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Leer His Little Mate libro PDF gratis en línea

"His Little Mate" es una historia de amor sobre hombres lobo que sigue a Samuel "Sammy" Albright, un adolescente neoyorquino ordinario que se ve arrastrado a un mundo sobrenatural al descubrir que está emparejado con una criatura sobrenatural, desafiando así su visión de una vida sin complicaciones.

Samuel "Sammy" Albright was your normal New York teen; his mother was a famous doctor, his sister was married to a famous socialite, and his brother had married a Broadway actress. He was the youngest, and he was ready to begin his carefree life.

In any other world, Sammy would have been set for life; he would have been provided for and been free to choose his life path; but in this world, there is a catch.

Werewolves and other supernatural creatures are known, they are revered, and they are often to not, the law.

There is a rule in North America (Canada, The US, and Mexico) that everyone must take a test at age 18 to see if they have been paired or mated with a supernatural being. Sammy was not worried, he believed, that like his siblings, he would not be paired with a supernatural being, but unfortunately for Sammy, Fate had other plans.

parte 1: la historia de His Little Mate

parte 2: personajes principales de His Little Mate

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de His Little Mate

parte 1: la historia de His Little Mate

En el libro "His Little Mate", nos adentramos en la vida de Samuel "Sammy" Albright, un adolescente normal de Nueva York. Su madre era una famosa doctora, su hermana estaba casada con una socialité famosa y su hermano se había casado con una actriz de Broadway. Si bien en cualquier otro mundo Sammy hubiera tenido su vida resuelta, habría sido provisto y tendría libertad para elegir su camino; pero en este mundo hay un giro inesperado.

En este mundo donde los hombres lobo y otras criaturas sobrenaturales son conocidos, venerados y a menudo dictan la ley, existe una regla en América del Norte (Canadá, Estados Unidos y México): todos deben hacerse una prueba a los 18 años para determinar si han sido emparejados o empatados con un ser sobrenatural. Sammy no estaba preocupado, creía que al igual que sus hermanos, no estaría emparejado con un ser sobrenatural. Sin embargo, desafortunadamente para Sammy, el Destino tenía otros planes.

parte 2: personajes principales de His Little Mate

Hombre: Samuel "Sammy" Albright

Un adolescente normal de Nueva York proveniente de una familia prominente: su madre era una famosa doctora, su hermana estaba casada con una socialité conocida, y su hermano se había casado con una actriz de Broadway. Si bien Sammy estaba listo para comenzar su vida despreocupada como el más joven de la familia, descubre que en un mundo donde criaturas sobrenaturales como hombres lobo son conocidas y a menudo influyen en la ley, debe someterse a una prueba a los 18 años para determinar si está emparejado con uno de ellos.

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de His Little Mate

His Little Mate

His Little Mate

autor: Sabinogal

His Little Mate Chapter 1


"Samuel George Albright! Get your ass outta bed!" I heard my mother's loud voice come through my door.

"Oh god." I yawned as I dragged myself out of bed.

I walked to my mirror and stared at myself. My brown hair was messy, and my blue eyes seemed dark with sleep as I pulled open my drawers.

"Sammy!" My older sister, Jenna, banged on the door, "You're gonna be late!"

"Late?" I thought out loud, "Late for what?" I called through the door.

Jenna did not answer.

I groaned as I pulled off my pajamas and threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I went down the stairs as slowly as possible just to get on my mother's nerves. By the time I had reached the bottom of the stairs, Mom was standing there with her arm crossed, her eyes screaming murder.

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His Little Mate Chapter 2


"Alpha!" My Beta, Eddie, called, "You may wanna take this phone call!"

"Why?" I shouted, "I'm busy here!" I focused my eyes on the pack warriors. I had them training today after we nearly lost a sparring match with a neighboring pack--talk about embarrassing. At the sound of Eddie's voice, the warriors stopped moving and turned to me, "What are you all looking at? Continue practice!" I bellowed, using my alpha tone. At once they returned to their various activities as my Beta ran toward me with the cell phone in his hand.

"What is it?" I growled, watching him rush at me.

"" He heaved, out of breath from how fast he ran.

"Wolves don't have asthma," I poked him in the head as I took the phone.

"You jackass, I do! Me equals wolf with asthma" He heaved as I ripped the phone out of his grasp. Eddie was a bit younger than me, but he was not so young that I didn't trust him with anything.

Si deseas leer la novela completa, puedes descargar la aplicación Manobook de forma gratuita en Google Play Store o en App Store.

His Little Mate Chapter 3


My mother was silent until we got back to our apartment. She had driven with firey rage, and upon arrival at our home, she burst into the house and went straight to the kitchen. I followed in, closing the door behind me.

"Mom? Sammy?" Matthew called out as he walked into the kitchen. He was holding his son, Peter. "So, how'd it go?" He smirked as Peter cooed.

"Well," I started.

"Fucking awful. That's how it went. It went fucking awful." She poured herself a glass of wine and began to chug it.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Matthew asked as he passed Peter to Eliza.

"I-I got p-paired..." I stuttered quietly as Mom continued to drink.

"No, you didn't." He dared.

I stared up at him.

"You're shitting me? Right?" He laughed.

Mom set down her glass with a thud, "'No, it's real. It's all real."

"How'd that even happen? I mean Jenna and I were negative! How is he positive?" Matthew bombarded Mom with questions.

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