Apoll0's Books
Let There Be Carnage
They say the devil loves carnage. Ripley, a disciple of Lucifer who Is seeking carnage. Sophie, a teenager whose parents insecure about is being haunted by him. With the help of her friends, she will be able to know the difference between and and evil. and maybe acquire a new power, who knows ?
My Worst Nightmare
Ripley, a disciple of the devil who is on earth seeking carnahe. Sophie, a teenager whose parents are so insecure aboit. Ripley chose her to seek carnage, but she refused. With the help of some frienss, she will learn to overcome her fears and possess a new kind of power.
The Alpha slave
Phoebe, a young lady trying to live her love with the guilt of her saving her son who had been kidnapped. She had an affair with her husband's friend, Reuben who is the mastermind behind her son's kidnapping. Her husband, Gerald, doesn't love her at all but she wasn't aware of it. Now she's trying to rescue her child, nut she's still having drop dead hallucinations about her affair