Synopsis Art is beautiful and also enchanting. Camille is a struggling artist trying to survive the expensive world of arts. With rejections from different art galleries because of her paintings. Camille believed she was a terrible painter. All her paintings were of a wolf with red glowing eyes. Every time Camille applies for an exhibition in art galleries, she is always rejected but fate smiled on her when she was accepted to exhibit her painting in the biggest art gallery in the country. There, Camille met her Fate. A fate that could lead to her doom. Axel is a popular gallerist in the country and also had a hidden identity. He was a lycan cursed to walk the earth for eternity. Axel's fate changed when he saw Camille's paintings. They were the paintings of his Lycans. That's was when it's all started. The path to his doom. With the curse on Axel's destiny, his ex, and an Alpha who wanted to kill him, Camille and Axel must conquer the threats that might ruin their fate.
Amara's POV
Two thousand years ago,
Lycans and witches had been known to be foes since the beginning of their creation. No one knows why they hated each other but according to history, the moon goddess Selina and the witch goddess Artia were been sworn enemies since the beginning. Rumors had it that they had the same mate leading to a feud between them and ever since then, the two creatures hated each other.
Although they shared a border, if any of the creatures found their way to each other's village, they are imprisoned until the leaders of both Clan met and agreed on a peace treaty. The Lycans and witches lived like that for hundreds of years until an unfortunate incident happened.
It's changed everything.
A pregnant Female Lycan Missed her way and landed herself in the Witches' village, she was captured and locked up.
"The Lycans have always looked down on us. It's time we show them that we are great." Satiah, the witch head announced to all the witches.
"Yeah!" The witches all chorused.
"Because of them, all we get is this!" Satiah pointed to their hideous outfit made from the skin of a tiger. The men only have a piece of Tiger's skin around their pelvic area while the women have the skin around their breast and pelvic area. "The Lycans get good food and wonderful garment to adorn their body while we have nothing but tiger skin. What's do you say we do?"
"Kill her!" The witches all agreed that the Lycan should be killed.
That's night, the female Lycan was tied to a tree in the center of the Village. The witches all sat down around her and started chanting in their language. When the chanting ended, they set a fire around the Lycan and watched her burn. "Help me," the Lycan screamed and begged to be saved but no one stepped out to help. She burned to her bones and when she took her last breath, she howled to the moon.
Back in Lycan's village, her mate felt the breaking of the bond. He felt a part of him gone. He was the second in command of the Lycans and he had been searching for his mate for two days but when he felt the connection gone, he knew his mate was gone. He howled to the moon and when the rest of the Lycans heard it, they knew something had happened.
They gathered around for a meeting and the first in command of the Lycans ordered for an ambush on the witch's village.
The Invasion of the witch's village took them by surprise. They never expected that the Lycans would attack them.
Screams of Women and children filled the cold night of Catala(Witch) village as Lycans raided the village killing every witch and setting every house on fire. Those who survived that night escaped the village and stayed inside a cave where the Lycans couldn't get to them.
After spending a few years in the cave, most of the witches died until they were reduced to only two. The remaining two became crazy and in their crazy state, they cursed the Lycans who destroyed their village.
The curse was a few words but those few words were powerful. The lycan's offspring were cursed to walk the earth for eternity. Luckily for the Lycans at that time, no one was expecting a pup except for the unfortunate Lycan queen who was pregnant with her first child. When the witches professed the curses, it's hit the Lycan Queen pretty hard sending her into labor.
That's night, she bore a son whose fate was already determined by the curse of two crazy witches. The pup was fated to doom.
Episode 1- Art is Beautiful
Camille POV
"Camille, you have a call!" My best friend, Alina called from inside the living room in our two-room apartment.
"Okay. The finishing touch," I wiped my forehead that dripped with sweat with my hand filled with red paints. "Good." I clapped my hand and dropped the painting brush in my hand. "Perfection!" I stared at my beautiful painting if it could be called that. It's was the same painting I've been drawing ever since I was a little kid. It's was a painting of a wolf with red glowing eyes. Because of the repetition of painting, my work was rejected in a different gallery. The wolf had always been in my head and anytime I pick up a brush, I found myself painting the same wolf even if I tried not to.
My psychologist told me it's was my obsession with wolves but she was wrong because I had never in all of my twenty-six years on earth seen a wolf.
"Oh! For goodness sake Cam! Your phone is still ringing!" Alina shouted yet again.
"On my way," I pulled off my apron and walked out of my studio which was also my room. "Who is calling me?" I asked as I walked into the living room.
"I don't know," Alina, my annoying blonde roommate sounded boring as if she was tired of staying inside the house.
I walked over to the glass center table where my phone was and picked it up. "Camille Jameson speaking ." it's was an unknown number so I had to act professionally in case it's was one of the art people.
"Miss Camille, I am Isabella, a curator at AX Gallery," she informed.
"Oh my God!" I mouthed to Alina who stared anxiously at me with her shoulders shrugged and her mouth opened wide.
"I am calling to inform you that you have been picked to exhibit wolf your collection in our gallery at the Annual Art event coming up next week."
I didn't know how to react to the news. Was I supposed to jump because, for two years, I have been struggling to find a gallery that would exhibit my work, and AX gallery isn't just any gallery. It's the biggest in the country and well known in some parts of the world. When the announcement about the annual Art event came out weeks ago, I didn't want to apply because I believed they would reject me but my annoying roommate and best friend Alina encouraged me to apply and when two weeks passed and I didn't get a reply, I gave up on ever exhibiting my beautiful piece of work.
"Miss Camille, are you there?" Isabella asked.
I cleared my throat and answered with the excitement laced in my tone. "Yes, I am here," I answered back.
"Great. We hope you send your painting at the end of this week." Isabella requested.
"Of course. I will. "
" An invitation will be sent to your Email address soon. Thank you, Miss Camille." Isabella said and ended the call.
"Oh my!" I jumped and squealed because I was happy. Happy that I got invited to Ax gallery.
"Is everything alright?" Alina questioned.
"I got into AX gallery!" I shouted and trust my best friend to respond more crazily.
"Oh my God!" Alina jumped down from the couch and rushed to hug me. "That's amazing!" She squealed.
Alina grabbed my black braided hair and sniffed it. "Eeew, your hair smells so awful" she commented.
"No it's doesn't. My hair smells amazing!" I refused to believe that because Alina always gives the worst comment. I sniffed my perfectly braided and trust me when I say it smells like paint. "You are right. My hair smells awful" I admitted and continue sniffing my hair.
"You need to change your look girl. Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately girl?" Alina pointed out. "You look awful!" She laughed.
I sniffed my clothes too and almost throw up. I haven't changed my clothes in three days. I am a neat freak but when it comes to painting, I lose my neatness goal. Art is beautiful so I tend to make sure my work comes out amazing. Sometimes I spent three days or even a week on a painting just to make sure it comes out amazing. "What do I do?" I panicked and grabbed her hand. "Do I look like I don't belong in the Art world?" I spread my arms wide for her to examine my body.
