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Adentrate en las intrigas y complicaciones amorosas de "El secreto de mi novia pobre", un drama que te sumergirá en un torbellino de engaños y emociones encontradas. En este entramado de secretos, la astuta Kaylyn, la nieta más acaudalada de Asia, optó por ocultar su verdadera identidad mientras mantenía una relación con Nick. Sin embargo, esta decisión desencadenó malentendidos al ser vinculada erróneamente como una cazafortunas debido a su cercanía con su abuelo.
Nick, el hombre distante comprometido en un falso casamiento al hacerse pasar por Kaylyn, se revela como un ingenuo soñador cuyas acciones desencadenaron un confuso huracán de mentiras y corazones rotos. A medida que las máscaras caen y las verdaderas identidades emergen, Nick se ve envuelto en un mar de lágrimas y ruegos por reconciliación, enfrentando las consecuencias devastadoras de sus decisiones impulsivas.
En este intrigante dilema amoroso, Kaylyn, la hábil artífice de un plan impostado, se encuentra en la encrucijada entre la pasión y el deber, mientras Nick lucha por redimirse ante la mujer que amaba. Un drama de secretos guardados, identidades reveladas y anhelos profundos, donde los destinos se entrelazan en un baile de engaños y perdón, plasmado en "" como testigo de la fragilidad del amor y la redención en un mundo marcado por falsedades y segundas oportunidades.
🎬 'El secreto de mi novia pobre' Episódios Completos Apenas no Aplicativo MoboReels 📲
Parte 1: Trama de El secreto de mi novia pobre
Parte 2: Personajes principales en El secreto de mi novia pobre
Parte 3: También te puede gustar una novela del mismo tipo que El secreto de mi novia pobre
La nieta más rica de Asia, Kaylyn, ocultó su identidad🎭 mientras salía con Nick. Sin embargo, debido a su proximidad a su abuelo👴, la confundieron con una cazafortunas💰👩.
Este tonto incluso planeó casarse con una compañera de clase haciéndose pasar por Kaylyn, la heredera...
A medida que se revelan las identidades, el distante Nick suplica entre lágrimas reconciliación😢.
Mujer (Kaylyn):
Kaylyn, la nieta más rica de Asia, optó por ocultar su identidad durante sus encuentros con Nick. Debido a su cercanía con su abuelo, la percibieron erróneamente como una buscadora de fortunas. La situación se complica cuando un individuo ingenuo planea casarse con una compañera de clase haciéndose pasar por Kaylyn, la heredera. A medida que las identidades se desvelan, el distante Nick se ve obligado a rogar entre lágrimas por reconciliación.
Hombre (Nick):
Nick, en esta narrativa, es presentado como alguien distante inicialmente. Sin embargo, a medida que se develan las identidades y situaciones complicadas emergen, se le muestra suplicando entre lágrimas por reconciliación. Su relación con Kaylyn, influenciada por malentendidos y confusiones de identidad, evoluciona a través de los desafíos interpuestos por los errores y revelaciones del pasado.
Se gosta de El secreto de mi novia pobreShort Drama,recomendo livros semelhantes a 'El secreto de mi novia pobre'. Pode tentar ler o romance Love Unbreakable de Bank Brook
Love Unbreakable Chapter 1 Ex-girlfriend Returns
Raegan Hayes was a little absent-minded at the moment.
All she could think of since this afternoon was the doctor's words. "Congratulations! You are pregnant."
Suddenly, Mitchel Dixon pinched her arm hard. His low voice came the next second. "Come back to earth. What are you thinking about?"
Before she could respond to that, Mitchel kissed Raegan hard after holding the back of her head lovingly.
He then went into the bathroom.
Raegan lay motionless in the massive bed. Damp strands of her hair stuck to her temples and cheeks. She stared at the ceiling with her eyes brimming with tears. Her naked body was aching slightly.
After a while, she took out the pregnancy test report from the nightstand drawer.
Raegan had gone to the hospital because of an incessant stomachache. After a urine test, the doctor broke the news to her. She was almost five weeks pregnant!
It came as a shock to her. She and Mitchel had always used protection whenever they had sex.
After racking her brain, she traced the time of conception. It turned out to be last month after a party. Mitchel had driven her home and suddenly asked her at the door if she was in her safe period.
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Love Unbreakable Chapter 2 One-sided Love
Luis was the one who opened the door. It appeared he was on his way out.
Raegan balled her hands, turned to him, and nodded. "Hey, Mr. Stevens!"
Without waiting for him to respond to her greeting, she walked past him and entered the office with the document.
Mitchel was seated behind a large luxurious desk. In an expensive suit and matching tie, he looked particularly handsome.
Raegan noticed it wasn't the same suit he had on when he left home last night. How did he get changed?
With her eyes lowered, she swallowed that question and said instead, "Mr. Dixon, this is from the Marketing Department. Please sign it."
Mitchel was expressionless as he signed the document at a glance.
Raegan walked out the door as soon as he handed the document back to her. Luis was still standing at the threshold.
It wasn't until she went out of sight that Luis turned to Mitchel and said in a hushed tone, "Shit! Do you think she heard us?"
Mitchel's appealing eyes were expressionless at the moment. Obviously, he wasn't paying attention to what Luis was saying.
To Mitchel, Raegan had always been docile and never felt jealous of anyone.
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Love Unbreakable Chapter 3 Let's Divorce
Mitchel's tall and straight figure got closer and closer to Raegan. And then, without saying a word, he strode past Raegan.
It was hard to tell if Mitchel saw Raegan or just ignored her.
Regardless, Raegan noticed that the woman in his arms was the same one who had been photographed with him yesterday.
She was Lauren.
Raegan's shoes felt like they were made of lead as she walked away.
She lost all awareness of her surroundings. She got into a taxi absentmindedly.
Suddenly, the driver uttered, "Ma'am, where to?"
Raegan was stunned for a moment.
She didn't want to go back to Serenity Villas. It was only a matter of time before that place stopped being her home.
After a while, she replied, "Please take me to Crystal Bay."
She had purchased an apartment at Crystal Bay after getting married to Mitchel.
At the time, she had hopes of bringing her grandmother to the city, so she bought the apartment on mortgage. It wasn't that big, but it had more than enough space for two people.
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