The Bodyguard CEO is a heart- pounding and very interesting story.. It takes us through the journey of two different but loving individuals; Gem and Leon. Gem is a Model in the Modeling/Fashion Industry. After her mother death her father who she once had hope on betrayed her by marrying a new woman who is now her Step-Mother by name Maria. Maria also had a daughter named Jolene. Jolene is Gem's Step-sister and rival in the Modelling industry. She always wants to be perfect, respected and more beautiful like Gem. Everything changes and unfolds when Gem met Leon. The most powerful handsome CEO of the world biggest security agency and first world class owner of Bodyguard Industry. Gem made Leon her personal Bodyguard without knowing the secrets behind her Bodyguard. Find out in the Story. When more secrets get unfold. Will Gem's father and Step-Mother be forgiven after what he's done to Gem and her deceased Mother? Will Jolene ever get what she wants? What happens when Leon finds Gem as a very amazing woman to be with. THE STORY HAS JUST BEGUN......!!!
Back Home Again...
After arriving at the airport I took a taxi straight home.
'Yes am back to were it all started' I said to myself, took a deep breath and walk into the mansion. Everyone, the maids, guards, look at me with an aww look.
'Am no longer the little naive, shy, innocent and calm girl they once knew. crazy. Yeah though am a small actress in a local acting industry I still fight for my dreams.' I halt when I saw my father, his wife and there daughter.
I smiled dryly and said "Am home.....who missed me?"
"Why are you back???!!" Father said
"Honey calm down she just came back why don't we let her rest first....." Marie my stepmom said. She's a quiet devil....a pretender...she is a good actress too in front of my father...I guess her daughter got the professional acting skills from her.
"Sister.... welcome home" said Jolene.
"A point for correction Jolly , I AM NOT YOUR SISTER!!!!" I glanced at her.
"Get ungrateful bad egg....." dad yelled.
"Honey calm down she's just a child" Marie said
"Yes daddy I'll talk to sister" Jolene said.
"You should be thankful to your mother and sister.....if not them I'd have abandoned you by now" father yelled
"Mother???, I don't remember having one and as for my father......I don't even believe I have any" I said and walk down to the basement where I've lived all my childhood and youth.
I started cleaning the basement and arranging my stuffs when the two witches from the East side.
"Seem you know your place in this mansion" said Marie
"Of course I do, unlike others who only know their place is in another man's bedroom" I answered with a smile like nothing happened.
"You slut!!!, why are you back??" Jolene yelled
"To see if I can move around like your mother.... looking for married men to snatch" I said. I could see them burning up in anger, I was winning their little game.
"Gem....don't anger me or else you want to see your dead mother" said Marie
"Of course I'd see her. But as for you two???, big daddy Mr. devil is waiting for you......" Marie got too angry as she raise her hands and slap me.
"I promise will not live long....just like your mother...." she said.
"Let's see who get to meet big daddy first" Jolene said and dance after her mother. I gnashed my teeth in anger.
"Oh and by the way.....I hope you haven't forgotten what I said when we were 16?, I promise that I'd take everything away from you.... EVERYTHING YOU LOVE AND CHERISH" Jolene said.
I picked up my phone and say my company calling me. I cleared my throat.
"Miss Gem?"
"On the line"
"Yes.... we'll be expecting you tomorrow....your manager has been selected and auditions are already lined up for you.... please be here very early tomorrow"
"I will, thanks".
I sigh......Let's see how tomorrow goes.
Jolene stole the flashlight in a press conference.
"aww.....she's a goddess" girls praised. Every men wish to be with her, while every women dream to be her.
The press soon begin.
"Wow goddess're really sparkling today...." the lady who was interviewing her said.
"aww....stop it am blushing" Jolene said
Both ladies laughed.
"There are rumors that you'll be acting as the female lead in a new movie 'Rate My Heart RMH'?"
"Oh yes.....and auditioning is already out..... we'll be working with other acting industries this time" Jolene said
"Speaking of industries....have our goddess ever dream of entering IM Industry?" she asked
Jolene smiled brightly and sigh "It's every actresses and actors dream to be there. I know that one day I won't only get there I'll be there" Jolene was so confident.
"I heard rumors that the President of IM is very handsome and charming but keeps a low profile!"
"I've heard that too" Jolene said
"Have you ever imagine marrying the king of entertainment, that is the President of IM and become entertainment first lady?" she asked. Jolene was one donkey who dance happy when a shinning carrot is thrown at it.
