Two people living on parallel lines were never met to interact, but an unanticipated meeting transforms their lives.
"Please excuse me "Olivia said as she hurried towards the elevator holding five nylons.
As she went in holding the nylons her hands couldn't get to the button because the elevator was crowded.
"Please, can you help me press the button there? "she told a middle aged man and he did with a smile.
"Thank you sir "she said and bowed slightly.
She adjusted her glasses and touched her pig tail then she smiled. As she entered the office, she was already hearing her name all over.
"Olivia, where is my spaghetti?" Tina, one of the employees yelled from a corner.
"l'm coming "
"Here, it is "she stated as she handed one of nylons to Tina.
"Jeez! It is already cold! How am I going to eat this, huh? "Tina grouched with sarcasm.
"How you are gonna eat it is your business "A voice spoke up as footsteps approached. Olivia turned to see Isabel.
She got to where they stood and crossed her arms.
"lsabel, please don't do anything silly. l will take care of it "She pleaded but lsabel paid deaf ears.
"Give her the money for buying you the spaghetti "lsabel stated as she glared at Tina.
"Who said I won't give her the money? "she scoffed as she transferred the money through her phone.
Then she hissed and walked away.
"Olivia, stop this your attitude of pleasing people before you get into big trouble".
Then she left. lmmmediately she stepped out, I started hearing my name. Olivia!
"Where is my coffee?? "
"I am coming "
"My bagel, Olivia! "
"Coffee! "
"Olivia, help print this paper "
"Okay "
"Olivia, help send this paper to the manager's office "
I guess this is my work as an administrative assistant.
It was a scene as former employees gathered at the lobby of the company.
Mr Noel came downstairs to calm the former employees as they came with quilt and noodles saying they will sleep at the office until Mr Leo, the CEO attend to them.
"This isn't proper. Let's discuss this in a more proper way "He tried to calm them down but they paid deaf ears to him.
"I need to call Mr Leo "Leo's assistant said from a corner.
"Hello? Mr Leo, they refuse to leave and they are attracting other employees "
"Okay "Leo stated as he disconnected the call.
"Hello? Hello? "Timothy repeated and looked at his phone. He panicked, knowing Mr Leo disconnected the call.
Everyone's attention on the scene was diverted as Mr Leo walked slowly but majestically towards them. The noise died down.
"Everybody, leave except those that is demanding for an explanation and you, Timothy lock the front door on your way out "
"Yes, Boss "
He sat down and looked at his watch.
"You have five minutes to state the reasons why you should not be sacked"He stated, coldly and they stared at each other.
"Well ... Mr Leo, you have replaced us with robots and machines, we are precious employees and you can't find others as capable as us, you see "The eldest started and Leo scoffed.
"Machanical arms produces thirty soaps in two minutes, can you do that? "He asked and entwined his fingers.
"Instead of complaining about the decisions of the headquarters, propose plans and show them your worth"
Then he looked at his watch and smirked. "Your time is up "
Then he stood up and walked away. The employees left afterwards.
"CEO, why didn't you tell them that you have been the one helping them so that they could stay up to this time? " Timothy started.
"Would that change anything?? "Leo answered.
"Don't argue about unnecessary things and focus on necessary things "
"By the way, have you prepared what I asked you to prepare?? "
"Yes sir "
"Okay, I will go and visit my grandma. She invited me for lunch "
"Okay sir "
"Leo, you are here "she smiled and Leo hugged her
"Grandma! "he said and kissed her at both cheeks.
They sat down afterwards.
"What would you like to eat?? "
"Anything my grandma orders is suitable cos she's the best "
She smiled as she handed the menu to the waiter.
"Grandma, l got something specially for you "Leo said as he brought out a jewelry pack.
"Wow, it looks so valuable. Hold on a sec gave me those to prevent me from nagging you, isn't it? "
"I'm not getting any younger, you know. I need a grand child "
"But you also have Max to tell all these "
"There you go again, always changing the topic. Will you get married or not?? "
"I will, I will get married to Anna "
"Leo, you and Anna can barely see each other. You only contact on phone".
"We also call on video calls which is also the same as seeing each other "
"Leo, how can it be the same?? "
"But grandma, I am not complaining" He chipped in and his grandma sighed.
"Grandma, I will get married, okay?. Now eat before the food gets cold "
She breathed a sigh of relief.
"Olivia, go home and continue tomorrow "One of her colleague said as she headed for exit of the office.
"Okay "She stated and her colleague walked out. But she continued working.
Shortly , the cleaner walked in with a bucket and mop.
"Olivia, you're still here. Won't you go home? "
"l will just ... "Her voice trailed off as she checked her phone and remembered that she had a date with Mark.
"i need to leave right now "She stood up, packed up the documents and hurried out.
