Eunice and Bernice are sister. They are identical, both beautiful but that's the only thing that they have in common. One is obedient and the other is troublemaker. One is the apple of the eye in the family and one live in shadow. One is honest and the other is deceitful. Who will win and so the competition begins.
Are you sure that you can't love me back? Eunice ask Sheldon while sitting on his lap. Using her most seductive voice, she is trying to seduce the man.
"You know the answer to that Eunice, I love your sister very much since we were young. Can you stop this non-sense. I will never love you back. So stop doing this for your sister sake." Sheldon angrily remove her hand that's touching his lips and push her to the ground.
Ouch that's hurt. My ass is for you to caress." She stood up right away, touching her aching butt. She's wearing a body fitting jeans that shows her round but not so big ass. Just sexy enough. She like to dress up and look beautiful for Sheldon.
"And why are you here in my office. Jack!" He shouted to his secretary. "Am I not clear enough when I told you not to let Eunice in my office."
Immediately, Jack went inside to the Boss office, he is also surprise that the young Miss of Robinson is inside.
Err, Boss! I didn't know that she's here. Jack said. I went with you in the meeting room.
"So you're blaming me." If looks could kill, Jack will be dead right there, with how Sheldon is looking at him.
Ah errr...
Don't blame him honey! It's not his fault that he can't distinguish, whose who. Eunice interrupt. She doesn't like someone to be blame because of her.
I told you many times that you're not allowed here.
But honeycakes...
"Stop wasting my time, get out of here and respect your sister. She's been patient and understanding enough with your capricious. When are you going to grow up and help your family business so you wont disturb me during working hours."
"If you will be my boyfriend I promise to be good and be more responsible."
I am not a thing for you to covet, I am your sister's boyfriend. He put emphasis on the last sentence.
I can get whatever I want but you're the only exception. You know I love you too since we were young but you're not giving me a chance to show it. You're always rejecting me and have only eye for Bernice and I don't know why?"
"I am more beautiful than my sister, sexier and I only like you." She hook up her arms around Sheldon neck.
Sheldon laugh sarcastically and remove her hands. "This is what I don't like about you, you're shameless and full of yourself but your nothing without your parents wealth."
"What to like about you, you're a spoiled heiress that knows nothing. Don't ever compare yourself with Bernice because you will only make yourself bad. A rotten one between the two. How many boyfriends did you have since puberty.
But I only take them to see if you will be jealous.
As if, I don't like you since we were young. You always pester me and bullied Bernice.
Because you only want to play with Bernice and she doesn't want me around. You also bullied me then and even when we grew up, you're always angry with me but nevertheless I still want you. I think that's my curse. She pouted.
I don't like a secondhand thing with no self-respect. She can see the disgust in his eyes that intended for her.
She stares at Sheldon handsome face and sigh inwardly. I am used with the way he talk to me but everytime he is being harsh with his words I cant help but still get hurt.
If you don't like secondhand thing, break up with Bernice. she said, she knows that her sister is no longer pure but it seems that Sheldon doesn't know about it.
Don't disrespect your innocent sister. I'm referring about your shameless shenanigan with different boyfriend.
Different boyfriend. Its only a fling, they didn't even get the chance to kiss her since she want to give her first kiss to Sheldon. She thought inwardly. There was time that due to her frustration with her unrequited love with Sheldon, she dated several times to show him that someone can like her and admire her. She had a delusion that, if Sheldon can see that someone like her, he will realize his feelings with her.
But it backfire. Few days later, Sheldon and Bernice, formally announce to their family their relationship.
She was really hurt by their announcement because she truly like Sheldon though he doesn't take her feelings seriously.
For him, its only my capricious that I should get what I want and he make it a point that he will be the exception.
It is not her fault that her family is well off that my parents can give me everything that I ask for except of course for Sheldon.
She ask her parents to arrange a marriage between them but they refused and said that because her sister also like Sheldon, it will depend on the man. And he chose Bernice and advice me to accept their relationship and be happy for her sister and friend.
