[Note] This is the first instalment for the Book Series, Antique Lore. The prominent characters in this story are Vampires, Werewolves, Sorcerers and Hybrids. The content of these books is centred around Fantasy, Romance, Action and R18 related content. This first instalment, Centuries Blood, lays a background and setting for the lore and has much to do, so please excuse the several editions backstories and mythology. However, do not fret, there is NO extensive expository chapters and there is a vast plot and entertaining characters ahead for you to enjoy. Thank you. ---- [Synopsis] Myth and Fantasy are not immune from Fate. Everything flows in a path that has been predetermined, but it is possible to break free. Two brothers traverse through the centuries with burdens that were placed on them by the heavy weight of the world, subjected to sweet love that clouds their view with heart-shaped lips, offering nothing but affection, yet... In the next moment, past sins and shadows catch up, haunting them and their loved ones. They are both afraid of being alone and yet they know that having people close to them will only bring them to ruin. But how can they help it. They expand the Malbourne family and seek what it is that centuries worth of life deny them. Consuming the blood of thousands quenches not the thirst of the affection of an ideal woman, nor does it erase the necessary evils they've had to do as Royal Vampires. Yet they seek it, among the Werewolves, among the Sorcerers, among the Humans and even their own kind. Where does it all end? --- [Sneek Peek] Colbert grunted and planted a kiss on Olivia's soft lips before pushing her to the courtyard wall. He felt every part of her, his hands finally clutching onto her ass, holding it as if it were freshly baked buns, rubbing it from time to time. Olivia nibbled on Colbert's neck while pushing herself against him. "At...least... I know... you haven't.... been.... messing around....while I was gone... Such..passion... you do only have eyes for me," Olivia said while running her hands across his muscles and kissing Colbert on the lips after rounds of tasting his skin. "You're talking too much," he said as he held her tiny hands against the wall and sank his head into her breasts through her dress and ruffled his head, making Olivia giggle while taking in deep breaths. "Aheeem!" The two youths turned towards the source of the voice and found a balding steward standing with his eyebrow raised. Colbert quickly coughed embarrassedly and let go of Olivia who blushed and lowered her gaze. "Phillip! I was just helping Olivia- the honourable Olivia with a review of her new dress. She tells me it is a bit stuffy around the chest area so I was checking the ventilation," said Colbert while inwardly grimacing. ....
Two young men walked down the streets of Miami with a moderate pace under the leaves of the swaying palm trees.
It was summer, meaning that men and women of different ages took the opportunity to flaunt their chiselled and well tanned bodies with the revealing summer wear, whilst also resisting the morning heat.
Of the two, one was wearing a pristine white office shirt with the collar unbuttoned, a lavish pair of black flat front pants with an elegant black leather belt and well polished black loafers.
He was slightly taller than the other man, with dark hair made into an undercut, honey coloured almond eyes, a straight nose and clean shaven face.
His right hand was in his pocket and the way he walked exuded a gentlemanly elegance, further elevated by his muscular figure.
"Do tell me, brother. Why choose such a lavish city to reside in? You've never been the type to live in such....lively places," he said to the other man.
"Before I answer that idiotic question that seems to poke at my ability to handle fun, I must strike you back with another question, brother. Why in the blazes would you wear your trade mark attire even in the scorching sun?" asked the other man as he glared at his counterpart with exasperation.
He wore a long sleeved polo shirt and tight black jeans of the same colour. On his feet were navy blue running shoes.
Sparkling amber hair made into a modern quiff, brown eyes, a raised nose and a neat stubble could be seen on his face.
"Truthfully we are both oddities in this weather. Your choice of clothing is no better than mine. It hasn't changed either," the man in the white shirt said.
"Fair enough, you never took jokes well anyway. As for why I chose this place, the reason is quite simple. Enjoyment. After 4 whole centuries I simply chose a city that embodies the fresh, cool and fun atmosphere I was looking for. I have no doubt that if you look around you'll be pleased by what you see."
A young lady passed them going in the opposite direction, donning a yellow off shoulder crop top and sexy tattered studded shorts.