"I don't know.....I can't make decisions now.....who knows if my future husband is watching this show....." she jokingly said and everyone laughed.
"Back to is your next movie RMH going to be?"
" gonna put all my effort to be the best....let's just wait till the movie is out..... you'll gonna love it" she said, winks and smiled.
"Thank you goddess Jolene....."
I was seating with my new manager and our industry President.
"I want you in that movie....., try and get the spot of been Jolene elder sister in the movie. I've heard of your acting grades back in the States I hope you can do well" Mr festus said.
"But sir....that role is a little too hard.... remember it's just her first movie....she....."
"Manager Ruth.....I'll do infact I can do it.....let my see the script reading......", she look at me in surprise and gave me the script "Show me the hardest scene" I said and she showed me. It's when the elder sister who was a psycho have act hurt, happy, plain, filled at the same time. "Ha.....price of cake.....let's go" I said
"Go were?" Ruth ask
"To the auditioning we don't want to miss it" I said
"But you've not practiced" she protect
"Don't already loaded....let's go...we don't have much time" I said and she look at Mr festus who only smiled and nodded.
After our little makeup and outfit. We arrive at the auditioning.
We were a bit late but we're able to still cover up due to Ruth smart move.
All eyes were on me. Eyes that were saying who is she?, why's she here?, what's with her dressing?.
I didn't mind them I just took my seat and close my eyes relaxing waiting for my name to be called. Ruth was not happy with my behavior I was too relaxing and calm while she was shaking all over getting nervous on my behalf.
"Miss G are you sure about this?" she asked I didn't answer. Well that's because I've fallen asleep. "Oh me please...let the ground just swallow me up.
"Number 34" they called and Ruth wake me up. My eyes was red and it look tired.
"Am I up next?" I asked as I yelled and she nodded.
We both went in.
"Number 34 Miss Gem....from VYV're the one taking the role of Tartan?? he asked but I gave him a deadly glance. I later smiled and nodded cutely.
"Ok which part are you taking today in the script?"
"The hardest of it all" I said and they burst into laugher
"Young women don't waste our time here" the female judge said.
"'re the one wasting my time ready when ever you are!" I said.
"Ok act 356......scene 14..... action".
The sweet smile on my face wipe away as my face turn blank and dark instantly.
I bit my lower lip and smirk.
"Am not not insane" I said calmly no one knew what I was thinking. Suddenly my eyes turn red......very red as tears gather up in my eyes that refuse to drop.
I crush my little gown in my hands
"She....he...." I said slowly but later yelled "GONE!!!" the judges shiver. "Gone!!!!!!, they left not....crazy.....they....left me.....pains....I feel in here" I touch my heart as the cute smile appear on my face again. The smile mix with my red and teary eyes made my emotions unreadable.......I danced around like a like kid but soon stop turned my back to the judges and said.
"Gone....." and the tears finally dropped. Finish. I wipe my face and smiled again.
"That's it" I said and the judges were in shock.
"Why did you stop?"
"I want to see more of your acting"
"Fabulous..... got the role......", they all praised me with a round of applause.
I thanked them and left.
Ruth kept on looking at me.
"What??, I asked
"You are..... AWESOME" she said raising her thumbs up. And I smiled.
"Let's go celebrate... let's go get a drink" I said. We entered a bar.
After drinking and drinking.... forgetting that I was a slave of alcohol.......each time I drink.....I become a princess searching for a prince....due to alcohol....I hug any handsome guy I see and hold him tight until I fall asleep before I let go...... because I was too excited tonight I forgot
They were hosting a mask party in the bar.....only few of us were unmasked.
"Miss Gem....slow'll get drunk" Ruth warned me but it was too late...with just one glass am going into the pool of alcohol but today I've taken like 5 before stopped me. I told her all my childhood story....Ruth was touched and even cried.
"Ah....don't cry...Sister ruru strong ....with.....bottle... hehehe"
"Don't worry Gem that Jolene devil will never take me away from you" she said crying
"That's what they m .. .all say....m....b...buh....all my friends ran to her and became her friends.....boring Bozo's, ruru.... manager ruru....ruru"
"It's Ruth.....Gem" she said now smiling.
"Shhhh.......whose that handsome man over there?" I asked. Before Ruth could look I've stood up and went to sat on his laps.
Leon who was bored with the party his friends forced him to come. Was surprised when something warm sat on his lap and rap it hands round his neck.
