Alexa doesn't know about the existence of the supernatural creatures, she only knew they exist in folklores. She was born in the human world, grew up as a human and has adapted to the human life, her family showered her with great love and utmost care. Her parents are travellers, travelling all over the world to experience different cultures and least, that's what they told her. But there's a dirty secrets behind them traveling all over, what could this secret be?
Chapter 1
Alexa's pov
Running... running... running!
I can't turn back, I'm scared..too scared to look back.
It's coming behind me, in a massive speed....I once turned and saw its red eyes and I couldn't look at it twice.
I'm tired but I must go on if I wanna stay alive...I must continue running.
*Alexa, run! Keep running!* She yells from behind me.
I increased my pace, running faster than before...I can't get caught.
*Run! Don't look back!* He urges me.
*Just run!* They both urged me.
I heard a thud but didn't turn back...the heavy footsteps stops, but not for continues again.
I'm panting and running out of breathe but that didn't stop me...I must get out of here.
*Rebecca!* I heard his panicked cry.
I stop running abruptly and turn eyes grew wide, my mouth hang open as I couldn't process what's happening.
*Rebecca!* He cried again....and the reality of what's happening dawned on me.
It has finally caught up with them...she laid on the ground with its might form over her... barring its teeth at her...ready to devour her.
He tries to fight it off but he obviously isn't strong pushed him away with its snout.
It already clenched its teeth on her neck, tearing it...I can't just watch, I must help.
I step forward but unfortunately its neck snaps towards my direction....I halt frighteningly.
*No!* A scream leaves my mouth.
It takes a step towards heart beating fast but he suddenly steps in front of it...not flinching away from its glaring red eyes.
He pushes it back and grunts.
*Alexa, run!* He said before it tackles him and lands him on the ground.... its teeth positioned on his neck.
My eyes snaps open and I quickly sat up... panting heavily. My headaches and my hands move to my forehead.. wiping off the beads of sweat.
I reached for the table lamp and turn it on....I reached for the glass of water and pills on the nightstand...I stared at it and sighed deeply.
*Don't go into the woods... it's dangerous!*
*There are vicious beasts lurking around in the woods!*
*Always stay in the house and don't come out at night!*
Had I listened to these words....had I been obedient...I wouldn't be having this nightmares.
The door burst open and my brothers.... Micah and William...rushes in.
Though we all call Williams, Will.
Micah rushed straight to my bedside but Will flips the lights on before coming to me.
Will wipes off the sweat on my forehead... Micah holds my right hand in his.
"Lexa, are you alright?" Will asked.
"Had another nightmare?" Micah asked immediately after Will.
I simply nod to answer both their questions. Micah and Will exchange looks and Micah sighed.
"Thankfully, we are moving today!" Will said.
I raised my head at once with a surprise expression on.
"Moving?! When did that happen?! Why am I just finding out about it just now?!"
I studied their expressions as I questioned them... Micah is avoiding my gaze but Will kept a straight face on.
Micah turns to the alarm clock on my nightstand and gasp dramatically.
"It's 05:10am..." He claps his hands and stands up. "...Lexa, start packing, let's move!"
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply...I don't have time for his jokes now.
I drop the pills I was holding and crossed my arms across my chest...a scorn on my face...I can imagine my brows knit together.
"No!" I said looking at Will....his straight face still on.
Micah laughs lightly.
"Come on, Lexa. Don't be stubborn now, we're doing this for your own good" he explained.
"No!" I said again.
"No buts, Micah. I'm not moving!"
They both know I don't like it when we move...I always have problem adapting to a new environment.
"Lexa, don't be like that mom and dad....."
"Stop!" I cut him off.
I don't like it when they mention our parents....I can't get over what happened yet, even if it's been almost a year now.
"We've moved more than 20 times, when are we gonna stop moving?" I asked.
"We're only trying to find a quiet place for you... somewhere that won't trigger your nightmares" Micah explained.
I scoffed...excuse! That's the only thing they say everytime they want us to move.
He points towards my window...wait, did I forget to lock my window before going to bed?
"Look, your window is just facing those woods...who knows if that's the reasons for your nightmares" he said.
I turn my gaze from the window to Will... he's exceptionally quiet.
Well, I don't need to tell you about their personalities can clearly tell that Micah is the simple and approachable one among them.
Will is strict with, he's strict with Micah and I...but a bit lenient with Micah.
"I still don't want to move, Micah" I said staring pointedly at if he's actually the one I'm talking to.
And truly he's the one I'm talking to...I was directing that comment to him.
"But Alexa....."
Will bangs on my nightstand and stands up...he stares at me sternly.
"We are moving today and that's final!" I flinched back and grab Micah's arm.
"Wi..Will..calm down, let's talk to her calmly, she'll understand"
"Well, you have been trying to talk to her calmly...did she understand?" He scolds Micah.