She had exquisite smooth curves, honey coloured skin that glistened in the sun, accentuating its flawlessness and when she walked with the healthy bounce of energy, one couldn't help but admire her long legs.
The man in the white shirt turned and perused from behind admiring the view with a slight smile.
The girl, as if sensing his gaze, turned and gave him a wink.
"Indeed," he said, much to the other man's delight as he wore a triumphant grin.
"Yet I find myself more interested in the news that made me hurry all the way here. Are you sure it was 'him', Cole?"
The man in the long sleeved shirt wore a grim expression and answered.
"Yes. I'm no fool. I had my loyalties scour the entire country. There have been four victims so far with six bite marks on their necks. I'm sure that's worth being vigilant brother."
"That proves nothing. Over the centuries we've discovered that there is more than one Progenitor. This could be another and it'd be best if we stay out of his way," the man in white said.
"Don't tell me you're still on this path of letting go, brother? Have you forgotten so easily the pain we have suffered for centuries?" Cole asked in a irritated tone.
"I hardly have the capacity to forget, brother, even if I wanted to. But what's an eternity of life if you can't enjoy it. I'm not about to spend the rest of my endless life searching for an all powerful immortal just to ask him the question 'Why?'."
"Enjoy? When was the last time you enjoyed life brother? I recall every detail. You were strangled by the binds of love only once and when it fell apart you've been too much of a coward to try again. That woman was a blot in your life anyway and I'm happy she was taken away," Cole said.
The man in white stopped, hand still in pocket.
However, when he stopped everything seemed to stop along with him.
The people on the street kept walking but the sound of their footsteps vanished. The sound of the engines of vehicles on the road dissipated leaving a great silence.
Cole stopped a few steps ahead and a took a deep breath.
"Take that back," the man in white said.
"Brother, I-"
"Take it back."
Cole slowly turned and saw the casual gaze his brother was giving him. There was no frown, no anger, no rage. Only the slightest of smiles perched on his handsome face.
"Sorry," he said.
The man in the white shirt resumed walking and sound returned to the world.
"Where shall we dine while we wait for Gillian to arrive?" the man in white asked.
Cole sighed.
"First I want you to meet someone," he said. "And just in case, take these."
He handed keys to his brother that had a tag with the house number.
The two walked onward and turned to another street facing a cafe with an outdoor extension.
There were circular particle board tables arranged in a neat fashion, white umbrellas overhead to give a nice shade and elegant wooden chairs that perfected the view.
On one of the chairs was a young lady drinking coffee from her cup while enjoying the view of the street with a light smile.
She had chocolate brown hair made into a choppy bob, sand coloured skin and hazel coloured eyes.
She wore a multicolour skater dress and had one leg on top of the other, giving her carefree nature a highlight.
Cole walked up to the lady followed by his brother.
On seeing Cole, a radiant smile appeared on the lady's face as she stood up and embraced him, giving him a passionate kiss thereafter.
The man in the white shirt raised an eyebrow and took a deep breathe while looking sideways.
After the kiss, Cole gazed intently at the lady and smiled.
"Someone's in a good mood. Are you happy about something?" he asked.
"Playing dumb won't make me forget about tonight, Cole," she said, her smile still on display.
"Indeed. Though, I wouldn't dream of making you forget."
The lady shook her head and peaked behind Cole to see the man with his hand in his pocket, looking through the cafeteria window.
"Who's your friend?" she asked.
Cole turned to the man in the white shirt and smiled.
"This is-"
"Daniel Malborne," the man said with a slight smile as he extended his right hand.
The young lady obliged and shook his hand with surprise.
"He's your brother?"
"Indeed," Cole said. "Daniel, Margaret. Margaret, Daniel."
"Such a succinct introduction, brother," pointed out Daniel.
"Yes indeed. Margaret is my girlfriend. Forgive me for being nervous about giving such an introduction to my older brother."
Margaret started laughing, much to the two brothers' confusion.