"Mmmmmm ma princey.....I've missed you...."
"Miss......oh no...." Ruth ran to them. "Am so sorry.....she's....just drunk.... G let go...let's go home hmm"
"Nah nah not leaving ma princey again.....I've found him" she hook her hands tighter on his neck. Leon saw his friends laughing and mocking him.
"Miss let me pull her away no problem" his deep voice and aura brought shiver to Ruth. 'This was no ordinary person' she thought.
Leon tried to pull her away but the more he tried the more the little body girl hug him tighter never wanting to let go. If he use more force he'd sure pull her away but he might hurt her. He hate hurting women especially girls.
"Miss.....miss.....wake up.... you've got the wrong person" he tried to wake her up but the girl started crying.
"It's all your fault for living me first. Now they blame it all on can I let you princey please don't hate me too....don't hate me too please... please.....don't hate me!!!" she burst into a loud cry. Screaming don't hate me don't live me please........ making Leon embarrassed as the cry drew attention to him.
The old waiter walk up to him.
"Sir console you girl or do something don't just like her crying.....I can see she really loves you" he said
"She's not my girlfriend.....I don't even know her" Leon yelled in anger as his friends laugh even more.
"please do something about her sees distracting the party" the man said.
Leon tried to pull her away with strength.....this time he don't care if he hurt her....she was annoying.
"Get off me....." he said and pulled her away. But the girl yelled again.
"'re meany.....aaaaahhhh're not as good as my book says won't hug me....ahhhhhh" she started screaming pointing at Leon who had no choice but to play along.
"Ok sorry....come come here" he said with a date smile and the drunk girl ran to his embrace again. sitting on his lap on hugging his neck. Leon started rubbing her back calming her down.
"It's okay am here" he same. He friends laugh and laugh while Ruth kept on apologizing on Gem's behalf.
She soon fall asleep and Leon carried her to Ruth car.
"Sir please give me your address or we came apologize to you properly".
"Nevermind...just don't appear in front of me again.... goodnight" he left in anger.
"Phew.....Gem let's go home now.... alcohol student" Ruth said and drove home...............................
Erica is a young girl who had lived in agony for years under the omen that was caused by her. Over two hundred years have passed but yet she could still remember that day... The day her fate changed. When Erica was at the age of 15, she was called a witch because of the powers she possess and due to that, she unknowingly killed the man who was said to be her father and was called a murderer. She was rejected by many who found out she is their mate. She couldn't bear the pain and had to run away from home to the place called, "THE GREEN SEA" which became her new home only to find out that her newfound mate is a Cold-blooded creature. While staying in the new place, a great war occurred which made Erica exhibit extraordinary powers that kept the people around her in shock. This moment will change Erica's fate forever as she wonders who she really was and was on a mission to find out her true identity. * * Will she find out who she is? Is she under a CUSRE or she is the CURSE herself?? What kinda powers do you think she possesses? Why HER??? Who are her real parents? Find out more in the Story:- QUEEN OF THE GREEN SEA . . . .......
People don't often believe that mermaids and mermen exist, well they do... At the depth of the Zuik River exist a kingdom named ZOE Zoe is a marine kingdom, where mermaids and mermen reside, ruled by the mighty king Dylan. King Dylan is married to queen Sierra She bore him the beautiful princesses, popularly called THE CHARMING J's Princess JoJo, the first princess Princess Judith, the second princess Princess Judy, the last and youngest amongst them They were considered the most beautiful mermaids in the kingdom. But despite this fact, princess Judy the youngest was said to be the prettiest among them, making her the centre of attraction. Her beauty was breathtaking and she was endowed in every physical aspect, talk about her body fitness, height also her intelligence. Another thing that added to her beauty was her tiny melodious voice, which is capable of healing, she also has magical power Princess JoJo dislikes this fact and has been seeking ways to ruin Judy and make her leave the kingdom forever Luck smiles at her when the kingdom's festival was announced and to her dismay, Judy was chosen to perform at the festival which will make her more famous because other kingdoms will visit. She plans to disgrace her and ruin her image before everyone present, She had everything planned out and succeeded in sabotaging her. Judy was banished from Zoe's kingdom and every other marine kingdom in the most shameful way ever Judy left the Zuik River and headed to the human world Fate led her to Mantle musical school where her story continues At Mantle, Judy made friends and foes And also found a mate People don't often believe that mermaids and mermen exist, well they do... At the depth of the Zuik River exist a kingdom named ZOE Zoe is a marine kingdom, where mermaids and mermen reside, ruled by the mighty king Dylan. King Dylan is married to queen Sierra She bore him the beautiful princesses, popularly called THE CHARMING J's Princess JoJo, the first princess Princess Judith, the second princess Princess Judy, the last and youngest amongst them They were considered the most beautiful mermaids in the kingdom. But despite this fact, princess Judy the youngest was said to be the prettiest among them, making