XIU LIAN spent her whole life living in the shadows in hopes that she and her family can hide from their unkind relatives. She agreed to work with a different identity under WANG KAI, the most feared CEO of KINGS corporation, unaware of the job description she signed up for. He has cravings that only she can satisfy, feelings that can be brought by her kisses and gentle touches. KAI showed LIAN the beauty and pain of living in the spotlight. But one secret drives her back into hiding and LIAN left him without any explanations about why she has to leave. Angry but hurt, KAI resigns to isolation and focused his energy upon the company as he desperately rejects the wedding arrangement that his parents made for him. Seven years after, they meet again, though not in the way they have expected. LIAN was not the same naïve and scared girl for she has a secret to protect. KAI is determined to find out the reason of her departure and is adamant to secure her place next to him . He needs her and he wants her to satisfy him, unlike anyone could do.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the four additional ships that our company will release by the end of this year. Boasting 12 grand ballrooms and a lavish park for lovers, not to mention the five amusement park, this is the ultimate getaway for couples and-"
The loud resounding clap interrupted Lin Xiu and he takes a step back, his eyes widening at the unexpected presence that grace the room. The curious crowd looked around just like him but Lin Xiu's eyes hold anger and fear.
"Very good. Excellent!" The voice coming from the back only made him sweat. Lin Xiu grabbed the ends of the podium as he takes another step back ready to take flight when he saw his cousin emerging from the crowd – WANG KAI.
Kai flexed his arms and folded up the sleeves of his button up shirt. Standing tall amidst the people, his chiseled face and sharp features is a bonus to his great physique. Both female and male reporters couldn't help but be excited of his sudden appearance seeing as they will be expecting more action. It is far from the boring presentation they are receiving from the pretentious Lin Xiu who thought that his plan is going to work.
"Wang Kai, I didn't know that you are back."
"Of course you will fail to keep note of it, my dear cousin, for you are too confident that these lies will secure you my position." Kai ran his hand upon the thick spine of the binder that Lin Xiu was holding and sighed. "Pity, the family still shuns you for being the second best." Lin Xiu takes a step back but Kai leans closer. Kai studied his cousin's expression before laughing, shocking the crowd of people who were at the edge of their seats. " It seems that seven years of my absence didn't do you any good. You are still ambitious and childlike. You are too obsessed upon thinking that Kings Holding's will finally end up in your hands after I left but you are wrong." Kai gave him a smirk before turning at the crowd, "I would like to announce to all of you that from now on, I will be managing Kings Holdings future proposals for I will be resuming my position. That is all for now, good day to you all. "
Kai gave a slight bow and brushed his hands upon his hair. He can sense his cousin glaring from afar but he couldn't care less. He cannot par with Lin's childish actions.
The reporters scrambled after Kai and asked, "Mr. Wang! You have to make a concrete explanation as to why you've been gone for seven years!"
"Mr. Wang, we all know that you are the key to the success of Kings Holdings now, can you explain as to why you decided to leave seven years ago?"
"The company's worth is tripled than it was before. Real state, ships, production...everything that people needed, is that why you came back? For the money and power?"
Kai smirked at that and turned. He was about to reply to that question but he held his tongue, considering it a good measure to keep the reporters on their toes. He was close to the door when a reporter caught up to him, "Is the rumors true that a woman is behind your departure seven years ago?"
Kai halted, his eyes hardening. He pushed open the door and headed outside, startled by his secretary, Qing, who appeared anxious.
"What's the matter?"
"Boss," Qing bowed his head and produced a sleek green invitation from his coat. Kai narrowed his eyes at it and snatched it from Qing's hand, "It came a week ago and I have failed to inform you. I was so busy handling the arrangements for your return that I totally forgot about this." Qing bit his lip and Kai couldn't help but sigh at the emblem. Qing straightened up and bowed again, "I am sorry. I apologize for my mistake. I promise that this won't happen again."
Kai clicked his tongue and tilted his head to see that Qing was still bowing, "Resume to your position and follow me. What would the paparazzi think of me after seeing you like this?" Qing straightened up, clearing his throat. He adjusted his glasses and smirked, making Kai sigh once again.
