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Fallen snoweagles

Fallen snoweagles

22 Chapters
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Many years ago a spaceship was send from Earth to a new planet, with the intention of creating a new home for humans...but there was an accident shortly before arrival, some of the passangers died and some was exposed to radiation changing them to feral beasts. Earth did not respond to their calls, and is presumed extinct. At least that is the story everyone was told. Now many years later the new planet has 4 kinds of inhabitants: 1) City dwellers, harsly controlled by the leaders, Especially women are living under horrible rules, judged only on their looks and worth as wifes. 2) The free people living in the forest. 3) The ferus, which is the decendants of the radiation victims. 4) The few survivers of the origional species of the planet. A Young girl struggles to survive and find her place in the world, while the free people search to remain free and fulfill a prophecy. All held together by a most unlikely hero fighting to discover the truth of everything.

Chapter 1 The free city


"There were 4000 people on board the spaceship Delphys as she left earth 250 years ago. They were all put in a deep cryo sleep for the 50 year long journey..". I look around at my students. "What happened then ?"

"They woke up...". A little girl calls out.

I look at her, she is about 7 with a purr of blonde curls. "Neela what do we do when we want to speak ?"

"Put up our hand... sorry Storm". She smiles shyly and puts up her hand.

"Yes Neela, can you tell what happened then ?" I give her an approving nod.

I am a teacher in Amaranthine, the City of the free people on the planet Nypso 3PO also sometimes just called New Earth or Earth 2.0. I teach the smaller kids. And right now we are talking about our forefathers' arrival here.

"Something went wrong and five of the pod clusters malfunctioned. Luckily the six founders woke... but the other twenty four people died. Those were the ones supposed to be in charge. Our six founders managed to repair the flaw and save the rest of the humans". She explains proudly.

I nod. "Thanks Neela... yes that is how the story goes. They tried contacting Earth, but all they got was a ten year old message that Earth was dying. No contact was we assume that Earth ... died".

To be honest I have my doubts about this being the full truth, but as I have no way of knowing for sure, this is what I have to teach the kids. I always make sure to tell them that this is what we were told though, and that only the founders know for sure what happened.

"That's sad". Another girl says softly. "Poor Earth".

I give her a small smile. "Finger up Inova... but yes I guess it's sad. Then it turned out that some pods had been damaged and the people in them had been subjected to radiation... they got very sick... aggressive.. dangerous and they were locked up. Upon arrival here, the spaceship had a slight crash and the prison was detached. Those sick people escaped... and their kin is still out there today. What do we call them ? Zandro ?"

"Ferus or ferus humans.. because they are like... really wild". The boy says.

"They are wild and aggressive, yes... the rest of the humans settled in what is now known as The City or Nuova Roma. Some people did not like the way of the founders... All their rules and regulations, so they decided to leave it all behind and moved into the jungle to ... become what ? Nella ?"

She almost jumps in her seat with excitement. "Us... the free people of Amaranthine or the jungle city".

"Right you are Nella... So we have, how many kinds of people here ? Yes, you can answer Nella". I smile at her.

"Free people, City dwellers, ferus humans and the Nypsopians... the native that were here before us... like Sorin". She nods towards the little boy with the sun yellow skin, the only native in the class. Most of them live in the City or on their own.

There are not many Nypsopians left. In the beginning the settlers feared them and their strange appearances, so a lot were killed or taken as slaves and worked to death.

I nod, looking around at them all. I feel proud of them all, and honoured to teach them. "That is right...and I think that ends our lesson for today. Tomorrow we will talk about differences in how we live compared to the City dwellers".

"We are free, they are not and they are bad to girls". Neela calls out, as she collects her things.

"You are not wrong Neela... but let's save it for tomorrow or I have nothing to teach". I grin and ruffle her hair as she walks past me.

All the kids say goodbye and wave as they leave. It might not be a big thing, being a teacher, but I love it. I adore the kids and there is nothing better than to see them grow confident and explore their own talents, as they find their way in life.

I close up the little tree hut I use for school and walk out on one of the wooden walkways. I love life here. The forest and wilderness might hold dangers, but the freedom and the People make up for it.

The twin suns are high on the horizon shining with a mild heat and there is early summer in the air. I think I might go for a little bow hunting later.

"Hi Storm... did they behave today, those little rascals". I hear a warm voice say.

"Hi Cahira. They always do, they are good kids". I instantly notice the clothes she is wearing. "Headed into the City to work again ?"

Cahira is a sweet young woman, but she is also kickass and very capable of handling both herself and others. She is the oneof us who most often goes into Nuova Roma. She goes there to earn money and get supplies, and it looks like it is time for another trip.

She nods. "Someone has to bring in the e-coins and get us the essentials... and there is quite a big bounty out on this guy I am going for".


Storm nods, sending me one of his always present smiles. "Yeah unfortunately we need that. It's a good thing you are very capable of providing those... things".

"Always the charmer, aren't we ? But thanks". I grin at our handsome teacher with the ginger curls and sky blue eyes, those eyes that have given him his last name; Sky-born.

You see that is how we get our last names here, from our colouring, mostly our eyes, which makes me Cahira Earth-born, due to my brown eyes.

He chuckles softly. "Sorry darling, I can't help it".

"I know Storm". I watch as he crawls down the ladder to the ground. I know it is just how he is, he means nothing by it really. Actually Storm seems to be flirty with all women, serious with none.

Suddenly something grabs my arm and I look down to see the town's wise woman. Her name is Sage and besides knowing about medicines, she sees things. I smile at her. "Good afternoon Sage".

"Seek out the fallen prince...the tamer of the beast. He is the key to humanity's womb". She mumbles, her cloudy eyes unfocused. "The fallen prince will cross your path soon".

"Uhm what ?" It's not the first time she has sprouted out weird prophecies, but seriously what is that supposed to mean ?

But she just turns to look at Storm. "It is time boy... be on the lookout for the snowy eagle".

"I will, my dear". He says, giving her a small bow-like nod.

The old woman shakes her head, like she is coming back from a dream. Then she mutters. "The fallen prince and the snow eagle... the fallen prince, the beast, the snow eagle".

And then she waddles off, as she keeps mumbling to herself.

I look at him as we walk off in the other direction. "Wow, a new prophecy just for me and I guess she was talking to you about the Earth prophecy".

"I guess so, but... well snowy eagles are very rare and very... secluded". He looks slightly confused. "And I am just a teacher".

"Teachers can be heroes...actually they kind of are heroes". I wink at him. "How is it the prophecy goes ?"

He looks thoughtful for a moment then sounds like he recites a poem. "Heroes will rise to find humanity's womb and uncover the truth... salvation comes with the snowy eagle on the new star".

"Never got that... the new star ? Are we supposed to go to space ? But there are no snow eagles in space, there are hardly any here... and humanity's womb ? That just sounds gross". I shake my head.

"Maybe it's not really a star, it could be like a metaphor". He looks thoughtful... Then suddenly he looks like he realises something. "Find humanity's womb, the key to humanity's womb... the prophecies are connected".

I scratch my neck. "So my fallen prince has to do with the prophecy... interesting.. very interesting. The world has a bit of a ... dry spell regarding princes though".

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