At 5feet 9 inches, I had always believed that I was fat. My thighs and hips were the biggest portions of my body. Ever since I was little, My thighs have been thick so it makes people call me Fat. Although I have a slim upper body my lower body I considered being Fat. Alina on the other hand has a perfect hourglass shape. She is slim but curvy in the right places. We are the same height but Alina believed she is an inch taller than me.
"Your face has wrinkles already. Your hair needs a little touch and your....." Alina paused and stared at my clothes. "Your clothes need to be changed."
"I know that already Lina and my face doesn't have wrinkles. Black people don't have wrinkles, Lina. "
"Last time I checked," Lina placed her hand on her lips. "You ain't black but a tanned skin." She pointed out. " AX gallery isn't just any art gallery. It's a great gallery owned by great people. Have you seen the building?"
I shook my head in response. "Only on the internet"
Alina heaved a sigh and palmed her forehead. "You need to be confident my friend," she patted me on the back. "Let's go on a spree, my friend. You haven't left that room in three days. We need to change all of this." She pointed to my body.
"Can't we do it tomorrow?" I asked.
Alina glared at me with her blue eyes that send me rushing down to my room. Trust me when I say Alina could be crazy when she gets angry. "I'll go prepare," I told her as I walked into my room.
When I reached my room, I placed my hand on my chest and took a deep breath. Alina could be very scary. My eyes went over to my painting and when I stared at it, I saw the wolf's eyes glowing. "Oh!" I pointed at the painting. I moved closer to the painting and looked at the eyes again. "I must have been dreaming!" How could I ever thought that a painting would do something like that? I must be crazy.
"Don't make me wait for long!" Alina shouted from her room that's was opposite mine.
"Yes, mother." I rolled my eyes and headed into the bathroom outside my room. Alina and I shared the bathroom.
After I took my bath, I changed into a nice yellow summer dress and headed out of the house with Alina. Since none of us had a car, we took a Taxi to the first place Alina proposed we go to.
A Saloon.
Axel POV
Time is essential and I hate wasting it. If I tell you that I will be here at a specific and you refuse to see me then it's goodbye then. I stared at my Rolex watch and took a deep breath. Humans had been known to be time wasters and mindless too.
"It's starting to get heated here," Nal, my lycan shouted in my head.
"Yeah, I know right," I said through gritted teeth.
I am no complainer but I've been seated in a cafe all by myself because I have an appointment with a human. I never wanted to attend the meeting but My assistant Penelope and Beta Nathan forced me to attend it.
The meeting was about Arts because I believe Art is beautiful that's why I own the biggest Art gallery in the country. Not to sound proud but I am also a painter.
"You sure your appointment is still going to make it!" Nal questioned.
"I have no...." I stopped talking when I saw Penelope walk into the Cafe with a woman who had a Black nose mask on.
"Sir," Penelope greeted and pointed to the woman. "This is Miss Katherine, one of the most popular artists in this country." Penelope introduced.
My eyes roamed all over the lady's body and to be candid, she is exactly my style. She had a slim body with thick thighs and a big booty. My type of woman. I couldn't see her face because of the mask but I knew she was a beautiful woman.
"Oh damn! She is hot." Nal commented forgetting how we had waited alone in the cafe.
"Hello Mr. Banks," she offered her hand for me to take and when I took it, I lost all interest in her because I could see through her. Seeing through her doesn't mean I saw her naked but I entered into her head. There, I saw her already married to a man.
"Hello, " I pointed to the chair opposite me. "Have a seat Miss Katherine"
"Thank you, Mr. Banks. I am sorry for coming late. " She apologized.
I cleared my throat and nodded in response. "No problems Miss Katherine. Shall we get down to business please?"
Penelope, my assistant started the meeting. "We will like to exhibit your Art at the upcoming event in our gallery but...." She turned to look at me and I beckoned for her to continue. "It's would be an exclusive invitation meaning your work would only be on our gallery only," Penelope explained.
That's one thing I liked about Penelope, she had ways with her word and she is also a great speaker. Penelope had been by my side for five hundred years after I saved her from Vampires who tried to kill her ever since then she had been with me. Penelope is also a powerful witch which is why I kept by my side. She was the only hope for my breakthrough.
Although we've had a history together Penelope understands that our relationship was just for fun. It's was a no-string attachment relationship.
" Great. AX is a great gallery. Who wouldn't want their work shared in such a big gallery? I am honored." Katherine said.
Penelope nodded in response and smiled at me. "My assistant will send you the contract and when you are done going through it and you like the content, you can come to our office and we sign the contract," I told her.
"Of course Mr. Banks." She smiled at me.
"It's was nice to meet you again." I stretched my hand forward for a handshake.
"Same." She took it with a smile. "I have to be on my way now."
"When did she get here?" Nal complained. "Humans and their silly excuses." He scoffed.
I have a silly Lycan.
"Goodbye Mr. Banks," Katherine stood up and walked out of the cafe with Penelope escorting her out.
"Guess we have another deal done," Penelope announced as she walked back into the cafe and sat in front of me.
I gazed at her beautiful green eyes and smiled at her. Penelope is a beautiful human from her long black hair to her perfectly round face and plump lips I love kissing to her incredible height at six feet and Calm personality. Penelope was my ideal woman but I don't see a future with her.
If there was a future.
"It's all thanks to you Penelope," I touched her hand on the table and caressed it. "But next time, fix an appointment I would complain about," I informed her.
Penelope smiled with her perfect dimple showing on the left side of her face. "Have Nathan found anything about the descendant of the Kitias?"
Penelope's eyes changed to a more serious look and she shook her head in response. "It's a dead-end, Axel. They have no descendants."
I heaved a deep sigh and ran a hand through my black hair. Getting my breakthrough wasn't going to be easy after all
Episode 2- AX Gallery
Camille POV
The day of the exhibition finally arrived and I couldn't be happier. I was finally going to showcase my talents to the world. Alina helped me pick my outfit which was a blue jumpsuit and black heels that match the jumpsuit. I am no fan of dresses so I felt comfortable when I wore the jumpsuit. My hair was trimmed and stretched down to my shoulder length and my face was done by Alina herself.
"You look amazing Camille," Alina commented and pointed to the mirror for me to look at. "You are a spec," she winked at me.
"You could have been a painter," I told her as I stared at myself in the mirror. It's was not the first time I wore makeup but due to the different hairstyle, my face looked different and more feminine free from wrinkles like Alina would always say. The makeup made my obsidian eyes charming and my face rounded. The red lipstick on my lips made them smaller and plump.
"Thank you girl," I appreciated.
"No problem. Have fun and make sure you meet another artist. It's the only way to....."
"To make me learn new things." I finished it for her because I knew every word. Alina had said it to me like a thousand times so I was used to it.
"Okay, " Alina placed a hand on her hips and stared at me for a while. "You are missing something important " Alina walked out of my room and when she returned, she handed over me a silver necklace. "Hart got this for me before he left for Greece. I want you to wear it since you are going for an important occasion."