If they weren't friends, Qing might have been buried six feet under. Alas, Qing was the brother he never had and Kai would love to keep him even if it means that his own sister will kill him soon. Stuffing his hand in his pocket, he turns at Qing and said, " The party is just starting. We will be able to arrive just fine if we go now." Kai buttoned up his sleeves and Qing followed instantly, lamenting at his mistake as the both of them descended.
"I just knew it," Kai looked inside the room to see groups of paparazzi milling around, holding their microphones out while they crowded over the stage. The flashes were irritating and it's a wonder how they can see through the blinding light.
Jia, his sister, who is currently celebrating her engagement party, was smiling and waving at the cameras. She looks unbothered by the attention she is receiving and that made him groan. Kai couldn't understand how she can handle it well.
"Boss, we really have to go inside if you don't want Nainai to-"
"You already know that she's going to make me pay for being late again." Qing knows that the blame is upon him and felt guilty as Kai marched inside the room. He might as well be a sheep walking in the den of wolves.
Being the next generation of Wang's, Kai and Jia are obliged to marry the one they are arranged with in order to strengthen the family ties and to please their ancestors. Which means, Jia will marry Kai's best friend, Gao Zen, a notorious ladies men just like Kai.
Kai stiffened up when he noticed Jia who was making her way to him, her fist balled up. He raised his hand as she began to speak blocking her face though his actions only made her angrier, "How could you!" Jia slapped his arm and he winced, "NaiNai has been very anxious that you might jeopardize your position and risk your status if you keep on refusing to marry. They've been convincing you for seven years but you never listen. You really have to wait for Lin Xiu to step up before you act." She crossed her arms and eyed the crowd before them.
"You are turning thirty seven this year and the family is worried. They are anxious for an heir!" Kai rolled his eyes at her, fixing the sleeves of his tux in a nonchalant manner, "I am giving you this advice because you are my brother. You cannot delay your marriage specially now that I have followed through." She paused, laying a hand upon his arm, "Family comes first, Kai."
"Would they kick me out if I refuse to do as they please?" Jia's face turned red at his words. He waved his hands in front of her and continued, "I don't care of what they do to me, Jia. Status and power means nothing to me now."
"Kai, are you forgetting what our Father could do? They want you to marry Ji-" Kai held out a finger to stop her, glaring across the room. Their relatives are here which means that this is an ambush, a desperate attempt to tie him down.
He has to go before they caught up to him.
"Is it all because of Lian?" her words pull his attention back to her and Kai stiffened.
Jia huffed, "I know that you are still looking for her, hoping that she will return and marry you but Gege, we've searched and failed. She doesn't want you."
"I don't care."
Kai glared down at Jia but she remain unfazed. "You can never find someone who is intentionally hiding from you. You cut all ties and have distanced yourself from the family hoping that you can prove to her that wealth doesn't matter. You tried to drew her close but Kai, it's a failure. Accept it. Maybe mother was right, Lian only wants to ruin you."
"She is from the past. I am not doing this for her; It is for me. I have to find myself. In doing that, her present and future will belong to me. I will find her no matter where she is hiding."
Kai walks away from her and isolated himself at the bar where he thought he could hide from their viscious relatives. He needs some time to formulate a way to escape this trap.
As the sole heir of The Kings Corporation, he owns the responsibility of keeping the business up the ranks ever since his father step down. It wasn't an easy job, but it has been a decade since he succeeded the position. The corporation owns a third of Guangdong Real Estate and the majority of shipping, hospitality and farming in all of China's main provinces were all his responsibilities.
Managing all these sounded so easy for him now because there is a bigger problem – marriage. With all these power, the pressure of having an heir was the main prospect now after all of the wealthy families were able to produce one.
Kai gritted his teeth as he caught sight of the oncoming paparazzi. With a practice brought by experience, he shifted his eyes at the cameras as they focused their lenses at him and inquired:
"Mr. Wang, what can you say about your impending marriage as said by your grandmother?"
"Do you have any plans to marry this year?"