Ok, that's the only thing I like about him... instead of scolding me anytime I'm wrong, he scolds Micah instead.
He turns to me.
"Start packing up... we're moving by 8am!" He leaves my room immediately.
Micah sighs and sits on my bed, his hand on my right cheek... caressing it softly.
"Don't worry, Lexa, you'll adapt sooner than you expect" he said.
"True! I'll take you round town when we get there...and who knows, you might make a whole lot of friends!"
I rolled my eyes...I know exactly what he's tryna do...I know what he meant by that.
"I'll show you all the beautiful scenery and....."
"Just tell me you want me to accompany you for your job hunting!" I interrupt him.
He smiles brightly and winks at me.
"You are really my know me too well"
I shake my head. I wish I can be this free to everyone...I wish I can make any friends and talk about anything and everything with my friends.
"Lexa! Lexa!" He snaps his fingers across my face.
I blinked a few times.
"What were you thinking?"
He chuckles and shakes his head.
"You were obviously thinking something"
"It's nothing..but I really don't wanna move..I'm tired of being a new student everytime!"
"You'll be fine"
Just when I was slowly accepting this place, we're moving again.
"I'm in my senior year, don't you think all these frequent migrating will affect my studies?"
"Nope! You're smart!"
"Try talking Will off....."
"No, Lexa. You can't continue having all these need to stop"
I huffed and rest my head on the headboard.
"Don't worry, I promise you...this will be the last time we move"
I rolled my eyes...he told me the same thing last time we moved here and here we are moving again.
"Don't roll your eyes at me missy...or I'll pluck 'em out!"
There's a long pause...none of us saying a word.
"Where are we going this time?" I asked.
I hummed. Who knows where we'll go next...maybe France.
"And I believe we'll stay there for a very long time" he said.
"You sound so sure"
"Yeah... the agent guaranteed Will and I that the house we're moving in isn't near the, I don't think you'll have any nightmares"
I don't know why..but I suddenly released a long relief breath.
"I hope so!" I muttered silently.
"I know so!" He said.
His phone suddenly beeps, he reaches for it from his PJs pocket.
A small frown first appears on his forehead.. before a bright smile took over.
"Lexa, start packing... we're leaving by 8am!" He said and rushes towards the door.
"Wait...where are you rushing off to?" I asked.
"Oh, I got a text from Betty"
Betty?! Who's that?! I asked mentally with a confused frown.
He seems to notice my confused expression and smiles.
"Betty, my girlfriend!" He winks at me.
I groan....his one week girlfriend. I forgot to tell you guys... Micah is a playboy....almost every girl in Texas is his girlfriend.
I sometimes wonder if God made a mistake making this gross boy my brother.
"So....I'm gonna go!" He didn't even wait for my reply before dashing out.
My eyes meets my alarm clock... it's already 5:59am.... almost 6.
I climb down from my bed and head towards my closet...I pulled out my suitcase and opens it.
Seems I have no choice...I better start packing. I throw my hair in a messy bun and get into work.
Two hours later....
I look around my empty room....I'm long done packing and my luggages have already been moved out and put in the truck.
I flung my backpack on my shoulder and head for the door...just then I heard Will's voice from outside.
"Alexa! Come on!"
Humph! He reaches can't wait to leave this place....they say we're moving for my good...but why do I have this nagging feeling at the bank of my mind that we're actually running from something.
Like we're always on the run... whatever!
"Micah, go in there and pull that lady out!" Will growl at Micah.
"I'm out! I'm out!" I said immediately I step out...I shut the door in a loud bang.
I walk towards Will's old toyota camry...the one our dad left him. I made myself comfortable in the back seat..and pulled out a story book from my bag.
Will and Micah got in... Will starts the car and follows behind the truck moving our properties!
After a few moment of silence, Will and Micah begin to talk in hushed voices....I know they don't want me to hear their conversation.
So I engrossed myself in my storybook!
I yawned and open my eyes...I frown. When the heck did I fall asleep?
"You're awake!" Will said from the driver's seat.
Hold on... driver's seat?! We're still in the car?!
"Are we not there yet?" I asked.
"No!" They both replied.
I groan and slumps back on my seat....I looked out the window and saw tall trees swaying to the tone of the wind as we drive past.
My eyes shut involuntarily....tall trees...woods...they cause me nightmares.
I quickly look away but not quick eyes caught something in the woods. I looked again to confirm my doubt and truly there they are....the cause of my nightmares.
Two red eyes!
My head turns away and I faced front....I don't wanna look back. I need to get that picture off my mind.
"Alexa, are you ok?" Will asked me.
I guess he saw my frightened expression...I simply nod.
"Are you sure? Or you want to stop the car for a while?"