"The way you two talk is the strangely similar. I thought it was a unique trait of Cole's but turns out it runs in the family," she said.
"Yes, we both do share.....ancient tastes," said Daniel with a smile. "Let me not intrude. I'll be waiting for Cole at home. It was pleasure meeting you, Margaret."
"Indeed," Margaret mimicked Daniel's aloof stature as she said, jokingly.
Daniel only smiled and walked away.
Once he reached a corner he vanished.
"Don't tell me you're falling for him already?" said Cole with a smile as he directed Margaret to sit.
"No. He's too beefy for me."
"And you're too carefree for him," Cole said.
"Hmmm, it definitely seems that way. I must say I'm a little disappointed that you never told me that you had a brother. I thought 3 months was the threshold where I get to know more about you. Are you on bad terms perhaps?" Margaret asked as she sipped her coffee.
"I'm sorry about that. It's complicated. It's certainly not a matter of conflict. Its the opposite. Our bond is too strong and too enduring to allow that. Now that my brother is here, we can start from there. And I'm sure you'll love my sister."
"There's a sister too? And here I thought I needed to get some new 'techniques' to get it out of you."
"Oh don't be modest. However, if you did learn a trick or two we can find out tonight. I have made reservations for us at a very nice place."
"Hmm. I was hoping we could go to my house and have a regular dinner."
"Why is that? Shouldn't a special night be celebrated in a fancy establishment?" asked Cole.
"Well, yeah. But..." Margaret said holding Cole's hand. "I tend to cherish moments when there is nothing to distract them. No fancy clothes, chandeliers, food or people in the background looking all judgey because we're being intimate.
I'd rather be with you, sitting on my couch and cuddling, watching a cheesy movie. Nothing too extravagant."
She looked at Cole intimately, a smile blooming on her face as she saw his reaction. He seemed both surprised and pleased.
"You should have told me to stop trying so hard all those months ago, then."
Margaret burst out into laughter.
"Alright then. What milady wants, she gets. Though I wish you'd be the one picking me up as an offering of peace. I have to cancel my reservation and lose face."
"Dream on! What face could you ever need other than this one," Margaret said, pointing at her face.
"Point Margaret."
Daniel stood before a black and white contemporary style house. It was neat, with a nice lawn to the left and a driveway that looked to be well maintained.
He stood by the door running his hands along the walls.
"I'd say his tastes have improved," he said.
A shadow rushed from the street and stood beside him in the blink of an eye.
"Has my taste ever been bad, brother?" Cole asked with a smile.
"You have no idea," Daniel replied.
Cole opened the door.
"Please do come in," he said.
Daniel walked in and scanned the house.
What faced the door was a sizable lounge with four black couches and a circular glass table.
Open lights were on the ceiling, alongside a mini chandelier. In each corner of the room was an exquisite sculpture; two made of stone and the others, of wood.
A massive TV was plastered on the wall, which didn't have any decorations.
"What do you think?" asked Cole with a hint of pride in his voice.
"I shall reserve my opinion. We have other matters to discuss," Daniel said as he sat down.
"What a fine lady you've caught for yourself. You were always into the wild ones."
"What's life for, if not to be lived on the wild side?"
"Yet you're still searching for 'him'."
"I wasn't searching. Given that I've settled now, I'd say it's best to keep a lookout."
"Fair enough. But for you to say that means there was a reason for you to be vigilant."
"Yes. There were some wolves in this city when I arrived. They refused to have a Royal Vampire sharing their turf, so I removed them as the competition. They fled with their tails between their legs."
"Quite fitting. Though if I were you I'd make sure the threat was gone altogether."
"I would, but..."
"I see."
Right then, there was a knock on the door.
Cole went up and opened it, only to see a girl who looked to be no older than 19 years, with leather black hair and grey eyes wearing a purple floral romper as well as sandals.
"Heeeeeey~!" she said with a smile, revealing a bottle of wine she had hidden behind her back.
"And here is the only one among us with an appropriate sense of fashion," said Cole hugging the girl. "Welcome sister."
