front of the class. And just then, the teacher made an announcement about a musical competition that will take place next week before magic session.

While in the musical class they also met Daphne, Roxy and Julie who are also taking part in the competition as they signed in their names.

Daphne quickly noticed Teresa who had signed up for the competition with James.

Daphne and her crew came up to Teresa and James to confront them both.

Daphne: Just to let you know. I'll stop at nothing to crush my competition and competitors.

They all laughed sarcastically and walked passed them.

Teresa: Who does she think she is? (Making a groaning face)

James: Don't worry Teresa. She's scared of losing in the award competition.

Teresa: Well I believe she's met her match. It'll teach her not to bully others.

James: I love the sound of your enthusiasm.

Melody: My princess, now that the day has come to an end for all classes, it's time you meet your roommates. (said in excitement)

Teresa: Wow. Am so excited, can't wait to meet them all.

They both entered into room 205 and there they met Jessica and Ella.

Jessica: Wow. She's even prettier than we imagined.

Ella: Aww!!... Am Ella and that's Jessica.

Teresa smiled at both as she introduced herself with Melody her assistant.

Melody: I'll excuse you all. My princess.

Teresa: The room is lovely.

Ella: I know right, it is.

Teresa: Uhn! what's the extra bed for.

They both stared at each other when Teresa asked that question. Implying that it used to belong to another roommate who had changed her dorm.

Jessica: That used to be Trixie's.

Teresa: A roommate.

Ella: Yeah! but she's not with us anymore.

Teresa: OMG! Did she... you know.

Ella chuckles and replied no! that she changed her roommate which gave Teresa a relief of hope.

The girls got along on their first day, gisting, getting to know one another, talking about passion and interest.

Jessica: I have a dream of becoming a successful queen of my kingdom, full of love and purity.

Ella: I wanna be a singer. A princess of all sort of music. To bring sound of melody into all lands of the kingdom.

Just then, Ella starts off with a song;

To be a princess is to know which spoon to use

To be a princess is a thousand pairs of shoes

Have your breakfast served in bed

Wear some diamonds on your head

Get a foot massage and mani-pedi too

To be a princess is to live a dream come true

Curtsey when princes come to call

Wear a new gown to every ball

All through the day there's just one way

You must behave

Pose with a feather in your hat

Stretch on a golden yoga mat

Bend from above and always

Wear your gloves and wave

Shoulders back and

Tummy in and

Pinky out and

Lift the chin and

Slowly turn your head from side to side

Breathing gently

Stepping lightly

Smile brightly

Nod politely

Do everything you do with pride


To be a princess is to wear your family crest

To be a princess is to always do your best

To be a popstar is to know which mic to use

To be a popstar is to not fall off your shoes

To rehearse until it's right

Give a great show every night

And have room service with anything you choose

To be a popstar is to love your great reviews

Take in the latest fashion show

Fly for a lunch to Mexico

No time for friends except your dog

And your guitar

Tweet everyone your latest news

Sit for a thousand interviews

Love every fan, no matter how

Bizarre they are

Here's the camera

There's the camera

And a camera

And a camera

And another autograph to sign (love, Keira)

Change your clothes and

Strike a pose and

Work the crowd and

Take a bow and

Don't forget to post it all online


To be a popstar is to never act your age

To be a popstar is to make the world your stage


Shoulders back and

Strike a pose and

Pinky out and

Change your clothes and

Slowly turn your head from side to side (I see now)

Here's a camera

Stepping lightly

There's a camera

Nod politely

Do everything you do with pride


To be a princess is to always do your best

To be a popstar is to leave them all impressed

Teresa: That's amazing. You should signed up for music competition. I know you'll do just great with you wonderful voice.

Ella: You think so. I don't know. Am kind of shy.

Jessica: I know you'll do great! Ella, I believe in you.

On Tuesday morning they got prepared for G-class, there they were been taught all about the academy and it's rules and regulations. After the lecture, an announcement was made concerning their musical practice which should be attended to by those who signed up for the competition.

Those who signed up for the competition began making their way to the theater Hall of music, everyone was there, all musical instruments were set, some had already started rehearsal.

Teresa, Ella and Jessica went in to the theater Hall, where they met with Rita who was also participating but was confronted by Daphne and her gang, but luckily Teresa and her friends stood up for Rita.

Daphne: Err! you again. Are you following me.

Teresa: I should be asking you that, you know.

Daphne: Whatever!

Roxy: As if.

Daphne: Let's go girls.


Alright kings and queens, princes and Princesses get ready to sing.

The judges are all set to begin the competition, to see who's in and who's out.