My eyes grew wide. Stop the car?! In the woods?!
"No!" I said too loudly.
Micah turns to me with a frown... Will can't turn as he's driving, so he looks at me from the rearview mirror.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Micah asked.
"You can tell us anything" Will said.
There's a moment of silence, they both waiting for my reply.
"I think I saw something in the woods!"
They both shared a look, Micah turns back to me.
"There's nothing in the woods, Lexa...your mind must be playing tricks on you" he said.
"Yeah.. maybe you're still thinking about the nightmare"
Hmm...that makes sense. It must be I'm just paranoid...I need to get that stupid picture off my head.
I reach for my phone and earbuds in my backpack...and begin to go through my playlists.
"How about we resume your therapy sessions when we're settled in california?" Will suggest.
"No!" I replied.
"It won't make any difference"
I ignore him and put on my earbuds and decide to play *stuck with you* by justin bieber and ariana grande.
I'm not gonna attend any therapy...I have tried it before it didn't work.
I just hope moving to California will help stop my nightmares.
Have you ever heard of anyone, who's always experiencing great misfortunes every Christmas eve? Have you ever found yourself in a situation, where your only wish is to live ONE MORE NIGHT? Well, you haven't but there's someone who has.... Every Christmas eve, misfortunes always visits him. First, he lost his parents on a Christmas eve when he was just eight years old. Second, he lost his heart on another Christmas eve, which resulted to him using an artificial heart that needs charging to survive. Third, he lost his only hope and zeal for living on another Christmas eve...his wife and daughter! It seems like he's cursed by the spirits of Christmas...right? But that's not the case.... All these misfortunes are linked to a particular girl, everytime he experienced these misfortunes, this girl is fact, she's the main cause! Now another Christmas is fast approaching, what misfortune does it holds for him? Is it his life? Is he gonna encounter this girl again? And is she gonna bring another misfortune for him?! Hold on a sec... Is she purposely bumping into him every Christmas eve? Or their encounters are merely just coincidental? His name is Jayden Jaymes Grassi. Her name is Cassandra Kristine Maldonado
Twenty three years old Elena, who doesn't have any education, lives with her poor Aunt. She’s a street dancer and singer. She dances and sings to make end meets. Unexpectedly, life throws her into the Royal palace of Peoria, a small British country. She’s torn between two princes, one who loves her dearly and the other who just wants to use her. After a passionate night with her prince charming, she was found in bed without another man few days later. What will she do when she’s accused of commiting adultery? What will she do when she becomes pre.gnant and can’t decide who her child’s father is?
Twenty three years old Elena, who doesn't have any education, lives with her poor Aunt. She’s a street dancer and singer. She dances and sings to make end meets. Unexpectedly, life throws her into the Royal palace of Peoria, a small British country. She’s torn between two princes, one who loves her dearly and the other who just wants to use her. The night after her wedding with her prince charming they had a passionate night, but she’s rapped few days after. What will she do when she’s accused of commiting adultery? What will she do when she becomes pre.gnant and can’t decide who her child’s father is?
I've been married to my husband since I was eighteen years old, and my husband rose to fame shortly after our marriage, but this fame came with a very expensive price -our marriage. The foundation of our marriage started shaking when my husband left home for six years, he was parading the streets and clubs in LA with different supermodels -or, so I thought. I was at the verge of divorcing him since I couldn't continue hurting everyday, but he came back to his senses and begged me to accept him back. No matter how I tried to hide it, I'm still hopelessly in love with him and decided to forgive him. He promised he's change and he's ready to settle down, of course that got me pregnant and I had to try my best, my very best to love my husband and trust him again, and continue our lives as if he's never left. But our relationship couldn't go back to the old days, because I realized I don't know who my husband is any more. He became very secretive, he repeatedly lied to me on several occasions, and most times I'd have to force the truth out of him. Then a very heavy storm hit our marriage, and that's when I gave up completely -I caught my husband red-handed, cheating on me with my biggest rival, and the worse part was he lied to my face about it. I couldn't help but wonder, does he really love? If he love me, then why can't he trust me at all? Why can't he confined in me? Isn't it better to just walk away from this marriage that's built on lies? But now our baby is involved, should I raise him without his father? Is this break really necessary? Is it gonna help us? Or break us even more?
No one has seen him, No one can tell what he looks like, No one can tell if he's human, wolf, dragon, elf, or vampire. We've only heard his very deep, hoarse voice that doesn't sound so humanly. We only know he's a ruthless beast, And that beast is the king of all supernatural creatures -he is King Wymond. He is an abomination -a mistake made by the moon goddess. There are rumors that he is immortal -are there still any immortals in this age? He walks the lands every night and kills any soul that crosses path with him or it, He never lets anyone see him and doesn't attend public meetings. He's always inside his palace, with those two big gates locking him away and isolating him from the world. Weird! How did he end up becoming the king then? Every five years, girls who have come of age (18 years to 25 years), from different species (werewolves, vampires, witches, elves, and dragons) are taken to his palace. It is unclear to us why they are taken there, And we dare not ask why because asking why there is death penalty. And strangely, all the girls taken to the palace always come back alive, but they end up losing their memories of what had happened in there. No one has enough courage to investigate and find out what's going on -investigating is like walking into the valley of death.