"You are the best Alina," I hugged her and let get wear the necklace around my neck. "It's lovely," I touched the necklace and turn my face to the other side as I admired the necklace. It's was a plain silver necklace with the shape of the moon but it was still beautiful. "Thank you." I stood up from my tiny bed and hugged her.
"You should start going. I already called an uber."
Another surprise from my very own Alina. "What could I have ever done without you?"
"Nothing!" Alina yawned. "You need to be on your way girl."
"Right," I grabbed my black purse and headed out of my room with Alina trailing behind me. "Before I go. Let's a picture together."
"What?" Alina shouted. "Have you seen my face?" She pointed to her oval-shaped face that was free from makeup. "I have freckles on my face and you want to take a picture with me!" She shouted yet again and from her countenance, I knew Alina was going to explode if I didn't go.
"I apologize girl. I am sorry," I told and rushed towards the door. " The uber is probably waiting for me outside," I chuckled but it's didn't worked. Alina still had an annoying frown on her face.
Remind me never to get Alina angry ever again. I waved at her and walked out of the house. The uber was already parked outside of our building. I entered and took a deep breath. "Hmmmmm."
"You okay?" The driver, a black man asked.
"Yeah, I'm just nervous "
That's right, I was nervous about the exhibition. It was my first and I wondered if my painting were good enough to be exhibited in front of people. My hand shivered and strange cold bites into my skin. The weather was perfectly fine and there was no cold as it was middle July. Everyone I saw wears a summer dress but I seemed to be the only one with Cold.
"You have a job interview?" The driver asked and I shook my head.
"I have an exhibition at AX gallery."
"You are an artist?" The driver asked and I nodded in response. "I love art but it's way too expensive for someone like me" he stated. "You are going to be fine but," he paused and stared at me through the rearview mirror. "I heard the Gallerist is a strange man. He rarely smiles."
The gallerist was a popular man in the country. Rumors had it that he used to be a painter but stopped because he wanted to focus on the gallery. Axel Banks, owner of AX gallery and he is what I called the Money bank.
"How do you know that he rarely smiles? Have you seen him in person?" I questioned the driver because I detected a lie in his tone.
"Yes, I have seen him in person back in erm....."The driver paused and cleared his throat. "I don't remember when I saw him but all I can say is that he is a strange man. Avoid him when you see him."
"Yeah, Mr driver." I rolled my eyes in annoyance and stared outside the window. "This is your first exhibition Camille but you can do it," I muttered.
The rest of the drive was in silence and when the driver announced that we'd reached, I rushed out of the car. "Bye driver" I waved at him.
"Remember to avoid him, " The driver reminded me before he drove away.
"This is it, Camille," I took a deep breath and raised my head to look at the building. It's was a building of about Fifty floors based on my assumption but it could be way taller than that. The name AX Gallery was engraved at the center of the building. Releasing my breath, I took a step towards the entrance there, two hefty men were waiting at the entrance with a woman who had glasses on. Her eyes were fixed on the tablet's smartphone in her hand.
"Hello, I am Camille," I walked towards her and introduced myself.
The woman eyes me from my head down to my tiny toes. " Your invitation?" She asked rather rudely.
"Right," I opened my purse and handed over to her my invitation. "Great, you may enter." She pointed inside the building.
How can someone be that rude? Ignoring her attitude, I walked in between a glass door and made my way into the gallery. From the entrance, there was a long red carpet that's was spread from the entrance to the lobby. On the walls were paintings that I couldn't stop staring at. I figured it's was the same artist due to the pattern of the painting. It's was a painting of a flower that's was yet to bloom. The flowers of each painting had the same color. They were all brown but each flower had a different background.
When I got to the lobby, I was surprised to see that a lot of people had come to see the exhibition. At the entrance of the lobby was another set of hefty men with another girl who might sound annoying as the first one. This girl was three inches shorter than I was based on my assumption. Her black dress was short and also decent and her big dark brown eyes made her oval-shaped face beautiful. Her brown hair was curly and rolled down her shoulder length. She looked perfect on the outside but who knows what she could be on the inside.
"Hi, I am Isabella" she sounded nice, unlike the first girl.
"Isabella?" I found myself thinking about the name and when I remembered when I heard it from them, I smiled at her. "You are the Isabella who called me. I am Camille Jameson," I introduced myself.
"Nice to see you. Here is your tag Camille," she gave me an ID with a black lead that had my picture and name.
"Go to the fifth floor, it's where the exhibition is taking place. Ask for Remi, he'll show you where your paintings are." She smiled yet again showing her perfect dentition.
How could someone be that perfect?
"Thank you, Isabella." I smiled back at her and left her sight as somebody else had arrived. I walked towards the elevator filled with two other people. One was a female who was taking selfies while the other was a male who was on call. I folded my arms together and sighed briefly.
"You got this Camille, "I whispered to myself.
When the lift got to the fifth floor, the doors opened and we all came outside. I guess everyone was here for the exhibition. I had no idea where I was heading to and decided to follow the people I was in the elevator with. We walked down a hallway and arrived at the front of a black door, there another two hefty men and a man stood at the entrance. A tall black man who seemed to be the same height as me. The man had a dreadlock hairstyle and a piercing on his lips that made him look like a hip hop artist
"Name," The man asked in a stern tone.
I guessed everyone can't be like Isabella
"I am Camille and I am looking for Remi," I told him.
He frowned and nodded in response. "I am Remi. You are one of the artists?" His tone sounded like he didn't believe it.
Wait, he thought I was lying? I never lie except if I had to escape from someone or something. "Yes, I am," I answered and show him my ID.
"Oh!" He exclaimed. "You are the wolf painter," his face suddenly turned into a smile. "I thought you were one of those popular artists who are snobs. I am Remi and it's nice to meet you." he stretched forth his hand.
My eyes widened at the sudden change in his tone and voice. That's was weird. "Nice to meet you too." I forced a smile and shook his hand.
"I'll lead you to your painting. Although you ain't popular yet I'm already a huge fan of yours." Remi walked into a large hall that could accommodate hundreds, scratch that. The hall could accommodate thousands.
"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Who would have thought that a large hall is here?"
"Yeah. The gallerist planned this building himself."
"He used to be an architect?" I asked and Remi nodded in response.
The hall was beautifully decorated with a theme of white and gold. There were at least hundreds of people inside the hall that came for the event. There were different paintings on the wall and sculptures on the ground. "Your painting is unique," Remi commented.
"Thank you."
It's was the first comment I ever received from someone I don't know. "You know something about wolves?" He questioned. "Or you like wolves?"
"No," I responded. "I haven't seen any wolf in my entire life."
Remi turned and looked at me. His obsidian eyes widened and he blinked repeatedly at me. "That's insane. Your painting is superb. I thought you painted it because you were obsessed with it."
"Trust me, I am obsessed." I didn't realize that I had said that aloud. Remi stared at me like a weirdo and coughed out. "You okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah ." he nodded.