The competition was fun and tensed at the same time, many were kicked out of the competition, few were on probation, some got in.

Female judge Judy: Alright! Daphne, you and your girls are up.

Daphne and her friends got up the stage and nailed the performance, which wasn't that bad for them calling themselves the "Harmonious Girls".

Harmonious Girls... (Daphne, Roxy and Julie)

Come on, come on, turn the radio on

It's Friday night, and it won't be long

Gotta do my hair, put my make-up on

It's Friday night, and it won't be long

'Til I hit the dance floor, hit the dance floor

I got all I need

No, I ain't got cash, I ain't got cash

But I got you, baby

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

But I don't need no money

As long as I can feel the beat

I don't need no money

As long as I keep dancing

Come on, come on, turn the radio on

It's Saturday, and it won't be long

Gotta paint my nails, put my high heels on

It's Saturday, and it won't be long

'Til I hit the dance floor, hit the dance floor

I got all I need

No, I ain't got cash, I ain't got cash

But I got you, baby

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

But I don't need no money

As long as I can feel the beat

I don't need no money

As long as I keep dancing

I don't need no money

As long as I can feel the beat

I don't need no money

As long as I keep dancing

(Oh, oh, oh)

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

But I don't need no money

As long as I can feel the beat

I don't need no money

As long as I keep dancing


(I love cheap thrills)


(I love cheap thrills)


(I love cheap thrills)


(I love cheap thrills)

After they sang Teresa and her girls were next, calling themselves the "The Dream Girls".

(The Dream Girls... Teresa, Ella and Jessica)

At first, they began by saying one, two, one, two, three. Daphne and her crew saw them as a joke or something, thinking that they came here for jokes and had already declared themselves as winners, not knowing what was installed untill the heard the song properly and were amazed by it.

(The Dream Girls song)

One, two, one, two, three

Oh, yeah, yeah,

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,


Oh, yeah, yeah,

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,


Never had much faith in love or miracles


Never wanna put my heart on the line


But swimming in your water is something spiritual


I'm born again every time you spend the night


'Cause your sex takes me to paradise

Yeah, your sex takes me to paradise

And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah

'Cause you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven

For too long, for too long

Yeah, you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven

For too long, for too long

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,


Oh, yeah, yeah,

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,


You bring me to my knees, you make me testify

You can make a sinner change his ways

Open up your gates 'cause I can't wait to see the light

And right there is where I wanna stay

'Cause your sex takes me to paradise

Yeah, your sex takes me to paradise

And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah

'Cause you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven

For too long, for too long

Yeah, you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven

For too long, for too long

Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah

Can I just stay here?

Spend the rest of my days here?

Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah

Can I just stay here?

Spend the rest of my days here?

'Cause you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven

For too long, for too long

Yeah, you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven

For too long, for too long

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,


Oh, yeah, yeah,

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,


Everyone was amazed and intrigued, carried along by their song, like it was a performance entirely more like an audition, even judge Judy was carried by their sweet melodious song. And after the song, everyone cheered for them.

This made Daphne and her crew very upset as the competition just got even more serious. As the judge was about to give her score, she noticed that there was one performance left outstanding and should be heard; it was Rita who was to perform last, Daphne seeing this had evil intentions. She took the lyrics of Rita's and her recordings were she had recorded her voice and uploaded the song on her phone, Daphne quickly copied it and ask her girls to stall the judge and the performance before Rita could perform and as that was done Daphne went at the back of the stage where the cords were connected to the mics and just as Rita was singing Daphne has already installed a voice app on her device that made it look like Rita is using lip sync in Daphne's voice.

This brought confusion as everyone was wondering as Daphne was enraged and claiming that Rita stole her song.

Without much saying the judge had to disqualify Rita for cheating and impersonation.

Judge Judy had made her final decision and has recorded those who would be participating in the musical competition next week.

On the other hand, while Teresa and her friends where trying to plead on Rita's behalf, suggesting that there might be a misunderstanding somewhere, and with what Rita has laid out, that her song hasn't been heard by anyone nor sang to but it came as a shock to her when Daphne came along to claim what's hers.

Giving her a second chance to sing, Rita has no other song to perform but her's. The judge had made her final verdict and advices Rita to pursue something of another passion, if not for this competition.

The class was dismissed for the day as Daphne and her friends came along, mocking Rita and telling her she would never be of any good and use to this academy, for she's a cheat and a liar.

They walked away laughing in their ignorance that they had finally succeeded in their plot and that Teresa and her crew would be next.

Rita ran out in tears and disappointment, not knowing what to do as Teresa and Co went after her to encourage her.

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