A tour guide, Perry Marco has her whole life planned ahead, she thought she had it all -a great job and the perfect boyfriend whom she'd get married to sooner and live a quiet, peaceful live with. But all that came crumbling down when she walked in on her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend, feeling heartbroken and devastated she sever all ties with them. As if life had every bad thing in stock for her that day, she went home and was met with a very sad news -her dad was diagnosed of kidney disease. Having no money to pay for medical bills, she was forced to move to the big city where she crossed paths with Kendrick Alejandro, who suspected and held her responsible for his mother's death which had happened years ago. What could be Perry's connection with Kendrick's mother's death? Or is the real murderer closer than he thinks?
Janet was adopted when she was a kid -- a dream come true for orphans. However, her life was anything but happy. Her adoptive mother taunted and bullied her all her life. Janet got the love and affection of a parent from the old maid who raised her. Unfortunately, the old woman fell ill, and Janet had to marry a worthless man in place of her parents' biological daughter to meet the maid's medical expenses. Could this be a Cinderella's tale? But the man was far from a prince, except for his handsome appearance. Ethan was the illegitimate son of a wealthy family who lived a reckless life and barely made ends meet. He got married to fulfill his mother's last wish. However, on his wedding night, he had an inkling that his wife was different from what he had heard about her. Fate had united the two people with deep secrets. Was Ethan truly the man we thought he was? Surprisingly, he bore an uncanny resemblance to the impenetrable wealthiest man in the city. Would he find out that Janet married him in place of her sister? Would their marriage be a romantic tale or an utter disaster? Read on to unravel Janet and Ethan's journey.
Eliza Greer was abandoned by her mother, raised in an orphanage, and sold to the Burns family at 19. Even though she marries Mason Burns, the other people in the Burns family look down on her for her poor identity and want to try every way to bully her. Unexpectedly, they all failed. Eliza's hidden identities are gradually revealed in one incident after another, which astonishes everyone.
As a simple assistant, messaging the CEO in the dead of night to request shares of adult films was a bold move. Bethany, unsurprisingly, didn't receive any films. However, the CEO responded that, while he had no films to share, he could offer a live demonstration. After a night filled with passion, Bethany was certain she'd lose her job. But instead, her boss proposed, "Marry me. Please consider it." "Mr. Bates, you're kidding me, right?"
It was supposed to be a marriage of convenience, but Carrie made the mistake of falling in love with Kristopher. When the time came that she needed him the most, her husband was in the company of another woman. Enough was enough. Carrie chose to divorce Kristopher and move on with her life. Only when she left did Kristopher realize how important she was to him. In the face of his ex-wife’s countless admirers, Kristopher offered her 20 million dollars and proposed a new deal. “Let’s get married again.”
In order to fulfill her grandfather's last wish, Stella entered into a hasty marriage with an ordinary man she had never met before. However, even after becoming husband and wife on paper, they each led separate lives, barely crossing paths. A year later, Stella returned to Seamarsh City, hoping to finally meet her mysterious husband. To her astonishment, he sent her a text message, unexpectedly pleading for a divorce without ever having met her in person. Gritting her teeth, Stella replied, "So be it. Let’s get a divorce!" Following that, Stella made a bold move and joined the Prosperity Group, where she became a public relations officer that worked directly for the company’s CEO, Matthew. The handsome and enigmatic CEO was already bound in matrimony, and was known to be unwaveringly devoted to his wife in private. Unbeknownst to Stella, her mysterious husband was actually her boss, in his alternate identity! Determined to focus on her career, Stella deliberately kept her distance from the CEO, although she couldn't help but notice his deliberate attempts to get close to her. As time went on, her elusive husband had a change of heart. He suddenly refused to proceed with the divorce. When would his alternate identity be uncovered? Amidst a tumultuous blend of deception and profound love, what destiny awaited them?
Madisyn was stunned to discover that she was not her parents' biological child. Due to the real daughter's scheming, she was kicked out and became a laughingstock. Thought to be born to peasants, Madisyn was shocked to find that her real father was the richest man in the city, and her brothers were renowned figures in their respective fields. They showered her with love, only to learn that Madisyn had a thriving business of her own. "Stop pestering me!" said her ex-boyfriend. "My heart only belongs to Jenna." "How dare you think that my woman has feelings for you?" claimed a mysterious bigwig.