Remi led me to where my paintings were pasted on the wall. There were six of them and although each painting was of the same Black wolf, I painted them differently. The first painting was beside a Riverside. The wolf sat beside the river staring at its beauty. The second painting explained the wolf's loneliness. His red eyes bare no emotions and he stood on top of a mountain staring blankly at nothing explaining its loneliness. The third painting shows how the wolf bared his fangs and his red eyes glowed. It's showed the wolf's anger. The fourth painting showed the wolf running. His limbs I painted in a blurry form which showed the Wolf's strength. The fifth painting showed the wolf laying on the ground with cuts around his left eye and more cuts on its fur. It showed the wolf's pain. The final painting showed the wolf staring at something with hope and trust in his eyes.
"You have an amazing painting Camille," Remi commented.
"Thank you." I looked to my left side and exclaimed when I saw my favorite artist. It's was Katherine, a great painter. "Is that Katherine?" I asked Remi.
"Yes, " he answered back.
I can't believe I was eligible to exhibit with Katherine who was more popular than I am. Thank you AX gallery.
Episode 3- The wolf in the painting
Camille's POV
It's was nice to have my work exhibited at AX Gallery although most people didn't come to look at my painting because Katherine, a popular artist had her painting beside me. The few people who came to my side, I explained the meaning behind my painting. I wished I could be like Katherine who was great.
"Hello, Katherine," I came over to her side and waved at her.
She seemed to notice me as she waved back and smiled at me. "Your wolf painting is amazing," she commented. "Can you tell me the stories behind the painting?" Katherine left her exhibitions and came over to look at my paintings posted on the wall. "Your collection is amazing!" Another comment that got me smiling like an idiot.
Who wouldn't smile when their favorite artist is admiring their work?
"Thank you for the opportunity, Katherine. The first painting is....." I explained the story behind each painting and Katherine stared at me in awe.
"You must like wolves right?" Katherine questioned.
Why does everyone keep asking me that? I have never met any wolf but telling people that I haven't made me sound like a weirdo. Who would ever believe I never saw a wolf but all my paintings were of a wolf? Most people would think that I had gone crazy.
"Yeah," I lied.
"They are pretty. You should put them for auction." She advised.
"Really?" I smiled. "Thank you, Katherine."
"Right. Excuse me, I need to see a friend." She left my side and walked over to a man opposite me. He was a sculptor with an amazing sculpture of a woman whose eyes were covered with a mask. The woman had two swords in her left hand and a stone in her other hand. It's was beautiful to watch but I had no idea who the sculptor was.
"Must be someone who is not famous like me," I thought as I continued staring at his work.
"That's GFK," A familiar voice sounded beside me, and when I turned, it was Remi. "He doesn't use his real name because he doesn't like attention. He is a famous Sculptor back in Nigeria."
"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Do you know the story behind every art here?" I questioned him.
"Will you like to take a tour with me?" Remi offered.
Who would turn down such an offer from a curator who knows everything about art? No one.
"Sure," I answered and followed him.
The first Art Remi showed me was a wood carving. A lot of people gathered around the carving because it's was worth it. It's was a carving of a woman who held her child in her arms. "This is called Motherhood by T.Y" Remi explained. "The carver is not here today but T.Y is a popular woman."
I couldn't believe what I heard. "A woman did this?"
"Yes, T.Y is a woman." Remi smiled and walked away while I trailed behind him. "You are just as good as most of the artists here today," Remi said to me.
"Thank you," I smiled at him and turned back to look at the carving. The mother stared at her child with love and it's made me long for the warmth of a mother. I never knew my mother since I was left in an orphanage home. There was a tiny hole inside of me that I hoped to close one day and I will once I found my mother.
"You okay?" Remi touched my shoulder which caught me unaware. I jumped in fear and lost my balance. I saw the ground welcoming me but before I could reach the ground, a man with a mask on reached out to help me. I landed on his arm and met his hazel eyes. They were beautiful and I felt lost in them.
"You should look where you go young lady," The voice was deep and enchanting.
The man helped me stand comfortably on the ground and smiled at me. His smile was charming and I wished I could see the face behind the mask but before I could thank him, he had walked away.
"Camille," Remi grabbed my hand. "You okay?" He asked.
I nodded in response but found myself staring at the man who had helped me from embarrassing myself in front of everyone. "Who is he?"
"Probably one of those that had come for the exhibition. Let's go," Remi grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him.
The next art he showed me was photorealism. There were two works exhibited. One was a man who was smoking while the second was of a girl swimming It's looked so real that I thought they were there. "This is amazing!" I commented.
The artist behind the beautiful piece of art was a young boy who looked like a teenager. The boy looked Asian and when I looked closely at him, my assumptions were right. He was Chinese with his double eyelid and purple hair. He looked like a rockstar instead of an artist.
Remi greeted the boy and introduced me to him. "Hey, Cjay. This is Camille, she is a wolf painter."
"Nice to meet you, Camille, I am Cjay." The boy stretched forth his arm and I gladly took it.
"You have a nice work Cjay," I commented on his work.
"It takes a lot of time to perfect it but it's coming out great." Cjay smiled. "So you are a wolf painter huh?" He questioned.
I looked at Remi and nodded in response. "Yes, I am."
"Cool. I love wolves." He laughed and I also started laughing.
There was nothing funny about wolves. "I would have loved to see your work but I have a lot of people to talk to," Cjay pointed to a long queue of people who had come for his autograph. They were mostly teenagers.
"No problem CJay," I waved at him and left his side.
"So where are we heading to next?" I asked Remi who seemed to be on call.
He raised his hand and pointed to his phone. "I am sorry Camille but I need to take this," he said to me, and in a blink of an eye, he was out of my sight.
"I guess I have to do the tour myself," I heaved a sigh and continue walking to see different Artwork.
Axel POV
Humans and their weird smells. As I walked into the gallery, my nose was overwhelmed with different smells. Some of the humans smelled like sweat while some had different smells. There were too many of them so it's was difficult to differentiate their smell.
"Humans and their disgusting smell," Nal, my lycan complained like he always does but I gave him no response.
"Sir, Katherine is here," Penelope informed me and I nodded in response.
"I'll see her once I've greeted the important artist" I stated.
"Okay. The first artist on your list is Anjit, " Penelope informed and walked in front of me leading me to whosoever Anjit was. Turns out that Anjit was an Indian man who had come to Mecianda to exhibit his work.
"Namaste!" And it greeted us as he saw us heading towards him. "Mr. Banks. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Namaste!" Penelope answered on my behalf. I didn't say anything but made the Namaste gesture.
"Mr. Anjit is a Calligrapher famous back in Indian and some part of the world." Penelope pointed to Anjit's works and they were all great. They were all well written in India.
"What does that mean?" I pointed to the first calligraphy hanging on the wall.
"It means freedom is ours," Anjit told me. "My works are all about rights and freedom. This one said lose me or leave me alone to die." Anjit explained the meaning behind his other works.
"That's great Anjit. You have great calligraphy skills. Your works are all nice." I commented and turned to leave.
"Thank you, Mr. Banks," Anjit did the Namaste gesture and I also did the same before walking away.