Kai clenched his jaw, his hands tightening upon the glass of whiskey that is sitting in front of him. How can they blatantly ask him that?
"Is it true that you are arranged to marry someone a few years ago but postponed it?"
Kai gritted his teeth and rise, bowing in front of them. He adjusted his sleeves, loosening up the button while he searched for his grandma from the crowd. He needs to confront her about all these.
"Mr. Wang, you have to answer us at least!"
He turns away from the crowd of paparazzi, heading for the double doors which leads outside the balcony.
"Mr. Wang, please! You have to give us answers. Who is the girl you are going to marry?"
Kai gritted his teeth, wishing nothing but to attack the paparazzi but a voice interrupted him.
He stared down, his attention caught by the little boy who is sporting a jade green Hanko made of satin, his cheeks stained with ice cream. Kai ignored the child but was surprised when je felt the ice cream oozing down his trousers. Kai breathes in, trying to keep his cool as he takes a step forward, gritting his teeth. The boy held out his ice cream covered hands and wrapped it around his leg, "Kai Xin! Are you trying to ignore me?"
KAI XIN? How did he?
Kai sharply turned at the child who is staring at him with those wide eyes. He crouched down and whispered, "Excuse me but do I know you?"
The child huffed, crossing his arms and shaking his little head. He pointed a finger at me, "I am Xiao Yun and I am your carbon copy. I have never expected that LiLi is telling the truth. You are handsome as me." His eyes lowered down to Kai's stained trousers and he pathetically wiped it with the ends of his hanko, "I didn't mean to do this but you were ignoring me so I bumped into you with purpose. I am still sorry though." He held out his little fingers, brushing it upon the stain leaning so near that he stumbled when Kai took a step back, shocked of what he heard.
"It's okay." Kai calmly said as he pulled the child closer, steadying his shoulders and staring at his features. His nose were straight and his chin strong; his jutted lips - a sign of defiance even when he has already offered an apology. Though his eyes, familiar doe eyes – Kai thought hard as he though he had seen them before.
The child's cheeks were bright red with embarrassment and Kai glance at his ears to see that they are equally flushed, just like him.
Kai couldn't help but be startled of his own thoughts, glaring at his hands as he removed them from touching his ear. Did he just thought that this child was just like him? Impossible.
The child narrowed his eyes and flicked my forehead, "What are you staring at? I know I am handsome as you but it doesn't give you a permission to stare."
"Who is your mother?"
He huffed, "My mother is my mother. Are you a fool? Don't feel bad of your shortcomings, I still love you." The child wrapped his arms around Kai's neck, making him stumble back in shock.
"Mr. Wang, who is this child? Does he have any connection to you?"
"Is he your nephew?"
"No, no." Kai took the child from the floor and covered his face with his hands but the paparazzi are forceful, trying to catch a glimpse of him.
Kai wrapped his arms around him and hastily proceed outside.
"Mr. Wang!"
"Again!" Arryn groaned as she felt his hips against hers. Caius huffed, his eyes changing color, "You have to respect me for I am your alpha. You have to provide me the pleasure that I demand because I am your mate. Do you understand?" Arryn was born a royalty. She was used to being respected and followed but then, everything has change. To keep her status and her mate, she is willing to do everything. Yet Caius was more wolf than human. He is indifferent and cold. He is ruthless and abusive. And most of all, he will claim her, body and soul, until she couldn't give anything at all.
What happens when love meets hate? Caelum Rouen, an ex cupid, meets Rubin Hearthrowe, a cupid in training. All he wanted was to get rid of her and once he finally did, his plan backfires. But what if he was tied to her more than he could ever think of? What if there was a history the both of them are involved in? Will he finally learn to not hate love?