"Hey bro. I really missed you," she said as she embraced him back. "You got me wishing I was a Royal Vampire too. Do I really need stand outside till you say so?"
Daniel stood up and went up to the door as well.
"Trust me, no one is exempt from our brother's.... insecurity. I was wondering why I took those keys myself," said Daniel.
The girl released Cole and rushed up to Daniel giving him a bigger hug.
"Well, what a lovely show of favouritism," said Cole with an annoyed look.
"Good to see you, Gillian," Daniel said as he embraced her.
Gillian gave Daniel a peck on the cheek and then sat on the couch with a bounce.
"Argh.. the comfort! Spoil me brothers!" she said as she relaxed.
"That can be done later. Let's talk about this now," Cole said as he sat on the opposite couch.
Daniel remained standing, hand in pocket.
"I made a few hundred humans my loyalties and had them scour the city and other nearby towns and settlements, giving me reports on a daily basis. That's how I found the information," Cole said.
"Wait, what are you talking about? Didn't you invite me for a get together or something?" asked Gillian.
"No, I didn't want our first chat in a years to be so bleak. There's a problem. 'He' is here," said Cole.
Gillian's eyes constricted and she sat up with a grim expression.
She took a deep breath.
"Are you sure it's him?" she asked with a shaken voice.
"He's not," said Daniel. "I advise that we stay clear of this. Its not worth it to investigate further. Like I said brother, there's more to life than seeking revenge or answers we already know."
"Why do you insist on not getting to the bottom of this? I understand Gillian hesitating as she was not with us from the beginning, but you?!" growled Cole.
"I'm not hesitant!" Gillian said with a firm expression. "I'm not. We're family, right? Besides if you die, I die."
Cole smiled as he looked at her. Then he looked at Daniel.
"You know what? Time is the one thing we have. We'll overstay our welcome for a bit as we resolve this...again," said Daniel as he shook his head.
"Fine. I have a date tonight anyway. I want to be in the right mood."
"Wait, what?!" Gillian exclaimed.
"Don't act so shocked. I have a considerable amount of charm after all," said Cole.
"Does she know?" she asked.
"No. Its better if she doesn't..... for now. Preserving her humanity is something I want more than anything else. I don't want her to see the dark side of me. She doesn't deserve it."
"Then why are you with her?"
Cole was silent for a few seconds and then he spoke.
"Because I need her."
Gillian smiled teasingly and jumped up from the couch.
"Alright then. Let's help you dress up!"
Daniel shook his head, watching Gillian push Cole.
A shadow darted and appeared before a beige craftsman style house. The lights inside and outside were on, making for a beautiful view of the whole space outside in the night.
Cole was standing at the door wearing a casual shirt and jeans that accentuated his slim but chiselled figure. Recalling the battle that he had to walk out his front door with his siblings while wearing this get up for a special anniversary date made him smirk.
Nighttime was Margaret's favourite time of the day and for every celebration, she always chose a time after sundown.
Cole rang the door bell and waited with a feeling that he seldom experienced.
He really liked Margaret. She appreciated the simple things above all else, choosing casual chats above extravagant boasts.
She made him nervous. He wasn't used to the kind of girl she was. It had been a long time since he felt serious towards a woman.
She vaguely made him recall how it was to be .... vulnerable.
For that, he was drawn to her.
After waiting for a few seconds, he rang the door bell again, getting increasingly nervous.
Still. No answer.
He put his hand on the doorknob and turned.
The door opened.
Cole became vigilant.
"Margaret," he called.
No answer.
"Margaret!" he yelled.
In desperation he pushed his foot through the door and...
It passed through.
Cole's heart pounded.
'That's impossible unless....' he thought and sped at lightning speed into the house!
He checked the lounge, the kitchen, the first bedroom, the second and then....
He finally founded her.
She lay in a pool of blood at the door of the third bedroom.
Cole rushed up to her and held her in his arms.
"Margaret!" he yelled, and tried to feel for a pulse.
However, she was cold and her heart had stopped.
Cole didn't know what to do. When he looked at her neck, he was all the more devastated.