She retreat for few months, she continue to date different guys hoping that she can get over her feelings for Sheldon. She tried to minimize her interaction with them but everytime she tried to, Sheldon is always there, glaring at her and insulting her.
After several months of no success to forget how she feels about Sheldon, she decide to pursue her feelings with him.
She accepted that he loves her sister now but she comes to a resolution that if she can honestly show her true feelings to him, she can get his love. She shamelessly confess her feelings to him, disregarding her sisters feeling. I know its not right but ever since they were young, they have the habit to compete with each other, be it with toys or their parents attention and lastly with Sheldon attention.
When she was young, she tried to share her things with Bernice and be more loving but her sister is a devil in disguise. She will destroy things and blame her. So she learn to fight back but she became bad and selfish to others because Bernice will make it look that I started the fight and she will make herself look pitiful with tears in her eyes. The damsel in distress.
So when Sheldon, visits to play and see Bernice, crocodile tears, he will ask Bernice, who did it to her and the actress will refuse to name her. Sheldon will always come to conclusion that, she bullied Bernice and will bullied her in return. They will exclude her to their games. She doesn't like crying so she will destroy what they are playing, in retaliation.
Because she had that reputation, she shamelessly confessed to Sheldon and swear that she will do her best to make him love her.
It is easier said than done. Of course, he doesn't believe me and insult my feelings. It became a habit to him to embarrass me and became more harsher with me.
Always, empathizing that he will only love my sister and whatever I do, it has no effect to him and it only makes him disgusted with her.
It's been two years since I confessed my feelings to him and its been 10 years that I like him. There was no changes with the way he treated her. Always strict and insulting.
Is it time to retreat and surrender? she ask herself but didn't noticed that I said it verbally though in a low and sad voice.
"That's the best gift you will give me. Back off and leave us alone." Sheldon is so close to Eunice, that even though she said her last thought in low voice, Sheldon can clearly understand her.
"I'm only shameless with you." She said. Because I don't want to regret that I didn't tried my best to get what I want but I guess this is it the end of rope for the two us.
That's very Eunice, get what she want without thinking of other people. Disrespecting your sister and my feelings.
Are you sure, without a doubt, that you don't have feelings for me, even a little bit. She needs to nail it, in my brain that it is a lost cause to pursue Sheldon.
My only feelings for you is disgust.
Don't regret your decision. Once I decide not to love you, I will not change my mind, even if you kneel or kill yourself. I will not give you another chance. Her pride that's normally gigantic, wanted to reclaim its post. She lost it, when she decide to love Sheldon.
"The only regret that I have is, I cant totally get rid of you since your Bernice sister and disgustingly look exactly like Bernice. Your always on her shadow so she can't have spotlight for herself."
"Too bad for her." she glared at him. This is the last time that I will allow myself to feel the pain but she wont cry and be more pitiful in front of him. After today, they wont exist in my world.
Good riddance! Still proud and head held high, she exit, Sheldon's office.
She failed but she wont regret her action. Contrary to what other thinks of her, she doesn't put herself above everyone. She knows that, she cant get everything that she want, that she needs to work harder for something that she really want. So there will be no regret at the end.
It's Sheldon birthday today.
Last year, she's busy to find the best gift for him but today she lazily lying on the bed. She has a gift for him in her drawer but she's not planning to give it to Sheldon. She decided not to attend his birthday party as part of her healing and forgetting process. It wont do her good, if she can see his handsome face and charming smile that is directed to her sister only.
They can be together, for all I care. Hmmmp! Frowning while imagining the annoying scenario in her head.
Come in! she shouted, too lazy to get up.
Mrs. Holland, her loving nanny, enter with a red dress in hand.
Eunice, your dress for tonight. I'll hang it in your wardrobe room. Would you like me to contact your favourite hairdresser....