The leaves fell down around us. The summer sun's heat pierces my skin but I couldn't care less. The sunlight bathed everything with that fairytale glow. The sweet breeze blew. The kids walking hand in hand as they ate their ice cream sort of brought me back into the past. Today was like the day I met him: Me, riding a bicycle and him, walking down the pavement. I grab the handle of the bicycle and watch him as he make his way towards me. I do not know why I feel nervous. A trickle of sweat drip on the side of my face, my heart beat fast and I could hardly breathe. He was meters away, until it grow shorter to a foot and then bam, he bumped into me and we fall down, him on top of me. This felt like a deja vù, like it was our very first encounter. We scurried to get up but ended up bumping our heads together. I glared at him as he got up, He didn't even offer me a hand. He didn't even give me a second glance. He just passed by me. Not noticing me. Not even looking at me. I let go of the bicycle and turn to face him. I remove the helmet that I was wearing and grip it tightly before screaming, "YAH! My hands curled into a fist and before I know it, the helmet I was holding was already flying towards him.I raise my hand as if to save him but it collided on his head right before I could even react. It sounded a hollow thump and a pronounced groan. His hands made his way to the back of his head as he turn and face me. With those eyes that seem like it was murdering me, he chase me off and I hastily took my bicycle and ran. I couldn't help but feel happy instead of guilty as he ran after me. This was like before. This was like that summer, that summer I met him.
She wanted him. He wanted her. But it was an arranged marriage, nothing can make a love out of that. He wanted to give her all. Though she wanted something he never wants. A surprise will come, it will shock them both. Will he accept or not? Will she be able to keep the secret from him? Against all the odds and difficulties, will she be able to fight for her right as THE BILLIONAIRE'S WIFE?
A crown prince A kingdom in distress A girl with her dreams A happening from the past A destiny woven by Fate And the trouble of love.
To the public, she was the CEO's executive secretary. Behind closed doors, she was the wife he never officially acknowledged. Jenessa was elated when she learned that she was pregnant. But that joy was replaced with dread as her husband, Ryan, showered his affections on his first love. With a heavy heart, she chose to set him free and leave. When they met again, Ryan's attention was caught by Jenessa's protruding belly. "Whose child are you carrying?!" he demanded. But she only scoffed. "It's none of your business, my dear ex-husband!"
Her fiance and her best friend worked together and set her up. She lost everything and died in the street. However, she was reborn. The moment she opened her eyes, her husband was trying to strangle her. Luckily, she survived that. She signed the divorce agreement without hesitation and was ready for her miserable life. To her surprise, her mother in this life left her a great deal of money. She turned the tables and avenged herself. Everything went well in her career and love when her ex-husband came to her.
Belinda thought after divorce, they would part ways for good - he could live his life on his own terms, while she could indulge in the rest of hers. However, fate had other plans in store. "My darling, I was wrong. Would you please come back to me?" The man, whom she once loved deeply, lowered his once proud head humbly. "I beg you to return to me." Belinda coldly pushed away the bouquet of flowers he had offered her and coolly replied, "It's too late. The bridge has been burned, and the ashes have long since scattered to the wind!"
Drugged and deceived, she bore a child amidst tragedy-her son, falsely declared dead at birth. Fueled by the agony, she disappeared, only to return years later with both her daughter and an adopted son, driven by an unyielding desire for revenge against those who had wronged her and her late mother. The plot takes an unexpected twist when the haunting truth surfaces: her son is alive, and his father is a powerful CEO.
After hiding her true identity throughout her three-year marriage to Colton, Allison had committed wholeheartedly, only to find herself neglected and pushed toward divorce. Disheartened, she set out to rediscover her true self-a talented perfumer, the mastermind of a famous intelligence agency, and the heir to a secret hacker network. Realizing his mistakes, Colton expressed his regret. "I know I messed up. Please, give me another chance." Yet, Kellan, a once-disabled tycoon, stood up from his wheelchair, took Allison's hand, and scoffed dismissively, "You think she'll take you back? Dream on."
Rumors said that Lucas married an unattractive woman with no background. In the three years they were together, he remained cold and distant to Belinda, who endured in silence. Her love for him forced her to sacrifice her self-worth and her dreams. When Lucas' true love reappeared, Belinda realized that their marriage was a sham from the start, a ploy to save another woman's life. She signed the divorce papers and left. Three years later, Belinda returned as a surgical prodigy and a maestro of the piano. Lost in regret, Lucas chased her in the rain and held her tightly. "You are mine, Belinda."