Six bite marks.
He couldn't feel strength in his bones for a minute and just sat there while holding Margaret in his arms.
He shed no tears.
He only breathed slowly as he stared at her for a long time.
Even the blood that he sat in meant nothing to him at this moment. He felt he had lost it all.
He caressed her cheek and pulled back her hair.
He was familiar with the stench of death and with the number of years he had lived, he knew no amount of screaming or crying would bring her back.
So.... he sat in silence and allowed the demons within to eat him up. He pain, the rage and the hunger. The demons that had become one with him over the four centuries he had been alive.
Three hours passed as he sat while holding the woman's corpse.
A sharp cough broke the silence, followed by a sharp draw of breath.
Cole was flabbergasted.
It was Margaret!
She coughed and struggled to breathe as she tried to regain her senses.
Cole's eyes went wide.
'No! Please! No!' he thought as he looked at her.
The woman's colour started to return and her heart started to beat with a different rhythm from before.
Cole gnashed his teeth as he looked at her kneel and stare at her bloodied hands.
Margaret looked at Cole and then at her hands, then at the floor.
"C...C..Cole... whats....what's happening...Arrrrghhh!.." she screamed and covered her ears.
Her eyes flashed with different colours; from hazel to a deep red!
She screamed and tried to reach for Cole!
Cole looked at her with a bitter expression, looking as if he wanted to cry.
'Not her too,' he thought.
Margaret screamed and held onto him as she screamed.
"COLE...PLEASE ...help me.... My Ears ...my eyes.... It hurts.... My Chest!!" he screamed looking at him.
Cole couldn't take it anymore. This was unfair.
He looked at her gently as she started crying and ended her suffering the least painful way he knew how.
He held her jaw and neck, and with a great strength..... twisted.
What comes after death? HE was ready to accept that he had lived a meaningless life as a sworn sword to another.... for another. HE was ready to accept that his life, which fell apart in the blink of an eye, and led him to tread through countless battlefields as a common footsoldier of no renown, was his sole accolade as he passed on. That was all there was to it. However... Death isn't the end. There is no time to rest. Another life awaits, and you have the privilege of choosing what you will be when you are reborn. But you work for it. You toil. You prove your worth. Whether the end goal is to become a Devil, an Angel, a Young Master, a Hero, a Giant, or a god. You bleed for it, in 'Prospect For Reincarnation'!
When the time has turned ripe, Ginger has to leave his home in the Wild. A young, awakening dragon like himself, even as a halfling, can’t remain in a world where he will eventually be seen as a monster, after all. Thus, with the help of an infamous Shaman, Ginger is transported to Ravi, a land where dragons reign supreme, lording over land, law, and the lesser races that fill the continent. To learn from scratch what his fellow dragons can do – which is far, far more than flying, breathing fire, and compelling with mere sight – Ginger starts his adventure at a prestigious Institute for dragonlings of all kinds. Ah, the typical adventure countless youngsters like him in other inspired Novel Verses have endured. But not quite. For Ginger isn’t your typical dragon, and neither is he a common scrub. Of course, he is not. The rule of dragons, the long Tallies of time they have ruled... may be coming to an end. Is he tied to such an event of the ages? --- Disclaimer: This novel is a slow burn. If these kinds of stories bother you, then you probably won't like it, though I hope you try it before concluding. The story also follows a 7:3 ratio between school events and outside adventures respectively, both of which center around Slice of Life, Action, 'Magic', Drama, and several other subgenres. And yes, there is Slice of Life. At least reach chapter 16 before opting out. (PS: Cover isn't mine.)