"No need." She cut off Mrs Holland. "I'm not gonna attend the party, you can throw that dress. I wont be needing it anymore." She pouted while looking at the dress. She designed the dress with Sheldon on her mind and heart, and she don't need a reminder of her heartache.
"You can wear it or give it to Mina." Mina is Mrs Holland's niece. "I've heard that she will be attending her highschool prom. It will look good on her, with a little adjustment."
Goodness! Mrs Holland exclaimed, when she heard her instruction. "It wont fit on me but Mina can wear it. Are you sure, this dress is very beautiful and I know, you prepared it just for Sheldon. Mrs Holland is well aware of her feelings for Sheldon since she was young, because everytime that Sheldon and Bernice excludes her in their games, she always cry secretly in Mrs Holland's arms.
I decided to let them be and forget about my feelings for Sheldon. So from now on Nans, no mention of Sheldon's name in front of me. Tell the others please.
Mrs Holland look at Eunice sadly. "You will find the right man for you someday. Anyway, Mina will be happy with this dress since she is looking forward with that party." Mrs Holland talk comfortably with Eunice. Because aside from her parents, Mrs Holland take care of her and her sister since they were born. She is their nanny and she love her like her own mother.
If you're sure about this.
100%. Oh by the way, I'll be working with my project so I don't want any distraction. I wont go down for lunch and dinner.
Mrs Holland look at her disapprovingly, when she heard her request. Its not good to starve yourself.
Nans, I won't be starving myself, I have several snack in my fridge.
But those are not healthy and nutritious. Look at you, you're so thin. You need to eat more to get some muscles.
Nans, I'm good and sexy, hahaha but please advise everyone. Thanks, love you...
When she is working, she give all her attention and doesn't want to be distracted. Designing a jewelry takes a lot of inspiration and concentration to create a masterpiece.
When it comes to her work, she is very dedicated. This is another misunderstanding between her and Sheldon.
Sheldon thought that she's good for nothing and only rely with her parents wealth. Though she doesn't get involve with the family business, it does not mean that she's just wasting her time. It is just that, their family business is not her repertoire.
She like designing jewelry and she's good with it. She has her own business as she work free lance and she has a lots of client, waiting for their turn.
Her company name Eunique is slowly creating a name in jewelry design industry. She works under a pseudo name, Jewel Robs since she wants to create a name of her own. Without the influence of her family name.
Though working in the family business is not something that she cannot do. She is smart, so it will be easy for her to learn how to manage it. She just decided to let Bernice manage it to avoid any conflict with her sister.
Her sister, though she complaint a lot with Sheldon that she is not helping and urging her parents to persuade her to help. Bernice will not like, if she will share the controlling power in the company with her.
Sometimes, she's thinking if they are really twin sister.
If we're not identical, Eunice will really think that they are not sisters. Bernice is always against her and always finding fault. Always make her feel that I did her wrong, that I'm always coveting what belongs to her. Well except for my unhidden desire to possess Sheldon, which of course Bernice won, by default and without trying since Sheldon loves her, wholeheartedly.
She can manage the company, all by herself, she just want to live in peace.
"Finally!" She stretch her shoulder, neck and arms. She's been working all day to finish, one complete set of jewelry design for her clients wedding. She still needs to create another design of jewelry for Bennison and Co. but it can wait for tomorrow. Since she is not pursuing Sheldon, she has a lot of time.
Bennison and Co. is one of her biggest client and they are trying to make her their exclusive jewelry designer. She's still thinking of the pros and cons. Eunique is doing well on its own.
She look at her watch, its now 7:00PM, the party probably started. Her parents and Bernice leave at around 6:00PM.
After drinking some water, she lay on her bed to sleep. She is almost asleep, when she heard a knock on her door.
I told them, I'm not going to eat. She murmur and ignore the knocking.
"Eunice, open the door or I will have Nans open it." Someone shouted at her door but because, she's sleepy, she didn't recognize Sheldon's voice.
The knocking intensify, she sit on the bed and shouted, in an annoyed voice. "I said I don't want to eat dinner, I'm going to sleep."