Mark was at the park waiting for Olivia when a lady passed, he licked his lips but the lady glared at him and scoffed.
Olivia ran towards Mark, panting.
"Mark, I'm sorry I came late. l had extra work to do in the office and you know .. "
"It's alright, Olivia. No need to be sorry, a boyfriend should wait for his girlfriend, right? "
"So how can I make it up to you? "
"Let us go to my house and I will cook for you then you will leave tomorrow"
"Mark, my mom warned me over again not to stay overnight at a guy's house .. "
"Until you are married "he interrupted her, completing her statement and scoffed.
Her attention was diverted when she saw the road screen displaying a cruise ship.
"Olivia, I think we should better .. "
She intruded I think we should go on the trip to Venice with that cruise ship.
"But I don't have money. l invested all my money in my business "Mark replied.
"I have money "Olivia chipped in.
"Okay. we should go. Just me and you, no disturbance, no work "
"Okay, let's go and eat "
Anna came into the training room and saw flowers on her desk. She smiled and took a look at the note from Leo.
"Best performance, my dear Anna"
She smiled and changed her clothes then called him.
"The meeting will begin in three minutes "Leo said but just then, his phone rang and when he checked, it was Anna.
He smiled.
"Timothy precede over the meeting for me"
"Me? "Timothy asked, alarmed.
"Yes, you "
Then he stepped out.
"Hello? "
"I saw the flowers. They are pretty, and I love them. Leo, how do you manage to send me flowers in my auditions in different countries? "
"That's because I am your number one fan and you are my ballerina "
She giggled. "Leo, are you busy? "
"No, I am not. When are you coming back? "
"By tomorrow. I have an audition there and I think I will be staying for half a month "
"By the way, how is grandma? "
"As always, she is always setting blind dates for me"
"Leo, I am sorry for not staying by your side "
"Don't be. You have my support "
"Okay. Bye bye "
"Bye "
"Mr Leo, why are you so hypocritical? "Timothy asked. "You can convince sponsors in five minutes and destroy your grandma's blind dates but for Anna, you are so slow "
"I am not hypocritical "He stated and sipped his drink. "I can't just propose, what if she rejects? "
"Mr Leo, you clearly don't like her ballerina lifestyle but you send her flowers on every audition so take this "he handed him a slip.
"What is this? "
"It's a cruise ship and proposing there is the best choice. All you need is a diamond ring then you propose and dance under the moon, my friend said it works "
"Okay "
Olivia almost emptied her account making a reservation for the cruise ship.
"My happiness depends on you now "she said while staring at the ticket. She stepped in and adjusted her glasses.
Leo stared at the diamond ring he was holding, thinking about Anna. He was going to propose.
Anna's plane arrived as she walked towards the exit of the airport. Her phone rang amd she picked up.
"Miss Anna, are you ready? "
"Yes I am. l will there soon "She said as she heaved a sigh.
Then he headed to where her audition was to be held.
"Miss Anna, that was amazing and we would like you to play a subordinate role in an audition in Paris so what do you say? "
"I want to play the main role "
"Well, that has never happened before, no one from the East has ever played the main role "
Then, Leo came and Anna was surprised. She hugged him with smiles on her face.
"Why are here? "She asked after disentangling from the hug.
"To see you, of course. Anna, why don't you reconsider playing the subordinate role?, after all, dancing in Paris has always been your dreams "He stated, vehemently and she shook her head.
"No. If I am not playing the main role, then, I am not playing any other roles "
"Okay then "
"Sorry " he said to the women. "Seems l will have to take her "
Leo held Anna's arms as they walked towards their car.
"Anna, won't you regret not going for the Paris audition? "
"Nope. l don't wanna think about that, I only want to think about you "she said and giggled.
"Just me and you, going to the cruise ship "
"Lovebirds, let's hurry up. You don't wanna miss the ship, do you? "Timothy interrupted and entered the car.
They smiled as they got in the car.
"Mark, see! That the ship is very large "Olivia said as she walked in circles.
"Calm down "Mark responded but Olivia ran excitedly towards the ship.
A lady who also came with her boyfriend bumped into Mark. He smiled and the lady smiled back as she stared at him, seductively.
Olivia came back when she noticed that Mark wasn't following her.
"What are you looking at?? "Olivia asked as she looked around.
"Nothing, let's go "he said and they walked away. But he was still searching for the girl who had bumped into him earlier and when he saw her, he ran after her.
Olivia took the luggage and went in, looking for Mark whom she just saw earlier.
Anna excited ran towards the ship then Leo to Timothy.
"Have you made the arrangements? "
"Of course, go for it "he said and walked away.
"What were you talking about? "Anna asked.
"Nothing serious. He just told us to have a good time "
Anna came with a red luggage while leo came with a silver one. When they got in, Leo gave Anna his luggage as he went to settle the procedures.