her the centre of attraction. Her beauty was breathtaking and she was endowed in every physical aspect, talk about her body fitness, height also her intelligence. Another thing that added to her beauty was her tiny melodious voice, which is capable of healing, she also has magical power Princess JoJo dislikes this fact and has been seeking ways to ruin Judy and make her leave the kingdom forever Luck smiles at her when the kingdom's festival was announced and to her dismay, Judy was chosen to perform at the festival which will make her more famous because other kingdoms will visit. She plans to disgrace her and ruin her image before everyone present, She had everything planned out and succeeded in sabotaging her. Judy was banished from Zoe's kingdom and every other marine kingdom in the most shameful way ever Judy left the Zuik River and headed to the human world Fate led her to Mantle musical school where her story continues At Mantle, Judy made friends and foes And also found a mate She came to realise that she was mated to a HUMAN . . . How will Judy's human mate react when he finds out who Judy really is?? Is that really the end of her life in Zoe's kingdom? What will happen when Judy finds out she is MATED to a HUMAN? Will the humans find out her real nature? If yesā¦ What happens when the human discovers she's a mermaid? . . FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY . . .........
Marriage is never an easy thing and being forced out of your home with nowhere to go, hours after you find out you've been betrayed by your husband and best friend, Tessa Carl is completely torn apart. With no money, a home, or family, what is she to do? Where is she to go? Everything is a huge mess and she's trying hard to fix it all while staying in a hotel where she meets the ever goofy Jake Hensen and extremely hot Austin Kings. Who will claim the damsel and win her heart?
The Story comprises the most dangerous mafia; he is also a handsome young man about 24 years of age by name Harrison McCall. He is known to be the leader of the Mafia group name, āBlack Jaguarsā these groups are feared by many in the country and with this, he doesnāt take āNOā for an answer especially when it comes to his personal needs. He is most feared by people except his family members who know nothing about his dangerous lifestyle. Harrison has always been a jerk, a cheater, and a dangerous bi***h he hated the word LOVE because he never believed in it but he likes to flirt around. Until the day he met Elena. A 20-year-old lady by the name of Elena Morgan, Sheās a very beautiful, Kind but timid at times, smart, and a little bit shy young lady and also the only daughter of her parents. The STORY got thrilled when both families got the two different individuals married. Harrison and Elena got married but it was a loveless marriage. They were living like enemies but as time goes on things began to change. But, when the two couples decided to take their newfound love life to another turn, Jason came into the picture. Jason, Harrison's cousin's brother is the opposite of him. Jason hated everything about Harrison. Firstly, he blames Harrison for taking away his first love for his ex-girlfriend Sara and now the one true love he had for Elena Harrison took her away from him and got married to her as well. Jason is verge to take REVENGE on him and pay him back in double folds. Jason plans on making Harrisonās newfound happiness to be shattered and he is determined to KILL for it. ** Will he succeeds with his plans??? ** FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORYā¦
His name is Raven Morgan but known as RAVEN for short. Raven has a dark past that he hasnāt revealed to anyone and due to his past life, he decided to keep a low-key. But everything turned upside down when he got to College. One fateful day, on his way home after his last day in high school he was attacked and bitten by an unknown creature (find out in the story) and he collapsed afterwards and was rushed down to the hospital. Getting to the hospital he was treated and discharged that same day as they noticed the wound wasnāt severe which was quite rare to the medical personnel because the wound looked deep. Raven didnāt take the injury personal but he was still in shock at how a creature not humane attacked him that same. After that incident and no effect was made on him, he was diagnosed injury disease-free. Raven, was happy again. But on the latter day, his happiness vanished when he suddenly noticed an abnormal change in his body. RAVEN: āoh my G!!! Whatās happening to me??ā he asks no one in particular. His iris changes colour uncontrollably, his body figure too and at the end of all. He turned out to be an unimaginably handsome dude (human) to be precise. *** FAST-FORWARD *** Today being the first day in college, Raven had a lot to digest. Such of those are; his new body features which he was proud enough to have, his new uncontrollable powers and worst of all. His sudden Urge for DESIRES. . . THIS IS WHEN IT ALL BEGAN . . ā¦ā¦
Bridget Smith lives in a pack where her father is Alpha and her mother Luna but she is no different from a slave. She works her bones all day and is constantly harassed sexually by her brother Shawn and another wolf in the pack. There are constant threats to sell her off to an evil Alpha even though she works as hard as she can. She is timid, and shy, doesn't talk back and endures all the injustice without a word. What happens after Bridget finds her mate, who she finds out had to pay heavily for her? Does she finally get her happily ever after life or there's more to it than what she can imagine? FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY.