"Next are two artists. Ryan and Stacy," Penelope said and led me to an art installation. "They are both twins and are known for their works. AX gallery had sighed both of them exclusively."
"Hello, Mr banks," they both greeted.
"Hi," I answered.
The Twins had different skin colors, Ryan was white while Stacy was black making them look different. How are they even twins when they are not alike?
"We are not related," Stacy must have caught me staring at them. "people called us the Amazing twins because of our works. "
"Oh, okay." My eyes went over to their work and I stared in awe at their amazing work. "This is an aquatic art installation," Ryan explained and pointed into what seemed to be a pool. "The bottom is dry but the surface has water."
"What Ryan is trying to say is that there is a glass separating the surface and the bottom. It's set to create an illusion and make fantasies. " Stacy's explanation was more understanding than Ryan's.
"You have amazing work and I am happy. You are one of our exclusive artists."
"It's our pleasure Mr. Banks," They bowed their head.
"Our last artist is Katherine who had just signed an exclusive contract with us," Penelope informed.
"Oh, Katherine!" Nal screamed in excitement.
"Shut it Nal, Katherine is married," I told him.
"Ewwww, that's so sad." Nal expressed his sadness over Katherine.
"This is Katherine's work and it's a painting of......." Penelope's voice turned into a whisper as I saw a painting of a wolf.
It's wasn't just a wolf, it's was a Lycan. My hand shook terribly as I couldn't believe what I saw. I touched the painting and stared in awe.
The Wolf in the painting was Nal, my Lycan. No one had ever seen me in my Lycan form not even Nathan my beta or Penelope who had been with me since the beginning.
The Amazing thing about the painting was that it talked about my past. All the paintings were right, it's was as if the painter knew me in the past.
"Wow! Who has been spying on us?" Nal questioned as he also was surprised to see himself painted on the wall.
"Are you okay sir?" Penelope grabbed my arm breaking me out of my thought. "Katherine is waiting for us," she pointed to Katherine who waved at me.
I didn't respond to her because I wasn't interested in her instead I was interested in the painting of my Lycan. "Who painted this wolf?" I asked Penelope.
"I have no idea, sir. Remi and Isabella picked the artist. Is there a problem sir?" Penelope questioned.
Yes, there was a problem because it's not every day you see a painting of your Lycan.
"Go get them. I need to know who painted the wolf."
"I did." An angelic voice sounded behind me. The voice was soothing and I had to turn around to look at the person who painted a picture of my Lycan.
The first thing I saw was her eyes. They were dark like the devil's soul and her face was a face I never expected to see again. Kourtney, My First mate who died because of my sins. I inhaled her scents, it's was just like Kourtney's. Strawberry and Forest scent.
"Mate," Nal whispered in my head but I couldn't dare whisper it out.
"Is there any problem with my painting sir?" She asked, her voice sounding exactly like Kourtney.
Why was fate against me?
"You painted the wolf?" I questioned and bites my lower lips trying to keep my emotions in check because if I don't, Nal might take over and mark her on spot.
"Yes, they are all mine." She answered with a smile on her face.
That's smile sent my heart racing. "Mark her," Nal shouted in my head. "We found our mate after five hundred years. Mark her Axel." He shouted.
Beads of sweat trailed down my face and my whole body began to shake. This isn't happening. Before I could reveal my true identity, I grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her with me.
If fate was playing a mindless game, I needed to know how to be a winner.
Episode 4- Who are you?
Camille POV
After Remi left me all alone, I roamed around admiring every artwork exhibited. I wish I had bought Alina with me but it's was based on an invitation and coming to an Art Gallery as big as AX requires a lot of money which Alina and I don't have.
When I was done looking around, I Went back to my paintings but then I saw a man staring at them. The man must be a fan of wolves or something for him to stare at my paintings for so long.
"Who painted this wolf?" He asked the lady beside him and I recognized her as the rude lady from the entrance of the gallery.
"They must be a couple," I thought as I watched both of them.
"I have no idea, sir. Remi and Isabella picked the artist. Is there a problem sir?" The lady asked yet again.
If she is using Sir then it means they were not a couple but the man was her boss or one of the rich snobs that had come to see the Arts exhibited in the Gallery.
"Go get them. I need to know who painted the wolf." The man ordered.
Why was he searching effortlessly for the painter? Does he admire my work that much? I needed to know why so I drew closer to them and made my presence known.
"I did," I answered.
The man turned around and for a moment, I thought we were the only ones left in the hall. His eyes were beautiful obsidian eyes like mine but his were darker and bigger. His face was an oval-shaped face with a sharp jawline and pointed nose which made him look perfect. He was a blonde and his beautiful hair was perfectly styled giving him the perfect bad boy look. Compare to my height, he was a few inches taller and muscular like he had been working out his whole life. I've seen the man somewhere but I had no idea where.
"Where have you been all my life?" I wanted to say that but instead, I said, "Is there any problem with my painting sir?"
"You painted the wolf?" He questioned and bites his lower lips.
Oh, God. His lips look pink and plump. I wondered how it would feel if I could kiss those lips. I pinched myself and wondered why I Fantasied about a man who was in front of me staring at me with his beautiful obsidian eyes.
"Yes, they are all mine." I smiled at him.
The man didn't say anything but instead, he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the hall.
What if he was a killer sent to kill me?
The last time I checked, I don't have someone out there who wanted to kill me. Why was he dragging me as if I owe him money?
"What are you doing?" I questioned as he dragged me down the hallways into the elevator.
This is it. I was about to be murdered in an elevator just like in the movies. I was going to die but I wasn't ready to die yet so I screamed out loud as the elevator doors were closing.
"Help me! A man is trying to kill me!" As if God heard my prayer, a hand shot out in between the doors and I heaved a sigh of relief.
"Sir, is something wrong?" It's was the rude redhead girl.
"Use the second elevator Penelope," The man ordered and the woman came out without arguing.
He must be the boss since he had authority over the rude girl.
"Who are you? Where are you taking me to?" I tried to free my hand from his but instead, he tightened his grip on my hand.
"I need you," he confessed or maybe it's wasn't a confession but a way of saying that he needed me to kill me.
"Let's me go!" I shouted. "Please let me go," I begged.
"You don't know who I am? Do you?"
That's question was tricky. In movies, it's could be a way to kill their victim. They questioned their preys and if their victims failed to answer, they'll murder them. I wasn't ready to die yet.
"I am right. You don't even know me," he said with a hint of sadness laced in his tone.
"Erm," I Cleared my throat and looked into his eyes.
Surprisingly, he was staring back at me. "Since you don't know me, little girl, I'll introduce myself to you." He grinned wickedly.
I gulped and averted my eyes from his. He must be a drug lord because he had succeeded in inserting fear into my head. "I am....." He tried to say something but I interrupted him by pointing at the elevator door.
"It's opened," I announced and rushed to leave the elevator but he pulled me back.
"Why are you trying to run away?" He questioned.
"Because......" I scratched my head with my free hand. "Because," I cleared my throat and tried all I could to avoid eye contact with him.