Olivia came in still looking for Mark when she bumped into a waiter and the wine spilled on her shirt.
"I'm so sorry "She apologized and the waiter stared at her.
"Where do you serve as a waiter? Watch where you are going! "The waiter yelled, angrily.
"l'm sorry. But l'm .. "
"Cut the crap and clean up this mess! There are so many guests here "he retorted, angrily and Olivia nodded.
She bent down and Anna walked closer and pulled Olivia's arm up.
"Instead of saying sorry after soiling a guest's shirt, you told her to clean it up? Have you any shame? "Anna yelled, infuriated .
"Oh. You are a guest? Oh jeez, l'm sorry. l apologize sincerely. l thought you were a waitress because of your outfit .. l'm so sorry "He apologized, bowing slightly.
"It's alright. You don't have to apologize "Olivia rasped, feeling awkward.
Then two kids who were playing, unknowingly switched the silver luggages and left it without being noticed by anybody around.
Anna gave her a scarf to cover the stained part of her shirt and told her to clean it before it sticks to the shirt.
"Thank you for helping me back there. l really appreciate "Olivia countered and Anna smiled.
"Don't mention. I have to leave now .. have fun "Anna responded, took one of the luggages and walked away.
She went to her room to wash it off but still confused that she hasn't seen Mark the whole time.
Anna's phone rang as she picked the call slowly because she didn't recognize the number.
"Hello? "
"Miss Anna, you have been chosen as the leading role for the Paris audition "The caller spoke up.
She screamed with excitement but held her mouth to avoid making a scene.
"So, Miss Anna, you still have your chance if you come now "
Her smile disappeared because she knew she would be be disappointing Leo again.
"Okay. I understand "She answered and hung up.
She tried calling Leo but he didn't pick up.
Olivia stepped out of her room and saw Anna who passed without noticing her.
"So she lives opposite "she muttered.
Leo who had discussed his engagement with the captain who agreed to hold the engagement on his ship was at the back of the ship, practicing.
"Anna, I want you to be my wife. I love you .. jeez, that sounds like a command "
Olivia saw him as she was taking pictures around the ship.
Two kids ran around him, playing and pushed him and ran away without knowing what they had done.
The ring fell down beside Olivia's leg.
"Help me get the ring "Leo told her.
As she turned around, her leg hit the ring and it went down and rolled to different directions as it was kicked by different people.
Leo blamed her for not picking it before.
The ring fell on a net that was on top the pool, she stretched her hands to Leo to hold her.
Leo held her as she stretched her hands out to take the ring but it was far, as she stretched further, she fell inside the pool.
Leo jumped in and brought her out but she was unconscious. Leo was baffled and tried to do the mouth to mouth resuscitation when she coughed.
Leo glared at her.
"You wanted to kill yourself for a ring you still weren't able to bring out "he scolded her and she smiled and brought out the ring.
"Wow, thank you "
"You are welcome "
As Leo walked towards his room, he noticed Olivia was following him.
"Why are you following me? "He stopped walking and asked her.
"My room is over there " She replied and he looked at her with suspicion.
Olivia saw Leo step into the same room that Anna came out from earlier.
"So she is the girl he wants to propose. Wow .. they make a great couple "
Olivia freshened up and unzipped the luggage but was confused when she saw men's undies.
When Leo also opened his luggage, he saw lingerie, he brought it out with his fingers, surprised.
"Whose luggage is this?! "
On-board a cruise ship bound for the Bahamas, two people from separate worlds have an encounter, transforming them into one another's destiny.
Damon has always been in love with his step sister, Julie even before their parents got remarried. One afternoon, they met in high roller and Damon asked her out because she looked like his step sister, Julie as she introduced herself as Julianne Moore under a disguise. Julie accepted to be his girlfriend thinking she could help stop his womanizing habits.
The perfect and honest Mason meets naive and casual Ariana at a restaurant and that marks the beginning of their love story. Ariana is more than angry as Mason made her lose her job and boyfriend on the same day. Her close friend, Tracy recommends her to company as the assistant of the CEO. During the interview, she finds out CEO is the same person who exposed her boyfriend in public. Eventually, she gets the job though she doesn't know why. There are some moments when she has to lie which lands her in sticky situations
Imagine having 3 pregnant babymamas? Stressful, right? How will you cope with their needs, their cravings and every other thing? Well, Zack was among them. He's one of a kind cos he's a prince but drinks, womanizes which as result, he ends up with 3 pregnant ladies. Layla, Kira and Amy. How is he going to cope and who's gonna end up being his favourite,? Let's read to find out
They don't know I'm a girl. They all look at me and see a boy. A prince. Their kind purchase humans like me for their lustful desires. And, when they stormed into our kingdom to buy my sister, I intervened to protect her. I made them take me too. The plan was to escape with my sister whenever we found a chance. How was I to know our prison would be the most fortified place in their kingdom? I was supposed to be on the sidelines. The one they had no real use for. The one they never meant to buy. But then, the most important person in their savage land-their ruthless beast king-took an interest in the "pretty little prince." How do we survive in this brutal kingdom, where everyone hates our kind and shows us no mercy? And how does someone, with a secret like mine, become a lust slave? . AUTHOR'S NOTE. This is a dark romance-dark, mature content. Highly rated 18+ Expect triggers, expect hardcore. If you're a seasoned reader of this genre, looking for something different, prepared to go in blindly not knowing what to expect at every turn, but eager to know more anyway, then dive in! . From the author of the international bestselling book: "The Alpha King's Hated Slave."