Lindsey's fiancƩ was the devil's first son. Not only did he lie to her but he also slept with her stepmother, conspired to take away her family fortune, and then set her up to have sex with a total stranger. To get her lick back, Lindsey decided to find a man to disrupt her engagement party and humiliate the cheating bastard. Never did she imagine that she would bump into a strikingly handsome stranger who was all that she was currently looking for. At the engagement party, he boldly declared that she was his woman. Lindsey thought he was just a broke man who wanted to leech off her. But once they began their fake relationship, she realized that good luck kept coming her way. She thought they would part ways after the engagement party, but this man kept to her side. "We gotta stick together, Lindsey. Remember, I'm now your fiancƩ. " "Domenic, you're with me because of my money, aren't you?" Lindsey asked, narrowing her eyes at him. Domenic was taken aback by that accusation. How could he, the heir of the Walsh family and CEO of Vitality Group, be with her for money? He controlled more than half of the city's economy. Money wasn't a problem for him! The two got closer and closer. One day, Lindsey finally realized that Domenic was actually the stranger she had slept with months ago. Would this realization change things between them? For the better or worse?
After three years of loveless marriage, Kira was slapped with divorce papers. She has shown him her unrequited love throughout her entire marriage with him, but he decided to turn blind eyes all because of his lover. Distraught and heartbroken, Kira choose to sign the divorce papers with bitter heart. But then and there, she promised herself that when she's back, he will come crawling to her, but she will make him pay for hurting her. Join Kira as she transform to a wealthy heiress and soared as the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar empire, a remarkable healer and make her ex-husband pay!
Kallie, a mute who had been ignored by her husband for five years since their wedding, also suffered the loss of her pregnancy due to her cruel mother-in-law. After the divorce, she learned that her ex-husband had quickly gotten engaged to the woman he truly loved. Holding her slightly rounded belly, she realized that he had never really cared for her. Determined, she left him behind, treating him as a stranger. Yet, after she left, he scoured the globe in search of her. When their paths crossed once more, Kallie had already found new happiness. For the first time, he pleaded humbly, "Please don't leave me..."Ā But Kallie's response was firm and dismissive, cutting through any lingering ties. "Get lost!"
Rumors said that Lucas married an unattractive woman with no background. In the three years they were together, he remained cold and distant to Belinda, who endured in silence. Her love for him forced her to sacrifice her self-worth and her dreams. When Lucas' true love reappeared, Belinda realized that their marriage was a sham from the start, a ploy to save another woman's life. She signed the divorce papers and left. Three years later, Belinda returned as a surgical prodigy and a maestro of the piano. Lost in regret, Lucas chased her in the rain and held her tightly. "You are mine, Belinda."
Drugged and deceived, she bore a child amidst tragedy-her son, falsely declared dead at birth. Fueled by the agony, she disappeared, only to return years later with both her daughter and an adopted son, driven by an unyielding desire for revenge against those who had wronged her and her late mother. The plot takes an unexpected twist when the haunting truth surfaces: her son is alive, and his father is a powerful CEO.
What happens when a hook-up gets complicated by a baby? Can she hide the secret from him? Or will he show her how possessive he can be when he learns she's carrying his child? "Seven years ago, I had a one-night stand with my brother's best friend, who also happened to be my lifelong crush. The next day, he vanished leaving me pregnant. Now, I am a single mom raising our son in the same small town. Recently, he returned to attend my brother's wedding and the truth about our son was finally revealed. As he reclaims his place in our lives, the sparks between us reignite. However, danger from his past threatens to shatter our newfound connection. I am torn between my love for him and my fear of getting hurt again, especially now that I have two hearts to protect - our son's and my own."