Why was he even asking me that question? He was the one who had kidnapped me in front of everyone.
"Why are you asking me that?" I summoned the courage to talk back at him. "You kidnapped me in front of everyone and..."
"Kidnapped you?" He chuckled.
Why was he laughing? I didn't find what I just said funny. "Why are you laughing? If you hate my painting so much, you should have just told me to remove them rather than dragging me up here."
The man didn't say anything and walked out of the elevator with my hand still in his. He pulled me down a long hallway. "Why ain't you saying anything? If you want my painting, I'll give them all to you." I promised.
I could always paint some other time. He continued to give the silent treatment. Maybe I have done something to get him mad. "Sir," I called. "Sir, I....." Still, he didn't even turn to look at me.
After walking for a while, we took a turn by the left and arrived in front of us was a large glass door and on the door was an inscription That says 'CEO'. I looked from the door to the man who I thought was a kidnapper. I gasped and quickly covered my mouth when I noticed him staring at me.
"Oh, God!" I exclaimed. I have called Axel Banks a kidnapper. How could I have not recognized him?
Axel Banks chuckled and placed his hand on the handprint scanner leading to his office. The door opened and we both entered. "I am sorry," I blurted out.
Axel Banks withdrew his hand from mine and stared at me with Confusion. "You are sorry for?" He questioned.
"I am sorry for calling you a kidnapper."
"Hmmmmm," he walked further into his office and I trailed behind him. His office was larger than my two-room apartment. On the left side of the room were a round chair and a glass table probably for his meeting and behind the chairs was a large shelf with books neatly arranged in three rows while on the right side was his desk which has his name imprinted on a glass. It reads Axel banks. There were other things on his desk like a Hp laptop and a few books neatly arranged. Behind him was the window showing the view of Langose. It's was a beautiful view. The office was filled up with different artworks and On his walls were different paintings with different stories behind them.
"Have a seat," he pointed to the leather chair opposite his desk. "Do you know why I dragged you down here?" He questioned.
How was I supposed to know that?
"Because of......" I paused and played with my fingers while still standing refusing to seat on the chair.
"Won't you seat down before you answer me?" He pointed to the chair opposite me but I shook my head.
How could I seat in front of the popular Axel Banks? My hand shakes terribly and I bite my lower lips. "I......" Why was I stuttering like a fool? "I..... I "
Axel stood up and walked closer to me but I took a step backward causing me to lose my balance. I shouted as I was about to fall to the ground but Axel grabbed my tiny waist and helped me up. "You okay?" He asked.
I nodded in response feeling the heat of his breath on my face. His cologne was too strong that's caused me to choke and I started coughing. "You don't seem to be okay," Axel pulled my hand towards the leather chair and help me sit down.
"Why am I here again? I've told you already, if it's about my paintings, I'll take them down," I told him.
"No, I am not asking you to take them down."
"Then why I'm I here?" I shouted at him. I didn't even mean to but he was too close and his presence caused a Familiar feeling to my body. I wanted him to touch him so I'll feel his hands over my body.
"You are here because....." Axel hesitated for a while and looked into my eyes.
"Please kiss me!" I thought and closed my eyes. I wondered how it will feel to have his lips on mine. A feeling of ecstasy.
Axel cleared his throat and I opened my eyes. "Your paintings are amazing miss...... I didn't get your name."
"It's because you never asked."
"My bad," he placed a hand on his chest. "What's your name?"
"Camille Banks," I responded with a smile on my face.
"Great name."
"So why do you drag me up here?" I asked.
Just as he was about to answer, his office door burst open and the annoying redhead lady walked into the office. She looked from me to Axel and I could see her shooting glares at me.
"Sir is there something I should know?" She questioned.
I folded my hand and looked at Axel who had his eyes on me. "I have decided to make her one of our exclusive artists," Axel announced.
"What?" I and the annoying redhead lady said at the same time. I was shocked that he could say that. He doesn't even know me and last time I checked, I am not a popular painter.
"What are you doing, Axel?" The lady questioned. I thought she called him sir earlier now they are on a first name based. "She is not a popular artist. No one knows her so why are you trying to make her an exclusive artist."
This was my chance at becoming a popular artist but the redhead want to spoil everything for me. Seriously, what was her problem? I wasn't trying to steal her man but I could if I wanted to.
"This is my decision, Penelope. Once the exhibition is over, bring all her paintings to my office." He ordered.
Oh my! Is this how fast one goes from being a struggling artist to a popular one? What a great chance.
"Axel, I hope you are not making a mistake?" The lady inquired.
"No, I am not. Lead her outside Penelope so that she can attend the rest of the event."
Wait, what? I still have questions I needed to ask him. "I have a question, Mr. Axel," I said to him.
"I'll answer all your questions later Camille," he smiled at me. "I need to have word with my assistant and you need to attend the rest of the exhibition."
"Yeah," I looked from Axel to Penelope and sensed huge love chemistry.
"They must be a couple," I thought as I was led outside Axel's office.
"Take the elevator to the fifth floor, it's where......." Penelope tried to explain where I should take but I already know that.
"I know," I told her and began to walk away.
As I walked away, I thought of Axel and why he would want to offer me an exclusive in his gallery when we just met.
Episode 5- Attacked
Axel POV
"She is your mate isn't she?" Penelope questioned as she walked into my office. "I saw how you were staring at the painting. That Nal, your Lycan right?"
"Why did you allow mate to go?" Nal also nagged me.
I heaved a sigh and inhaled deeply. I was happy to see her again after five hundred years but she was different and her attitudes were similar to Kourtney's. I didn't want her to go, I wished I could hold her in my arms again but I couldn't because she was a human. In her past life, Kourtney was a werewolf that died because of her sins.
"You have to reject her Axel if you want her to live."
She was right. I have to reject her if not, the curse will fall on her and she will die just like Kourtney. "Find out where she lives," I ordered.
"You don't have to get involved with her Axel. It's will only bring memories of Kourtney." Penelope came to my side and placed her hand on my back. "I'll do whatever you want me to do but you have to make sure that you don't get involved with her."
How could I ignore her when she was my mate?
"Get that crazy bitch away from me. " Nal shouted in my head." She is just jealous that we've found our mate."
Nal was right about Penelope's jealousy because I sensed it. She was jealous and I wondered why. I already told her that our relationship met nothing to me. "Just do what I ask you to Penelope," I pushed her hand away and stood up from the chair. "I have an event to get to."
"Axel," she called. "Think about the poor human girl. If you don't reject her now she'll...."
I raised my hand as a sign that I didn't want her talking again. I've heard her go on about how Camille could die and those words only make my ear bleed. I was unfortunate to be cursed because of my parent's Sin. I've learned to bear my cross when Kourtney died in my arms five hundred years ago.
"Don't say a word about Camille ever again," I warned her and headed out of the office. I adjusted my blue tie as I walked into the Elevator. There was someone else in the elevator, a male with his head lowered and his arms folded together.