[Warning: This novel can get brutal and has some some R18 scenes which you will be warned of at the beginnings of the chapters] ....... What is existence? It is divided into two Spaces. The Mortis, where one can find Worlds. The Immortis, where one can find Realms. Both divided by a boundary that keeps the two separate. However, as vast as this world is, only a single individual's story is relevant. A man who rose from the depths of a dark society in the Mortis and ended up being a symbol power, prosperity and fear in the Immortis. Revered and respect by experts of all realms of power. He was granted a title to acknowledge him as a powerful expert. A King. However, there’s a saying in the Immortis. ‘Like the Mobius of Birth, one’s life always comes back around with all the vile darkness one thinks they’ve left behind.’ The man who had become a King, lost everything to a cycle that came to bite him in the back. Betrayal. Everything that he built. The wife he loved. The children he raised. All of it was lost. He returned to square one. Back to the Mortis, where he began. Join him on his journey to ascend again. His fury is not abated. He wishes to tear down his enemies for they did. The traitors for their betrayal. Will he rise alone? Will he follow the same path as the last time? Will he overpower his enemies? Find out in the story of a dark King. The King of.... ......... [Sneek Peek] "You are rage." As he said so, he slashed down with the sword, his arms not quite able to bring down the sword in a perfect slash. However, it was a slash nonetheless. It was clumsy, but it was fine. The young man raised his arms and grasped his sword above his head again. "You are pain," he said as he slashed down with a better steadiness that made his slash look a bit more elegant. The look in his eyes turned colder as the evening breeze brushed past him. Before him was not the sea or the moon or the stars. There was the face of his enemies as they dared to bring to ruin all that he had built. "You are fear," he said as he brought down his sword again, its rusting blade showing nothing of the magnificence a sword should bear. What was the True Way of the Sword? It was to cause bloodshed. It was to cause pain. It was to cause sorrow. It was to tear away families from their fathers, husbands, children, mothers. Every weapon was forged to cut down a life. Whether it was to protect or not. A life would be taken by the silver blade as it slashed down. The bulky man in the forge, hammering away at the heated metal would seek to make a sword stronger and sharpen it afterwards so it wouldn't fail to behead a foe. A sword's purpose and instinct was to kill. "You are torment!" The young man slashed again with all his might, his slash being a silver light could be seen as it was lit in the night. "You are war!" He lowered his stance as he felt the sword slice through the air seamlessly. "You are madness!" The sword blew a bit of the sand on the shore as he swung down. "You are destruction!" he said as he slashed. 'I will walk this path again. It has worked for me before and it will continue to work now,' he thought. He slashed again. 'None shall remain standing when I return to the Realms above.' ........... Cover is not mine....credit to artist..
[Author's Note] This book is a part of an already existing Book Series by the author, called Antique Lore. It is a spinoff whose content can be read by anyone without prior knowledge of previous books. If you are interested in the previous books though, do let me know. ............ [Synopsis] My life just became a cheesy early two thousands fantasy show where I ‘suddenly’ discover that I’m some important descendant in a line of badass supernatural creatures. Great! You would think so, but... My life was shit before this and honestly, it hasn’t changed. I wish it could be a case of me being this chick that all the handsome, aloof men chase and fawn over but... while that is the case to some degree, I’ve become a target for... drumroll please... Vampires! Fantastic! Who do I trust in this new side of the world I never knew existed? Alphas come running to me with different motives, promising protection, faithfulness and even.... great sex? Well whatever. I’m not gonna be swayed by the tide so easily. I’m not that fickle. ........ [Sneak Peek] Coming Soon.... ----------- Please vote for this story if you like it and leave all the comments you want. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Hugh Rolien, the third Grand Sorcerer of Malediction, escaped his dark life from the Order of Somacht, taking his wife faraway and for a time enjoying the pleasures of life. However, in the race of life, his past caught up to him. An Arch Nightbringer contracted by the Order was sent to kill him and his wife who was pregnant with triplets. In a desperate attempt, he makes a deal with the Nightbringer to leave its seed in his children as long it doesn't kill or corrupt them, in exchange for his wife's and his life. A contract is signed, with the malignant entity vowing to reap the children at the end. The children are born, and Hugh splits them, giving them to his trusted friends to raise, away from the Order. They grow, each with his own agenda and power.... but the Order still pursues....