"Eunice, open this door."
Having seated, the voice became clearer to her. "Is that Sheldon voice?" she ask herself, not sure if its really the man.
"Open the door now, or I will get someone open it" Sheldon, angrily shouted, loosing any more patients that he has. He has been knocking profusely on her door and the damn girl is sleeping.
"Wait" she shouted back, while walking to open the door
"Yes" she asked curiously. She can't think of anything why Sheldon is at her door.
It his birthday party, aren't he supposed to be at the party.
What's your drama?
Your parents, ask me to pick you up. I'm supposed to be celebrating my bday with the people that I love but here I am, arguing with your non-sense.
You can go back to the people you love. I don't plan on attending your party. She tried to close the door but Sheldon, stop it.
I'm going to give you 15 minutes to fix yourself or you can chose to attend the party in your pajamas.
"I said I am not going. Best gift ever, remember." She said sarcastically.
"Your 15 minutes is running." Sheldon cut her off and ignore her sarcasm.
Well! What's new, you attended last year party with a costume.
Glaring at him, she push him outside so she can close the door
I'll be back in 15 minutes. Sheldon shouted outside.
Last year party is one of her embarrassing moment. It is stated in her invitation that its a superhero theme party and everyone must be in costume. Though she's thinking that it didn't match Sheldon personality to hold that type of theme party since he is always serious but it is on the invitation. She work on her design immediately, her superhero costume is Cat woman, complete with eye mask with her jewelry design.
Little did she knows that, Bernice intentionally design that prank. She even alter the time of the party so she will arrive late. Her parents were not able to attend last year party since they are on vacation.
Nervously, she arrived in the middle of the party with her body hugging costume. Every one paid her attention, looking at her comically and whispering with their group. She want the floor to open and eat her alive. Good thing that she is wearing a mask, people wont see, how red her face from the embarrassment.
But she's Eunice, she wont let Bernice beat her, so instead of showing her embarrassment, she confidently walk to Sheldon to greet him a happy birthday.
He is currently talking with few of his friend with Bernice on his arms but they stop talking when she enters the party. They are all looking at her. Sheldon with his unreadable expression. Bernice with her worried expression but inside she is rejoicing and the other guy with a mixture of admiration and naughtiness in their eyes.
Eunice smile at Sheldon "Surprise! This! Pointing at her costume is my first gift and this is your second gift, your costume. she said while extending a box to an angry Sheldon. Her gift is not really a superhero costume for Sheldon but a customize brooch pin with Sheldon's name.
"What are you doing?" Sheldon said in a low voice but you can hear that he is not happy with her. He did not extend his hand to accept her gift
"Aren't you like it. Your girlfriend set this up for you." Eunice said, looking at Bernice. "Happy Birthday." She kiss his cheeks, before she can move out his personal space, Sheldon tightly hold her hand and whisper. "Get out!
"Oh! I just came in. I haven't have drinks or eat anything." She protested though she really want to vanish right then and there.
Sheldon remove his jacket and throw it to her face. "You're disgusting and shameless. Either you go home voluntary or I'll have one of the security throw you out."
She shake her head to discard the unpleasant memory.
Knock.... Knock... Knock
"I'm not yet done. Please call Nans. She shouted. She look at herself in the mirror. Though she applied light make up and brush up her hair and clip it at the side, she looks beautiful and sophisticated.
She's almost done except she needs to zip her dress at the back.
Eunice, stop wasting my time and open this damn door. On the count of three.... One.... Two...
She open her door, glaring at Sheldon. "Call Nans, my dress is still open.
"Turn around." Sheldon didn't wait for her response, he push her around and zip her dress, faster than she can recite her name.
"Now let's go." He left before she can say something.