As I walked into the elevator, the man raised his head but I couldn't see his face it's made me wonder who he was and what he was doing on that floor accessible by only the staff of the gallery. "Who are you?" I questioned because he seemed suspicious and when he had no scent.
It's was weird because humans always have a scent but in his case, there was no scent. "Who are you?" I tried to remove his hand but he grabbed mine and twisted it behind me. He pushed me towards the elevator causing the doors to open again. Before I knew what was happening, four other masked men entered the Elevator.
"Allow me to shift Axel, I can take them," Nal begged.
"Remember that we can't show our true self to humans." I reminded him.
The five men all came at me at once but I struggled against them. I lifted one of the men and threw him towards the others causing them to fall. Thank goodness, the elevator was large enough to accommodate a lot of people.
"Who sent you?" I grabbed one of the men and pinned him to the mirror in the elevator. "Who?"
The rest I thought were on the ground came at me and kicked me on my legs. I dropped the man I was holding and turned to face them. I broke off the man's arm, hit another head on the mirror, kicked another on the chest. They all fell groaning out in pain. My mistake was that I didn't realize that one of them had lunged himself at me with a silver dagger in his hand. He slashed my back with the dagger weakening me in the process. As an old Lycan cursed to walk the earth for eternity, Silver would only hurt for a while and healed but for some reason, my eyes felt hazy. It's wasn't an ordinary Silver used on me. The silver dagger was laced with magic powerful enough to kill me.
I staggered and through my hazy vision, I got slashed on the back again. I had no idea who the men were but one thing I know is that they attacked me like they bore grudges against me. I tried to fight back but I couldn't.
Blood pooled out of my blue Louis Vuitton suit and dropped to the ground. I groaned out in pain as the Silver was starting to take effect on my body. I fell to the ground.
"Shift Axel, I can help you heal," Nal shouted
There was no way I could shift and risk my identity. I have managed to hide my identity for years from humans, I wasn't going to reveal myself yet.
One of the men lunged at me and attempted to stab me in the heart. I was weak to fight back and when I tried to mind linked Nathan, I couldn't. I groaned out in pain as the silver dagger made contact with my heart.
"You are hurting yourself, Axel! Let me help you!" Nal shouted yet again and tried to force himself out but shifting would only end in bloodshed.
Bells rang in my ears and I spat out blood. I held the assassin's hand and whispered. "Who sent you?"
"Die!" He removed the dagger from my heart and raised his hand to strike me again but then the elevators door opened and in my hazy vision, I heard someone scream. The men rushed out in a flash.
I sniffed the air and closed my eyes when I smelled a familiar scent. It was Kourtney and she had come to save me.
"Mr banks" she shouted and rushed to my side. She pressed her hand on my chest trying to stop the bleeding but she had no idea that her touch was enticing and it's made my heart race faster.
"Kourtney," I placed my hand on her forehead. "You are here," Blood pooled out from the left side of my mouth and I felt my inside on fire. I pulled her closer to me and she fall to my chest.
"Mr. Banks," she shouted.
"Stay," I whispered and held her as my life depended on it. Slowly, I closed my eyes but I was glad to have her in my arms.
"You are pathetic!" Nal shouted in my head before I blacked out.
Camille POV
When I left Axel's office and went back to the exhibition hall, I met people in front of my paintings compared to when I left with Axel. I smiled when I realized that Axel was responsible for it. I stood behind them and watched my paintings from afar.
For some reasons I can't explain, I felt connected to Axel even when I just met him. "Oooh," I shivered and wrapped my arms around my body. "I have to see him again and ask why he wants to sign me as an exclusive artist," I whispered and walked out of the hall. Heading towards the Elevator, I had two things on my mind. One, how did I go from being a struggling artist to Someone popular in just one day.
"You are getting there Camille," I muttered to myself as I pressed the elevator button. While waiting, I rubbed my hands together, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. When I opened them, the elevator door opened and I screamed out loud when I saw men with black masks on. One of them was about to stab a man laying on the ground but when they saw me, they rushed towards me and I closed my eyes thinking that they were about to attack me.
When I heard their footsteps retreating down the hallway, I opened my eyes. There inside the Elevator was Axel in the pool of his blood.
"Mr banks" I shouted and rushed to his side.
"What should I do? What should I do?" I thought as a copious amount of blood pooled out of his chest staining his blue suit. "Okay, okay."
I pressed my hand on his chest and tried to stop the blood. I don't know much about stopping a blood flow but I didn't want him to die when I could do something.
"Kourtney," he placed his hand on my forehead. "You are here," he said.
I had no idea who Kourtney was but I figured It was someone close to him.
Blood pooled out from the left side of his mouth and before I knew what was happening, Axel had pulled me closer to him causing me to fall on his chest.
"Mr. Banks," I shouted and tried to struggle against him.
He was dying but yet he seemed fine with it.
"Stay," he whispered into my ears, his breath fanning my neck and I felt him go limped in my arms.
"Mr. Banks!" I shouted his name. "Wake up, " I shook him vigorously. "Somebody help me!" I screamed. "Help!" I shook Axel vigorously.
As if someone heard me, I heard footsteps rushing towards the elevator, the first person I saw was Penelope whose mouth was wide open and another man stood behind him.
"What did you do to him?" Penelope shouted at me.
"How do you mean? I found him like this. Some men came to....."
Penelope entered the elevator and dragged me out. She pushed me to the ground and pointed an accusing finger at me. "You tried to kill him didn't you? " she accused.
"Kill him? Why would I try to do that?" I retorted.
Was there a crime in saving those who needed help?
"Let's get him out of here," the man who had accompanied Penelope said.
"Yeah. Stay here," she pointed at me. "I am calling the police on you." She informed.
My eyes widened at the thought of that. I had never been to jail all of my life. How dare she threaten me with that? "I didn't do anything." I defended myself. "I saw him getting attacked by some men and I tried to help him. "
"I am not listening to any of that. You almost murdered my boss and I am getting you arrested for that." Penelope said and with the help of the other man, they dragged Axel away while I remained on the ground at the front of the elevator.
A few moments later, I was cuffed in the hand and led outside the Gallery into a police van. Penelope had called them on me and when I tried to prove my innocence, she shut me up by calling me a killer.
I didn't kill anyone. I only tried to save him and now it has backfired on me. I guessed it's really hard to save someone nowadays.
"The popular Mr. Banks of AX gallery was stabbed this afternoon by a not so famous painter called Camille Jameson. They were found in the elevator by his Assistant Penelope and his secretary Nathan. Penelope is currently in press news to reveal more about Axel Banks and Camille Jameson. Stay tuned, this is Rush hour FM"
"You must have some guts to try to kill a popular man as Axel Banks. You will rot in jail! " The cop seated beside me said to me.
Now, I was already famous on the radio when just yesterday, I was a normal painter in my small apartment now, I'm being accused of attempted murder. "I didn't do it," I replied the cop.
"Say what when you get to prison."
I closed my eyes as the scene continues to play in my head. The police siren echoed in my ears as the police drove into the street.
I guess I have a complicated life.