COALESCENCE OF THE FIVE SERIES BOOK ONE: THE 5-TIME REJECTED GAMMA & THE LYCAN KING BOOK TWO: THE ROGUES WHO WENT ROGUE BOOK THREE: THE INDOMITABLE HUNTRESS & THE HARDENED DUKE *** BOOK ONE: After being rejected by 5 mates, Gamma Lucianne pleaded with the Moon Goddess to spare her from any further mate-bonds. To her dismay, she is being bonded for the sixth time. What’s worse is that her sixth-chance mate is the most powerful creature ruling over all werewolves and Lycans - the Lycan King himself. She is certain, dead certain, that a rejection would come sooner or later, though she hopes for it to be sooner. King Alexandar was ecstatic to meet his bonded mate, and couldn’t thank their Goddess enough for gifting him someone so perfect. However, he soon realizes that this gift is reluctant to accept him, and more than willing to sever their bond. He tries to connect with her but she seems so far away. He is desperate to get intimate with her but she seems reluctant to open up to him. He tries to tell her that he is willing to commit to her for the rest of his life but she doesn’t seem to believe him. He is pleading for a chance: a chance to get to know her; a chance to show her that he’s different; and a chance to love her. But when not-so-subtle crushes, jealous suitors, self-entitled Queen-wannabes, an old flame, a silent protector and a past wedding engagement threaten to jeopardize their relationship, will Lucianne and Xandar still choose to be together? Is their love strong enough to overcome everything and everyone? Or will Lucianne resort to enduring a sixth rejection from the one person she thought she could entrust her heart with?
After three loveless years, Neil's betrayal deeply wounded Katelyn. She wasted no time in getting rid of that scoundrel! After the divorce, she devoted herself to career pursuits. Rising to prominence as a top designer, skilled doctor, and brilliant hacker, she became a revered icon. Neil, realizing his grave mistake, tried in vain to win her back, only to witness her magnificent wedding to another. As their vows were broadcast on the world's largest billboard, Vincent slid a ring onto Katelyn's finger and declared, "Katelyn is now my wife, a priceless treasure. Let all who covet her beware!"
After two years of marriage, Sadie was finally pregnant. Filled with hope and joy, she was blindsided when Noah asked for a divorce. During a failed attempt on her life, Sadie found herself lying in a pool of blood, desperately calling Noah to ask him to save her and the baby. But her calls went unanswered. Shattered by his betrayal, she left the country. Time passed, and Sadie was about to be wed for a second time. Noah appeared in a frenzy and fell to his knees. "How dare you marry someone else after bearing my child?"
As a simple assistant, messaging the CEO in the dead of night to request shares of adult films was a bold move. Bethany, unsurprisingly, didn't receive any films. However, the CEO responded that, while he had no films to share, he could offer a live demonstration. After a night filled with passion, Bethany was certain she'd lose her job. But instead, her boss proposed, "Marry me. Please consider it." "Mr. Bates, you're kidding me, right?"
Madisyn was stunned to discover that she was not her parents' biological child. Due to the real daughter's scheming, she was kicked out and became a laughingstock. Thought to be born to peasants, Madisyn was shocked to find that her real father was the richest man in the city, and her brothers were renowned figures in their respective fields. They showered her with love, only to learn that Madisyn had a thriving business of her own. "Stop pestering me!" said her ex-boyfriend. "My heart only belongs to Jenna." "How dare you think that my woman has feelings for you?" claimed a mysterious bigwig.
She thought she was the love of his life, and he became the love of her life that fateful day she had seen him at the pack's party. Selene Grace was only a replica of Alpha Leo's real mate, and when he spotted her, Leo immediately claimed her as his Luna in order to suppress the rumors of him being mateless. Being unable to conceive turns Selene's marriage into a nightmare, and as if that wasn't enough, Alpha Leo finally reunites with his long time lover and mate, rejecting a pregnant Selene as a result. 5 years later, Selene, a now successful doctor, receives an invitation to the moon shadow pack in order to rid the pack of a deadly disease which has struck it. Will Selene return back to the pack which had caused her so much pain, and what would she do when she realizes that she is mated to the Alpha who had betrayed her in the past?