There was only one man in Raegan's heart, and it was Mitchel. In the second year of her marriage to him, she got pregnant. Raegan's joy knew no bounds. But before she could break the news to her husband, he served her divorce papers because he wanted to marry his first love. After an accident, Raegan lay in the pool of her own blood and called out to Mitchel for help. Unfortunately, he left with his first love in his arms. Raegan escaped death by the whiskers. Afterward, she decided to get her life back on track. Her name was everywhere years later. Mitchel became very uncomfortable. For some reason, he began to miss her. His heart ached when he saw her all smiles with another man. He crashed her wedding and fell to his knees while she was at the altar. With bloodshot eyes, he queried, "I thought you said your love for me is unbreakable? How come you are getting married to someone else? Come back to me!"
Due to the plight of her family, Phoebe had no choice but to embark on the path of selling herself. In an accident, she had a tangled night with Alexander. Everything began to derail, and even if she fled to the ends of the earth, she would still be found by him and entangled... *** Phoebe screamed in frustration, "What do you want from me?" What was this supposed to be? He raised an eyebrow wickedly. "What do I want? You'll find out soon enough." With that, he hoisted her up and carried her back into the office. The door slammed shut with a kick, and he cleared the desk with a sweep of his arm before laying her down on it, his body pinning hers in place, completely trapping her in his grasp. Every cell in his body was telling him he wanted her. He wanted to claim her again. This time, there would be no escape for her-he wouldn't let her slip away. Never again. If he had suffered for five years, then this woman wouldn't get off easily either!
6 years ago, Lydia suffered a brutal betrayal orchestrated by her own husband and step-sister, who drugged her and framed her. In a twist of fate, she ended up having a one-night stand with a stranger. Don't even remember what he looked like. Later, in the throes of death, she discovered the truth about her mother's death all those years ago. In the blink of an eye, she lost everything. 6 years later, Lydia returned with her genius son, vowing to exact revenge on all her enemies! Little did she know, she encountered an incredibly familiar man at the airport! *** The man was briskly pushing open the door to the restroom, heading to the urinal. Even with such a mundane action, he did it with unparalleled elegance and grace. Lydia, following him in a daze, saw his fierce lower body and suddenly snapped back to reality. She let out a high-pitched scream, instinctively covering her eyes with her hands, her cheeks flushed, and stood there stiffly, unsure of what to do. Lambert furrowed his brows slightly but remained calm as he continued to relieve himself. The sound of water hitting the urinal made Lydia's face even redder. She angrily shouted, "You pervert!" Little did Lydia know that Lambert, seeing her in this state, had a flicker of recognition in his eyes. Memories from many years ago flashed through his mind, and his heart couldn't help but stir. It was her!
Drugged and deceived, she bore a child amidst tragedy-her son, falsely declared dead at birth. Fueled by the agony, she disappeared, only to return years later with both her daughter and an adopted son, driven by an unyielding desire for revenge against those who had wronged her and her late mother. The plot takes an unexpected twist when the haunting truth surfaces: her son is alive, and his father is a powerful CEO.
Mia's life is spiraling out of control. Abandoned by her mother, bullied mercilessly at school, and thrown into a household of four dangerously attractive stepbrothers, she's desperate to find her footing. "You look absolutely edible," Sean growled, his eyes devouring her. Mia felt a rush of heat between her thighs "Oh, you think so?" she purred, turning to face him. She reached out and traced her fingers along the ribbon that wrapped around his waist. "Well, I've been waiting for this all day. And I'm starving." Sean's smile grew into a predatory grin. "Then let us feast," he said, and in a flash, the ribbon fell away, exposing his rock-hard length. He stepped closer, and Mia felt the warmth of his breath on her face as he whispered, "You're going to take every inch of us tonight, aren't you?" With Rolex's teasing smirk and Sean's quiet, hot stares, Mia doesn't know where to turn-or who to trust. Every glance, every touch leaves her breathless, confused, and craving more than she should. Will Mia survive their games, or will she lose herself in a dangerous world of secrets, seduction, and forbidden desire? One house. Four brothers. Endless temptation.