Book 1 in ADVENTURE SERIES A prophecy released a thousand years ago came to pass, when two different schools were paired for exploration to an ancient museum. Demini and plan high school had been rivalries for years because of their differences. Demini is a prestigious and well-known school in mecianda while, plan is an average school. Because of their differences, they hated each other for years but an exploration that paired them together changes everything. What happened? Find out in this amazing teen adventure novel......
Formerly known as law and order Book 2 of the past series Mecianda; A country ruled by the rich and powerful elite called the six feathers. Their preys we're the weak and poor, nobody could question them because they held more power than the president of the country but............ Someone decided to bring them to justice. Jeremy Akinsola, a renowned lawyer, who had a tragic event in the past came back to mecianda after twenty years to find and get his revenge on the killer of his family. But, he did not expect to meet a lawless and injustice country. Along the line, he met Lara Johnson, a detective who believes in justice and order for the weak. Jeremy fought to find justice for those who had been involved with the feathers. Alongside his trusted friend and bodyguard Yomi, Lisa his assistant, Mary a reporter, and James a criminalistic and Others who wanted justice for those who had been wronged. It wasn't going to be an easy task but there was nothing bad if they tried. Will they succeed? Will they bring law and order to the country? What would happen to the six feathers? Find out in this story. A thriller and action story. Let go catch some bad guys😹😹
Book 3 of the past series A wedding night that was supposed to be memorable for a couple turned to a sorrowful night. Melody and franklin we're happy to be married and on the night of their wedding, a terrible event occurs which leads to their separation. Now, five years later they met again and this time franklin is now Giovanni, a ruthless billionaire who doesn't give a damn about other people's feelings. The shocking fact is that Giovanni has no memory of what happened five years ago and the first time they met, Giovanni couldn't recognize melody. What happened on the wedding night that's lead to their separation? What happened in the past? How come Giovanni didn't recognize melody? Find out in this story.
"For your information, I refuse to barbie myself up to be sold to some bloodsucking demons?" Gabriella yelled. "This is the world you live in young lady, you can't change it." Gabriella Monet, a stubborn, sassy, brave human who hated the world she lives in. A world ruled by vampires, a world where the humans are made slaves. She despises the vampires who rule the world and wanted to change the world but, everything changes when she started falling for her master and the prince of vampires. What happened to save the world? Slade Donovan is the heir to the throne of the vampires and the grandson of the Lord who started the slave rules. He saved Gabriella at the auction house because she looked like his dead lover but, what he wasn't expecting was a girl who despises his kind. Everything changes when he started falling for her. What happens when hate turns to love. Can a human who despises the vampires be together with the prince and son of the ruler of the world? Can they overcome their differences and be together. A world ruled by vampires and, a human who is trying to change the world. This is not one of your cliche stories. Do enjoy Find out in this story. ©oluwatosin2021
"Love is blind!" Lucinda abandoned her beautiful and comfortable life because of a man. She married him and slaved off for him for three long years. One day, the scales finally fell off her eyes. She realized that all her efforts were in vain. Her husband, Nathaniel still treated her like shit. All he cared about was his lover. "Enough is enough! I quit wasting my years with an ungrateful man!" Lucinda's heart was shattered into many pieces, but she summoned up the courage to ask for a divorce. The news caused a stir online! A filthy rich young woman recently got divorced? She was a good catch! Countless CEOs and handsome young men immediately swarmed to her like bees to honey! Nathaniel couldn't take it anymore. He held a press conference and begged with teary eyes, "I love you, Lucinda. I can't live without you. Please come back to me." Would Lucinda give him a second chance? Read to find out!
My family was on the poverty line and had no way to support me in college. I had to work part-time every day just to make ends meet and afford to get into the university. That was when I met her—the pretty girl in my class that every boy dreamt of asking out. I was well aware she was out of my league. Nevertheless, I mustered all my courage and bravely told her that I had fallen for her. To my surprise, she agreed to be my girlfriend. With the sweetest smile I had ever seen, she told me that she wanted my first gift for her to be the latest and top-of-the-line iPhone. I worked like a dog and even did my classmates’ laundry to save up. My hard work eventually paid off after a month. I finally got to buy what she wanted. But as I was wrapping my gift, I saw her in the dressing room, making out with the captain of the basketball team. She then heartlessly made fun of my inadequacy and made a fool out of me. To make things worse, the guy whom she cheated on me with even punched me in the face. Desperation washed over me, but there was nothing I could do but lie on the floor as they trampled on my feelings. But then, my father called me out of the blue, and my life turned upside down. It turned out that I was a billionaire's son.
After hiding her true identity throughout her three-year marriage to Colton, Allison had committed wholeheartedly, only to find herself neglected and pushed toward divorce. Disheartened, she set out to rediscover her true self-a talented perfumer, the mastermind of a famous intelligence agency, and the heir to a secret hacker network. Realizing his mistakes, Colton expressed his regret. "I know I messed up. Please, give me another chance." Yet, Kellan, a once-disabled tycoon, stood up from his wheelchair, took Allison's hand, and scoffed dismissively, "You think she'll take you back? Dream on."
The dream of everyone with regards to marriage is to be able to find that special someone and settle down with them. Even arranged marriages grant you an opportunity to meet your partner briefly before the wedding. How will you feel about waking up in the morning with someone sleeping next to you who is not just anyone but your legally married partner yet with no memory of how that had happened in just a few hours of going out the previous day? This is the story of Jason Haward and Julia Harrison, two strangers trapped in a marriage they never planned. The quest to find out why led to the unfolding of a mystery which made them realize they are both living a lie. To find out more, read this amazing story of love, betrayal, revenge and murder.
After three secretive years of marriage, Eliana never met her enigmatic husband until she was served with divorce papers and learned of his extravagant pursuit of another. She snapped back to reality and secured a divorce. Thereafter, Eliana unveiled her various personas: an esteemed doctor, legendary secret agent, master hacker, celebrated designer, adept race car driver, and distinguished scientist. As her diverse talents became known, her ex-husband was consumed by remorse. Desperately, he pleaded, "Eliana, give me another chance! All my properties, even my life, are yours."
They don't know I'm a girl. They all look at me and see a boy. A prince. Their kind purchase humans like me for their lustful desires. And, when they stormed into our kingdom to buy my sister, I intervened to protect her. I made them take me too. The plan was to escape with my sister whenever we found a chance. How was I to know our prison would be the most fortified place in their kingdom? I was supposed to be on the sidelines. The one they had no real use for. The one they never meant to buy. But then, the most important person in their savage land-their ruthless beast king-took an interest in the "pretty little prince." How do we survive in this brutal kingdom, where everyone hates our kind and shows us no mercy? And how does someone, with a secret like mine, become a lust slave? . AUTHOR'S NOTE. This is a dark romance-dark, mature content. Highly rated 18+ Expect triggers, expect hardcore. If you're a seasoned reader of this genre, looking for something different, prepared to go in blindly not knowing what to expect at every turn, but eager to know more anyway, then dive in! . From the author of the international bestselling book: "The Alpha King's Hated Slave."