Is she really disgusting to him. She look at Sheldon's back
"Who is she?" I asked, feeling tears well up in my eyes. "He met her at the Alpha training camp," he said. "She is a perfect suitor for him. It snowed last night, indicating that his wolf is happy with his choice." My heart sank, and tears made their way down my cheeks. Alexander took my innocence last night, and now he is taking that thing in his office as his Luna. **** Emily never shifted on her 18th birthday and became the laughingstock of the pack. When her old crush, Alexander Black, returns from Alpha Training, she never expected him to be her mate. After a night of passionate love, Emily finds out that young Alpha Alexander has taken a chosen mate. Heartbroken and humiliated, Emily runs off and disappears from the pack. Now, five years later, Emily is a high-ranking warrior in King Alpha's army, specializing in sensitive matters. When her best friend invites her to a night of music and laughter, she never expects to run into her mate, Alexander. Will Alexander figure out it is Emily? Will he chase after her, and most of all, will Emily be able to keep her secrets safe?
As a simple assistant, messaging the CEO in the dead of night to request shares of adult films was a bold move. Bethany, unsurprisingly, didn't receive any films. However, the CEO responded that, while he had no films to share, he could offer a live demonstration. After a night filled with passion, Bethany was certain she'd lose her job. But instead, her boss proposed, "Marry me. Please consider it." "Mr. Bates, you're kidding me, right?"
Rena got into an entanglement with a big shot when she was drunk one night. She needed Waylen's help while he was drawn to her youthful beauty. As such, what was supposed to be a one-night stand progressed into something serious. All was well until Rena discovered that Waylen's heart belonged to another woman. When his first love returned, he stopped coming home, leaving Rena all alone for many nights. She put up with it until she received a check and farewell note one day. Contrary to how Waylen expected her to react, Rena had a smile on her face as she bid him farewell. "It was fun while it lasted, Waylen. May our paths never cross. Have a nice life." But as fate would have it, their paths crossed again. This time, Rena had another man by her side. Waylen's eyes burned with jealousy. He spat, "How the hell did you move on? I thought you loved only me!" "Keyword, loved!" Rena flipped her hair back and retorted, "There are plenty of fish in the sea, Waylen. Besides, you were the one who asked for a breakup. Now, if you want to date me, you have to wait in line." The next day, Rena received a credit alert of billions and a diamond ring. Waylen appeared again, got down on one knee, and uttered, "May I cut in line, Rena? I still want you."
Five years ago, Alessia La Rosa's life took a drastic turn when, suffering from memory loss, she wed to Dominic Carter under her grandfather's mysterious arrangement. But their marriage was a facade, bringing her only humiliation and heartache as Dominic showed no love, and she couldn't conceive. Upon discovering Dominic's infidelity, Alessia sought liberation through divorce. Yet, fate had more in store for her. Five years later, spurred by an anonymous email hinting at her lost child's whereabouts, she returns to the city with her twin babies in tow, determined to uncover the truth. As she navigates the tangled web of her past, a surprising twist awaits. Dominic, upon meeting her again, finds himself drawn to the woman she has become, unaware of her true identity as his former wife. Little does he know, the woman he's falling for is not only his ex-wife but also a powerful Doctor and Master Hacker.
As far as everyone was concerned, William had married Renee under duress. Now that his one true love was back—and with child—they couldn’t wait for him to abandon Renee. Surprisingly, Renee was candid about the situation. "To be honest, I’m the one asking for a divorce every single day. I want it even more than any of you!" But they brushed off her remark as a paltry attempt to save face. Until William made a declaration himself. "Divorce is out of the question. Anyone who spreads false rumors shall face legal consequences!" Renee was at a loss. What was this crazy man up to now?
Rachel used to think that her devotion would win Brian over one day, but she was proven wrong when his true love returned. Rachel had endured it all—from standing alone at the altar to dragging herself to the hospital for an emergency treatment. Everyone thought she was crazy to give up so much of herself for someone who didn’t return her feelings. But when Brian received news of Rachel’s terminal illness and realized she didn’t have long to live, he completely broke down. "I forbid you to die!" Rachel just smiled. She no longer needed him. "I will finally be free."